Remember When....

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Remember When.... Page 10

by R. A. Krauszer


  The next several weeks flew by. It was the day they were finding out the twins’ genders. Kiplyn was a nervous wreck. She was twelve weeks and already showing. She felt like a beached whale.

  They sat in the room waiting for the doctor to come in. She had just finished the ultrasound and was so happy to know that the babies were healthy and growing the way they should. Now if Dr. Johnson would hurry up and tell her what the blood work says. Before she could worry any further, she entered.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked as she sat down. “Feeling fine now. I have stopped throwing up and I don’t feel as tired anymore,” she explained. She smiled brightly giving her a nod in acknowledgement. “Are you sure you want to know the genders?” she asked giving her a wink. “Yes!” Patrick and Kiplyn both said at the same time. She gave a small laugh and pushed a few keys on her keyboard. “Well according to the test results, you are having one boy and one girl,” she said.

  They spent the ride from the doctor in comfortable silence. Patrick drove to the diner, so they could get lunch after the doctor’s visit. They walked in and were seated immediately. Before they had the chance to order, Declan and Donovan joined them at the table. “So, how are my nephews growing?” Donovan asked with a wink. She giggled, looking at Patrick silently asking if they should share the news. “Well the babies are growing well, and are right on track, brother. But I have some bad news. They are not your nephews,” Patrick said, without even a grin. Donovan looked from her to Patrick, “you mean its nieces?” he asked. Patrick shook his head at Donovan, thoroughly confusing him. “It is a boy and a girl,” Patrick explained, after several seconds of silence.

  The waitress from a few weeks prior finally made her way over to the table to take their order. “What can I get for you today, Patrick,” she asked, flirting shamelessly, AGAIN! This chick just didn’t learn. Without a thought, Kiplyn picked up her glass of water and threw it at her. “Give me another waitress, skank!” she yelled. Patrick sat there stunned into silence. Donovan was cracking up. “Pregnancy agrees with you, sweetheart,” Donovan said with a wink. Declan sat there silently laughing at the outburst.

  A few minutes later, a waiter came over. “Hey Kiplyn. Haven’t seen you in class for a while. Is everything alright?” Michael asked. Then he did the worst possible thing he could have done. He hugged her. She stiffened as he hugged her, he had never hugged her before, but they have always been friendly. “Is there a reason you are touching my wife?” Patrick growled. her head whipped around looking at him, “really?!” she asked him in disbelief. “I suggest you just take our order and keep your hands off my sister!” Donovan growled. “Really?!” she said to him. Again, Declan sat silently just observing.

  “Wife?!!” Michael asked. Before he could say another word, Kiplyn stood from her sitting position so he could see her stomach and the small bump that had formed. Michael’s eyes looked from her face to her stomach and back again. After several attempts at trying to form a thought, he finally just walked away. A few minutes later he returned, remembering he had yet to take their order. He was much more professional this time. Patrick didn’t miss that Michael didn’t even glance in Kiplyn’s direction. He wouldn’t even truly look Patrick in the eye, or Donovan for that matter. He walked away quickly after taking their order, and only returned to check on them occasionally.

  “Trick, your little ball of fury, is getting upset,” Donovan noticed. “What’s wrong, baby?” Patrick asked wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. “I understand that you feel like you need to control everything, but I am not your wife!” Patrick couldn’t help but laugh at the outburst. “You may not be in the legal sense of the word, but love, you are in deed my wife. No one will tell me different,” he said with grin, rubbing her stomach. “You are so bossy!” Kiplyn told him. “I love you, but you are so difficult sometimes,” she screeched without realizing what she had said. Patrick was taken back by her declaration. He knew she loved him but hearing her say it were two totally different things. A heart-stopping grin spread across his face, causing his dimples to make an appearance. Kiplyn knew was officially screwed; it was so difficult to be upset with him when he looked at her like that. Patrick leaned in and kissed her fiercely. There was so much passion and heat in that kiss, that it sucked her breath away. She found herself pulling herself closer to him, almost climbing in his lap. Kiplyn whimpered at the absence when Patrick pulled back.

  “Let’s go home, so I can show you exactly how much I love you,” Patrick said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. The drive home was a quiet one. Donovan and Declan had all of a sudden remembered they had plans elsewhere when they saw the look of determination on Patrick’s face. They spent the rest of the day in bed together, showing each other the love, we had for one another.

  The next day was peaceful, at least in the beginning. Kiplyn had plans to meet her uncle at the pub since she hadn’t been there in several weeks. He said he had just wanted to spend some time with her but was unable to leave since his best worker was currently on maternity leave, probably indefinitely. Kiplyn showed up a few minutes early to make sure she could find a place to park. her breath was sucked from my body as she walked into the pub and came face to face with Jeremy. “What do you want Jeremy?” she hissed as she found a seat. “Well look at you, all fat and hippo-ish,” he sneered. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing him say. The tears were stinging her eyes already, even though she didn’t care what he thought of her. Damn pregnancy hormones! “Where is my uncle?!” Jeremy laughed, “he is a little tied up at the moment.” Running toward the back of the bar, Kiplyn found him literally tied up and gagged. He had a busted-up eye and was having a difficult time breathing. If she had to guess it would be from a broken rib. She immediately found the first aid kit and started wrapping his ribs. It was the only thing she could do. She took the gag out of his mouth, with tears streaming down her face. “I am so sorry this happened!” He shook his head, “it isn’t your fault, Kip!”

  Before she could untie him, Jeremy entered the backroom to see what was going on. Jeremy slammed Kiplyn into a chair, tying her to it. She was at a loss, not sure what to do. “You are going to regret this!!” she snarled at Jeremy. Without hesitation, he backhanded her with so much force, the chair toppled over. “Shut up, bitch!!” he growled. Tears were streaming down her face. She had no way of letting Patrick know what was going on. He knew where she was going but wasn’t sure when he would be able to meet her here like he had told her. Jeremy picked up the chair she was in and placed back into a sitting position. “Damn you really have gotten fat. Keep gaining weight like this and Adam isn’t going to want you. I, however, don’t mind a little extra weight on a girl,” he said, his eyes roaming over her body, as if he was undressing her. It made her skin crawl. She wanted to throw up at the way he was looking at her.

  The next several hours passed without a change. Jeremy would make mean and cruel comments. Kiplyn was becoming nauseous from not eating but was not going to let him know about her condition. He just thought she was fat, and that is how it would stay. Jeremy walked behind Kiplyn, leaned down and licked her from her chin, up her cheek to her ear, causing her instantly to retch at his touch. “I might just return you to Adam a little used,” he sneered. Choking back a sob, Kiplyn raised her eyes and came face to face with the look of death. Patrick had somehow silently gotten into the room while Jeremy was distracted. He held his gun aimed toward Jeremy’s head. “Tabhair cúis amháin dom le ligean duit maireachtáil!” he growled, his eyes never leaving his face. “Chuaigh tú i dteagmháil lena bhfuil agamsa! Bog mícheart. Íocfaidh tú!” Patrick continued to talk to Jeremy. Without warning, Kiplyn leaned over and vomited. “Cad a rinne tú le mo bhean chéile?!”

  Jeremy’s thoughts finally caught up with the situation before him. “What are you going to do with that?” he asked Patrick eyeing the gun in his hand. “You would be stupid to shoot me, that is unless you like doing tim
e in jail. It would however be easier for Adam to get his hands on you if you were there. You did however touch what was his,” he snarled. Patrick took a step closer, his eyes never blinking. It was as if he was in a trance. Kiplyn knew right then that he was very close to the edge. She wasn’t sure at this point if he could be brought back from the edge. She didn’t want him to do anything he would regret later one. Jeremy lunged for Patrick, causing him to knock Kiplyn over. She heard a shot ring out before darkness engulfed her.


  Kiplyn came to some time later to the bright lights and beeping of a hospital room. She carefully opened her eyes and looked around the room. It didn’t escape her notice that Patrick was not there. She instantly felt like throwing up. Which is exactly what she did before she was able to get out of bed.

  The nurse must have heard her emptying, her already empty stomach, because she was by her side holding her hair back. “I’m glad to see you are finally awake, Miss Kavanaugh,” the nurse said sweetly. Once Kiplyn felt the feeling had subsided, she sat back against the pillow. “Why am I here?” asking, even though she had a feeling she knew. “We needed to monitor you for concussion, and we needed to check on the babies,” she said, as if it was obvious. All Kiplyn could do was nod her head in acknowledgement.

  Before she could ask any other questions, Donovan and Declan came into the room without even knocking. All she could was sigh, shaking her head at their overbearing nature. “Hey beautiful,” Donovan said as he leaned down kissing her forehead. “How ya feelin, darlin’?” Declan asked as he leaned over and kissed her cheek. Kiplyn looked toward the door waiting for him to walk through. After several minutes, she realized that he wasn’t going to walk through the door. “Where is he? Did he decide he was through with all this drama? He could at least be a man and tell me!” Kiplyn said, getting louder with each question. Donovan and Declan started at each other, at a loss, and in disbelief. “There is no place he would rather be than with you, sweetheart,” Donovan explained. “Patrick is in jail right now, sweetheart,” Declan stated. “What do you mean he is in jail?!” she screamed, trying to get out of the bed. Donovan instantly stopped her from getting out of the bed. He sat down gently just holding her as she cried uncontrollably.

  Shauna entered the hospital where her best friend was being monitored and slept restlessly. She walked straight into the arms of the man that stopped her doubts and fears, instantly feeling better. “How is she doing?” she asked Declan, as he placed a kiss on her neck. “I don’t think she remembers what happened. She asked why he was in jail, before she passed out,” he said, giving her hip a light squeeze. “Are the babies alright?” she asked him, wanting to know the truth. Declan couldn’t answer that question because he didn’t know. The nurses wouldn’t answer his or Donovan’s questions. They explained that the only person that would get answers was her next of kin, or her husband.

  Shauna knew they would not be getting answers then until Kiplyn woke up. She didn’t have a next of kin, and her “husband” was in jail. That was another situation they would have to figure out later on. Her main priority was Kiplyn and those babies. She would kick anyone’s ass that tried to get in her way of finding out.

  Kiplyn woke up a short time later and was staring into the worried eyes of her best friend. “Hi, babes!” Shauna said, looking all sorts of concerned. “Don’t look so sad, I’m fine!” Kiplyn said determined to mean it. “I need to get out of here,” she explained to Shauna, trying to get out of bed, yet again. She wasn’t sure how long she had asleep for, but she knew it had to be at least a few hours since, the overbearing alpha males were no where to be seen. As she was standing to get dressed, she heard a growl. She turned toward the sound, and realized Patrick was standing in the doorway walking toward her.

  “An bhfuil tú ceart go leor? A Dhia, chaill mé thú. Is breá liom tú!” he whispered as he wrapped his arms around her. Kiplyn tried pulling back so she could look at his beautiful face, but all he did was tighten his grip on her. “I’m not ready to let go of you yet,” he said quietly. “I don’t know what you said,” Kiplyn told him embarrassed. Eventually she would learn what he was saying when he talked to her like that. Patrick chuckled; he knew she was confused when he started speaking in his native tongue. She seemed to bring it out in him. “I asked you if you were alright? Have you found out anything?” Patrick asked, nodding toward her stomach. Before she had the chance to answer, he leaned down and picked her up, carrying her over and gently placing her in the bed. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead to smooth over the look of hurt that was forming on her face. “I want you to rest, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” he explained as he pulled up the chair to sit down next to her.

  Dr. Johnson entered the room, recognizing Patrick, and knew better than to ask him to leave the room. She knew that was a losing battle on her part. So, she didn’t even bother. “How are you feeling, Miss Kavanaugh?” she asked, giving Kiplyn a small smile. “It will be McDonnell soon enough,” Patrick mumbled under his breath, low enough Kiplyn almost missed it. Almost! “I’m alright. I just want to know what happened, and what exactly is going to happen,” she explained to the doctor that was patiently waiting for her answer. “Well I learned last time, not to bother asking this one to leave before speaking with you,” she grinned pointing toward Patrick. “Not going anyway, doc!” Patrick snarled. “Be nice!” Kiplyn reprimanded, giving him an adoring look.

  “As I was saying,” Dr. Johnson continued, “you are doing well. I would like to keep you here for a few days to monitor the babies. Just to be safe. They seem to be doing well, but it would give me peace of mind to just monitor for a little longer.” She explained looking from Kiplyn to Patrick, who just nodded in agreement. “I just want to go home,” Kiplyn cried, bursting into tears. “I know baby, but it is better to be safe. Just let them monitor you for a few days, and then I promise I will take you home,” Patrick whispered in her ear, trying to calm her. She finally nodded her agreement but didn’t say anything else about the situation.

  Without saying anything, Dr. Johnson left the room, only to return a few minutes later pushing a huge bulky machine into the room. She pushed it next to bed and sat in the chair. Leaning over she started to raise up Kiplyn’s shirt, Patrick growled. Kiplyn swatted him, “she is fine, she isn’t going to hurt me.” Patrick snarled, “do not touch her again, without permission,” he said glaring at the doctor. Dr. Johnson nodded. She squirted some jelly on her stomach and ran the wand across it. After a few minutes, she must have found what she was looking for because she stopped rubbing it on her stomach. The doctor pushed a few buttons and turned the screen so both Kiplyn and Patrick could see what she did. There on the screen were two tiny heartbeats. Two tiny perfect humans. She pushed a few more buttons and presented Kiplyn with some pictures. Dr. Johnson silently excused herself from the room.

  “So, are you going to tell me what happened?” Kiplyn asked Patrick a few minutes later. “I don’t want you to know what I did, and then leave me because you think I am a monster,” Patrick explained simply. Kiplyn gasped at his confession, “I could never see you as a monster. I love you. I know that whatever you have done, is because you thought there was no other way!” Patrick shook his head as if he couldn’t believe the words that had come out of her mouth. Without a word Kiplyn grabbed his hand and placed it gently on her stomach. Patrick’s eyes grew huge, “was that the baby?” he asked in disbelief a minute later when he felt a small movement. Had he not been sitting still, he would have missed it, as it was, he was in denial that, that is actually what it could have been. But as he looked into her eyes, he realized that it was indeed the baby. “Is breá liom tú.” Patrick said, as he placed a kiss on her stomach. Taking a deep breath, “I shot and killed Jeremy.” He couldn’t meet her gaze, he was afraid to see the disappointment there, or even worse, fear.

  She grabbed his face gently, making it so he had to look in her the face. “You did what you felt was necessary to protec
t me and the babies. Please don’t ever think I will judge you for wanting to protect us,” she explained. Kiplyn scooted over, giving Patrick room to slide in the bed next to her. She knew he needed to hold her. Patrick didn’t say a word, he crawled up next her and pulled her into his side, and instantly felt some of the tension leave him.

  Kiplyn was released a few days later. She arrived home to find Officer O’Neal witting on their front porch. Dread instantly filled her stomach, causing a wave of nausea to hit her. Patrick was at her side instantly. “It’s alright, I invited him,” he explained. Patrick growled as Officer O’Neall looked Kiplyn up and down. “Chill out McDonnell, I’m not checking her out. I am just glad she is home safe. I will say though, is pregnancy agrees with her,” he said giving her a small smile, ignoring the growl Patrick was aiming in his direction. “Innocent or not, keep your eyes off her,” Patrick snarled.

  Shauna opened the door, jumping off the porch running up and hugging me. “Hi, babes! Let them have their pissing match, while you come in and join me in the kitchen for food. I am making French fries,” she said with a wink. Patrick didn’t release Kiplyn until he kissed her gently and was safely in Shauna’s grasp. Officer O’Neall just shook his head in disbelief. “You really are an overbearing douche, dude,” he said looking straight at Patrick. “Jealous?” Patrick asked, giving him a chuckle. “Not even close. I wouldn’t want to be with someone like you,” he joked. “I like chicks!” Patrick couldn’t help but laugh at the clarification. He knew the cop wasn’t gay, and he knew that Kiplyn didn’t like him, but he still didn’t like the way he looked at her.


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