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The Devil's Dwelling

Page 22

by Jean Avery Brown

  “Okay, let me see what I can do. Let me talk to Mona.”

  “In your dreams.” I heard a blood curdling laugh and the phone went dead.

  I immideately called Sheriff Reagan. “Randy, I received a call from the kidnapper. I heard Mona’s voice. He said he wants to make a trade for Natasha McGuire. He mentioned he couldn’t blow her up with his bombs so he took Mona to make a trade.”

  “What! Bombs! He thinks you are Natasha McGuire.”

  “That must be why the black sedan is always after us. They think I’m Gayle Perkins.”

  “I’m going to make a trip to Russellville and tell the McGuire’s Gayle Perkins is using Natasha’s identity. Maybe they will have some information for me.”

  “You think they will tell you they have been trying to kill me?”

  “No, but I think I might learn something.” Randy took his gun from it’s holster and checked to make sure it was fully loaded.

  “You be careful.” I didn’t know what to say. I know Randy is always careful but I couldn’t stand for anything to happen to him.

  “I’m taking a deputy with me.” He looked at me. “Come here, it’s okay. I’ll call you when we get back.” He put his arm around me. I took a deep breath. “Okay, just be careful.”

  My phone rang. It was Randy.


  “Everything went well. You come into the officer tomorrow and I will go over everything with you.”

  “Did they know anything about Mona?”

  “No, but we have some other information. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  The phone went dead. I knew Randy had news that he didn’t want to discuss over the phone.

  I was at Randy’s office at eight the following morning. The deputy gave me a look and said. “I’ll let Sheriff Reagan know you are here.”

  “Thank you.” I was pleasant. It looks like he finally realizes I’m not a flake.

  Randy came out front and escorted me to his office. He pulled up a chair for me to set down. He sat down in his chair and leaned across his desk.

  “What’s going on? What did you learn?”

  “This is what I learned from the McGuire’s. Natasha McGuire disappeared almost a year ago. She was last seen with a lady by the name of Gayle Perkins. Gayle Perkins served time for voluntary manslaughter and identity theft. They haven’t been able to find either lady. A friend working for the Social Security company ran Natasha’s social security number and it came up she was working in this area. The McGuire’s moved here to try to find her or this Gayle whom they think took Natasha‘s identity. They hit one dead end after another.”

  “Their friend reported to them Natasha or someone using her social security number was working at Maxine’s Massage Parlor. The boys had a description of Gayle Perkins. Red curly hair and about your built. They went to confront her or Natasha and that must be when they saw you leaving the house. That’s when the black sedan the McGuire boys drive started following you.”

  “Oh my goodness, just like that they assumed I was Gayle.”

  “I told them they were chasing the wrong person. That you are a bounty hunter and was at Maxine’s Massage Parlor looking for Maxine’s husband. They were shocked to find out they had been chasing the wrong person.”

  I told them they need to leave this to the authorities. But they told me the authorities in Texas didn’t seem too concerned. The Texas authorities think Natasha and Gayle are lovers and wanted to disappear from the family. The McGuire’s don’t believe that for a minute.

  “I’ve got a big case here. I’ll let you in on all I can. You understand my position?”

  “I do but right now I have to find Mona. I can’t worry about the McGuire’s.”


  My phone rang. It was the kidnapper’s number.


  “You got Natasha ready to hand over?” The psycho asked.

  “Why do you want Natasha?”

  “She gave me a lousy massage. I paid good for that massage and she just pushed on me for a few minutes. I’ve been sore since.

  “She has red curly hair and she worked at Maxine‘s. I didn’t get a good look at her until I drove by Maxine’s Massage and she was out front in her green Blazer. I got a good look at that red curly hair and I know what she looks like. I can’t blow her up so I’m gonna trade Mona for her and she will become my slave girl.”

  “Is Mona okay?”

  “Yeah, we play Scrabble and she can’t beat me. She’s fun but I want Natasha to be my slave girl.”

  “Can I say Hi to Mona?”

  “Okay, but don’t try anything funny.”

  “Tiffany, I’m okay but…”

  The psycho kidnapper grabbed the phone.

  “Okay, how about tomorrow I’ll find Natasha and we make a trade. You call me and let me know where you will drop Mona and I’ll drop Natasha off too. Is it a deal?”

  “I thought the kidnapper was suppose to make the plans.” He said a little confused.

  “You decide on how you want to do it and let me know.” I told him. He was right the kidnapper makes the plans.

  The phone went dead.

  I called Randy and told him the situation. We made plans to make the switch with the kidnapper. Randy and his deputies would be in charge and I would be the bait. Now I had to wait on the kidnapper to call back.

  I drove around town most of the night looking for the brown van. I decided I was barking up the wrong tree and headed to Hayden’s place. I pushed the fob buttons and the garage door opened. I drove in and the door slowly closed. I knew I was being watched on surveillance camera’s. I got out of the Honda, entered the elevator. The elevator took me to the top floor. I stepped out of the elevator and Hayden was standing in the foyer in his skivvies.

  “My my don’t you look dapper.” I smiled looking him up and down.

  “I was worried about you. Randy called and told me about the psycho.” He put his arm around me and walked me through the door.

  “I was driving around town looking for the brown van. He must park it in a garage.” I set down at the bar and put my elbows on the bar and rested my head in my cupped hands..

  “Would you like a nightcap?” Hayden took two cups from the cupboard and poured two cups of hot cocoa from a pot on the stove.

  “You had cocoa waiting for me? How nice of you.” I blew on the hot cocoa causing steam to go up my nose. “Whee! That’s hot.”

  “Hot cocoa, what did you expect?” He laughed as he blew on his cocoa before sipping it.

  Hayden pulled a bar stool near me and set on it. “I don’t think the psycho man will harm Mona. If they are playing Scrabble like Randy said she must not be tied up. Mona‘s no one to mess with.”

  “She will over power him if she gets a chance.”

  “I hope she plays it cool and Randy and his deputies can haul him in tomorrow.”

  I pushed the barstool back, hopped down, picked up my empty cup and took it to the sink, rinsed it and heard a screeching sound on the granite counter. Hayden was pushing his cup toward me. I picked up Hayden’s cup and rinsed it and put both cups in the dishwasher. As I was closing the dishwasher I felt Hayden’s arms encircle me. My libido went up to a ten. He turned me around and kissed my lips, my neck and nibbled on my ear.

  I woke to the sound of music coming from the kitchen. The smell of breakfast lingered throughout the penthouse. Hayden must have left for work early. I slipped on my tank top and sprinted to my bedroom. Showered and got ready for the day. I walked out of my bedroom to the sound of Hayden singing along with the radio.

  “Hayden, I thought Lee was cooking breakfast.”

  “You in the mood for an omelet?” He asked as he flipped an omelet over. I was amazed at Hayden’s culinary skills.

  “Of course, I would love an omelet.” I pulled a barstool out and climbed on. Hayden slid the omelet onto a plate and placed a fruit cup on the side. He poured two cups of coffee, while making another omelet and
joined me.

  ‘Where’s Lee? I wondered how she allowed Hayden to cook in her kitchen.

  “This is her day off. I have the run of the kitchen.” Hayden laughed.

  I drove to the office keeping my phone near by. Randy called and said the team of deputies was ready when we get the call from the psycho man.

  I walked in the office and the smell of donuts permeated the office. I walked into Peewee’s office.

  “We heard from the kidnapper.” I turned the chair around and straddled it. My hands were tapping on the back of the chair.

  “What did he say?” Peewee set forward in his chair with his fingers laced together.

  “I’m expecting a call from him any time. Randy has his deputies ready to take over when we get the call.” I stood up and paced the floor.

  “Mona’s tuff, she’ll take care of herself.” Peewee tapped his pencil on the desk.

  My phone rang. “It’s him.” I said before answering the call.

  Peewee sat quietly with ears perked up.


  “You got Natasha?” The voice came from the phone.

  “Yes,w…I do.” I almost said we.

  “What do you mean we?” He yelled. “You aint got no cops around.”

  “No, I’m working alone. I’ve got Natasha and I’m ready to hand her over to you. What’s your plan?” I waited for what seem to be forever before he came back on the line.

  “You take Natasha to the dog park and put her in the men’s bathroom. I’ll be watching. Then you leave. Be sure she’s tied where she won’t give me any trouble. When I get Natasha I’ll tell you were to pick up Mona.”

  “No deal. I have to have Mona before I can hand over Natasha. I can’t trust you.”

  “You can trust me.“

  “You are a kidnapper. Why would I trust you?”

  “Cause I keep my word.” He sounded like he thought everyone should trust him.

  “Think of another way and call me back.” I hung up the phone. Wondering if I did the right thing. I called Randy and he said we would not turn me over to psycho man without seeing Mona.

  The phone rang. It was psycho man.

  “Okay, you listen and listen good.”

  “You take Natasha to the laundrymat on B Street. I’ll be watching. You leave her in the bathroom. When you walk out of the bathroom Mona will be under a pile of clothes in one of those big roller baskets. You take Mona and get the hell out of there.”

  “Okay, what time shall I put Natasha in the bathroom?”

  “One o’clock sharp. Don’t be late or I‘ll have to take Mona far away and she can be my slave girl .”

  “Okay, I’ll have Natasha there at one.”

  The phone went dead.

  I hit speed dial and told Randy the plan. “How am I going to be two people?” I asked.

  “We’ll take care of everything. Let me call you right back.”

  We had two hours to get our plan together. This all sounded crazy but we are working with a psycho.

  Randy called back.


  “One of my deputies is a red head. She will drive up in your Honda and lead you to the bathroom with your hands loosely tied behind you. She will walk out and search for Mona in the rolling laundry baskets. When she gets Mona they will run to your Honda getting Mona out of the way. Our kidnapper is probably hid around the back of the laundrymat or maybe in the office. Plain clothes men will be covering the laundry mat.”

  “What about me do I stay in the bathroom?” I’m already feeling clostrophobic.

  “You stay put. There may be gun fire.”

  At precisely one minute before one o’clock the deputy drove my Honda up to the laundry mat and parked at the curb. She got out of the Honda and went around to the side door and took me out of the rig. She held me by the back of my collar and walked me inside. There she walked me back to the bathroom, put me in the bathroom and closed the door. I noticed the lock on the bathroom was a push button lock. I backed up to the door and started to lock it when in burst a man in a Bill Clinton mask. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out the door. We headed for the back door. He pulled me through the door. I saw a flicker of steel. It was his gun pointing at my head.

  “Hold it right there.” I heard Randy yell.

  “There aint suppose to be any cops here. I’ve been double crossed.” He put the gun to my head and cocked it. “Anybody make a move and I will drop Natasha like a hot potato.” I knew he meant business the ‘I’m trapped in a corner’ psycho in him was coming out. A psychopath needs to be in control and this he wasn’t.

  “Everyone hold your fire.” Randy yelled.

  Mona burst through the back door flying through the air. She landed on psycho man knocked his gun from his hand and began beating the crap outta him. Her mouth was closed tight with gray tape. But she was still a scrapper.

  I tried to get up but with my hands tied behind my back it was impossible. I fell on psycho man. Nose to nose he looked at me. “You’re not Natasha. I’ve been had. The cops are here and no Natasha. This isn’t how it’s suppose to go. It does’t happen like this in the movies.” He blurted out shaking his head while Randy’s deputies handcuffed him and took him off to the psycho ward.

  Mona ripped the tape from her mouth and gave me a hug. “You’re the best partner anyone one could have.”

  I looked her in the eye. “I’m lucky to know you, partner. Now about Bailey….”


  We staked out Marty for a couple of nights. Each night he took a box to the same house. Stayed inside for a few moments and was on his way. We decided to stake out the bar during the day to see what kind of traffic went in and out of the bar. I parked down the street from the bar. Marty as usual entered the bar from the alley. In a short while he came of the bar empty handed. Got in the maroon Chrysler and slowly drove our way. His usual route was to back down the alley to a turnout.

  “He’s gonna see us parked her.” Mona fastened her belt and started the engine of her Explorer.

  Marty drove by giving us the finger and the chase was on. Marty took the surface streets, looping back and fourth in a serpentine pattern.

  “The interstate is up ahead. He’ll take it and for sure loose us.” I yelled to Mona while looking over the back of my seat.

  “Set down before you get yourself killed.” Mona swerved around a car. “That was a close one.”

  Marty threw something shiny from his car. “What’s that?” I said as I heard the air spew from Mona’s tire.

  Mona pulled the Explorer to the side of the road. We got out to investigate the problem.

  We could hear the spewing, two front tires were going flat.

  “I can’t change two flat tires. Guess we’ll have to call Ace.” Mona stood looking at the flat tires with her hands on her hips.

  I hit speed dial and Ace was on his way. As for Marty he was long gone. I’m sure laughing thinking we can’t catch him.

  Ace arrived shortly and lifted the front end of the Explorer off the roadway.

  “Where you want me to take her?” He asked as he hopped in his truck.

  “Can you take her to Conway Tires?” Mona looked at me for approval.

  “Best tire store and did I mention only tire store in town?”

  Ace looked out his side window.

  “You ladies want to ride with me or are you gonna stand on the street?”

  I pushed Mona ahead and we jumped in the truck. Ace did some white knuckle driving trying to keep his eyes off Mona and on the road. It was a short distance to the tire store. Ace backed into a stall and dropped the Explorer. Mona and I crawled out of the truck.

  “Thanks Ace.” I waved at him.

  Mona made her way to Ace’s side of the truck where he was writing out the bill.

  “You gonna charge me for towing my rig.” She smiled. “Just kidding. How much is the charge?”

  Ace handed Mona the bill. Mona took a look at it and took a cou
ple bills from her bosom and handed it to Ace.

  “Thanks ma’am.” He jumped in his truck and was gone in an instant.

  Mona does that to guys. They are either hitting on her or running scared.

  The service attendant brought Mona’s keys up to the counter and looked toward the waiting room.

  “Red Ford Explorer is ready.” He turned and headed back to the service department.

  Mona walked up to the counter and checked over the bill.

  “Looks good to me.” She pulled out a wad of bills from her bosom and counted it out. The lady behind the counter’s eyes bulged as more and more bills fell from Mona’s bosom.

  “You might want to invest in a wallet.” She smiled as she straightened the bills counting them as she pressed each one.

  “Wallets are a bother. My bosom can hold plenty.” Mona pushed up on her ‘double ‘d’s’ and laughed.

  “We’re outta here.” Mona looked over at me jingling her keys.

  We drove past Marty’s place. It didn’t look like anyone had been there. Except for the gardener. The lawn was freshly mowed. It looked like the flower planter had been weeded.

  “What do you say we call it a day?” I said to Mona.

  “Sounds good to me. I have a date with Brad tonight.” She looked toward me. “He’s a really great guy.”

  “Did you repo any cars on your last date?” I asked with a grin trying to get her goat.

  “As a matter of fact we did. We took in two cars.”

  “Oh, and you know the Ferrari he was driving on your date?” She had a twinkle in her eye.

  “Yeah, what about it?” I said waiting for her to tell me it was a repo car.

  “It belongs to Brad. He not only repo’s cars he owns the repo company. The only time he goes out on a repo is when his employees are backed up.”

  “Really, what about the yellow Corvette?” I quizzed her.

  “That was a repo he had just picked up and didn’t have time to drop it off at the lot.”


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