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Sinner - A Bad Boy's Baby Romance

Page 17

by Layla Valentine

  “You’re stunning,” he said. “Even more so while pregnant.”

  Her cheeks flushed even more.

  “We don’t want to be late for dinner.”

  “Sorry. I think we’re already a little late.”

  He nodded his head at the window, through which the sun set.

  “I’m blaming that on you, buddy.”

  “I’ll take the blame.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist, and they walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

  “What did your mom ask us to bring to dinner?” She frowned. “I can’t even remember, now. It must be that pregnancy brain everyone talks about.”

  “Salad mix.”

  “Right.” She snapped her fingers. “Let’s stop at the place that always has the better veggies.”

  “I know the one.”

  Markus grinned. He never would have expected how good it felt to have these little regularities in their relationship and life—like how they always went to one particular store for produce and another for meat.

  At the front door, Viv turned to face the empty house.

  “Goodbye for now,” she said.

  “We can start moving in whenever you want,” he promised.

  Since he’d left the hospital, he’d spent most nights at her apartment, only going back to his place to get things he needed. Not only would it be nice to have everything in one place, it would be superb to have a home to call both of theirs.

  “Tracey is gonna go crazy. She keeps talking about this bassinet she wants to get, but she hasn’t because she wants to make sure it goes with the new place.” Viv laughed. “Does this house have a name?”

  “No. Will you do the honors?”

  “Every good home needs a name.” She tapped a finger against her chin, considering. “What about… the yellow diamond?”

  Markus raised his eyebrows. “Because the front door is yellow? And I paid for it thanks to diamonds?”

  Viv shrugged a shoulder and laughed. “Also.” She wiggled her hand, reminding him of the yellow diamond engagement ring.

  “A double meaning.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “I like it.”

  “Kind of like our double lives. You know, when I was an outlaw with you for, like, a day. Bonnie to your Clyde.”

  “You’re the everything to my life.”

  He kissed her again, and together, they walked out the door.


  Six Months Later – Viv

  The smell of steaming shrimp filled the kitchen. Pausing in the middle of icing the chocolate cake, Viv closed her eyes and breathed deep.

  “Smell that?”

  Markus stopped chopping veggies. “The shrimp?”

  “Yeah.” She opened her eyes and grinned at him, sure he wouldn’t understand what she was getting at.

  “Smells like the night destiny brought us back together.”

  “Exactly.” She laughed. “Tracey made shrimp the night she invited me to have dinner with you guys.”

  “Oh, I remember.” He cut up the last of the bell pepper. “I remember everything about that night.”

  A soft cry came from the rocker in the corner.

  “Daddy’s coming.”

  Markus washed his hands and went to pick up baby Brynn, who had started crying full-blast by the time he got to her.

  As soon as he picked her up, though, the crying subsided. Cradling her in his arms, he bounced her slowly.

  Viv shook her head. “Two weeks old and already a daddy’s girl. But who could blame her?”

  The doorbell rang. Viv started to leave her cake, but Markus was already halfway to the front of the house.

  “That could be your grandma,” Markus said. “Or your aunt. Or your uncle Ryder.”

  Viv finished up the cake while listening to the sounds of greetings. Judging from the loud volume, Veronica had entered the house. She was already squealing over Brynn while Emma and Mateo demanded to see the baby up close.

  The day after Brynn was born, the whole family had visited in the hospital, but after that, Markus and Viv had laid pretty low. Tonight’s party would be Brynn’s official welcoming celebration.

  “Smells good in here,” Veronica sang as she entered the kitchen with a tote bag in hand. “Hey, mama. What’s cooking?”

  “Cake. Does anything else matter?”

  “Nope.” She laughed and peeked at the stove. “But Cruz loves shrimp. He’ll go crazy for that.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He and Markus took the kids out front. Markus is showing them where he’s building the treehouse.”

  “Sorry. Treehouse?” Viv cocked an eyebrow.

  “Oh. Is that not a solid plan?”

  From her tote bag, Veronica pulled a bottle of wine and some sparkling juice for the kids.

  “It’s fine,” Viv said. “I’m not against it. The kids will love it.”

  “Mateo and Emma will love it. It’s not gonna be high up, anyway, I’m sure.” Veronica bumped her hip against Viv. “Still, even if it’s only five feet up, it’ll be a good while before Brynn can climb up there.”

  “Yeah, and then she’ll be chasing after the two of them, yelling ‘Wait for me!’”

  “Aww. Just like us when we were kids.” Veronica clapped her hands. “What can I do?”

  “Um…” Viv looked around the kitchen. “Pour yourself a glass of wine? Everything is pretty much set. Tracey and Ryder should be here at any time. Oh, wait. Sprinkle paprika on the eggs, if you would.”

  “Done.” She opened the spice cabinet. “Mom wants to video chat tonight with all of us. That okay?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Hey, have you…” Veronica paused in sprinkling the paprika. “Heard from Dad?”

  “I got a letter from him the other day, actually. To thank me for the picture of Brynn.”

  Veronica’s face lit up. “Really? You sent him a pic?”

  Viv shrugged. “Yeah. I mean… we’re still not in the best place, but I want him to know about her, how she is and stuff.”

  Veronica nodded. She seemed to know not to continue the conversation, but a pleased smile played at the corner of her lips.

  “Eggs… are done!” Veronica wiped her hands dramatically. “Now what?”

  “Now, you relax. Have a drink.”

  Viv poured a glass of wine and handed it to her sister.

  The front door opened, but this time the sound was accompanied by half a dozen people talking nearly at the same time.

  “Baby, baby,” Mateo squeaked.

  “Yeah,” Cruz said. “Together, we can make it happen in one afternoon. A rope wall would be a nice addition. Climb right up into the treehouse that way.”

  “You guys are sooo lucky,” Ryder said. “A treehouse!”

  Tracey added, “Just make sure it’s not too high.”

  The three men all responded at once, answering over each other so that Viv didn’t hear what any of them said.

  Viv picked up the plate of deviled eggs and called over her shoulder as she walked for the back patio. “Hey, everyone! Apps are out back!”

  The gaggle of people followed her through the back door. The moment she put the deviled eggs on the picnic table, they surrounded her.

  “What’s up?” Ryder asked, giving her a side hug.

  “Vivi!” Emma squealed, clutching at her legs.

  “Dat’s baby.” Mateo pointed at Brynn, who had been transferred to Tracey’s arms.

  “Hey, everyone,” Viv said. “Dinner’s almost ready. I just need to—”

  “Oh, no you’re not,” Cruz interrupted. “You just had a baby. Sit down, and we’ll take care of the rest.”

  Viv hesitated, but then shrugged. It wasn’t like she couldn’t use the break. Brynn was a decent sleeper, but she always woke up at least once a night needing to be fed.

  “That’s right,” Ryder chimed in. “This sounds like a job for us men.”

  He clapped Cruz and Markus on the
shoulders, and the three of them went inside. Mateo and Emma had already scurried over to the sandbox Markus had set up for their visits, so Viv, Tracey, and Veronica took it easy at the picnic table.

  “So.” Tracey bounced Brynn. “Are you ready to discuss wedding venues? Not to rush you or anything.”

  “It’s fine.” Viv propped her chin in her hand and smiled. “I’ve been looking at them already, actually. It’s been my go-to when I can’t sleep after Brynn gets me up.”

  Truth be told, she wasn’t used to not being busy. Even with a newborn to care for, she missed being out of the house. Thankfully, Bea had told her to come back to work a few days a week whenever she was ready, and Tracey was more than eager to watch Brynn during the shifts.

  “Dinner is served!”

  Ryder emerged from the house, carrying a serving bowl full of steaming shrimp. On his heels, Cruz and Markus carried all of the sides.

  The kids came running at the prospect of the chicken tenders Viv always made for them, and everyone found seats at the picnic table.

  “Nuh-uh,” Markus said when Ryder tried to sit next to Viv. “That spot’s mine.”

  Ryder rolled his eyes. “Okay, man. It wasn’t like I was trying to steal her or anything.”

  Markus looped his arm around Viv’s waist. “I would never give anyone the chance.”

  “Markus.” Tracey cleared her throat. “Before we get started, would you like to make an announcement?”

  Viv looked at him in confusion. “What announcement?”

  His gaze slid across the table, taking in everyone before stopping on Viv. “I’ve decided on my next career. I’ll go into intellectual property law.”

  Viv’s jaw dropped. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Yep.”

  “Congratulations.” She shook her head and laughed. “What made you decide on that?”

  “I feel that I need to give back, and intellectual rights is something that interests me.” He gave her a cocky grin. “It seems as good as anything else. What do you think? Will you mind me being that sucked into school?”

  “That’s great! Of course not.” She balled the bottom of his T-shirt in her hands and gave him a kiss. “When are you applying?”

  “I already did. Last minute.” He pecked the edge of her lips. “And I got in. So I suppose, really, that’s the news.”

  “What?” she shrieked.

  “Woohoo!” Veronica clapped. “Congratulations!”

  Everyone started applauding, even the little kids. Brynn, cozied in her grandma’s arms, wrinkled her nose and blinked.

  “This deserves celebrating,” Viv decided. “We need champagne.”

  “I’ll get it.” Ryder jumped up.

  A minute later, he returned with champagne flutes and a bottle from the wine cooler. Viv quietly applauded herself for always keeping a bottle of semi-decent champagne on hand for impromptu occasions such as this.

  After popping the bottle, Ryder poured all of the adults a drink, except for Viv. She got sparkling juice in her glass since she was still breastfeeding.

  Viv was the first to raise her flute. “To my wonderful soon-to-be husband. You surprise and amaze me every day, and I have a very good feeling that will never stop.”

  “My turn.” Markus raised his glass.

  “Hey,” she teased. “We’re supposed to be toasting you.”

  “To my beautiful, smart, charming, brave, and supportive Viv.” His eyes softened as he looked at her. “You are the greatest partner and mother anyone could ever ask for. Our path started out… rocky.”

  “Yeah, it did,” Ryder inserted.

  Markus continued to gaze steadily at her. “Some would look at that and see a bad omen, but it gives me faith. After what we’ve been through, I know that we can face anything. Nothing will be as hard as the start was.”

  Tears pooled in Viv’s eyes. As she blinked them back, Markus took her hand in his.

  “Plus, there’s another good thing about our beginning being so crazy.” He smiled in that lopsided way she loved so much. “Life or death situations really shake you and wake you up. I knew from early on that you were the woman for me. Since then, there’s never been a doubt in my mind.”

  “Same here.” She squeezed his hand.

  “Cheers.” Markus tapped his champagne glass against hers.

  “Cheers,” everyone sang out amid a chorus of glass pinging glass.

  “I eat!” Mateo cried.

  The table burst into laughter.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting, Mateo.” Viv wiped away the last tear. “I’m hungry too. Let’s dig in.”

  They passed plates, poured drinks, and celebrated not only all the good things in their lives, but the good things that were coming. As the sun set and the fairy lights strung around the backyard came on, Viv’s heart swelled to the size of the moon.

  All her life, she had felt there was always somewhere else to be. She’d been constantly running, working on getting to that next better place. Sitting surrounded by family, she realized that she was finally there. The best she’d ever have was happening right now—and it didn’t show any signs of ever stopping.

  The End

  I hope you’ve enjoyed Viv and Markus’ story!

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  How to Have Your Boss’ Baby

  How to Have Surprise Quadruplets

  How to Wed a Billionaire

  How to Propose Accidentally


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  Prince Baby Daddy

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  Twins For Christmas


  Second Chance Twins

  Nanny For Hire

  The Baby Bargain

  Accidental Triplets

  Take My V-Card

  Bought by the Boss

  Four Secret Babies

  My Brother’s Best Friend

  Not Marriage Material

  The Single Daddy Situation


  His Baby Secret

  Hot Pursuit


  Secret Daddy Surprise

  My Protector

  In Deep

  The Wedding Steal


  Triplets For The Billionaire

  Quadruplets For The Billionaire

  Baby, ASAP




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