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Eye of Saturn (The Daughters of Saturn Book 1)

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by Raso, Idalita Wright

  “Obtaining the scrolls won’t be easy, my Lord. They are guarded by Saturn’s daughters,” Belial said. “The sisters are more powerful than we are.”

  “Yes, but there is something far more powerful than the sister’s magick.”

  “And what is that?” Shax asked.

  “Love,” Apollyon said, cocking his head to one side. “Once I gain control of the scroll’s magick, we will go down to Earth and enlighten these mortals. After they realize Saturn has enslaved them, they will turn their backs on HIM and worship the gods of their choosing.”

  Zagan stepped forth. He cleared his throat before speaking. “Apollyon, this is blasphemous. Saturn created us. HE is our father.”

  “Do not be blind, Zagan. We have a duty to spread the truth to every being in the cosmos and set them free.”

  “But the Great Father can turn us into ash with a blink of HIS eye,” Zagan said.

  Apollyon stood up and with his hand stretched outward, majestically addressed the crowd. “And I have the power to raise you out of the ashes. It is our duty to set the universe free from HIS illusion. Saturn must be destroyed! So, who’s with me?”

  The gods mumbled as they deliberated, then they spoke their decision in unison, “I!”

  Apollyon’s thin lips curled upward. “It is settled. But first things first, I need leaders. Step forth when your name is called and kneel. Stolas, you have been loyal to me from the beginning, so I bestow upon you the title of High Prince of the underworld. You will teach the humans astronomy, so they may know about the universe that Saturn has kept hidden from them. Zagan, you shall be King of my minions. Shax, you shall serve as my Duke. Belial, you will head up my army. Thamuz, you are in charge of weapons.”

  “Yes, of course, my god, my king. It is my honor to serve you,” Thamuz, said bowing.

  “Apollyon motioned with his hand. “Ronove, come forth! Since Saturn is so arrogant and has mandated that every being in the universe speak HIS language, Solsatihel. Ronove, you will teach the humans the many tongues that are spoken in secret... One by one Saturn’s planets will fall—starting with HIS precious Earth. Arise brothers, and prepare to strike!”

  The mob of rebel gods applauded and cheered, singing songs of war. Zagan and Shax hoisted Apollyon high up in the air.


  Isis sat quietly, resting upon Iapetus, the third-largest of the planet Saturn’s sixty-two moons, when Apollyon suddenly appeared before her in a blinding white light. She let out a gasp.

  “A thousand apologies, Isis, I didn’t mean to frighten you, but when I saw you sitting here alone—”

  “Apollyon,” Isis said breathless.

  “You know my name?”

  “Of course, I know your name. You are my father’s favorite god.” Isis lifted her gaze, making eye contact with Apollyon. He was not as large as the other gods, but he was muscular and ruggedly handsome. His steely, grey eyes and wavy, ash blond hair captivated Isis. She was swept away by a flood of emotions she could not explain.

  Isis suddenly felt nervous. Her heart raced with an excitement she had never known. Apollyon had stirred up passions of unbridled lust deep inside that caused Isis’ body to ache with sensual desires.

  “Tell me why a beautiful creature, such as yourself, would desire to sit here all alone, when you should be out in the galaxy, dancing and having a good time.”

  Isis eyes trailed Apollyon’s gaze, scanning her scantily clad body. She blushed.

  “I know, let’s go dancing on Ramilsea.”

  “Apollyon, Ramilsea is at the edge of the last universe, in the eleventh dimension.”

  “And with good reason. It’s the liveliest planet in all the heavens. There’s a never-ending festival that’s been going on since the beginning of time. Now, those Ramlians really know how to throw a party.”

  Isis hesitated.

  “We could go to my planet, but I’m afraid it is not suitable for guests at this time.”

  “Apollyon, what makes you think that I would desire to go anywhere with you?”

  “Anything would be better than sitting here on this dreary, old moon.” He held out his hand.

  Isis could not deny the fact that she was completely attracted to Apollyon. He had a quiet strength and confidence about him that aroused her curiosity.

  “All right, but just this once.” Isis placed her hand in his and they vanished.

  Isis and Apollyon danced close. Their attraction was explosive. Their lips met in wild passion. Night after night, Isis and Apollyon danced and journeyed throughout the universe, returning to Iapetus only to rest.

  “Oh, Apollyon I have had so much fun. So much fun, in fact, my sisters have kindly reminded me that I have abandoned my responsibilities.

  “Speaking of your sisters, have you told them about us?” Apollyon asked.

  “No, not yet. Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious. What about Saturn? Does HE know we’ve been spending time together?”

  “I don’t believe the subject has never come up in conversation.”

  “Why are you keeping secrets from the Great Father? I hope it’s not because you are not ashamed of me.”

  Isis turned to Apollyon. “No, don’t be silly. It’s not that at all.”

  “Then why haven’t you told HIM?”

  “When it comes to matters of the heart, I doubt very much if Saturn would understand. HE’s too busy keeping law and order in the universe and assigning tasks to be bothered with the intimate details of romance.” She lifted her eyes softly to Apollyon. “You see, love and romance are not the Great Father’s strong suit. Those gifts belong to Venus.”


  Apollyon entered Venus’s palace. It was spacious, with large white marble columns trimmed in gold. He found the goddess lounging on a fringed, ornate carved chaise, sipping on nectar from a golden chalice, enjoying the melodic sounds of a harp that was playing all by itself.

  Apollyon stared at the goddess for a moment. She was breathtaking.

  “Venus, forgive the intrusion, but I really must speak with you.”

  Venus sat upright. “Apollyon, do come in. May I offer you something to eat?” She waved her hand and a buffet table of ambrosia appeared.

  “No, thank you. I come to you for advice regarding matters of the heart.”

  “I see, well sit down and tell me all about it.”

  Apollyon sat next to Venus. “I am thinking about taking a wife, but I need to know if she truly loves me.”

  “That’s easy enough.” Venus handed Apollyon her chalice. “Gaze into the nectar and you will have your answer.”

  At first Apollyon only saw his reflection, but as he continued to look on, his reflection faded and was replaced by Isis’ reflection. She was scribing his name over and over again on parchment. Then she started drawing an outline of his face.

  Apollyon could almost hear Isis’ heart calling out to him, leaving him with no doubt he had gained her love and more importantly, her trust. Everything was going according to his plan. The nectar returned to its normal state and he handed the chalice back to Venus.

  The goddess took a sip of the nectar and turned to Apollyon.

  “So you are in love with Saturn’s eldest daughter, Isis. Aren’t you ambitious? Last we spoke, you were complaining about the planet Saturn assigned to you. What’s changed?”

  “Let’s just say I decided to take your advice and breathe life where there was once death.”

  * * *

  After a night of frolicking in the universe, Isis and Apollyon relaxed on Iapetus. Apollyon looked long and deep into Isis’ eyes. He swept her long, white hair back, gaining access to her neck, and started placing tender kisses.

  “I love you, Isis,” he whispered.

  “Oh, Apollyon, I love you too.”

  Apollyon wrapped Isis in his black wings and held her close. “Isis, I should like to take you as my wife, if you will have me.”

  “Yes, Apollyon, I will tak
e you as my husband.”

  “Our union will make us as one and there shall be no secrets between us.”

  “No secrets,” Isis gasped, between the ardent kisses.

  Apollyon and Isis vanished.

  The planet Pluto was as cold and barren as Iapetus. Apollyon’s palace was grand, but in desperate need of repair. Candles illuminated the bed chamber. The room was bare, except for a round bed lined with pillows and silk bedding.

  “I know it isn’t much, but with your feminine touch, we can make this planet our home,” he said, putting his arms around Isis, kissing the nape of her neck. Apollyon swept Isis off her feet and into his arms. He carried her to the bed, where they made love.

  Lying entwined in each other's arms, gazing starry-eyed at one another, Apollyon traced the outline of Isis’ face with his fingers. He kissed her sweetly on the lips.

  “Now that I am a part of you and you are a part of me, there shall be no secrets between us.”

  “No, my love, no secrets.”

  “I’m glad to hear you say that because as husband and wife, we must trust one another completely. Tell me Isis, do you trust me?”

  “Yes, of course I do.”

  “Since we have become as one, we must also learn to share. Especially our most cherished secrets.”

  “I agree.”

  “Isis, will you share your most cherished secrets with me?”

  “Yes of course, Apollyon.”

  “Very good. Then you won’t mind telling me about the Six Forbidden Scrolls?”

  “How do you know about the scrolls?”

  “I felt a surge of power flowing throughout the universe when you inscribed the incantations onto the parchment. All I ask is to read them.”

  “What you ask is impossible. Apollyon, the scrolls are pure magick—the first words ever spoken by Saturn. I am their sole guardian. No one, not even my sisters, are allowed to look upon them, without permission from the Great Father.”

  “Am I not Saturn’s favorite god?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “Am I not your husband?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “You said there shall be no secrets between us. You said you trusted me. You agreed that we should share everything, including our most cherished secrets.” His voice was steady and calm.

  “Yes, but…”

  “Surely HE would make an exception for me…Just a quick peek. Remember, you are my wife, and there shall be no secret between us.” Apollyon’s eyes were very persuasive.

  “No secrets,” her voice dropped to a whisper. “Very well, I’ll take you to the Forbidden Scrolls, but you must promise not to speak any of the incantation or write anything down.”

  “I promise, my love. I simply want to admire the first words ever spoken by our creator.” His voice gentle and sincere.

  Isis and Apollyon arrived on Pan. With a wave of her hand, six gold cylinders materialized, floating in mid-air. Apollyon’s eager hands reached for the first canister, then the next. He spent hours studying the six scrolls until they were ingrained into his memory.

  Apollyon glanced over his shoulder at Isis. Her back was turned to him. She was too busy watching fifteen large swarming stars in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy devour the smaller ones to notice what he was up to. Apollyon racked his sharp fingernails across the palm of his left hand, breaking the skin. Blood seeped onto the papyrus of the six scrolls. A flash of energy rushed through the cylinders.

  “Blood is the seat of the soul,” Apollyon whispered. His steely eyes narrowed and darkened. He concentrated, but he could not wield the scroll’s magick.

  Damn HIM! I need a chosen one—a high priest or priestess to open HIS all-Seeing Eye. No matter, my blood is a part of the scrolls now, allowing me to possess anyone who uses them. I must be patient.

  Isis turned to Apollyon. “My love, are you finished? We really must be going.”

  “Yes, I believe I have everything I need. Saturn has such power and wisdom. HE is indeed our sovereign lord.” Apollyon said standing and bowing.

  Isis waved her hand and the six the gold cylinders vanished into shadow.


  Apollyon and his rebel gods fell to Earth in the form of powerful bolts of lightning. Hundreds of fiery meteors crashed into the four corners of the world, filling the horizon with bands of fire. Violent explosions erupted, setting entire villages ablaze, sending the tribes of man scattering and running for their lives.

  Levi, a Chief Elder, lay prostrate on the floor of Saturn’s temple, praying when a frightened group of villagers poured into the temple, seeking shelter.

  “Brother Levi, our fields and homes are being scorched by fire devils falling from the heavens! Help us!”

  The elder began praying. “Great Father…” his prayer was cut short by a glorious white light. Suddenly, a giant bird with a scarlet and gold plumage appeared. Upon its head, the bird wore a white crown with the disk of the sun in the center.

  “Tell me, priest, who is this Great Father to whom you pray?” the bird spoke.

  “I pray to Saturn, the one and only true god of Earth,” Levi said.

  “What if I told you that there are many gods?”

  “That is impossible for there is only one god,” Levi replied.

  “What if I told you that man is also a god? But Saturn has clipped your wings and made you impotent.”

  “Blasphemer!” Levi yelled.

  The giant bird gave a terrifying scream and burst into flames, turning into a pile of ash.

  Levi stood up and walked over to ashes to examine it, when suddenly the ashes began to stir. Out of the ashes rose Apollyon. His black wings fluttered. Levi fell backwards in fright. The flames continued to burn bright and rise higher.

  “Behold! I am Apollyon, the king of all gods! And I have come with a message. Saturn has deceived this world. HE is a false god and has pulled the veil over your eyes. HE keeps you in a sleepless slumber while you blindly follow HIM. Beware of HIS number, six hundred sixty-six. It is a prison. Bathe in the cleansing flames and wake up to the truth. Never again will you have to sacrifice your loved ones or drink the blood of the innocent. Follow me and live.”

  Levi was the first to walk through the burning flames. He reemerged from the other side of the flames unharmed. He laughed and cheered.

  “My eyes have seen. My mind has been set free. I am awake. I am free! Apollyon is telling the truth. Come, everyone. Come. Walk through the cleansing fire.”

  One by one the congregation marched through the ethereal flames.

  “Now that you are awake, it’s time to free others from Saturn’s bondage and tear down HIS temples and rebuild new ones in the name of the gods of your choosing,” Apollyon proclaimed.

  * * *

  Isis rushed into the grand chamber of Saturn’s throne room.

  “Elra ShBThAI (Father Saturn), Apollyon has betrayed us. He has turned the hearts of man against you. Now, man thinks of himself as a god and has instituted his own laws and religions. Your temples are being destroyed as we speak. To make matters worse, Apollyon’s band of renegade gods have taken the women of this planet as their wives and mated with them—infecting the human race with their vile seed.”

  Saturn sat silently on HIS throne, stroking HIS long white beard.

  “Father, did you not hear me?”

  “I knew Pluto would rebel,” Saturn said, breaking the silence.

  “You knew? Why didn’t you stop him?”

  “I wanted to test the hearts of mankind. It grieves me that man knows the truth, yet refuses to believe. The hearts of man has proven to be weak and easily corrupted.”

  “Father, it’s not only the hearts of man Apollyon is after, he’s planning on turning every being in the universe against you. I am afraid this is entirely my doing,” she said falling at Saturn’s feet, weeping. “I allowed Apollyon to read the Six Forbidden Scrolls. I knew it was wrong, but he said he loved me. I took him as my husband and w
e became as one,” Isis looked up at Saturn with tearful eyes. “Father, you must stop Apollyon before it’s too late.”

  “Talking about me, are you?” Apollyon said appearing.

  Isis wiped her tears. She stood upright and stretched her majestic white wings full-length. Her eyes narrowed and burned on Apollyon. She circled around him.

  “Traitor! Liar! Deceiver!” she snarled.

  “Well, if it isn’t my lovely bride,” Apollyon said, blowing a kiss in her direction.

  Isis gritted her teeth.

  “Isis, leave us,” Saturn said.

  “But Father, he lied to me. He used me...”

  “I said leave!” Saturn commanded.

  “There will come a day, Apollyon,” she snarled.

  “I look forward to it, my lady.”

  Isis vanished in a dramatic, ethereal cloud of rolling smoke.

  “Pluto, it is good to see you,” Saturn said.

  “The name is Apollyon, you pathetic excuse for a god!” he spat out. “You never loved me. Did you? That’s why you gave me that measly, cold, lifeless planet, isn’t it?”

  “I gave you the power of creation. At any time, you could have created life. It was you, who chose not to,” Saturn shot back.

  “Oh, thanks to the spells in the Six Forbidden Scrolls that Isis was so kind enough to allow me to read, I have created a world far below the Earth, deep within its core.” With a wave of his hand the floor of Saturn’s palace faded into a vast world of lakes of fire and jagged mountains. “May I present my underworld—Hades.”

  “Impressive. But you lack imagination,” Saturn mocked.

  “You’re just jealous.”

  Saturn sat back on HIS throne and crossed HIS arms. “Pluto, why have you come here?”

  “To inform you that the Golden Age is officially over, and another era has emerged. It is now the time of man.”

  “Yes, man’s rebellion has cost them their covenant with me. The fools! Now, only those who keep my laws shall reign. They will rule over the transgressors—controlling what they eat, drink, and think. My faithful shall inherit the Earth and I owe it all to you. Well done!” Saturn stood and clapped HIS hands in a thunderous applause.


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