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Eye of Saturn (The Daughters of Saturn Book 1)

Page 14

by Raso, Idalita Wright

  Tomás placed his hand on Alejandro’s shoulder. “You did the right thing by telling me, son. I know exactly how to handle this.”


  17 December. The beginning of the Winter Solstice Celebration.

  Lilith woke up in such high spirits—she took no offense when Felipe left early for work without saying goodbye. No, not even her husband’s rudeness or the troubles in her marriage could dampen her cheerful mood, because tonight launched the week long Winter Solstice celebration. A celebration she had hoped to share with Felipe. How he would have enjoyed the food and the exchanging of gifts, but that will have to wait until next year. Maybe by then, he would know her secret and Saturn would have found favor with him.

  Felipe and Zaybeth were both missing at supper. Lilith shrugged it off and instead of being angry, she offered to entertain everyone after dinner.

  Lilith sat in the front of the parlor, with her head held low in a melodramatic fashion. She drew in a deep breath and began playing an exotic melody on her guitarre. The music had an upbeat tempo and a steady, hypnotic rhythm. The music was the embodiment of Andalusia—bold, passionate, seductive, and dramatic.

  The melody resounded throughout the manor, arousing the curiosity of the servants. They stopped what they were doing and gathered around the parlor to listen to the captivating music.

  As the song’s moving melody intensified, it began to stir up long forgotten emotions, and moved many to tears, including Tomás.

  Eduardo took Gertrudis by the hand and they danced. Other servants joined the couple, dancing in the parlor and the great hall.

  Maria closed her eyes and relaxed. Slowly the hypnotic rhythm had whisked her to a faraway place, where Ely was still alive and they were happily married. He gazed lovingly into her eyes, pulling her close. Their lips locked in a passionate kiss. This is so real. Maria’s mind screamed.

  The music had a dramatic ending. Lilith received an emotional standing ovation. She looked up, hoping to see Felipe standing there clapping, but he was not there. She concealed her disappointment, hiding behind by a deep seated smile. She stood and took a bow.

  Francisca ran to Lilith, hugging and kissing her on the cheek. “Lilith, that was simply enchanting.”

  “Thank you, Francisca, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now, if everyone would excuse me, I’m going to retire for the evening.” She kissed her in-laws goodnight.

  Lilith knew Felipe would not return until late, which meant he would never know she was gone. Once inside her bedchamber, Lilith readied herself for the solstice celebration and transformed into the High Priestess. Her dress fell to the ground and enormous black wings sprouted out from her shoulder blades. In her right hand appeared the rod and ring of Sumerian royal authority. A gold, stepped crown appeared on her head and the bird of wisdom swopped down from the heavens, landing at her feet. The magnificent owl waived its head. Lilith’s serpent materialized, coiling itself around her waist.

  “We are here to serve you, Elidaelohim,” the snake hissed.

  * * *

  Lilith joined the Daughters of Saturn outside the shrine, hovering high above the colossal statue of Saturn. She prayed before the faithful worshipers with outstretched arms.

  “In this season of death, we call upon you, O, Lord Saturn, the dark sun. Great Father of death, destruction, and decay, we call to you and ask that you bless your temple. This is your time, Father. This is your season. Rule as you did in the Golden Age.”

  Saturn worshipers stretched forth their hands to the sky and gave thanks to their loved ones for sacrificing their lives, so they may reap a good harvest. Worshipers and musicians cheered, marking the first day of the seven day festival honoring the god Saturn and the winter solstice. The next three nights, scores of worshipers brought chests filled with corn, grain, and gold coins to the foot of the statue, giving thanks.

  * * *

  23 December. Nighttime at the Temple of Saturn. The last day of the winter solstice celebration.

  Males, cloaked in purple hooded robes, danced in and around the statue of Saturn to rhythmic tribal drums, while married females dressed in blue hooded robes, placed brightly-colored wrapped gifts at the foot of the statue. Female virgins, robed in green, stood at the temple entrance handing each celebrant boughs of holly tied with red ribbons. In turn, male virgins handed all married female worshipers small, hand carved wooden dolls, representing the souls of the children and loved ones sacrificed throughout the year to Saturn.

  Nashiema, Abraham, Gabriel, and Licia also exchanged gifts with one another. Afterwards, everyone feasted on exotic meats and fruits. Once everyone had their fill, Obadiah, who wore a gold robe, stood high on the temple stairs. He banged a gong three times and immediately all the musicians ceased playing. A single drumbeat echoed, signaling to the worshipers to follow the elders, who were dressed in silver robes into the main sanctuary.

  The congregation gathered and stretched forth their hands to those standing next to them and prayed for their loved ones who have been sacrificed to Saturn. Lilith and the Daughters of Saturn appeared, hovering high above the temple. Male worshipers gave female worshipers dolls, representing the souls of children and loved ones sacrificed throughout the year to Saturn in exchange for the boughs of holly. Nashiema, Abraham, Gabriel, and Licia also exchanged gifts with one another. After the gift exchange, the worshipers feasted on exotic meats and fruits.

  Once everyone had their fill, the temple’s Chief Elder, Obadiah, dressed in a gold robe, stood high on the temple stairs. He banged a gong three times and immediately all the musicians stopped playing. A single drumbeat echoed in the night, signaling to the worshipers to follow the elders, who were dressed in silver robes into the sanctuary.

  Once inside the temple, the congregation gathered and extended their hands to those closest to them and prayed for their loved ones who have been sacrificed to Saturn. Lilith and the Daughters of Saturn appeared, hovering high above the temple.

  Isis stretched forth her hands and spoke to the congregation. “Let us reclaim the power of the blood. Bring forth the moon virgins.”

  Temple elders led fifteen naked, menstruating virgins up the stairs to the center of the temple. The elders gave the young women necklaces made of rubies, blue sapphires, and green emeralds, signifying the days of menses, and days of ovulation.

  “Women, you do not bleed in vain. Your bloodshed serves as a reminder of your covenant with Father Saturn. Your blood has made your lands fertile and healed the sick,” Isis said.

  Everyone applauded.

  “The time has come to choose the Winter Solstice King and Queen. Together, the king and queen represent Mother Earth and Father Saturn,” Asira announced.

  “The Solstice King must be brave, strong, loyal, and fair-minded. The Winter Solstice Queen must be pure, and like the king, the queen must be loyal and fair-minded,” Lilith proclaimed.

  * * *

  Gabriel was too busy watching the elders select the Winter Solstice Queen from the fifteen virgins to notice that Lilith and Dusana had chosen him as the Winter Solstice King. Gabriel’s eyes followed Obadiah as he crowned the virgin and escorted the leggy brunette to the altar.

  Gabriel’s heart raced as a hand rested on his left shoulder. Slowly, he turned his head. There, he saw Lilith standing behind him, smiling, holding a thorny crown made of holly. Next, he felt an icy hand touch his right shoulder. He turned his head and there was Dusana holding up a white robe. Lilith placed a stepped crown upon his head, similar to the one worn by Lilith, while Dusana draped the robe around his body.

  Lilith and Dusana locked their arms tightly in the crooks of Gabriel’s arm and flew him around the temple, hovering above the celebrants.

  Worshipers rejoiced, celebrating the newly crowned Solstice King.

  “Hail Gabriel! Hail Gabriel! Hail Gabriel!”

  Lilith and Dusana flew Gabriel over to the altar, placing him in front of the Solstice Queen. Gabriel kneeled before the virgin. She spread
her legs wide and he buried his head in her womanhood.

  The temple elders escorted the other virgins around the altar. Obadiah brought six gold chalices from behind the altar, handing them to the elders as Asira brought forth a jug of wine. The elders wasted no time filling gold chalices with wine mixed with the menstrual blood of the virgins and handed it to the worshipers.

  “Sapirla ne’kab vitoar zop’kab shael!” (Blood is the seat of the soul!) Lilith and the Daughters of Saturn chanted.

  “Father Saturn is a generous God! There is plenty for all, giving us eternal giving gifts,” Isis said.

  “We praise you, Father Saturn,” Dusana said.

  Obadiah and the temple elders faced to the east with the chalices filled with the wine and menstrual blood mixture. Their hands, palms touching, held above their head with their heads thrown back, tracing the hexagram of Saturn with the chalice. They turned to the south to the west and to the north tracing the hexagram of Saturn.

  Obadiah faced to the east again. He outstretched his arms and prayed silently for a moment. He lifted his head and began speaking.

  “The blood of the moon virgins is our most sacred resource. It has the power to heal and replenish our lands. May the moon virgins’ blood bring fertility and prosperity for the New Year.”

  Obadiah held up his chalice. “I call upon the power of the goddess in all women.” He placed the chalice, filled with the menstrual blood to his lips and took a sip.

  The temple elders took a sip of the blood-wine mixture and passed the chalices to each of the celebrants.

  Isis hovered in midair, facing the east. She traced Saturn’s hexagram with a scythe she held in her left hand. A gold cylinder resting inside a reredos, which was mounted high up in the wall behind the altar floated through the air and hovered before Isis. The cylinder lid opened and a scroll unfolded.

  “I evoke the Gatekeepers! Sazlij, Agios, Sedul, Sother, Veduij, Sabaot, Sove, Amonzion, Adoij, Helohim, Jaho, Veritas, Jehovah, Kawa, Alha, Natos, unbind our god and open the doorway. Let Saturn appear before HIS faithful in human form!” Isis said, reading from the scroll.

  A massive hexagon-shaped hurricane swirled on the north pole of the planet Saturn, emitted intense golden rays of heavenly light into the temple through the skylight, immersing the virgins in an aura of divine light.

  The Daughters of Saturn and Lilith chanted in unison.

  “We conjure the doorway between our worlds, Father Saturn. Unbind our Father, Gatekeepers, so HE shall walk among us.”

  “Come to your faithful, Father Saturn. Unbind HIM Gatekeepers and let Father Saturn come to HIS daughters,” Dusana said.

  “Open the doorway and cross into this world. Come, Father Saturn! Come!” Asira said, reading from the scroll.

  Unearthly wailing and moaning reverberated through the temple shadows. Heavy footsteps shook the floor of sanctuary. Saturn, cloaked in a sheer, black robe resembling a funeral shroud, holding a scythe, walked among the worshipers.

  The worshipers kneeled and touched the earth, chanting.

  Gabriel felt a deep chill move past him. He tore his blood-soaked mouth from between the virgin’s legs, hoping to see the Great Father. His searching eyes caught only a glimpse of the deity’s black cloaked before the god ascended into an unworldly light.


  Christmas Eve.

  The de Hayos household was brimming with excitement—servants polished silverware and adorned the dining table with expensive Spanish laced linens and crystal. The sweet scent of freshly-baked bread and roasted lamb cooking in the kitchen permeated the entire house with a mouth-watering aroma.

  Gertrudis showed Lilith how to make turrón, Felipe’s favorite Christmas almond nougat candy, marzipan, and polvorones (shortbread cookies). Lilith was a quick study and impressed Gertrudis.

  Francisca sat Lilith down and explained the meaning of Christmas and the nativity scene.

  Lilith smiled and listened attentively as her mother-in-law read scriptures from the Gospel of Matthew. She marveled at how similar the Christmas celebration was to her god Saturn’s winter solstice festivities—the exchanging of gifts, the feasts.

  How odd that this Jesus, the Christian savior, was born during the winter solstice, a season of death. The very word Christmas translates to Christ death. Lilith thought.

  “What a lovely story, Francisca. Tell me, do you believe in angels?” Lilith asked, curiously.

  “Oh, yes. Angels are God’s messengers.”

  “Interesting,” Lilith said.

  “Señora, dinner is almost ready,” Gertrudis said as she entered the room.

  “Thank you Gertrudis… Lilith, since you are a part of this family now, we have certain traditions.”

  Lilith noticed Francisca had let a tear slip from her eye.

  “Are you all right, Francisca?”

  “I’m sorry Lilith. I was thinking about my daughter Victoria, who would have been around your age, if had she lived.”

  Lilith reached for Francisca’s hand.

  “Lilith, I think of you as my daughter, now. It’s as if God has given me a second chance.”

  Lilith hugged Francisca.

  “It is time to place the nativity scene at the head of the great hall. If you could give me hand? Take that end and I’ll take this one.”

  The ladies carried the large manger to the head of the hall and placed it in the exact same spot where it had been placed for the past twenty Christmases.

  Lilith took a step back and looked at Francisca for approval.

  “It’s perfect, just perfect, Lilith.”

  * * *

  Felipe peered down the stairs. Everyone was busy preparing the manor for Christmas, giving him the perfect opportunity to put his plan into action. He eased into his parents’ room, which was just at the top of the stairs. He turned the handle and slipped inside the room.

  “Ouch!” Felipe silently cried out after tripping over an ottoman that sat in the middle of the darkened sitting room. Quickly, he covered his mouth. His right knee throbbed in pain. Felipe wanted to let out a whimper, but dared not make another sound. Instead, he rubbed his pounding knee until the stinging went away.

  Standing upright, Felipe hobbled at first, his legs and knee still trying to recover from the hard fall. Angrily, Felipe shoved the ottoman out of his way. He cautiously scanned the room for more potentially hazardous objects. Seeing the path was clear, Felipe headed into the main bedchamber, to the colossal wall portrait of his family.

  Felipe looked into the eyes of his father’s likeness, recalling the first time his father had shown him what was hidden behind the mammoth piece of artwork—he was just eight years old.

  “Do you know what is behind this painting Felipe?” his father asked

  “No, Papa,” Felipe replied.

  “Behind this painting lies a secret passageway that leads to our family fortune.”

  Felipe spat into the palms of his hands, placing them on the side and bottom of the elaborate, gilded frame and tried to lift the massive painting from its mounting. He pulled up and lifted. Straining, his arms began to shake. He took a deep breath and tried again, but no matter how Felipe’s muscles bulged and strained, the painting would not budge. His memory reverted back to how effortlessly his father had removed it.

  Perspiration dripped from Felipe’s forehead. Catching his breath, he rubbed his sweaty brow with the back of his sleeve. He rubbed his damp palms on his breeches. Finally, he took a deep breath, gritting his teeth, and firmly grasped the side and bottom of the frame again, this time he wasn’t giving up. His muscles ripped and bulged, his nostrils flared, his breathing became labored. With all his might, the colossal painting lifted from its mounting.

  Using the wall and his upper thigh as leverage, Felipe glided the massive painting down the wall to the floor. Winded, Felipe bent over and rested a moment. Once he regained his strength, he slid the painting out of his way.

  Felipe thought back to wha
t his father told him.

  “There are three concealed grooves in the wall, hiding the passageway,” Tomás said. “Now, close your eyes, Felipe, and let your fingertips do all the work. Once you find the indentations, place your thumb, index and middle finger on them and press hard at the same time. See, like this.”

  Felipe closed his eyes and allowed his fingertips to gently trail along the sides of the wall. There, he found the three indentations in the wall. He pressed his thumb, index, and middle finger simultaneously into the groove. The once solid wall jerked and slid open, revealing a dark cobwebbed passageway. Felipe smiled.

  He remembered his father’s words.

  “In case something should happen to me, you are the eldest and it will be your responsibility to take care of your mother and brother. Felipe, I am entrusting you with the key to our family’s fortune.”

  Felipe walked down three crudely-hewn, stone stairs to a passageway. He brushed back cobwebs from his face and took a torch off the wall, dipping it in oil from a nearby pail. Finding a long wooden match on along a ledge, Felipe struck the match against the stone wall, and ignited the torch. The bright flame illuminated a narrow hall.

  He proceeded down the corridor, to a thick black, metal door. He reached behind his back and snatched a neatly folded knapsack from his waistband, throwing it over his left shoulder.

  Felipe put his hand inside his front pocket and pulled out a key. He stared at the key. He had never stolen anything before—did he have the nerve? Could he actually steal his father’s gold, leave his wife, and runaway with Zaybeth?

  “Come on Felipe, you can do this,” he said to himself.

  He only needed enough gold for food, clothing, and shelter, until he found work. His father would never miss the gold—he had plenty of it. Felipe’s heart raced as he put the key in the lock. He was just about to turn the key, when loud noises coming from above caught him by surprise. The commotion followed by what sounded like heavy furniture being dragged, doors slamming, and voices.


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