Turned Out Nice Again
Page 46
Rivington Moor, 87
Roadhouse, Johnny, 136
Robey, George, 9, 17
Robinson, Eric, 134, 160
Robinson, Jethro, 5
Rochdale by-election, 163
rock and roll, 106–8, 128
Rock Around the Clock, 107
‘Rock Bottom’, 161
Rodgers, John, 81–2
Rodgers, Richard, 169, 197
Rogers, Brian, 285, 293–4
Rogers, Eric, 113, 134
Rogers, Ginger, 268
Rogers, Ted, 252, 302
Rolling Stones, 176–7
Roly Polys, 260
Rooney, Mickey, 74
Roper, Rex, 11
Ros, Edmundo, 125
Roscoe, Frank, 147
Rose, Billy, 125
Rosencrantz, Claudia, 351
Ross, W.G., 7
Rothwell, Talbot, 61
Round the Horne, 128, 196, 206
Roundabout, 129
Routh, Jonathan, 144
Roy, Derek, 47
Royal Albert Hall, 158–9, 200, 233, 302
Royal Festival Hall, 157
Royal Variety Performances, 16–18, 138–40, 142, 152, 264
Rudd, Lewis, 270
Running Wild, 147–50
Rushton, Willie, 167–9, 171, 179, 207, 346
Russell, Fred (Russ Carr), 12, 18
Ryan, Christopher, 330
Ryan, Marion, 98, 243
Sachs, Leonard, 137
Sahl, Mort, 162
‘Sailing’, 239
Saint, The, 153
St Clair, Isla, 287, 305
St George’s Hall, 26, 29, 34, 52
Sale of the Century, 339
Salmon, Peter, 324
satellite television, 323
satellites, 127, 347
satire, 161–72
Saturday Club, 128
Saturday Live, 332
Saturday Night Live, 252
Saturday Night People, 223
Saturday Special, 195
Saturday Spectacular, 254
Saunders, Jennifer, 328–9, 332
Savile, Jimmy, 129, 178
Jim’ll Fix It, 73, 282–3, 332–4, 345
Saville Theatre, 32
Savoy Orpheans, 23
Savundra, Emil, 193
Sayle, Alexei, 327–30
Scene at Six-Thirty, 214, 244
Schlesinger, John, 100
Scholten, Teddy, 156
Scoffield, Jon, 264, 299–301
Scoop, 346–7
Scotch and Wry, 100
Scott, Mike, 244
Scott, Robin, 130
Scott, Selina, 295
Scottish Television, 85, 100, 117, 182, 226, 264, 266, 339
Search for a Star, 293
Sears, Bryan, 56, 65, 147
seaside resorts, 248–9
Secombe, Harry, 52–3, 55, 78, 116, 154, 241
Second World War, 18, 28, 79
and broadcasting, 33–7, 49
and theatre producers, 43
Secret Life of Walter Mitty, The, 74
Sellers, Peter, 44, 48, 52–3, 69, 78, 93, 97, 154, 241
Selsdon, Lord, 31
Sesame Street, 252
session musicians, 134–5, 211
Seven Menorcas, the, 32
Seven Volants, the, 11
Shadwell, Charlie, 37
Shaffer, Peter, 280
Shand, Neil, 193, 209, 246
Shandling, Garry, 332
Shapiro, Helen, 174
Sharman, John, 26–7
Shaw, Sandie, 158, 196
Shawn, Dick, 96
Shayler, David, 347
‘She Wants to Dance with Me’, 348
Shearer, Paul, 332
Sheffield Empire, 70
‘Sheila Take a Bow’, 347
Shepherd, Miss, 16
Shepherd’s Bush Empire, 72–3, 88
Sherrin, Ned, 165–8, 170–1
Shields, Ella, 9
Shirley, Lloyd, 270
Shoenberg, Isaac, 30
Shoreditch Royal Cambridge, 13
Shorey, Len, 157, 188
Show Boat, 297
Show Called Fred, A, 93
Sieveking, Lance, 25, 122
Silhouettes, 72, 133
Simon, Neil, 94, 189
Simpson, Alan, 56–7, 95, 121, 131, 170, 179
Sinatra, Frank, 77
‘Sing Little Birdie’, 157
singer-based shows, 189–203
Singing in the Rain, 237
Singleton, Valerie, 323
Six Five Special, 107–8, 118, 146, 173
Skiffle Club, 128
Skinner, Frank, 347
Skues, Keith, 130
Slattery, Tony, 332
Sleep, Wayne, 232
Sloan, Tom, 118–20, 132, 208, 210, 227, 283, 294
and Eurovision Song Contest, 157–9
Small Faces, 175
Smith, Godfrey, 86
Smith, Maggie, 67
Smith, Mel, 335
Smith, Mike, 315
Smith, Paul, 198, 285, 288–9, 351
Smith, Richard, 315
Smiths, The, 347
SMTV, 353
Solomon, Philip and Dorothy, 266
Some Mothers Do ’Ave ’Em, 160
Sommerfield, Teddy, 141, 206, 275
song pluggers, 114
Songs from the Shows, 27
South Pacific, 66, 237
Southern Television, 85, 169, 190
Speight, Johnny, 148, 170, 198
Spice Girls, 352
Spikey, Dave, 349
Spitting Image, 327–8, 331
Spot the Tune, 98, 225, 243
Sprague, W.G.R., 72
Springfield, Dusty, 198–9, 202, 308
Stafford, Jo, 153
Stand Easy, 36
Standing, Michael, 52, 292
Stanley, Charles Orr, 83–4, 86
Stapleton, Cyril, 52
Starlight, 67, 115
Starr, Freddie, 264, 267
Stars and Garters, 178–80, 246
Stars In Their Eyes, 325–7
Steele, Tommy, 97, 146, 154
Steeples, Joe, 208
Stenfalt, Norman, 135
Stephens, Larry, 95
Steptoe and Son, 131, 238, 240
stereo recording, 30
Stevens, Cat, 208
Stevens, Ronnie, 112
Stewart, Gloria, 290
Stewart, James, 195, 220
Stewart, Johnnie, 178, 207–8
Stewart, Rod, 133, 239
Stewart, William G., 117, 133, 193–4, 271, 298–304
Stilgoe, Richard, 346
Stokes, Donald, 191
Stoll, Sir Oswald, 6, 15–16, 18–20, 27, 72, 85, 97
Stoll Moss group, 155
Stone, Christopher, 27
Stone, Richard, 272
Stoneham, Harry, 218, 220
Stoppard, Tom, 280
Stratton, Eugene, 7
Stravinsky, Igor, 195–6
Street, John, 270
Street-Porter, Janet, 223
Streisand, Barbra, 265
Stribling-Wright, Gill, 306–8
Strictly Come Dancing, 353
Strike It Lucky, 341
studio audiences, 73, 304
Suez crisis, 163
‘Summertime’, 219
Sunday Night at the London Palladium, 135, 138, 145, 149, 238, 304, 308, 335
‘Beat the Clock’ interlude, 96, 227
and change of host, 112–13, 155
demise, 249, 252
with Tommy Trinder, 96–7, 111–13
Sunshine Boys, The, 217
Surprise Surprise, 73, 305–7
Surrey Music Hall, 2
Sutherland, Muir, 141
Sutton Coldfield transmitter, 65, 69
Sutton, Randolph, 226
‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’, 160
Syd Lawrence Orchestra, 2
Sykes, Eric, xii, 56–7, 95, 97, 170, 271
Symons, Nick, 334
Take a Letter, 243
Take It From Here, 45–6, 69, 285
Take Your Pick, 91, 174, 224
Tales of the Unexpected, 339
Talk of the Town, The, 94–5
Talk of the Town cabaret restaurant, 124–6
Tarbuck, Jimmy, xii, 242, 268, 308–9
alternative comedy and, 327–8, 334–5
Tarrant, Chris, 351
Tarri, Suzette, 261
Tate, Harry, 18, 20
Taylor, Elizabeth, 154, 219
Taylor, Ronnie, 49, 138, 144, 147
teenagers, 107
advent of, 29–34
and advertising, 81–2, 88–9, 169, 339
breakfast, 223
colour, 153–4, 180, 183, 231–2, 274
commercial, 81–102, 163, 183, 338
and Coronation, 65–6
and decline of music halls, 79
definition, 29–30, 117, 154, 180, 183
and general elections, 82, 172
growth of, 65
increasing professionalism, 131–3
post-war reopening, 57–8, 183
potential audience, 205
ratings, 89, 98–9, 106, 224
regulation of, 163, 165
and specialist producers, 58–62, 65, 72
studios, 63–4, 72–3
and Thatcherite reforms, 337–8
‘Toddlers’ Truce’, 107
and wartime, 39–40
Television Act, 84, 165
Television House, 110, 176
television licences, 57, 127, 205
Television South (TVS), 338–40
Television Toppers, 62, 72, 106, 133
‘Television Is Here’, 31
Tell Me Pretty Maidens, 66
Telly Addicts, 318
Ternent, Billy, 47
Terry, Clark, 187
Terry and June, 331
Terry-Thomas (Thomas Terry Hoar-Stevens), 60–1, 215
Tesler, Brian, 66–9, 71–3, 102, 106, 115, 147
and Ask Pickles, 277–8
executive career, 140–5
joins ATV, 108–12, 138
and LWT, 270–1, 275–7, 295, 339–40
and Thames Television, 192, 270, 274–5
and World of Sport, 205–6, 278
Tess and Bill, 40–1, 43
Thames Television, 244
and Benny Hill, 271
Brian Tesler and, 192, 270, 274–5
and franchise rounds, 191–2, 196, 292, 339–40
and Morecambe and Wise, 238–9
Thank Your Lucky Stars, 173
That Was the Week That Was (TW3), 161, 165, 167–72, 256, 331
Thatcher, Margaret, 239, 265, 333, 337–8
Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 2, 4
Theatres Regulation Act, 3–4
Theatrical and Music-Hall Operatives Union, 16
‘There Is Nothing Like a Dame’, 237
Thigpen, Ed, 187
Third Division, 52
Third Man, The, 171
‘This Guy’s in Love with You’, 211
This Is the BBC, 137
This Is Your Life, 168, 206, 272–5, 329, 348
This Week, 93
Thomas, Howard, 85, 140–2, 144–5, 154, 192, 275–6
Thompson, Emma, 332
Thomson, John, 344
Thomson, Roy, 182
Three of a Kind, 238–9
Thursday Startime, 135
Tierney, Roy, 174
Tiller Girls, 96, 104
Tilley, John, 77
Tilley, Vesta, 9
Time Gentlemen Please, 178–9
Timothy, Andrew, 54
Tinniswood, Peter, 168
Tiswas, 277
Titheradge, Peter, 129
Today, 272
Todman, Bill, 67
Together Again, 40
Tonight, 105, 107, 165, 167, 254
Took, Barry, 52, 106, 128, 196
Top Gear, 313
Top of the Pops, 177–8, 207, 211, 239, 244, 282–3
Tormé, Mel, 97, 188
Towers, Harry Alan, 85
Townshend, Pete, 222
Tracey, Stan, 54, 187
Trafalgar Square, 39
Train, Jack, 36
Trent, Jackie, 206
trick cyclists, 11
Trieste, 66
Trinder, Tommy, xii, 57, 96, 112
Tryon, Rt Hon, G.C., 31
Tubbs, Ralph, 87
Tuohy, Denis, 183
Turner, Grahame, 270
TV-am, 223, 337–8
Twenty One, 98
Twenty Questions, 29, 67
Twist, the, 166
Two Ronnies, The, 160, 279–82, 329
Tyler, Bonnie, 251–2
Tyne Tees Television, 76, 142, 341
Ullman, Tracey, 332
Ulster Television, 85
Valentine, Dickie, 97
Van Damm, Sheila, 78
Van Damm, Vivian, 77–8
van de Ende, Joop, 325
van Doren, Charles, 98
Variety Artists’ Federation, 14–15, 149
Variety Bandbox, 47–8
variety clubs, 240–9, 349
Vaughan Frankie, 9, 154, 226, 282
Vaughan, Norman, 155, 226
Vaughan, Sarah, 96
ventriloquists, 46–7
Vere, John, 121
Verrell, Ronnie, 211, 252
Very Important Person, 101
Vicar of Dibley, The, 118
Victoria, Queen, 65–6
Victoria, Vesta, 8
Victoria Palace, 4, 18, 40, 74, 123, 138
Video Entertainers, The, 247
Vietnam, 164
Vosburgh, Dick, 264
Vyvyan, Johnny, 121
Waddington, David, 338
Wainer, Cherry, 108
‘Wait Until the Work Comes Around’, 14–15
Waldman, Ronnie, 27, 62–3, 102–4, 107, 117, 119, 132
and BBC salaries, 109–10
and Bill Cotton, 106, 114–15
and Black and White Minstrel Show, 122–3
and Brian Tesler, 66–9, 106
and Ernest Maxin, 71–2
his legacy, 336, 344
and Morecambe and Wise, 147
and This Is Your Life, 273
Wale, Michael, 208
Walker, Roy, 247
Walker, Syd, 34–5
Wall, Max, 255–6
Wallis, Shani, 174
Walton, Herbert C., 60
Ward, Bill, 60, 87–8, 102, 111, 114, 141, 225
Waring, Eddie, 234, 237
Warriss, Ben, 149
Warter, Sir Philip, 85, 192
Waterhouse, Keith, 167, 170, 179
Watt, John, 26–9, 35
Wattis, Richard, 116
We Have Ways of Making You Laugh, 195
‘We Plough the Fields and Scatter’, 347
Weakest Link, The, 352
Webster, Ben, 187
Wee Willie Harris, 108
Weinstock, Arnold, 191
Welch, Leslie, 88
Welch, Racquel, 278
Welles, Orson, 215–16
Welsh, Alex, 184
Wenham, Brian, 221, 328
Wenvoe transmitter, 65
Weston’s Music Hall, 4
Westward Television, 85
Westwood, Paul, 309
Wham!!, 140
‘What Do You Think of the Irish Now?’, 13
What the Public Wants, 164–5
What’s My Line, 62, 67–8, 73, 86, 164, 273, 310, 329, 352
What’s New Pussycat, 244
Wheel, ‘Checker’, 11
Wheeler, Jimmy, 40
Wheeltappers and Shunters Social Club, The, 245–7, 310, 349
Where Do I Sit?, 213–14
White Coons Concert Party, The, 33
hitehill, Mike, 351
Whitehouse, Brian, 158, 283
Whitehouse, Paul, 349
Whitelaw, Billie, 49, 206
Whiteley, Richard, 222
Whitfield, June, 46, 95
Whitmore, Peter, 258
Whitmore, Richard, 237
Who, 222
Who Do You Do?, 264
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, 351–2
Whose Line Is It Anyway?, 346
Wickham, Vicki, 176
Wilcox, Herbert, 25
Wilde, Marty, 108, 248
Wilder, Rosalyn, 124–5
Willes, Peter, 93
Williams, Andy, 348
Williams, Charlie, 227, 244
Williams, Cissie, 18
Williams, Kenneth, 100, 128, 250
Williams, Tennessee, 70
Willis, Bobby, 305–7
Willox, Roy, 186
Wills, John Spencer, 191–2
Wilmut, Roger, 53
Wilson, Dennis Main, 53–4, 132
Wilson, Harold, 127, 185, 239, 269
Wilson, Keppel and Betty, 11
Wilton, John, 4
Wilton, Nick, 331
Wilton, Robb, 37, 95
Wimbledon Operatic Society, 290
Winder, Edward, 2
Windmill Theatre, 77–9, 112, 253
Windsor, Barbara, 279
Winifred Atwell Show, 148
Winn, Anona, 29
Winnick, Maurice, 85–6
Winters, Mike and Bernie, 99, 145–6, 150, 152–3, 256, 334
Wisdom, Norman, 62
Wise, Ernie, 1, 26, 146–53, 216, 231–40, 243
Wogan, Terry, 223–4, 259, 294, 312, 351, 353
Wolfson, Isaac, 85–6
Wood, Duncan, 65, 120–1
Wood, Victoria, 277, 328
Wood Green Empire, 11, 87–9, 108, 111, 135, 149, 311
Woods, Peter, 237
Woolton, Lord, 82
Woolwich Granada, 243
Worker, The, 285
Workers’ Playtime, 47
World of Sport, 195, 205–6, 274, 278
Worsley, Arthur, 47
Worth, Harry, 110–11, 138, 185
Wylson, Oswald, 5
Wyman, Lawrie, 147
X Factor, The, 352
Yakety Yak, 110
Yallop, David, 19
Yarwood, Mike, 236, 238–40, 265–6, 279
Yates, Paula, 292
Yesterday’s Men, 224
York, Michael, 222
Yorkshire Television, 190, 242–4, 256, 258, 270, 339, 341
You Bet, 325, 341
‘Your Tiny Hand is Frozen’, 283
You’re Only Young Once, 147
Young at Heart, 111
Young Generation, 352
Young Ones, The, 327–32, 334
Youth Takes a Bow, 26, 146
Zahl, Hymie, 41, 43
Zavaroni, Lena, 266
Ziegler, Anne, 228
Without the help of a great number of people, this book would have been a lot shorter. First and foremost, I must thank the producers, executives, performers and writers who gave me their time and recollections: Elkan Allan, John Ammonds, Stanley Baxter, Alan Boyd, Bernie Clifton, Sir Bill Cotton, Jack Duncan, Noel Edmonds, Harold Fisher, John Fisher, Eric Geen, Richard Greenough, Johnnie Hamp, Terry Henebery, Steve Jones, John Kaye-Cooper, Jan Kennedy, Michael Leggo, David Liddiment, Yvonne Littlewood, Don Lusher, Ernest Maxin, Jim Moir, Stewart Morris, Roger Ordish, Jack Parnell, Marcus Plantin, Peter Prichard, Paul Smith, William G. Stewart, Brian Tesler and Rosalyn Wilder. Thanks are also due to David Clayton, Barry Cryer, Haldane Duncan, Colin Godman, Roy Holliday, Don Lawson, Jon Thoday and Big George Webley for other professional insights.