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Ghost Legion

Page 9

by Andreas Christensen

  The seven all stood at attention, and in the flickering light of burning torches, Ethan understood why the fresh recruits stared in awe. It was a moment of almost religious significance, and only the crickets in the background broke the near total silence. When Decurion Schwartz came to stand at attention in front of them, he winked at Ethan. Tougher than most, and apparently a cold-hearted bastard, the decurion didn´t fool Ethan. This man loved his recruits and would take a bullet for any of them. On each side of the recruits, Optios Morales and Walker stood just as stiffly, waiting for what was next.

  Finally, Adjunct Lyons, the fabled commander of boot camp, a veteran of the Lumin War, stepped onto the podium. He tapped the microphone in front of him, before he spoke to them.

  "Recruits of the Ghost Legion. I stand before you tonight with pride in my heart. For this is not just a night of rebirth, with seven new legionnaires being born. Tonight is special for another reason as well. Never before, since the Legion began training their own recruits from scratch, have a single batch of recruits yielded more than five full legionnaires. In a truly remarkable feat, you have broken this record, and before us tonight stand seven recruits ready to take the oath, to be reborn as legionnaires." He paused and looked at each and every one of them in turn.

  "Long ago, when the Ghost Legion was formed, legionnaires were viewed with suspicion by the regular forces, and our civilian leadership only accepted us because we were a necessary evil. We did the dirty work, leaving the glory for others to take. That has changed. Today, the Legion spearheads the regular forces. We do what everyone else deems impossible. Again and again. And how is this possible? Let me tell you why. This is possible because we train our legionnaires harder and more thorough than any other branch of service. And through this training, which is far from over by the way, legionnaires improve their odds of surviving the impossible, of tackling the most difficult of assignments. And when everything goes south, when plans fail and missions break down, the legionnaire will improvise, adapt and overcome any situation. That is what is expected of you, that is what we train you for. So, are you ready to take the oath?"

  "Yes sir!" the seven recruits said in unison. Adjunct Lyons smiled briefly, before his face returned to his regular mask of stone.

  "Repeat after me: Today I swear my oath,"

  "Today I swear my oath," the seven recruits repeated.

  "To serve the Ghost Legion, to the best of my ability,"

  "To serve the Ghost Legion, to the best of my ability,"

  "On Earth, or in the furthest corners of the universe,"

  "On Earth, or in the furthest corners of the universe,"

  "To obey my superiors, and defend my comrades,"

  "To obey my superiors, and defend my comrades,"

  "To always put the mission first, even when it puts my life at risk,"

  "To always put the mission first, even when it puts my life at risk,"

  "To serve the Legion for as long as deemed necessary,"

  "To serve the Legion for as long as deemed necessary,"

  "To always honor our motto,"

  "To always honor our motto,"

  "Legio Patria Nostra."

  "Legio Patria Nostra." The legion is our Fatherland

  Then the commanding officer stepped down from the podium and approached them. He stopped in front of Antonio.

  "Legionnaire Avila," The adjunct announced, and held out a black beret. Antonio took it with both hands and put it on his head. Then he saluted the adjunct, who saluted him back before he walked over to Jamila.

  "Legionnaire Okhoa," he said. Adjunct Lyons repeated this with every one of them, until all seven wore the black berets of the Ghost Legion. The adjunct returned to the podium.

  "Congratulations legionnaires. You are now reborn into the Legion, as brothers and sisters, as family. I will now list your postings, and you will immediately present yourself to the instructor responsible."

  "Legionnaires Green and Avila, you will proceed to Cavalry training, and will follow Optio Morales." Antonio and Eileen immediately followed Morales away, and Ethan didn´t even meet Eileeen´s eye as she left. This was no time for reflection though, as Adjunct Lyons immediately continued.

  "Legionnaire Brooke, you are to follow Optio Walker to Technical Services." Julian turned and smiled to the others. He mouthed a quiet "Good luck" to Ariel and Ethan, before he turned away and followed Walker.

  "Legionnaires Chambers, Ishmael, Okhoa, and Wang, you will follow Decurion Schwartz to infantry training. Good luck to you all." Ethan nodded. He had expected as much, since infantry comprised the largest part of the Legion. The four of them quickly followed the decurion, who looked at his watch.

  "Alright, legionnaires. We have ten minutes before the LEO plane leaves. Follow me," he said.

  "What about our stuff?" Ariel asked.

  "Leave everything. You won´t need any of it where we´re going," the decurion replied with a grin on his face.

  Part Three


  Ethan´s second time flying a LEO plane was as grueling as he remembered from the first time. Ariel seemed to cope better though, and actually smiled as they became weightless. The plane was nearly empty, save for Ethan, Ariel, Jamila, Malika and Decurion Schwartz who sat in front with an Optio Ethan hadn´t seen before. It seemed he would be with them for their advanced training. Also, a few others, who looked like veterans judging by their ribbons and just their general looks, sat in front, just behind the NCOs.

  He already missed Julian, but he also knew Julian had spoken to Decurion Schwartz about the possibility of getting advanced tech training. He also had the aptitude for it, being top of his class in math and physics. But at least Ariel was still there with him.

  The LEO plane dove quickly upon reentry, and, for a moment, Ethan wondered if something was wrong. Then it leveled off somewhat, and he relaxed. There was nothing to see through the portholes as it was night outside where they were flying, so he just made himself as comfortable as possible. He met the eye of Malika, and found himself unable to take his eyes away from her. Those brown eyes hypnotized him. She giggled and withdrew her eyes and he looked down, embarrassed. Wasn´t he the one who had been with Eileen, as not-lovers? He looked at Ariel instead and found her smiling at him.

  "You know, I have noticed," she said, "You´re something of a Casanova, aren´t you?"

  "Oh shut up," he replied, blushing and desperate to change the subject. His lucky break came just seconds later, when the LEO plane landed smoothly and immediately engaged the air brakes, pushing them all forward in their seat belts.

  The plane taxied into a wide hangar before the fasten-seat-belts sign switched off. Decurion Schwartz got up from his seat and stood in the aisle, addressing them.

  "Alright, let´s get out of this tin can. Line up at the bottom of the stairs, single file. Move it."

  They followed suit, and soon Ethan stood next to Ariel, Jamila and Malika with the four others he didn´t know, waiting for the decurion to speak. Instead, the optio came to stand in front of them.

  "Legionnaires, I am Optio Blake," he said in a British accent. "The decurion will lead a training squad of twelve, of which, you will all be part of. I am here to support the decurion and help with training you and getting you through infantry school. You will learn to know us both better, as we are both quite agreeable types, but remember, we are your superiors, and you will obey any order we issue, without question or hesitation. Now, follow me."

  The legionnaires followed Optio Blake through the great hangar doors, and Ethan had to brace himself against the wind. The weather outside could only be described as a combination of wet sleet that flew sideways on heavy gusts of wind and a raw cold that immediately tore through their light jungle fatigues. The optio turned and grinned at them.

  "Oh, don´t worry, you will all be issued warmer clothes, once we get to Camp Piteaa. It´s a three hour march though, so let´s keep up the pace so we don´t freeze to death.

  Camp Piteaa was located near the coast, which explained the raw, wet feel of the air. In the weak morning light and through the gusts of sleet and snow, Ethan could see nothing but trees everywhere. Did anyone actually live here? The blown up remains of a car just outside the camp´s fence boosted a faded sticker on the back: twelve golden stars in a circle on a blue background. Inside the circle was a big S in black.

  "Guys, I think this must be Northern Europe," one of the new guys said.

  "Sweden," said another. "Used to be part of the European Union, before the war."

  "Shit, I didn´t know there still were people this far north," Ariel chimed in. "I thought the survivors were evacuated."

  "Silence back there," Optio Blake shouted through the howling wind. They were passing the heavily fortified gates, and before them stood rows upon rows of barracks. Ethan saw Decurion Schwartz come out from one of them, and stand outside the entrance, waiting. The optio ordered the legionnaires to present themselves and the eight of them lined up, single file. Optio Blake saluted Decurion Schwartz and when the decurion saluted him back, the optio went to stand beside the legionnaires.

  "Welcome to Camp Piteaa," Decurion Schwartz said.

  "I won´t keep you out here for long. We will not start proper training until the day after tomorrow. Luckily, you don´t have to spend days waiting, since you are the last of the squad to arrive. The rest have already been quartered, and now you will be issued bunks, new uniforms and equipment. Tomorrow we´ll start out with a few tests to assess your aptitude for advanced training, among other things, and we´ll go through some camp details. After that we have the special Legionnaire´s Supper, which is a tradition here. That´s something to look forward to. Then you´ll have the rest of the evening off. Now follow me." They followed the decurion inside, and passed through a long corridor. Most of the rooms were already filled, and it wasn´t until the very end of the corridor that Ethan and the others were assigned their rooms. Ethan would share with Ariel, Malika and one of the ones he didn´t know from boot camp. The legionnaires were given a few minutes alone, and Ethan took the opportunity to greet the man.

  "Ethan Wang," he said, extending his hand.

  "John Bowers," the other man said. John was shorter and more muscular than Ethan, and his skin a dark complexion that displayed his mixed heritage. His eyes were blue though, and he had an icy look in his eyes that could be mistaken for arrogance. Ethan noticed Ariel staring and almost chuckled.

  "So, John, where are you from? Me and Ariel here are from Atlanta. Malika..." he turned to her, realizing he´d never learned her origin. She smiled.

  "My parents were from what was once known as Pakistan, but I grew up in Denmark, Scotland, Ireland and finally New Boston," she said. Of course. As a refugee from the havoc in the Middle East and South Asia, her family had several stops along the way, until they ended up in the new city rebuilt by the survivors of New England.

  "I grew up in New England, Maine actually. Was three when the shit hit the fan and my family evacuated south. I prefer to call Austin, Texas home," John said, shaking the hands of the others.

  "I think we´ll get along quite well, Texas," Ariel said, grinning.

  Optio Blake slammed the door open, and they all immediately stood at attention.

  "Move it, move it! Time to gear up."

  They followed him down the hall and into the armory, where five legionnaires were handing out equipment to the legionnaires in front of them in line. Uniforms and warm undergarments made from wool, Ethan suspected, large backpacks that were already filled to the brim with gear, smaller packs that were empty for now, tactical vests, body armor, helmets, personal communications equipment, new matte grey wristpads and weapons.

  "Hey, what is this?" one of the newcomers said, turning over his weapon, which looked like a .50 cal sniper rifle — a huge, seemingly heavy thing.

  "Hey, careful with that", a legionnaire behind the counter said. "That´s your personal light infantry weapon. Some of you will be issued other weapons later, but for now, you´re all light infantry. You´ll learn."

  "Light infantry?" Ariel whispered in Ethan´s ear. "Makes you wonder what sort of cannons the heavies use."

  "Now follow me," Optio Blake said, once every member of the squad were loaded down with equipment. He led them to a large room and had them gather in a wide semicircle.

  "Now we shall go through every piece of equipment, what it does, how to use it, and where to store it. Pay attention to this, or you´ll be doing a shitload of push ups in the coming days."

  Decurion Schwartz stepped up, carrying an infopad.

  "Listen up. For now, and for the next few weeks, you will all be trained as light infantry. However, some of you may be chosen for specialized training, and I just sent a package to your wristpads with more details about the options. In short, we´re talking heavy infantry, support weapons, medic, leadership. Leadership usually requires combat experience, preferably in the Legion, but a few of you may qualify due to previous service." He looked at them all in turn. Ethan felt his eyes on him, and perhaps it was just his imagination, but he thought the decurion held his eye for a bit longer than the others.

  "I want everyone to fill out the form enclosed in the info package. Although the Legion can never accommodate every wish, we do recognize that motivation is an important factor, so your wishes will be considered."

  Decurion Schwartz and Optio Blake continued by going through every little piece of their equipment, and the fresh legionnaires didn´t get a chance to sleep until well into the night. Ethan hadn´t realized how tired he was until he laid down on the bunk. In the distance, he heard Ariel´s voice speaking to him, but he was already falling asleep, dreaming of days spent in school, playing with friends and the stern voice of Dr. Lange speaking of duty and vigilance and preparation for the worst. And somewhere in that dream, a strange character Ethan had almost forgotten appeared; Jeremy Tanner, that weird recruiter back in Atlanta who had told him he´d never make a regular soldier, then had sent him on to the Legion.

  "Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang," Jeremy said, almost singing his name, in a shrill voice that didn´t carry the tune. It´s a dream, just a dream. Jeremy kept singing, speaking or whatever it was, "A day will come, a day will come, when your true potential reveals itself, itself, itself. I´ve seen it, oh yes, I have, and others will see it too, one day, one day, one day. Your name spells doom, doom, doom. And yet, salvation you will bring, and set us free, free, free." Then he laughed hysterically and Ethan started awake. The room was dark and he looked around. The only sounds were those of breathing, someone snoring lightly and muffled steps outside in the corridor. He laid back on the pillow, and after a while, a dreamless sleep embraced him.


  Ethan´s belly was full, and he felt like he would be stuffed for a week. The day had started early with a battery of testing; logical intelligence, technical aptitude, several physical tests, medical exams, more thorough than anything he´d taken back in Atlanta, psychological tests, questionnaires of every kind, fighting one, two and three instructors while wearing thick padding, building stuff out of bricks and toys while under the observation of men and women in white coats and so on. He was exhausted, not so much physically as mentally, from being evaluated and tested, without ever receiving any form of feedback. When the afternoon arrived, the legionnaires all dressed up in their finest uniforms and lined up. Decurion Schwartz led one of the three squads that made up this contingent of legionnaires. They marched slowly to the mess, where they were treated with steak. Ethan didn´t know what kind of animal it was, but it was delicious — fresh vegetables, the finest sauces, silverware and candlelight. They sat at three long tables, each squad by themselves, and Ethan noticed that his squad was already beginning to form a unit. The commander of Camp Piteaa, a Tribune, Optio Blake had called him, had made a speech, one that Ethan suspected was recycled every time new legionnaires arrived from basic. And the decurion had made another, just for the squad, where he said h
e was expecting great things of them, that they had amazing potential and that their squad would be the best ever, nothing less.

  Now he sat in a lounge chair near the fireplace in the Legionnaire´s lounge, savoring the warmth and feeling drowsy in the best way. Ariel was flirting with John, and he hadn´t seen Malika for a while. He figured he should try to get to know the other squad members better, but he remained seated, toying with the idea of just a quick nap, only a minute or two before he got up. Just a power nap.

  "Ethan," a familiar voice said, and he turned to see Decurion Schwartz smiling down at him. The decurion sat down next to him and stretched his hands toward the fireplace.

  "Ah, nice," he said. He had a few flakes of snow on his shoulder, but they melted within seconds.

  "So, have you thought about what to put on your form?" the decurion asked.

  "Form, sir?" Ethan said, before he realized he was talking about the form he was supposed to complete, with his choice of advanced training. The decurion didn´t say anything for a moment, before he leaned forward.

  "Ethan, I´ve followed you through boot camp. You´ve got leadership potential. Of course, without combat training, you don´t qualify yet, but that´ll come. You may want to consider it for later. There is a box in the form where you can indicate interest, just to show the brass that you´re interested. It cannot hurt."


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