Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1

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Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1 Page 20

by Bliss Carter

  “Sure, baby. It’s where I planned to take you as soon as you were done”, Cade walked Kresley over to his truck and helped boost her up on to the seat. He shut her door and came around to the driver’s side. Cade got in without comment and was soon driving Kresley back to his house.

  Kresley counted the seconds, the minutes that Cade hadn’t talked to her since leaving Fiona’s. “Cade, talk. What’s going on honey?” Kresley reached out to push her fingers through the side of his hair, but Cade dodged her hand and didn’t look at her.

  “Just, don’t…not right now. Wait until we get home, then we”, Cade stated tersely.

  Kresley’s mind began to race, nervous about the tone of voice Cade used. He’d never sounded like that before with her. What in the world? Kresley began ringing her hands lightly, twisting her fingers.

  Cade pulled in to his garage and parked the truck, lowering the door back before getting out on his side. Kresley didn’t wait for him to come around to help her. She hopped out on her own and waited for him to open the house door. Kresley immediately took off towards the stairs, hoping to make it to the master bath before Cade could stop her. Maybe she could get in there, close and lock the door and take a nice, hot bath. It would help her thoughts and let Cade have some space. That thought hurt. Cade had never needed space before. Was he getting tired of her? Of the things that had been going on with her? Before her thoughts could take her further down the rabbit hole, Kresley was abruptly hauled to a stop by Cade. She looked back at his hand that was wrapped around her upper arm. He wasn’t hurting her. But Kresley could see a controlled emotion going on in his eyes that told her that he could detain her without much thought or exertion.

  Cade stood there, holding on to Kresley by her arm, not touching her anywhere else. Inside, he was seething. And the more time lapsed, the angrier he became. He didn’t know truly what he was angry at. Himself? For not being there for her? Mad at Kresley for making less than intelligent choices that could have gotten her killed? Cade couldn’t hold it in any longer and hauled Kresley to their bed, pushing her down to sit. He stood over her and he knew he did it on purpose to try to intimidate her. He’d used the tactic many times before and it seemed to always work on women.

  “Honest to God, Kres, what the hell were you thinking? Why did you walk in that store after seeing how quiet it was, the hairs on your neck standing up? You’re smarter than that Kres! I mean, how could you be so reckless, so selfish. It was unsafe for sure. But it was just plain stupid. I just don’t understand. I’m right here. I’m right freakin’ here! All you had to do was call me immediately. I would have been there like that”, Cade snapped his fingers at the last sentence. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and try to calm down. He needed to be calmer when he listened to her, when she apologized to him. Cade looked down at Kresley, whose head was bent down, hands in her lap, breaths even. “Well, Kresley?”

  Kresley slowly raised her head up and the moment she did, Cade knew that he had gone too far. He had never spoken to her like that before. He had let his anger take over without thought. At first, he thought he was going see heavy tears and emotions. But what he hadn’t counted on was the intense fire that leapt out of her eyes at him. Kresley Anderson was furious. No, furious was too tame a word. Kres was in a rage. A red-haired, Irish, fiery temper rage.

  “Back the hell away from me right now Cade Grantham, or you are going to get more than you bargained for from me. I get that you’re mad. I understand it. I accept your anger and know that it was my fault that’s caused you to be so upset. Am I shrugging off that responsibility? No! I’m not. I’m right freakin’ here, listening to you go on and on about my intelligence, how stupid I am, how selfish I was. Guess what asshole! I was the polar opposite of selfish! I walked through that store, knowing in my gut that something evil was lurking. I didn’t think about myself or anyone else in that moment. My only focus was for my friend and her employees, not knowing where they were. Were they hurt? Hiding? Closed up in a room that was locked, waiting to be set free? Should I have stopped, turned around and called the police first? Sure! I agree wholeheartedly. But hindsight is 20/20 and if I had to do it all over again, I would have definitely turned around and called you. Not 911. Called YOU, Cade. Because you are my rock. Always. My anchor. I can depend on you no matter what’s going on. You have become my everything and that is the scariest thing to me, even beyond the evil bastard that killed Fiona today. But do you know what is even scarier than all of that? How you just treated me! I refuse to be yelled at and demeaned that way. Calling me stupid really hurts. I’m far from stupid. Do I care about others more than myself? You bet! I’ve been that way for a long time and I don’t see that habit breaking any time soon. I thought that was one of the things that you loved about me. But today you’re raking me over the coals for it? Well, you can just go to hell, Cade. If you can’t accept me for who I am, flaws and all, selfless, misguided decisions, then I guess I’m not sure why we’re together. I need to get out of here. Do not follow me. I’m going outside to call an Uber and going back to my apartment. We can talk tomorrow after we’ve both cooled down. I’m not in the mood to spend time together tonight.”

  Kresley pulled her arm out of Cade’s grasp after she finished spewing her frustrations and walked out, soaking in Cade’s gorgeous face as she walked by him. She could see the anguish in his eyes and she knew that she had hit home with her words. She hated to see the hurt there, but she hurt, too. She needed to cool down her fiery temper. Then she could regroup. She walked outside and requested an Uber to pick her up. Luckily, there was one on the street over and soon she was getting in, directing the driver to take her to her apartment at Whimsy Events. Kresley left, not noticing Cade standing at the front door, arms crossed over his chest, a lost and pained expression on his face.


  The dark shadow had watched, in hiding, across the parking lot at the fabric store. Oh, the police officers are always playing his game. He wanted the red head for himself. But no, he couldn’t do that right now. Why was she here? Probably some kind of female shit that was stupid and worthless. Women were worthless. Whores like his mother was. He hadn’t intended to kill Fiona. The older woman smiled at him when he walked in. She had invited him to their break room for some party food they had snacked on earlier to celebrate a birthday. Well, what a way to celebrate. Waiting until the others had left for her to lock up. Then feel her life draining through his hands when he slit her throat. It was amazing. The shadow didn’t think she’d mind if he partook of her body after she died. She wasn’t going to care by then. Maybe he shouldn’t have bit her, but it was almost more than he could take. The shadow couldn’t wait to find his next game partner. Who shall it be this time?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Cade closed the front door and heavily sat down on the couch, wondering what in the hell had just happened? A heaviness that he had never felt in his life, even when his parents passed away, overtook him. He could do nothing more than sit with his face in his palms, and let the emotions take over. He had hurt her. He had promised never to do that. And with some careless words said out of fear and frustration, he may have just ruined the best thing that had ever happened to him. Shit! What to do? Go after her? Give her the space she asked for? Go buy her some jewelry or something to make it up to her? Cade had no clue. None of those things fit his Kresley. His Kresley. She was his. And she was staying his. He’d make this right. He’d make her understand and he would show her how much he loved her, even when he was acting like a complete asshole idiot. Cade pulled out his cell phone and sent off a text.

  Cade: Help! 911……I screwed up so bad with Kresley. She’s mad. Super mad. And it’s all my fault. What do I do? I was an asshole.

  Birdie: Hey bro. Okay, so we’ve established you messed up. At least you can say it was you. But I’m not pushing Kres away from any blame. I know how she can be. Did her Red hair finally make an appearance? That fiery temper that all us Anderso
n girls can show on occasion. It ain’t pretty. Did it singe the hairs on your ass?

  Gertie: Oh Cade. I’m sorry. I’m not saying anything until I’ve talked to Kres. Not that I don’t want to root for you in this, but sister before mister.

  Grace: I’m with Gertie. Can’t pick sides, which I will always pick Kresley BTW, until I know the facts. Sisters, who’s reaching out first? Covert Operation Fix It has commenced.

  Francie: I’m here now. I was working on some figures for next week’s event and Kres walked in and didn’t say one word to me, just marched upstairs. But I could hear her sobbing all the way up. Sorry Cade, don’t mean to make you feel bad…oh wait. Yes, I do. You broke her, now we have to help you fix her. Grace and Sisters, come on over. I’m heading upstairs. You wait for my text Cade. You hear me? Do NOT come over right now. It would be a blood bath or river of tears.

  Cade: Okay, Francie. I’m listening to you. I’m counting on you. All of you. You’re as important to me as Kresley is and I can’t lose you all either. I always wanted sisters. I can’t lose that, too. I can’t lose her. She’s everything. I can’t breathe without her. Please hurry.

  Francie: Lordie Bessie…’re a good man Cade. Big Sexy is just really Big Softy.

  Birdie: I could say something really bad right now about Big Softy, but I’m NOT, which tells you Cade how much I love ya!

  Cade: Brat.

  Kresley sat in her apartment, huddled into herself on her couch. Her knees drawn up to fit under her chin, her arms wrapped around her legs, shoulders hunched in emotional upheaval. She lost it. Her temper and possibly her boyfriend. Kresley was so mad with herself for letting her words spew out like that. She usually held that much emotion inside and waited before reacting, but something about today changed things. She felt raw, like every nerve was exposed and being aggravated over and over again. She knew within five minutes of leaving Cade that she shouldn’t have. She should have stayed, sat down and just waited for both of them to calm down and then tried to talk it out with him. What was she doing? Sabotaging the best relationship she has ever had in her life because he had vomited out frustrated words when he was angry and fearful. And he was fearful for her! Kresley knew deep down that everything Cade said was let out from a place of fear for her safety. If the roles were reversed and Cade had been the one to scare her to death for some reason, Kresley would have vented as well. She was sure of that.

  So, what was she doing here, curled up on her couch and not with her boyfriend? Oh yeah, that’s right. Because she lost her cool, showed her ass, and stormed away like a cry baby. And possibly ruined any chance of having happily ever after with the man of her dreams. That thought brought fresh tears to Kresley’s eyes and she began crying in earnest. She was crying so hard that she didn’t hear the alarm disengaged and her door being opened. But all of a sudden Kresley felt many female hands around her, hugging her, stroking her hair and voices whispering words of comfort and assurance. Sisters. When needed, they were always there. Kresley looked up around her. “Hey guys. I messed up. Big time. Help me fix it?” She found it strange when all of them looked at each other and began laughing. Well damn, that wasn’t necessary!

  Francie took ahold of Kresley’s face and made her look at her straight on. “We know Kres. We know what happened. We don’t know word for word that was said. We don’t know why y’all were arguing, but we know it was a blow up. And you have a man across town who is in agony. He’s sitting at his house, thinking that it’s over, that he totally screwed up so bad that you wouldn’t want him anymore. And yes, I was able to gather all of that from the group text that we had earlier with Big Sexy.”

  “Cade text you? All of you? Even Birdie?”, Kresley asked incredulously.

  “Hey, I’ll have you know that I can be helpful when I need to be. I’m not a bitch or weird all of the time. Just some times. When it’s warranted. Or fun”, Birdie stated, snacking on a Snickers candy bar.

  “Tell us what happened, sweetie. Bring us up to the fight y’all just had and then we can help you and Cade better”, Gertie stated quietly. Kresley hesitated, not wanting to bring up anything hurtful for Gertie. But then she decided that Gert was much stronger than they gave her credit for. Kresley took a deep breath and spoke.

  She slowly began to tell them what had gone on today. She talked about the vendor in Atlanta, the phone conversation on the way home, then what she found at Fiona’s. Kresley paused at that, letting it soak in with her sisters and Grace that Fiona was murdered. Their looks of disbelief and fear said it all. Gertie remained quiet, but her tight grip on Kresley’s hand made a silent, but strong statement. Then she went on to Cade being angry and seeming to hold it in on the drive home, then him gunning for her, emotionally. She ended with her storming out after spewing hot lava at him and winding up back here. “And now I’m scared to death that I’ve ruined everything. I haven’t, have I? Please tell me I haven’t! It scares me to death to say this and please don’t say anything smart ass or feminist about it, but I honestly don’t think I can live without him. If he isn’t here, then I’m not sure I want to be. It’s that kind of love that scares a woman shitless. Because it tosses out our control over our emotions. They become dependent on another human being for, well, everything. Am I crazy?”

  Grace reached out and held Kres’ hand. “No, you aren’t crazy. Just the opposite. You’re human. We all screw up. We all lose our tempers. I’m not a red head, but I still have a temper on me that could rival y’all. You know, you’ve seen it. Kresley stop beating yourself up about it and talk to Cade. The man is miserable. Worried sick. Reaching out to us for help. Do you know many men who would have turned to his girlfriend’s sisters and best friend to help him figure out how to fix you two? He reached out to us. To us! We’re your besties, your sisters. No way are we going to side with anyone else besides you. But I can look at your face and know how completely devastated you are at the thought of not being with him ever again. So, fix it Kres. Do it. Don’t miss out because fear dictated that you do. Tell fear to go take a flying leap. Text him. He’s waiting.”

  Kresley looked around at all of them, especially Birdie, who had been quiet for the most part. And she’s never quiet. All four women’s faces staring back at her had the same resolute look. It said “either you fix it or we will”. Kresley didn’t hesitate, anxious at the thought of them butting in more than they already do. Kresley picked up her phone and text Cade.

  Kresley: Hey

  Cade: Hey you. I miss your face

  Kresley: Will you come over here? And before you answer, I’ll go ahead and say this now before you get here….I love you Cade. So much.

  Cade: Thank you, God. I’m on my way. I love you too. More than words can say. Be right there baby.

  Kresley: Be safe.

  Kresley announced to her sisters and Grace, who all stood there with knowing, happy looks, that Cade was on his way over and for them to get gone. She wanted and needed a few moments to get her thoughts together before Cade arrived. She watched her tribe wave goodbye and head out the door. Francie, before closing her door, stated that she had finished up her work and was leaving. She’d wait for Cade and lock up and turn on the alarm afterwards. Kres nodded her thanks and closed the door behind her. While she waited, Kresley paced her living room, walking from one side to the other. Her stomach was a bundle of nerves. She looked skyward. Please let this go well. Please?

  Within a few minutes a hard knock sounded at her door and she opened it quickly. There, standing quietly, was her man. Cade. Who could be an asshole at times. Who was sweet, caring, gorgeous to look at and was hard as a rock when she needed protection or stability. He kissed like nothing she had ever had before and the way he made her feel when he made love to her, it was special. He humbled her with his kindness. He was her everything. And she wasn’t letting that go. Ever. She opened her arms to the dark, dangerous looking man who stood so much taller than her. Cade didn’t hesitate. He fell towards her as if she was his only chance a
t breathing. She took him in to her arms and held on tight.

  Cade lifted Kresley up by her butt and told her to hold on with her legs. Kresley wrapped her legs around Cade’s waist, cherishing the feel of his hands cradling her so close. He walked over to the couch and sat down, with Kresley straddling his lap. Her face, buried in his neck, her arms wrapped around his stomach and sides. She shoved her hands underneath him at his back, until they were wedged between him and the couch cushion. Kresley was holding on to him like a little monkey. And he loved it. “I’m so sorry baby. You have no idea how absolutely sorry I am for saying those things to you. And honestly, I didn’t mean what I said. I was so scared, and I let that fear feed my anger. It was the wrong thing to do and now I know better. And I also know you’ve really got a temper and can let loose, too, when needed. But I’m glad you called me on all of my shit. I needed you to fire back at me”, Cade stated, rubbing Kresley’s back, her butt, her thighs. He drove both hands into her hair, caressing her fiery red strands, pulling them through his fingers until they sifted softly through, to only repeat the process over and over.

  Not once did he try to force her to raise her head to look at him. He let her be how she wanted to be, buried into him as much as she wanted, for as long as she wanted. He could feel her warm breath on his throat, her soft, wet lips, open there, not kissing him, not sucking on him, just slightly open, cradling him. Cade pulled her hips harder against his and adjusted her legs to be more comfortable. Kresley stirred at that, allowing her head to raise until she could look Cade into the eyes. What he saw there totally brought him to his knees, figuratively and he knew it would have been literally if he had been standing.

  His Kresley, with tears streaming down her cheeks, had such a beautiful smile on her face. A smile just for him. He didn’t deserve it. But he’d take it. He’d take it and hoard it from anyone else to get to see. It was just for him. Kresley adjusted herself over Cade and her thigh rubbed against his, brushing against his pocket. It reminded Cade of what was in his pocket, what had been sitting in his pocket for weeks now. He’d been waiting for the right time to show it to her. Wanting to have the perfect moment. Just them. No one else. He wanted some grand plan, some hugely fantastic, over the top plan in place first, but now he knew that wasn’t what Kresley was about. That wasn’t her. This was her. Sitting on his lap in her tshirt, shorts and flip flops. Make up gone, hair in disarray around her face. Beautiful green eyes shining up at him. This was the perfect moment to show her what she means to him. If words weren’t enough, maybe this would be.


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