Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1

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Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1 Page 21

by Bliss Carter

  Kresley could see Cade’s demeanor shift. He suddenly became very quiet and focused. She began to worry for a moment, but that changed quickly as she listened to what he said next.

  “Baby, I’ve lived my life for 30 plus years, wandering around, lost. And I didn’t even realize it. I thought I was living. I thought I had all of life’s answers. But the day I met you, the day I found you, was the day I breathed for the first time. I know I’m not perfect. I have flaws. I know you aren’t perfect. You have flaws, too. But together we are perfect. So perfect that it takes my breath away. I’ve known this for a while. Hell, we both said as much the first time we made love. But until the day that I picked this out for you, when I saw it for the first time and knew that it was yours, was meant to be yours, it hadn’t settled in my mind that you were going to be mine. And I would be yours.”

  Cade pulled something from his pocket. It was a small navy-blue velvet bag. Kresley watched with an increasing heartbeat, as Cade pulled a beautiful ring out. Kresley looked up at him, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes, needing to see him and the love and need shining there.

  “I chose this ring for you because it symbolizes how you and I have been separate entities for so long, but we now want to be fused together, forever. To be made into one solid force that no one can break apart”, Cade stated quietly. He took her left hand in his, and kissed her ring finger at the knuckle. He then took the ring and pushed it up over the tip of her finger then stopped. He looked at Kresley’s face, looked deep into her eyes and said with his deep, gruff voice, “Kresley James Anderson, you are the love of my life, my everything. You make me happier than anything or anyone else. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to. I want to picture you with me forever. Will you marry me?” Cade held his breath and waited for her answer.

  Kresley looked at Cade’s face, his eyes, his mouth, his nose with the slight bump in it, his chin and his heavy whiskers. She could see dried tear tracks on his cheeks, but knew he would never admit to her that he had cried earlier. He was hers. Forever. “Cade, oh my beautiful Cade. Yes, I will marry you. Wait, let me rephrase that. Hell yeah I’ll marry you!”, Kresley stated with joy, yelling out that last sentence so loud that possibly the neighbors heard her across the street. She watched as Cade pushed the princess cut diamond onto her ring finger. Kresley looked down at it and it did represent she and Cade. It was rose gold and white gold, two bands twined around each other in a never-ending circle. On top was a large princess cut diamond, flawless. And on each side were two smaller diamonds with beautiful clusters of emeralds trailing down. It was so beautiful. Unique. Like them.

  “Do you like it baby? I looked a good long while until I saw it. I took one look and knew it was yours”, Cade said softly, looking at her face to see how she liked the ring.

  “Big Sexy, you know me so well. It’s beautiful baby. I don’t have the right words to describe how beautiful it is to me. But it could have been a simple band of gold with nothing else and it would have still been beautiful. Because it came from you. That’s all that matters. “Oh my gosh! We’re getting married Cade! Us! Getting married. To each other. Forever. We’re going to have so much sex and lots of babies!”, Kresley exclaimed, laughing with joy and teasing.

  Cade pulled her closer to his body on the couch, her still in his lap with legs around him. “I guarantee all of that baby. Every damn bit. Oh, and you are not going to plan your own wedding. I forbid it. You’re going to enjoy it without the stress. And I don’t care how we get married. Big wedding. Small service. Vegas chapel, or a tiny, old church in the middle of Cade’s Cove, Tennessee with just us and your sisters and Grace. It doesn’t matter to me. As long as you’re mine at the end of our wedding day. That’s all I want. Well that and one of those kick-ass robot vacuum cleaners as a wedding gift”, Cade stated with a wink. “Now woman, you do realize that I have not kissed you today, not once. Can we seal this marriage agreement with a kiss already? I miss those lips on mine.”

  Kresley grinned and leaned into him, her left hand going up to rest against his face, her ring shining out of the corner of her eye. Then her eyes closed as their mouths touched. Cade let out a hungry growl and then he was consuming her. He was taking her mouth how he wanted to, with no apologies. His tongue dove past her wet, lush lips, lashing at hers, battling with it for dominance. He pushed hers around until she followed him back as he retreated and her tongue soon tangled inside his mouth, sucking on his tongue, his bottom lip, licking and stroking him. Their mouths were voracious, turning and twisting over each other’s lips again and again. It was full of hunger and need. It was dirty. Hot. Wet. Crave worthy.

  Soon their kiss gentled and became soft kisses of need, love, and adoration. Cade sprinkled gentle touches of his lips across every inch of Kresley’s face and throat. He was showing her love in the most unfiltered way. No huge displays of affection, no heated moves or stealth flirting. Just gentle brushes of his lips on her skin. But those small, butterfly touches showed her that he wanted her more than if he had kept kissing her roughly. Kresley loved both sides of Cade. His passionate, rough, alpha male side and also his soft, sweet, caring side. She was blessed to enjoy both.

  “How long have you had this?”, Kresley asked, indicating the ring on her left hand. Cade turned his eyes away from her, a blush coming over his cheeks. “What? You can tell me anything.”

  “I’ve visited the jewelers the day after our first date at my house. I knew that night when we had such a connection and you shared so much with me about your parents that you were meant for me. I was done. I knew you were the one.”

  Kresley took his face into her hands and caressed his cheeks, his jaw and kissed him softly, tenderly, showing him every ounce of love she held in her heart for this man. “I know this is fast and some would say we’re crazy, but all I can think is that I’m so glad I found you sooner so I can love you longer.”

  Cade pulled Kresley to his chest and they sat there like that for a long time, just holding each other tight. Finally, Cade shifted Kresley and stated, “Come on Red, we both know if you don’t contact your sisters soon, they’ll never let you forget it. Shall we do a group text? This one will probably be in the record books or something.” Kresley’s snort of laughter was music to Cade as they both grabbed their phones. He watched as Kresley took a photo of their hands entwined together, resting against his face. He tilted his head down, kissing her hand next to her new ring and held it there for a lingering kiss. He heard the camera noise and then smiled as Kresley typed out a message to her sisters and Grace, attaching the photo. He told her to add him to it as well as Boomer. Cade knew including Boomer in the chat was important. In more ways than one.

  Group chat titled “Kres and Big Sexy Say I Do” with Cade, the Anderson sisters, Grace and Boomer.

  Kresley: Well first of all, Cade and I made up. We talked and things are good. How good do you ask? We’ll let this photo speak a thousand words.

  [photo of Cade and Kresley’s engagement ring sent]

  Grace: OH MY GAH! Liar!

  Kresley: Am not. Am I Cade?

  Cade: Nope baby. Not even.

  Unknown (Boomer): Wait. First, I have no clue who all these people are. Second, Cade when did you and Kres fight? I just saw y’all a few hours ago. Get it together man.

  Birdie: Shut the front door! Congratulations you guys! You go from zero to hero in a heart beat Cade. Glad you got your balls back.

  Birdie: So who is Mr./Mrs. Unknown number?

  Unknown (Boomer): It’s me, Boomer. I need everyone to ID yourself so I can save you in my phone. If I’m going to be in a group chat like this one, I need to know who, what and when.

  Birdie: This is Birdie. By all means save my number. Just don’t call me. I won’t answer. I’ll text you though. I’m GIF queen

  Grace: I thought you had my number Boomer. This is Grace. And congratulations to Kres and Cade! It’s a beautiful ring……

  Boomer: I have your number now Grace. Finally.
br />   Francie: Woohoo! I’m so happy for you guys. Beautiful ring, Cade. Good job on picking that out. This is Francie, Boomer. Don’t abuse my number with sweet talk. Lol

  Boomer: Ahhh, Francie, I can’t help but be sweet around YOU. Lol

  Grace: Moving on. Stop flirting with law enforcement Francine!

  Gertie: What? Wow, so excited to welcome you to the family Cade!

  Kresley: Thanks everyone. Cade and I talked and understand where each of us was coming from now. And I discovered that he’s been planning to propose since the day after our first date at his house! Meant to be…

  Cade: So, as I know all of you pretty well by now, I’m sure everyone has an opinion on wedding choices for us? I’m asking not because your opinion would sway what Kres ultimately wants, I just want to be entertained by incessant group texts for the next 3 hours as you argue. And go…!


  Cade was wrong. The group chat didn’t go on for three hours to discuss wedding plans and dates. It lasted two whole days of going back and forth! The sarcasm was flying left and right, with Francie being the winner of the debate by finally stating for everyone to shut up and let Cade and Kresley make their choice. When they did, then they would let everyone else know. She ended her paragraph rant with a “mind your own business”. God love Francie. Practical, pragmatic, loyal and funny as hell. Cade told Kresley that he was gaining the most amazing sisters, including Grace. He was a blessed man. Kresley just smiled at him and cuddled into his side, content that he included her tribe into his idea of happiness.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Excited for their engagement, Cade and Kresley continued on with their daily routines, which included hot love making. Cade was such a wonderful lover for Kresley. He instinctively knew where to touch her, where to kiss her to make her feel the most. It floored Kresley that he was going to be hers to roll around in bed with for the rest of her life. Sometimes she would look over at him as they watched a movie, him sitting next to her, eating popcorn, with her feet cradled in his lap, and had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  He was gorgeous, muscled and strong as an ox. He had cheekbones that could cut glass and abs that could crack walnuts. And he was hers. All hers. And it felt good. Really good. Cade would catch her staring at him with a daydream stare, and he would just catch her around her waist and pull her down onto the couch, under him. During those times, he would take her hard and fast, not even able to get all of their clothes off before entering her. Those times were Kresley’s favorite. She loved to witness Cade un-inhibited and wild. She liked to see him out of control once in a while. It was hot.

  Kresley began planning events that would happen in the fall, including helping Francie get details nailed down about the Firefighter Hero Calendar and fundraiser happening before Thanksgiving. They had their work cut out for them with trying to convince firefighters to volunteer to get their chests oiled up, posing for photos and being featured as a month in next year’s calendar. Kresley knew it would be a huge hit and a way to raise lots of money for the Firefighter Survivor Support Fund. Her next plan was to contact the MSPD about doing their own calendar to help support the Law Enforcement Widow Fund. Kresley knew she could convince Cade to pose if she gave him enough incentive.

  She and Cade needed to come up with a date for the wedding and where they wanted it to be. They were having a cookout at his house this evening and everyone would be there to help with decisions. With all of the events being planned out for fall, a date really needed to be decided on soon. Kresley didn’t want to wait until next year to tie Cade to her permanently. Maybe they could get everything figured out tonight with family and friends helping.

  Cade had been so busy lately, trying to work jointly with Atlanta PD regarding the nut job who was raping and killing women. Fiona’s murder was still an active case and Kresley could tell that the longer it stayed unsolved, the more consumed Cade became. She wished she knew how to help him, but he told her that he wanted to keep her out of it. At first, Kresley was mad that he would say that. She felt that Cade was actively keeping things from her. Cade calmed her fears when he explained that this kind of case could be consuming and that when he left it for the day and came home to her, that he didn’t want to focus on anything but her, loving her, spending time with her, laughing with her. Kresley could see where he was coming from and only requested that if he got new info that he could share, to please include her. He agreed.

  She and Cade spent every moment they could together, except when work pulled them away from each other. She and Cade would often eat dinner with his Aunt Mae and Kresley was entertained with stories of Cade’s childhood. He would just roll his eyes at his aunt, smile at the giggles Kresley would try to hold back, and tell his own stories of his parents and growing up in Tennessee.

  Kresley looked down at her watch and winced. She was late leaving the office. She was supposed to be at Cade’s workplace five minutes ago. Kresley got out her cell phone and sent a quick text to Cade.

  Kresley: Sorry! I’m running late. Got caught in a work conversation. Leaving now and will be there shortly.

  Cade: No worries honey. I’ve got you. Be safe. See you in a few. Love you.

  Kresley: Love you more.

  Kresley called out to Grace that she was leaving for the afternoon and waved to her sisters and Grace, who were congregated around a table full of mini-cupcakes. It was samples from a new caterer who wanted to be added to their rotation of vendors. Kresley barely got a response from the girls besides a groan of delight as they popped another chicken salad lettuce cup into their mouth.

  “Hey, don’t fill up on that stuff before coming over to Cade’s house. We’re going to feed y’all good in hopes you’ll help us plan the wedding. Oh, and Birdie, NO hunch punch is allowed. You know what happened last time.”

  Birdie snorted at that. “What? I didn’t do anything. All I did was provide refreshment in the form of punch. Punch that maybe had some alcohol in it. I didn’t know that two 75-year-old women were going to drink more than a cup of it and get hammered. It’s not my fault they got arrested for public indecency! No matter what they say, I did NOT say anything to them about dancing naked in the town square’s fountain.”

  Kresley just rolled her eyes and waved her hand as she walked out the door. She could hear her sisters and Grace laughing hysterically as she closed the front door. As she moved towards her car, Kres noticed Officer Sloan Smith parked across the street. He was looking over at Whimsy Events. He sat, propped against his car, with his arms crossed over his chest. His brow was furrowed and he looked upset or angry. He looked up and noticed her watching him. He gave a curt nod and wave, then got into his police cruiser and drove off. What a stand-offish man. Kresley would definitely not try to fix one of her sisters’ up on a date with that one.

  Kresley arrived at Cade’s office soon after leaving Whimsy Events and walked in, just as he was finishing up a conversation with Officer Smith, who had obviously beat her back to the station. Kresley hung back outside the door, not wanting to interrupt, but she also wanted to stay out the men’s way. They both noticed her at the same time and Kresley was observant to note that Sloan Smith also had a hard, stoic look on his face around Cade. She briefly saw irritation in his eyes before he quickly masked it, and told Cade they could finish up later. He nodded to Kresley as he walked out of the office and quickly scurried down the hall. Kresley looked after where the man had disappeared around the corner. She shrugged the odd feeling away and sauntered into Cade’s office, giving him her most charming smile.

  Cade came around his desk to greet Kresley properly. He closed his office door and made sure the blinds were closed. He then roughly pulled her into his arms and bent her over his arm, slamming his mouth down hard on hers. She eagerly opened for the thrust of his wonderful tongue, loving how he tried to fill all of her mouth, doing sweeps back and forth, staking his claim over every bit of her. “Hello, my beautiful fiancé”, Cade stated w
ith a huge smile. “I’m glad to see you baby. I wish it wasn’t for case purposes, but still glad to be able to sit in the same room as you.”

  “Ditto! But you saw me just this morning, over coffee and a donut. Which you fed to me, even though I argued. You do realize I can never eat a donut in the same way again, right? A bite of donut followed by a hot, wet French kiss isn’t the norm, baby. But it’s all I can think about, so let’s get business out of the way first so we can leave and go home. Maybe we can make-out before my sisters and Grace drop on top of us like the house in The Wizard of Oz. What did you need me for that involves the criminal cases?”

  Cade grinned at his fiancé and just shook his head. Oh, the verbal tangents she goes on were priceless to him. He wished he could record her talking when she tells stories. “We’ve gotten footage of the parking lot at Fiona’s Fabrics from the day of the murder. We wanted you to take a look at it and let us know if you recognize anyone. It’s a long shot, but we need to try at least.”

  Kresley wrinkled her nose at the thought of reliving that day, but she quickly nodded her head and stated, “Sure, I’m okay with that. Where do I need to go?”


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