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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15)

Page 96

by Samantha Leal

  “Are you sure mother?” she asked gently.

  “Did you not see how everyone was this morning? He’s assured them everything is going to be fine! How can we lie in times such as these?!”

  “Well…” Bonnie began, “maybe father is right. Maybe he knows we will be fine.”

  “Wolves that roam the Highlands?” her mother scoffed. “It’s the thing of nightmares and he thinks we don’t need help. How could this even be?”

  Bonnie understood what her mother was saying, but she also had faith in her father and his judgment. She shrugged her shoulders and looked to the ground.

  “I don’t know mama,” she said sadly, “but maybe we just need to have a little faith.”

  Her mother reached out, pulled Bonnie to her chest and hugged her tightly.

  “I wish I had your optimism,” she sighed. “But maybe you are right…”

  She trailed off and Bonnie could sense her grip tightening. She held on to Bonnie’s arms and shoulders with such severity that she squealed with pain.

  “Mother,” she hissed, “please.”

  But as she looked up and followed her mother’s gaze, she realized why she was clinging to her. Up on the mountainside, coming down through the mist, was an army of men… followed by a pack of giant wolves.


  The two women clung to each other in fright and Bonnie could do nothing but pray.

  “Please,” she whispered, “please don’t let them hurt us.”

  Her mother whispered her own fevered prayer as she kissed her daughter’s head, and Bonnie could hear her heart beating quickly in her chest.

  They were trapped. There was no way they could make it back to the castle in time, and running was not the kind of thing the Grant Clan would do. Even the women. They were determined to stand their ground and fight to the very end.

  As the trail of men beat a path toward them, and their wolves snarled at their sides, Bonnie closed her eyes and breathed deeply.

  If this was the end, she had to go to it with good grace and not let fear and upset crowd her mind. She had to be strong, and so did her mother.

  The wolves were bigger than any she had ever seen or known to exist, and they were all jet black with ice blue eyes. Bonnie refused to look away as they approached and she dug her heels into the soft mossy earth as they gained on them with each second. They could only have been two hundred feet away and she could feel the hot breath from the horses and smell the musky scent of men.

  “Lassies!” one of the big men on horseback called to them. “Put your arms out and kneel on the ground!”

  Bonnie looked up at her mother and her mother nodded back at her, confirming that they should do as they were told.

  As she knelt down on the moist ground, she felt a tear slip down her cheek. They had been so foolish. These men could have been waiting up the mountain, watching and hoping that someone from the castle would be silly enough to come down to the loch.

  The wolves began to circle them; Bonnie didn’t dare look up to see them properly. Ahead of her, against the ground, she could see a huge monster paw, big and black with long, sharp claws, and the sight of them made her shudder. The wolf snarled and as she let her eyes drift up to look at its face properly, she almost yelped at its huge fangs. The beast gnashed them together and curled its nose to reveal them again in warning. Bonnie looked quickly down at the ground and closed her eyes. She didn’t need to see anymore.

  “Who are these lovely ladies before us?” one of the men said as he circled them slowly on horseback.

  He looked down at them with an air of authority and Bonnie couldn’t help but stare up at him, letting her eyes plead with him for mercy. He was as Ariane had said he would be… big as a giant, muscular and masculine in more ways than she had ever known, and his red hair was bright and beautiful in the midday light. Bonnie let her gaze travel around the rest of the men, and she could not believe the similarity between them. They were all so wild and ferocious looking, but they were also incredibly handsome.

  They must be brothers, she thought as her mind began to wander, and she let herself forget about the vicious wolves around her momentarily. They must all be related… I have never seen such a resemblance. But who are they? And why do they need to attack the castles across Scotland and destroy them all? She felt the tears prick the corners of her eyes, because even though she wanted to learn as much as possible about this situation, she also wished that it didn’t exist.

  The man who was watching them, at the front of the entourage, smiled down at her when he saw her looking up to him and then he slowly began to climb off the side of his steed as to not startle the wolves. He stood looking at them for a moment and then a wide smile spread across his face.

  “Ladies,” he continued as he bowed before them. “My name is John Campbell of the roaming Highlander Clan, Clan Campbell… and we are here to save you and the rest of Castle Grant from almost certain death...”


  “Save us?” Bonnie found herself saying up to him in disbelief. “What do you mean save us? I thought you were here to rip us all to shreds and storm our castle?”

  John Campbell laughed and shook his head kindly.

  “No, my dear,” he said, “I’m afraid you’ve all been lied to in so many ways… It’s a good job we are here, we’ve reached you just in time.”

  Bonnie looked to her mother and she too had her mouth gaping open. John Campbell walked toward them and held out his hand for Bonnie’s mother, helping her to her feet. At the same time, another of the big, burly men climbed down from his steed and approached Bonnie. She saw his feet first, but when she let her eyes travel up his legs and muscular torso, she couldn’t help but gasp, especially when their eyes finally met.

  Although he was very similar to John Campbell in appearance, there was something about this man that was very different indeed. His eyes were intense and penetrating, and the way he held out his hand strongly toward Bonnie made her bite her bottom lip and a throb pulse through her pussy. His eyebrows were heavy on his head and his hair was a deeper, richer red than the others, it was almost brown. Bonnie felt herself blush as she slid her hand into his and let him pull her to her feet.

  “M’lady,” he said as he bowed and she felt herself smile shyly as he lifted her hand to his lips and placed a delicate kiss on it. “Alexander Campbell,” he smiled and it sent a quiver down Bonnie’s spine.

  “Bonaventure Grant.” She smiled from ear to ear and felt the blush on her cheeks spread down her neck.

  “We are here to meet with Lord Grant,” John Campbell said. “There is much to discuss about the future of the Highlands and the safety of the people in it.”

  “But,” Bonnie continued, “I thought you were here to harm us? There have been rumors running rife over the mountains for generations that a clan of men and wolves are the next clan to destroy Scotland.” She didn’t know where she was getting her nerve from, but she figured she had nothing to lose. And besides, with Alexander Campbell by her side, holding onto her hand warmly, she felt as if she could take on anything.

  “Never fear us, Lassie,” Alexander said. “We have much to explain and a lot to arrange before the day is through.”

  He led her across to her mother’s horse and John helped Bonnie’s mother up onto its back and then Alex lifted Bonnie at the waist and placed her delicately behind her. He lifted her with such ease that she felt tiny in his hands, and then he stood back and smiled with his incredible eyes glinting in the misty light.

  “We shall ride together,” John Campbell said. “And we shall all return to Castle Grant safely.”

  Bonnie noticed her mother nodding her head and she decided that they had no other option but to trust them.

  Maybe her father had known what he was doing all along by dismissing the help of Lord Drummond… Bonnie’s mind started to race as she thought of the possibilities of where the truth may lie.

  They rode quickly across the field and up the hill toward
the drawbridge. Bonnie looked back over her shoulder as the loch disappeared into the fog behind her, but she smiled when she realized she had something even better to look at. A view that, although she had never seen before, was one that she also never wanted to forget…

  A view of Alexander Campbell riding up behind her, so close she could almost feel his hot breath reaching out to her and skimming her skin.

  They thundered across the drawbridge and Bonnie couldn’t believe her eyes, as not one guard attempted to stop them.

  What was happening?

  Surely, after all of the rumors and legends, they would be fearful of what it may mean to have these wild highlanders and their wolves coming into Castle Grant and dispersing amongst them.

  Up ahead, she could see her father. He stood with his legs wide and his arms folded across his chest, a warm smile spreading out across his cheeks.

  “These two are forever causing me trouble,” he laughed as they all came to a halt before him.

  He looked up at Bonnie and her mother, and the two women scrambled down and threw themselves into his arms.

  “Father!” Bonnie gasped. “What is happening? Are these not the men we should fear?”

  “No Lassie,” her father soothed. “They are the ones who are going to save us all.”

  Bonnie couldn’t help but be confused, but as she looked around at all of the men who had come storming down the mountainside and found them by the loch, there was no malice in them and they all looked down on her kindly.

  “I don’t understand…” she said as her eyes found Alexander again, and she realized he was watching her intently.

  Whoever he was, she had certainly caught his attention and she was pretty taken with him too. He had a dangerous demeanor that was edged with a sexy roguish charm.

  “We have been duped,” her father said as he took his wife’s face in his hands. “Lord Drummond is a liar.”

  Bonnie’s stomach dropped at the news. It had been less than twenty-four hours since Lord Drummond’s visit when he had told them that they were all in danger. How had he lied to them and why?

  “He’s in cahoots with Clan Rose,” John Campbell stepped in and spoke up. “The real clan who has been travelling Scotland and destroying castles and the people within them for many years.”

  Bonnie shivered. They had been so close to trusting Lord Drummond. But what had changed?

  “I knew from the moment he arrived that something was afoot,” her father said. “And I also knew the legends of the men and wolves and of the reality of how the Rose Clan had spread them to cover their tracks over the years.”

  “So how did you get Clan Campbell here?” Bonnie asked with intrigue.

  “I sent men out in the dead of night to find them,” her father smiled. “And now we have to formulate a plan…”

  The men all looked to one another, and Bonnie could sense the heightening tension between them. It was almost too much to bear.

  “Come,” her father said as he wrapped a welcoming arm around John Campbell’s shoulders. “Welcome to Castle Grant, we have much to talk about.”

  They all made their way inside. Bonnie’s head was spinning with all of this new information… But not as much as it was spinning from the fact that she couldn’t take her eyes off Alexander…and she was pretty sure the feeling was mutual.


  She wanted to follow the men and listen to all of their plans, but Bonnie and her mother were kissed goodbye at the entrance to the main hall by her father Lord James Grant and told to return to their bedchambers. Bonnie crinkled up her nose as her eyes flitted to Alexander. She wanted to be close to him… to learn more.

  And she also wanted to know what was going on with them and the wolves.

  She nodded and accepted her father’s wishes and then she reluctantly made her way back to the grand staircase where two guards were waiting.

  “Mother,” she whispered as they reached the foot of the stairs. “Do you really think that Clan Campbell is telling the truth?”

  Her mother turned to her and smiled at her warmly.

  “Och Lassie,” she said as she swept a strand of her daughters beautifully red hair behind her ears. “I have never known your father get it wrong…and if you think about it, it would explain why he was so dismissive of Lord Drummond’s help. He did have me worried there for a moment, I thought he had gone quite mad.”

  Her mother smiled and kissed her daughter on the forehead.

  They parted ways at the top of the staircase and Bonnie began her walk down the long, dark corridor back to her bedroom. When she reached the door, she turned and glanced shyly at the guards who were following her, then made her way inside. At least with them standing watch over her bedchamber she would be safe inside. But a long, boring night was drawing out ahead of her, especially now that she knew a man like Alexander Campbell was in the same vicinity. It was exciting to think that they were under the same roof and yet she had no idea how close to her he would be.

  The fire in her room was burning brightly and Ariane was sitting by the fire, making a quilt with her little hands and a long stretch of fur.

  “Are you all right, m’lady?” she asked as Bonnie stepped wearily inside. Her shoulders were hunched and she was exhausted. Her mind was running from one thing to another, and although she knew she should lay down and rest after having been awake all night, she also wanted to wait and see if anything transpired from having the Campbell’s at Castle Grant.

  “Ariane,” she sighed as she flopped down on the bed and wrapped her arms around herself. “What a day I’ve had, you have no idea.”

  Ariane rushed to her side and looked down at her. “Are you all right? Do you need me to get you anything?”

  “No, but thank you,” she smiled. “I think I would like to be left in peace.”

  “As you wish, m’lady.” She smiled as she backed away and moved toward the door.

  Bonnie closed her eyes but she heard the sound of Ariane heaving the heavy wooden doors open and closing them behind her. She had a hushed few words with the guards and then Bonaventure heard her footsteps carry on down the hallway.

  Bonnie was glad to be alone. Her body ached and her mind raced, but they couldn’t keep up with each other. All she could think about was Alexander… Of his intense eyes and his rich, red hair… Of his muscular arms and of the way his eyes had searched for her across the highlands… The way he had come to her and helped her to her feet… The way he had lifted her at the waist and placed her delicately on the back of her mother’s horse. Her skin prickled with heat as she remembered it all, and she felt her heart begin to race. She was aroused and ready for something she had never experienced, but she didn’t know where these feelings had come from. She was a writhing mess on the top of her bed and she thought, for a flitting moment, whether she should let her hands wander down underneath her billowing dress and up into her underwear. If she found her sweetest spot, would it be warm and moist and ready for a man?

  She felt herself blushing and she rolled onto her side.


  She didn’t know anything about him, and yet, she was certain of one thing…

  She was going to have him…one way or another.

  She was going to make him hers and let him deflower her, right there under her parents’ roof.

  A wicked smile flashed over her lips and she had to pull the blankets over her face to stop herself from laughing out loud. She had no idea where these naughty thoughts were coming from. She had always been such a good girl, such an innocent. But one look from a roguish highlander like Alexander Campbell and she was a mess of want and desire.

  She thought of all of the times she had heard the servants and chambermaids speak of how they had let men love them and it had made her tingle all over, and her mind and body become curious. But no one had ever stirred those feelings in her properly…

  Until now.

  As she lay back in her bed and looked up to the ceiling, and her eye
s weighed heavy, it was almost as if the decision to pursue Alexander Campbell was the release she needed to drift off into a blissful sleep.

  And within a matter of moments, that’s exactly what she did.


  Her dreams were wild and untamed… And in them, she was chased by wolves. Big, black wolves that ran behind her and snapped at her heels. Ones that sank their teeth into her as they rolled her down on the ground and snarled and thrashed above her. The wolves were so strong and powerful, Bonnie knew that she didn’t stand a chance of escape… But it didn’t matter, because she didn’t want to. She wanted them to ravage her, she wanted them to tear at her delicate skin with their sharp fangs, and she wanted them to consume her so fiercely that she would never be the same again.

  When she woke, her heart was racing and she was glistening with sweat. She sat bolt upright in bed and looked around her. Night had fallen and the stars were shining bright in the sky. She was alone, Ariane had not returned and for once, she was glad of not having to speak to someone, and relished the opportunity to get up and stoke the fire herself.

  She stopped by the window and let the cool air blow in and calm her down. She had gotten awfully worked up dreaming of those snarling wolves and now she didn’t know what to do with herself. She looked out at the night sky and at all of the stars twinkling bright, and the big swell of moon shining through the clouds.

  She couldn’t stay locked up in her room, no matter what the dangers held. She had to get out there and experience the night like she was used to, and like she craved.

  She listened as she stood there, and below her, from elsewhere in the castle, she could hear the sounds of music drifting up to meet her. A bard was playing and men and women were singing and laughing. She knew that the main hall would be filled with drunken lords and ladies, and even though she had never partaken in any of her parents’ parties, she had the overwhelming desire to see what was happening right there below her.


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