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The Devil in History

Page 46

by Vladimir Tismaneanu

  political synchronization, law of

  politics of amnesia

  politics of antipolitics. See also reinvention of politics

  politics of charisma. See charismatic politics

  “politics of knowledge,”

  Pollack, Detlef

  Pomian, Krzysztof

  Ponge, Francis

  Pope John Paul II

  Popov, K., “The Party and the Role of the Leader,”

  Popper, Karl R.

  Popular Fronts, vs. Nazis

  populism: dangers of; de-Stalinization; ethnocratic; Fascist; post-Communism

  Portugal, civil unrest vs. right-wing dictatorship

  post-Communism; East and Central Europe; “electoral volatility,”; ethnocentric nationalism; fantasies of salvation; “heroic mobilization,”; intellectuals; legitimation from the past; and Leninist debris; morality; nature of transitions; “normality,”; paradoxes; political partiesi; specters; treatment of former party and secret police activists and collaborators. See also post-Leninism; post-Marxism; post-totalitarian system; revolutions (1989-91)


  post-Leninism, East and Central Europe


  post-totalitarian system. See also dissidents; post-Communism

  Prague: Prague Declaration; Prague Spring; show trials


  Praxis group

  Preoteasa, Grigore

  press, freedom of

  Priestland, David

  Prokhanov, Aleksandr

  proletariat: Bukharin and; class consciousness; democracy; dictatorship of; Gorky; “in itself” and “for itself,”; internationalism; Lenin and; Marx and; morality and; redeemer; Stalin and

  public sphere: anti-Communist demonstrations; The Black Book of Communism and; de-Stalinizing; private person and; reconstitution of. See also citizenship; civil society

  purges: Communist; Nazi. See also genocide; show trials

  Putin, Vladimir

  Rabinbach, Anson

  racialization/de-racialization. See also biological distinctions; ethnocentricity; genocide; Jew

  Radek, Karl

  radical evil; Communism; Fascism

  Radio Free Europe

  Radio Moscow

  Rahv, Phillip

  Rajk, László

  Rákósi, Mátyás

  Rakowski, Mieczyslaw

  Răutu, Leonte; “Against Cosmopolitanism and Objectivism in Social Sciences,”



  Reddaway, Peter

  redemptive mythologies; Communist; Fascist; post-Communism and. See also eschatology; messianism; salvationism; utopia

  Red Terror (1918)

  Rees, A. E.

  Reich, Wilhelm

  reinvention of politics; East and Central Europe; Soviet Union resistance; anti-Communist demonstrations; anti-Nazi; and revolutions (1989-91); self-conscious creation of a site of. See also dissidents; revolution

  “return to Europe,”

  “return to Lenin,”

  “return to the source,”

  Révai, József

  revisionism: Communist; Fascism lacking

  revolution; from above; archangelic; from below; Cuban; eschatological doctrine of; French (1789); genuine; Hungarian (1956); irreversible moment breaking with the past and creating a totally new world; “legal revolution,”; Lenin's revolutionary novelty; Marxist thought on; October (1917); originating in a millenialist vision of perfect society; post-Communist demand to end; radical; “The Revolution isn't dead; the Revolution is sick, and we must help it,”; rules of the game; Russian (1905); Russian (1917); Russian revolutionary tradition; Russian Socialist Revolutionaries; socialist; takeover of power; total; as ultimate événement; Western revolutionary tradition. See also Cultural Revolution; dissidents; revolutionary movements; revolutionary passion; revolutions (1989-91), Eastern and Central Europe

  revolutionary class. See also proletariat

  revolutionary movements: Communist; Fascist; Jacobin

  revolutionary passion: Communist; Fascist

  revolutionary situation, Lenin's definition of

  revolutions (1989-91), Eastern and Central Europe; Berlin Wall falling; citizenship rebirth; and civil society; common sense as core value; dissidents and; leading to diversity; lesson of; morality and; and pluralism; roundtable strategy; Soviet collapse catalyzed by; utopia ended by

  Riegel, Klaus-Georg “rights talk,” post-Communism. See also citizenship; freedom; human rights; individual

  Robinson, Neil

  Rocco, Alfredo

  Rohm, Ernst

  Rolland, Romain

  Roller, Mihail

  Roman, Valter

  Romania: Antonescu; Communist Party (RCP); Communist party resurrection; Constitutional Court; Danubian confederation; de-Stalinization; general elections (2009); Greater Romania Party; Ianoși; ideological apparatchiks; Iron Guard; legal procedures for Communist crimes; National Liberal Party; National Peasant Christian and Democratic Party; National Salvation Front; parliamentary putsch (April 2007); Party Cadres Department; Pătrășcanu; Pleșu; post-Communism; problematic exit from state socialism; purges; radical-authoritarian trends; regret for predictability and frozen stability; revisionism; Romania Mare Party; Social Democratic Party; Stalinism; working class passivity. See also Ceaușescu, Nicolae

  Roselli, Carlo

  Rosenberg, Alfred

  Rosenthal, Bernice Glatzer

  Rothschild, Joseph

  roundtable strategy

  Rubashov, Nikolai (Koestler's hero),

  Russell, Bertrand; The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism

  Russia: The Black Book of Communism and; Communist Party of the Russian Federation; “competitive authoritarianism,”; conspiracy theories; glasnost; human rights movement; Liberal Democratic Party; “managed democracy,”; nationalism; October Revolution (1917); post-Soviet; radical-authoritarian trends; revolution (1905); revolutionary tradition; Russian Revolution (1917); Russian Socialist Revolutionaries; Socialist Revolutionaries; Stalinist-nationalist coalition; “Weimar Russia,”. See also Soviet Union

  Russian Communist Party. See also Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); vanguard party

  sacralization: by ideology; infallible party line; memory of the gulag; of politics; revolutionary power; “semiotic,”. See also charismatic politics; messianism; mysticism; salvationism

  Sakharov, Andrei; Reflections on Progress, Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom

  Salazar, António de Oliveira

  salvationism: fantasies; nationalist. See also eschatology; messianism; redemptive mythologies; utopia

  Salvemini, Gaetano


  Sartre, Jean-Paul

  Scammell, Michael

  Schapiro, Leonard

  Scherbakov, Aleksander

  Schmitt, Carl

  Schwan, Gesine

  science: Communism and; Nazism and


  Scott, James C.

  Second Socialist Transformation secret police, Soviet

  Secret Speech, Khrushchev denouncing Stalin (1956)

  Serbia: “competitive authoritarianism,”; Radical Party; socialists

  Shafarevich, Igor

  Shakhnazarov, Georgiy


  Shoah. See Holocaust

  Short Course of History of the CPSU

  Short Course of Political Economy

  show trials: Eastern Europe; Sinyavski-Daniel; Stalin's

  Shtern, Lina

  Siberian School

  Siegelbaum, Lewis

  Silone, Ignazio

  Simic, Charles

  Sinyavsky, Andrei; Sinyavski-Daniel trial


  Slánský, Rudolf

  Slovakia; Mečiar; radical-authoritarian trends

  Smirnov, Georgii

  Snyder, Jack

  Snyder, Timothy: “absence of economics,”; Bloodland
s; comparing Communist and Nazi systems; ethnic cleansing; number of Soviet and Nazi victims; Stalinist anti-Semitism

  social Darwinism

  social democracy: Bolshevism vs.; European; German; international; Leninism and; proletarian; Romanian Social Democratic Party; Russian Social Democrats; Western-style

  social engineering: Communist; Fascist; post-Communism and

  socialism; “building of socialism,”; charismatic party for; Communist Manifesto and; de-Stalinization and; double-talk and double-think; Fascism's origins in; Gorbachev and; with a human face; ideological chaos created by collapse; international; Leninism discrediting; Marx's “heretics,”; nationalist; New Left; post-totalitarian; “reformed Soviet,”; relegitimization of; revisionism and; revolutionary; Russian Socialist Revolutionaries; scientific; Second Socialist Transformation; Socialist Unity Party (SED). See also Communism; Marxism


  Solidarnosc / Solidarity, Poland; Geremek; Mazowiecki; Walçsa. See also Michnik, Adam

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr; The First Circle; Gulag Archipelago; Nobel Prize for Literature


  Sorbonne, occupation of

  soul, care of the soul

  South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission

  Souvarine, Boris


  Sovietization; Eastern Europe

  Soviet Union; Academy of Science; amnesty decree; anti-Fascism; Cold War; collapse (1991); constitution (1936); constitution (Sakharov); criminality; Cultural Revolution; de-Bolshevization; de-Stalinization; dissidents; Great Patriotic War for the Defense of the Motherland; mezhdunarodniki; Moscow Helsinki Group; nomenklatura; perestroika; post-Communism; Radio Moscow; reinvention of politics; revisionism; secret police; shestidesiatniki; Soviet citizens sent back from Hitler's Reich; Soviet-Nazi “nonaggression” pact (1939); terror. See also Bolshevism; Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); Gorbachev, Mikhail; gulag; Leninism; Russian Communist Party; Sovietization; Stalinism

  Spanish Civil War

  Spanish Communist Party

  Speer, Albert

  Sperber, Manès

  Spring of the Nations (1848)

  Stalin, Joseph; biography; The Black Book of Nazi Crimes against Soviet Jews banned by; and Comintern; Communist power not dependent on; constitution (1936); in Costea letter; death (1953); de-racialization after; de-Stalinization; dialectics; and Eastern Europe; experiments on human beings; Gorbachev condemning; “Great Experiment,”; Great Purge; Great Terror; ideological obsession; vs. Jews; Kaganovich with; Khrushchev denouncing crimes of; leader charisma/personality cult; and Leninism; mausoleum; post-Communism and; and proletariat; purges; reinvention of politics; revolution from above; show trials; “warfare personality,”; xenophobic. See also Stalinism

  Stalinism; anti-Fascist; “Bolshevism of the extreme right,”; civilization; Commission for the Rehabilitation of Stalinism's Victims; conspiracy theories; dehumanization of the enemy; de-Stalinization; differences between Nazism and; Eastern Europe; enemies of; ethnic cleansing; Fascism syncretized with; ideology; internationalism defined by; “language of magic,”; “little Stalins,”; Marxist freedom and; Molotov; neo-Stalinism; party charisma; pathology of universalism; political myth; post-Communism and; reversion; revisionism and; Romania; Russianization; Russian National Bolshevism; similarities with Nazism; soslovnost; terror; Yaroslavsky. See also Stalin, Joseph

  Stevens, Anthony

  Stojanovic, Svetozar

  Strasser, Gregor

  Strasser, Otto

  Streicher, Julius

  submission syndrome

  Sullis, Edgardo, Il Duce-Imitatione de Mussolini

  Suny, Ronald

  Sverdlov, Nikolai Yakov

  Szeleńy, Ivan

  Tamás, G. M.

  Tamir, Yael

  telos: of “democratic dictatorship,”; of Nazism

  terror: Communist; contemporary; ethnicization of; Nazi; pogroms; Pol Pot regime in Cambodia; Red Terror (1918); Stalinist Great Terror; “states of terror,”. See also camps; dehumanization of the enemy; exterminist policies; genocide; purges

  Thälmann, Ernst


  Thomas à Kempis

  Tigrid, Pavel


  Tocqueville, Alexis de

  Toránska, Teresa

  totalitarianism; detotalitarianization; emotional-intellectual superstructure and institutional ensemble; enigma of; reinvention of politics. See also Communism; Fascism; political monopoly; post-totalitarian system

  “touchstone theory,”

  Traverso, Enzo

  Trotsky, Leon/Trotskyites: and apparatus terror; defeat of “world revolution,”; vs. democracy; intraparty opposition; vs. Kautsky; and leader charisma; Leninism opposed to; in Lenin's Politburo; revisionism and; Stalin's enemy; Their Morals and Ours

  truth; anti-anti-utopianism; The Black Book of Communism; Bukharin; Communist “moral elite,”; dissidents; ethnocentric nationalism's irrelevance of; Fascist; Gorbachev; historical; ideological states; Leninist; living in; Marxist; party's special access to; Pope John Paul II's “The Splendor of Truth,”; post-Communism; “reconciliation without,”; re-empowering; revolutionary; Secret Speech and. See also falsification; morality

  Tucker, Robert C.: Bolshevism's deradicalization; Bukharin; Leninism; philosophy and myth; pre-Gorbachev Soviet Union; reversion; show trials; Stalin

  Tudjman, Franjo

  Tudor, Corneliu Vadim

  Tudoran, Dorin

  Țugui, Pavel

  tyrannies of certitude

  tyrannies of corruption


  Ukraine: “competitive authoritarianism,”; Holocaust impacts; radical-authoritarian trends

  l'univers concentrationnaire

  Urban, George; Communist Reformation; Stalinism

  Urban, Jan



  Urválek, Josef

  USSR. See Soviet Union

  utopia; anti-anti-utopianism; Communist Manifesto and; enduring magnetism of; Fascist; ideology and; intellectuals in frantic search for; West and. See also Communist utopia; eschatology; redemptive mythologies; salvationism

  Vajda, Mihaly

  vanguard party; Gorbachev and; Lenin and; Mlynář and. See also Bolshevism; Communist Party

  van Ree, Erik

  Velikhov, Evgeny

  “velvet counterrevolution,”

  “velvet revolutions” (1989). See also revolutions (1989-91), Eastern and Central Europe

  Vietnam: North; War

  Villa-Vicencio, Charles

  violence: Communist; Fascist; sanctified by Communism and Fascism;

  World War I. See also class struggle; murder; terror

  Voegelin, Eric

  voluntarism: Leninist; Marxist

  Voronov, Ivan

  Voznesensky, Andrei

  Vranicki, Predrag

  Vyshinsky, Andrei

  Walęsa, Lech

  Walicki, Andzej

  Walker, Rachel

  Wallach, Erica Glaser

  Warsaw Pact

  Wat, Aleksander Way, Lucan

  Weber, Eugen: archangelic revolution; comparing totalitarianisms; Fascism; My France

  Weber, Max

  Weil, Nicolas

  Weitz, Eric

  Werth, Nicolas

  West: anti-Fascism; Communist parties; Communist “separate-ness” from; crisis of self-confidence; democracy; and democratization of Eastern and Central Europe; dissident movement; humanism; law of political synchronization; Marxism; New Left; post-Marxism; sixty-eighters; social democracy; and utopia

  who-whom principle (kto-kogo)

  Wielgohs, Jan

  Wieworka, Annette

  Wing, Betsy World Marxist Review

  World War I; aftermath; nationalism during

  World War II; aftermath; Merker; Nazi defeat; Romanian party's Moscow émigré center; Russianization of Stalinism

>   Xoxe, Koçi

  Yakovlev, Alexander; A Century of Violence in Soviet Russia; Gorbachev and; and Leninism; “new thinking,”; social utopias; Stalinism as “Bolshevism of the extreme right,”

  Yaroslavsky, Yemelyan

  Yeats, W. B., The Second Coming

  Yeltsin, Boris

  Yugoslavia; Communist League of; Communist Party; disintegration; ethnocentric nationalism; Marxist theorists; Milosevic-style expansionist chauvinism; problematic exit from state socialism; secession wars; Simic on; Tito

  Zambrowski, Roman

  Zetkin, Clara

  Zhdanov, Andrei/Zhdanovism; contract of silence; vs. Jews; vs. purges based on class origin; Revai implementing; Romanian version; “two-camp theory,”

  Zhirinovsky, Vladimir

  Zhivkov, Todor

  Zinoviev, Grigory; Severnaya kommuna

  Zinovyev, Aleksandr


  Žižek, Slavoj

  Zoshchenko, Mikhail

  Zubok, Vladimir

  Zweig, Stefan

  Zyuganov, Gennady




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