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Ashar'an Rising (Nexus Wars Saga)

Page 47

by Robert Day

  But then he spotted something that made his breath catch. Rising seemingly from the floor of the arena was an ovular pillar of rock, its top seemingly sliced away at an angle. Atop the pillar, a figure was laid out, dressed in a silver gown and wearing a tiara of diamond and gold. Dark lustrous hair waved about her from some unfelt wind, and she looked to be asleep as the pillar rose several feet into the air and stopped.

  “Kitara!” Andrak made to move forward upon seeing his sister, but Valdieron grabbed him and held him. “We must wait, Andrak. We cannot get past the barrier. You must trust me; things are still in our favor. We just have to wait.”

  Shaking visibly, the Prince calmed with several deep breaths, but his eyes did not leave his sister. “I trust you Valdieron, but I will never forgive myself if something happens to her.”

  “Nor I, Andrak, but we must wait.”

  Zhak Lomar was speaking then, his voice carrying over the astonished murmuring of the crowd.

  “A Princess from a distant land, for whoever wins her in this arena. But strength alone and skill at arms will not prevail, for against each of our finalists today, there will be those of my own choosing who will defend the Princess with their lives. He who is the last standing will have the Princess, and freedom. For all others, there is but one outcome.”

  Whatever the crowd had expected before the Combat started, not too many were now calling for the bloodbath to begin, and Valdieron reassessed these people, for although they were combative and eager for the trials of battle, they were honorable and just, with few exceptions, so many calls of injustice and tyranny were thrown up by the astonished viewers. Some even called for the death of this man, Zhak Lomar, and took up arms and tried to scale the barrier which barred them from the arena, only to find that some sort of magical current ran through the barrier, bringing agonizing pain to any who touched it.

  Zhak Lomar, meanwhile, was walking slowly from the arena, now flanked by only two of his Kiroba, while several others remained standing back in the center of the arena, forming a semi circle between the Princess and the gathered warriors.

  Total mayhem had erupted in the Stadium, and Valdieron could only watch in stunned horror as the warriors, Javin among them, charged the Kiroba. He felt helpless, caught between a desire to go to the aid of Kitara, and the commitment to saving the lives of Javin and Talisa. He knew the barrier was preventing his entry to the arena, and getting there to help the Princess was out of the question, so his best plan was to try and help Talisa and Javin as best he could.

  Which meant freeing them from the control of the Torcs.

  Trying to block out the growing cries from the crowd and the ringing of steel on steel from below, he concentrated his mind on the Torcs. He had spent the last couple of nights in the Hall of Combat trying to refine his ability to dispel magical enchantments, and though he was more skilled than he had been when he had first tried, he was still at the great disadvantage of being so far away from them.

  But if ever there was a need for concentration and necessity, it was now. Slowly, so as not to lose focus, he forced his own essence between the Ashar’an magic and the essence of the Torc around Talisa's neck. It was far more complex than the items on which he had worked in Kel'Valor, being the works of the Ashar'an, but after what seemed like hours, he 'felt' with satisfaction the enchantment slowly lose its hold. He was relieved, for had he erred, the magic may have been expelled in a way such as to explode, which likely would have been fatal for Talisa.

  It took a moment for him to realize the torc was indeed not functioning, as the young woman finished a perfectly executed series of attacks on one of the male warriors who faced her. He had only a moment to admire her skill, before she seemed to get a control of what she was doing and slowly force herself from the engagement. She began looking around, as if searching for something in the crowd, or perhaps shaking the confusion from her senses, yet it did not stop her from reacting with a flurry of strikes and parries as the warrior pressed her again. After a moment they were separated, and this time, Valdieron was ready.

  “Talisa. Do as I say, please, and protect the Darishi with the twin sabers. Ware his weapons, for I am attempting to disable his Torc also.” He did not know if the mind speech worked, for he had no real idea of what he was doing, merely focusing his mind to making a link between them, and for a moment he thought it had failed, but as he watched on, she began a defensive retreat to where Javin was locked in battle with two Kiroba.

  Hoping his plan would work, he then began to work on the Torc controlling Javin. It seemed a little easier this time, having already disenchanted one, but it still seemed to take forever. He was expecting the same sort of reaction from Javin as the controlling Torc was dispelled, but the Darishi simply continued to fight as if he was still under the control of the Torc. Hoping it was just a case of the Darishi not being so affected because he had not been under its control for so long, he turned his attention away from Javin to resurvey the scene.

  A sudden tingling across his skin was all the notice he got as another voice spoke in his mind.

  “Who are you?”

  For a moment he expected the voice of Ka'Varal, but instantly he knew it was not. Carrying a menacing overtone, the voice was demanding and powerful, and it did not take Valdieron long to realize who it was.

  “I have come for the Princess. Release her, and all others will be unharmed.” Quietly proud of his composure, Valdieron knew his bravado would not go down well with the Ashar'an.

  “Fool. You are here for another reason, but you will witness, as all these other fools will, the birth of a new era. Behold, the time of the Last Coming is at hand.”

  The connection was gone, leaving Valdieron with a dull ache in his head. Frantically he looked about, expecting to be overrun by Kiroba, but he saw that all exits to the stadium were closed, keeping the rioting crowd inside. Many still watched the combat below with a stunned fascination, while other tried to break free of the stadium, all to no avail.

  Another reverberation rippled through the stadium, but this was magically provoked, Valdieron sensed, as suddenly a coruscating lattice of energy broke across the surface of the dark Portal. Forks of lightning lashed out several feet, one striking at a dark Kiroba who had been forced back in battle too close to the Portal, and the jolting energy struck him and launched him several paces into the air before he landed, unmoving and scalded as if he had been dropped into a cauldron of burning oil. His opponent, having been close, had also been thrown to the ground by the force, but was rising slowly, shaking his head as if to clear it. It seemed it took a moment for the controlling torc to coerce him into movement, but soon he was running towards the nearest enemy to engage them in deadly battle.

  The Portal, now a coruscating door of silver, pulsed for several moments before it began to become infused once again with darkness, like an ink stain spreading through white cloth. Slowly it consumed the silver, until once again the Portal was dark, but now it was refulgent, as if burning with an inner power.

  In stunned horror, Valdieron watched as a dark form broke the flat surface. He recognized it as an animal like demon that had attacked him in the Glade of Truth. It appeared as a large dog but with a dark chitinous exoskeleton, which rippled like soft hide with its sleek movement as it bounded into the arena like an arrow shot from a bow. It leapt straight towards the nearest warrior, a Dak'marian, who was helpless to do anything to protect himself as he battled hard against a fierce Kiroba, and the dark demon struck him hard in the back, using long claws to rend skin while its tooth lined maw opened and latched down onto the man's exposed neck. Blood flew as claws dug deep. The man would have screamed in pain had it not been for the Torc, as the Demon forced him to the ground, draining the life out of him as its claws continued to tear at his back.

  A sudden concern for not only the Princess, but for Javin and Talisa gripped him as other dark forms slipped quickly through the Portal. Most were the small animal like demons, but he recognized o
thers he had also encountered: The hairless grey demon as tall as a man, with muscular bodies and wielding twin swords with ease; The troll like Demons who towered over ten feet in height and carried huge moon bladed axes; Also the skeletal demons with the long razor sharp claws who could move faster than the eyes could follow, two of which he saw, for his eyes, now keener than most save for Janantar's, could make them out barely, like thin shadows.

  The mad plan of the Ashar'an now revealed, the crowd beyond the barrier sat in stunned disbelief. The enormity of what was happening slowly sank in, as they realized they could neither escape, nor could they do anything for those below.

  Javin and Talisa fought back to back, the dark warrior woman dealing fast, precise attacks to anything that came at her, while Javin's twin sabers were being used more for defense than attack as Demons and torc controlled warriors came at them. Unfortunately for those still under the control of the Torcs, it seemed Zhak Lomar was making sure they continued to only attack their human opponents, and more than a couple of torc wearing warriors were soon victim of the Demons, caught unaware by the unexpected attacks.

  Realizing none would be alive for long below, Valdieron made a desperate bid to break the remaining warriors free of their Torcs, even the Kiroba, for they were being killed as surely as the others. Working quickly, not having time to congratulate himself on his newfound élan at dispelling the enchantments, he freed four others from their controlling torcs, and was working on the last remaining when the man fell victim to a demon attack. Freed from their controlling bond, each warrior was able to quickly sum up the situation, for each was a experienced and talented warrior in their own right, and soon those who were still alive had formed a circle around the pillar where the Princess was being held, while slowly the demons formed around them, their numbers swelling all the time as more demons slipped through the dark Portal.

  Then something else happened. He did not know why he saw it, but atop the pillar, Kitara began to stir, as if waking, though it was likely she was being released from some spell the Ashar'an had her under, for none could have slept unaided through what had just transpired. Slowly she opened her eyes, and after only a moment of taking in what was happening around her, began to scream. The most terror filled and helpless sound Valdieron had ever heard, it brought tears to his eyes to see her pain, and it started to make him angrier than he had ever been.

  Angry at this Ashar'an Zhak Lomar.

  Angry at the Demons who threatened the Princess.

  Angry at himself for putting her in this position.

  He did not know it, but he had drawn his sword, only feeling the hand of Andrak's on his arm as he started to move, and then he barely registered the voice of the Prince.

  “Valdieron! What are you doing?”

  “Find Janantar and be ready for anything! I will not let them die.”

  Without further delay, Valdieron stepped onto the wooden railing, which rose at the front of the tier of seats to stop people from falling to the level below. Hastily he threw off his concealing cloak, and then drew out Llewellyn's rapier into his left hand. Not really knowing what he was doing, but knowing somehow it was going to work, he launched himself forward, not thinking about the possibility of tumbling to his death into the crowd below, but instead willing himself to clear the twenty foot magical barrier. Over it he sailed easily, spinning a somersault in the air (he had always wanted to do that), before landing lightly on the ground as if he had fallen from no more than a few feet.

  “ENOUGH!” He had wanted to make it loud, but in his anger, his voice thundered through the stadium, bringing instant silence to the stadium as all eyes turned to him, even those of the Demons, who recognized him for what he was, and slowly started to stalk him, but he was unconcerned. Indeed, that meant less danger for the others.

  “Come out, Lomar, you Ashar'an coward!”

  A combined whisper of disbelief ran through the crowd, for many knew something great was happening, and those who had seen Valdieron's leap over the barrier knew this was no ordinary warrior who had suddenly appeared.

  “Do you think to match yourself against me, little boy?”

  Stepping out of the arena doors now forty feet in the air, Zhak Lomar walked slowly down an invisible set of stairs, his eyes set on Valdieron, while in his hand he carried his dark staff. His smile was wide and mocking, as if supremely confident or self congratulatory at having lured Valdieron into his trap.

  “If I must. These others do not have to die. Let them leave!”

  Lomar chuckled softly at this, and his smile widened. “There you are wrong, for in time, all will die, and there will only be us, those who were meant to rule the universe.” Descending onto the sandy arena floor, Lomar made straight for Valdieron. “Though we may make a few exceptions. Humans make such poor slaves, but can be quite… entertaining, if you know what I mean. At least, that is how I found your Princess.”

  Valdieron's angered attack was fast and brutal, but the Ashar'an obviously knew what effect his words would have, and was ready. Valdieron's swords were met by the dark staff, which spun in the Ashar'an's hands to deflect each deft attack, then switch line in an instant to sweep Valdieron's feet from under him. Landing heavily on his back, Valdieron reacted quickly and flipped himself back to his feet, barely before the dark staff cracked into the sand where his head had been.

  “You have no idea of what you are doing, Valdieron. Yes, I know your name, I know all about you. There is nothing you can do to prevent this, just as there is nothing you can do for your Princess.”

  Knowing he was being baited again, Valdieron continued to circle the Ashar'an, for it also allowed him to see what was happening around the arena. Demons were once again forming around Javin and the others, closing in like hunters stalking their prey, while still more demons flowed from the Portal.

  “No, but I can!”

  This new voice startled Valdieron, for he recognized it instantly. The figure of Ka'Varal materialized from nowhere beside him, the old Kay'taari looking far different than Valdieron remembered him. He was leaner, and his grey hair was pulled back in a tail, while in his hands he carried his own staff, this of pure white. His eyes, dark and unblinking, held Zhak Lomar with an intensity Valdieron had never seen before.

  “Ah, my old friend,” sneered Lomar, a moment's surprise passing quickly from his dark face. “I should have known Hagar's wounds were not enough to be so easily rid of you. Perhaps I should have killed her for your return to the realms, but all in good time. She will die, but not before seeing you die first.”

  Acting purely on instinct, Valdieron was not even sure of his actions as he moved then, not towards the Ashar'an, but spinning around to intercept a skeletal demon that was moving towards Ka'Varal with its gleaming claws raised for a quick kill. His swords flashed, quicker than any in the crowd could follow, for he was moving at a speed to match the foudroyant Demon, and in barely a heartbeat, the Demon lay crumpled on the ground in a pile of splintered bone.

  If either Ka'Varal or Zhak Lomar noticed, Valdieron could not tell, for their eyes were locked on each other, and Valdieron sensed they were locked into a contest of wills. Far more powerful and deadly than any melee, they battled for the domination of the other's soul, battling with magic and sheer willpower in an effort to destroy the other. It was something Valdieron had witnessed in Kel'Valor, and he knew it required total concentration and control of one's thoughts. Even as he watched, a glowing nimbus began to encircle the two men, which he assumed was some sort of barrier. It could have been the result of the growing powers that the two were throwing at each other, though to any in the crowd it would have appeared as if the two were simply staring at each other, unmoving.

  Hoping Ka'Varal could protect himself, Valdieron turned his attention to the other battle, which had turned the arena into a frenzied hive of action. Demons seemed to converge on him from all angles, while others sprang at the remaining warriors circling Kitara's pillar.

  Not real
ly sure of what was happening, Valdieron battled furiously with the demons that swelled around him, seemingly drawn to him and his flashing weapons. But he didn't mind. He fought furiously, feeling a deep hatred for these Demons who had suddenly come to aid the Ashar'an. Maybe it was the part of his heritage that was the sworn enemy of these creatures, but he fought as if he meant to slay every demon he could. His swords dealt death at every turn, flashing and cutting at Demons on every side and at every angle, augmented by a new power and speed, which seemed to build and flow through him with each creature he slew. He wasn't really aware of it, as he hadn't earlier when he had slain the bone demon that had threatened Ka'Varal, he was merely acting on instinct: the instinct of a warrior and Kay'taari.

  Cutting a swathe through the Demon ranks, he was suddenly beside Javin and Talisa. The two were once again fighting back to back at the base of the pillar holding Kitara, who still struggled as if to free herself from her bonds. Intervening, Valdieron cut down the three animal like Demons that circled them, which seemed to bring a lull in the fighting, as no new Demons confronted them, nor were any more coming through the Portal.


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