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Avery (Wolf Rage Book 1)

Page 10

by A. M Martin

  I snarl thinking of Jeff wanting me to stay in the background. A mate isn’t supposed to be in the background. He’s meant to be by his mate’s side always. It’s too soon Jeff says. The sooner, the better I think.

  My ears swivel hearing Cam’s scuffing walk and Aden’s deep tread coming down the path. I scoot closer, putting myself in front of the trees. My belly is dragging in the warm sand.

  My hackles raise as Cam sits down next my mate. Even knowing their cousins doesn’t help me at all. This jealousy is going to eat me alive.

  I do not want any male near her in till the bond has formed completely. It’s a territorial reaction I can’t seem to help.

  Aden pauses on the deck, shooting me a narrow-eyed look as he joins Avery and Cam.

  I huff not caring. Aden must have heard me. My eyes narrow and my hackles raise as I watch and watch.

  I can’t take it anymore. It’s been long enough, me staying away, Well no more.

  I smile and laugh as much as a wolf can as Avery says something causing Aden to stomp off towards the trees.

  I slink back into the cover of the woods. The shift comes fast in a blink of an eye. Leaving all 6'2 of me naked as the day I was born standing tall amongst the trees.

  "She thinks Cam and I are together." Aden snarls, his eyes glowing, looking at the cousins.

  Avery has her ice-cold eyes narrowed at Cam. She could freeze anything with that cold look of hers.

  My smirk can’t be helped as I look at Aden, “Well, what did you expect? She doesn’t know our ways."

  Aden lets out a grunt, “Can you sense anything from her yet?"

  "Emotionally no, but I can sense her physically."

  I pause, my eyes glued to Avery; something’s wrong. My heartbeat speeds up, and Avery’s muscles are tense, spine ramrod straight.

  "She can feel me physically,” I mumble, eyes never leaving Avery’s body.

  I’m just going to go check it out.

  I shift and move out onto the beach. I bit off the whine that’s pulling from my mouth when Avery springs up. A growl gathers deep in my chest as I paw at the warm sand.

  I’m ready to spring into action when Avery starts stripping off her clothes. I freeze, not being able to stop the slight whine that comes out. I snort staring wide-eyed at an almost naked Avery. My blood burns in my veins.

  What the hell is she doing?

  Clad only in her black silk undergarments, I watch Avery with astonishment as she jumps smoothly into the water.


  "What was that about?" Aden calls out to Cam.

  A bewildered Cam looks at them, “I have no clue. She was asking about bonds and then just." His hands shake out towards Avery’s discarded clothes.

  They all watch the surface of the lake. Uneasiness and worry form into a tight ball in my belly.

  "Shouldn’t she be coming up by now?" Cam squeaks.

  I just stare at the calm water. Where is she? The water ripples as Avery comes up for air. A puff of air passes my lips. Took her long enough.

  She’s beyond beautiful. Her head is tilted back; mouth slightly opens taking in a much-needed breath of air. Her pale neck ripe for biting shines and sparkles as water slides down.

  Avery slowly lowers her head. Water is sliding down her face. I’m transfixed on her. Avery’s eyes find me instantly, confirming my thoughts about her sensing me. Making me shiver, my fur standing on end.


  Her muted voice floats to me on the wind. No more than a whispered breath. Cold and wicked at the same time. Causing all kinds of reactions to run through me.

  I leave, pushing my body as I run through the forest.

  I wanted to go to her so bad, the only way to stop it was to run away. Run from my need for her. I growl as I descend a hill. I couldn’t go to her as a wolf and being naked in front of her isn’t appropriate right now, and I am done waiting. Done.

  What’s between us is so rare I am done wasting it. With that thought in mind, I head to where I first shifted. My sleek body turns back to a human. I dress in record time and start walking back towards my heart once more. It’s time.

  I am done with being in the background.


  "What just happened?"

  My eyes flick over to Camron, standing at the edge of the dock. His slim arms are lying loose at his sides with his head moving back to me and to where Kayden disappeared through the trees.

  Those damn tingles are what happened. Always bothering, running along my skin. Buzzing and vibrating.

  The wind blows across the lake, chill bumps pop up on my exposed shoulders and neck. Time to get out. The lake has done its job.

  I glide through the water liking the feel of it as it kisses my skin. My hands land on the deck making a wet smack.

  Camron jumps and squeaks, “Ahh, Avery."

  Pulling myself up onto the deck, Camron makes an embarrassed choking sound turning around.

  It’s like he’s never seen a naked girl before. I’m not nearly naked. The naughty bits are covered.

  "Are you an innocent Camron?" I whisper making it sound like our dirty little secret. He makes a choking noise again.

  Maybe he is.

  I wouldn’t know being innocent and all myself. Evan and I, well we never made it that far.

  My shorts become difficult as I pull them up my wet thighs. Ugh. Damp skin and clothes have a rather disgusting feel to them. Just plain nasty.

  My tank goes on much easier, and I hook my fingers in my shoes. I’d rather carry them then get a wet stink in em.

  My toes sink into the warm sand, “Are you coming?" I ask Camron knowing his back is still turned away from me.

  "Yep." He runs to catch up falling into step as we walk down the beach.

  “You know, it is not the girl naked apart.”

  I glance over at him. His face is red as a tomato as he rubs the back of his neck.

  “It’s the cousins part.” He mumbles.

  I stop. “Cousins?”

  He turns to me a sheepish look on his face, “Yeah. Not through blood or anything but my mom and Shelly are sisters. So yeah, we’re cousins through marriage.”

  Cousins. Huh. Don’t know what I think about that. I start walking again.

  "So, what happened with Kayden?"

  "What do you mean?" I forego confusion watching where I place my feet. I’m not too keen on stepping on a piece of glass or a sharp rock.

  "Don’t play dumb." Aden snarls out grabbing my attention from my feet and the soft sand.

  Where’d he come from?

  My head snaps up fast, my eyes growing colder and deathly as I pierce Aden’s silver eyes with my dead ones.

  My gaze flickers over his body seeing his muscles bunch up underneath his tight tee shirt. He’s either afraid or ready to spring at me. I doubt he’s scared from the look in his blazing eyes. I wonder why I never see any ribbons dancing around him?

  I smile my doll-like smile and start walking once more. Sand is squeezing in between my toes.

  I hear air leaving lungs in a whoosh. Camron. I did scare him when I snapped around. I felt it.

  Both him and Aden are rather curious to me. So, different but able to form an em-bond. Is that how it works. With people who are opposite of each other? I don’t think that would be a very good bond.

  A humorless chuckle leaves my lips. My life was much saner being locked away. Which is insane if you ponder about it.

  “Oh no.” Cam groans, coming to a stop, looking to the right.

  A carbon copy of Camron struts down the beach. Honey tanned skin. Sandy brown hair and warm chocolate eyes with thick black lashes stop in front of us.

  The girl’s eyes shine with a sparkle, and she squeals.

  “Finally, I’m Cammie.” She holds out a tan hand towards me.

  She smiles, “Right forgot. You don’t like to be touched.” She pops her gum.

  “Go away.” Cam snaps.

  The girl, Cammie cocks a hip, �
��Now why dear brother should I do that? I’ve been waiting forever to meet Avery.”

  My eyebrow cocks.

  She turns to me a full smile showing dimples, “They’ve kept me away from you.” She says, twisting her hair around her finger.

  I look a Camron, “Why?”

  Cammie laughs so full of giddiness, “They're afraid I’ll get you in trouble.”

  “We had good reasons for that Cammie. You’re always getting into trouble.” Cam says.

  Cammie scoffs, “No trouble here. Run along. It’s time Avery had a girl to chat with.”

  Cam looks uneasy, and Aden has a tiny smile on his face.

  “We’re not going far,” Cam says kicking up sand.

  “Ok. Toot a loo.” Cammie says smile, fingers wiggling in the air.

  Cam shoots her a look of disdain but walks off with Aden.

  “Come on,” Cammie says walking the opposite direction from Cam and Aden.

  “Are you guy’s twins?”

  “Yes. Cam thinks he’s the boss because he popped out first. Which is mega ridicules? A couple of seconds make him the boss. Nope, I don’t think so.” Cammie huffs, kicking up sand.

  “Are you an Empath too?”

  Cammie winces. A small frown pulling at her pink lips, “No. Cam stole that too.” She says bitterly.

  Well then.

  “Do you know everything now?” Cammie asks smile back in full force.


  She pops her gum, “Guess not.”

  A twinkle shines in her eyes when she looks over her shoulder, “Come on.” She whispers taking off to the left, running towards the trees.

  I look behind me and see Camron and Aden walking with their backs to me. I shrug and jog after Cammie. I say Camron was right about her being trouble.

  I slip in-between the trees walking now. Where did she go?


  I turn and look at a red-faced Cammie.

  “Not the scaring type, huh?”


  She shrugs and starts skipping through the woods.

  “Where are, we going?”

  I step over a large rock and around a patch of bushes.

  “We, my darling cousin are going to bust you out of here and go into town.” Cammie giggles, weaving through the trees.

  To town. Yes, she is trouble.


  I smile stepping out onto the beach. This feels right. Finally.

  My smile slowly falls seeing no Avery at the dock. I look left down the beach. Still no Avery. I turn right spotting Cam and Aden but no Avery. My teeth run over my bottom lip.

  Where is she?

  I walk toward Cam and Aden, “Hey, Where’s Avery?”

  Cam gets jittery looking around as they walk towards me.

  Panic is starting to grip my chest at how Cam is acting.

  “They were just here. I swear.” Cam says eyes full of panic.

  “They?” I frown.

  “Cammie and Avery,” Cam mumbles still looking in all directions.

  My hands curl, “You left her alone with Cammie.”

  Cam’s head stops jerking around, and he gulps looking at me.

  “They were right there.” Cam stutters.

  I snarl turning on my heel. “Where do you think, they went?” I grind out between lengthen teeth. I should never have left the beach. I knew something like this would happen.

  “Maybe the house.”

  I nod stiffly taking off at a run. I run through the woods towards Cam’s house. Why would Cammie do something like this? She should know better. My heart strains in my chest. What if something happens to Avery?

  I pick up speed. My pulse is pounding in my neck. I’m going to ring Cammie when I get a hold of her.

  I break through the tree line. Cam’s house sits up on the hillside. A three-bedroom stone cottage.

  Two minutes later a red-faced panting Cam and a bored Aden burst through the tree line.

  “Her car’s gone,” I mutter, pacing in the green grass. My teeth grind together.

  Cam pales. “No.”

  “Yes, Cam. Your wayward sister took my mate off pack land.” I snarl, my skin rippling with the shift.

  “We’ll take my car,” Aden mumbles going to the garage.

  A rumble of an engine can be heard behind the garage door that slowly pulls open.

  A black Mustang pulls out with Aden behind the wheel. I climb inside the passenger side, and a shaky Cam climbs into the backseat.

  “She wouldn’t take Avery to town. She wouldn’t.” Cam mumbled.

  “Cam. Enough. You know she did.” Aden grips, taking a sharp turn. His tires are kicking up gravel from his speed.

  “Where would she go?” I growl, my hand gripping the door frame.

  “The Smoothie,” Cam whines, hands rubbing at his face.

  The Mustang tires squeal when Aden slams on the brakes in front of the gate.

  I quickly tap in the code. The gate is slowly pulling open. When there’s enough room for the Mustang Aden guns the engine.

  “She better be okay.” I snap as the car speeds down the road.


  I sip the strawberry smoothie Cammie ordered me. I watch her from the roundtable I’m sitting at in the Smoothie.

  Cammie moves from group to group. Talking and laughing. A social butterfly.

  “Whoop, it’s so hard being me.” Cammie giggles are taking the metal chair in front of me.

  I cock an eyebrow at her. This girl is something else. She takes a big slurp of her smoothie eyes flicking around the seating area.

  “How does it feel to get out?” Cammie asks, chewing on her straw.


  She giggles. “You're funny.”

  Yeah, so funny.

  Her eyes widen, and her giggles cut off at the same time I feel the heat against my back.

  My eyes narrow and I tip my head back.

  A guy with blond hair, blue eyes, and a lip piercing is standing directly behind me. A smirk on his red lips.

  “Yes?” My right eyebrow goes up.

  He licks his lips, “You're new.”

  I smile something sweet, “Yeah?”

  His eyes shine, “Yeah. What’s your name?”

  My sweet smiles turn dark. The guy’s eyes widen, “Death.” I say monotone.

  His head cocks, pale skin turning even lighter, “Death? You can’t be serious.”

  I put a purr in my empty voice, “Ah, baby I am too you.”

  Cammie busts out laughing, and the guy looks at her and then back at me. He shakes his head walking off muttering, “Crazy.”

  “Oh, my Gawd. That was creepy but hilarious. Did you see Jack’s face? I so knew I liked you for a reason.” Cammie hoots, slapping the table with her hand.

  “Come on. Let’s go.” Cammie giggles, walking towards the door.

  I follow sipping my smoothie. It is quite good.

  “You know, you really should put your shoes on. Never know what you might pick up on the sidewalk.” Cammie mutters staring at my now dirty bare feet.

  I shrug my shoulders. I never did like shoes on my feet, and it feels good to let them breathe for once. We always had to have shoes on in Green Bier.

  I see Cammie stiffen when we get to the crosswalk.

  “Maybe taking you to town wasn’t such a good idea,” Cammie mutters.

  I glance behind me and see Jack from the Smoothie with two others.

  I look at Cammie.

  She’s biting her nails waiting for the light to change saying we can cross.

  “Is this bad?” I slurp at what’s left of my smoothie.

  “No, why would you say that?”

  The light turns. “Come on.”

  I walk fast keeping up with Cammie as we hit the other side of the sidewalk walking towards her little sports car.

  “You're acting like it's bad.” I twist my head looking at an anxious Cammie who keeps glancing behind her.

; She mutters, “You must give off some damn potent pheromones.”

  Cammie unlocks the doors with a beep, and we climb in.

  “Pheromones?” My nails start tapping on the door.

  Cammie pulls out into traffic, “Yeah, it’s this smell Empath’s give off letting wolves know. Hey, I’m here.”

  My eyes narrow and I turn towards her. She’s flushed chewing on her lip and glancing at the rearview mirror.


  She speeds up as we get out of the small town. “Yeah. I so knew I was right.” She mumbles.


  “Yeah, that’s why the boys seem to want to be around you. Empaths can’t help it. You’re like catnip to their wolves.”

  So now I’m catnip. Could this get any stranger?

  “Of course, the boys don’t notice. Because they’re boys. But I guessed by the way they were all acting.” She nods speeding up.

  “It seemed Aden was on the verge of figuring it out. You know, because of his sister. But yeah. I know you’re an Empath. A little emotionless to be an Empath but still one. What exactly happened to you?”


  I cock my head at Cammie. She’s all over the place.

  “What now?” I mumble my nails tapping faster.

  “That was Aden’s car.”

  Oh. Guess we didn’t do a good job at losing them.

  “I’m so dead. So, dead.” Cammie mutters going faster. The car hugs the turns perfectly, and it isn’t long before we’re at the gate, and Cammie is punching in the numbers.

  “How close do you think they are?” I ask watching behind us as dust kicks up from the gravel.

  “Too close.” She mutters her hands are turning white on the steering wheel.

  She skids to a stop in front of her house and climbs out.

  “Come on Avery.” She laughs taking off running through the trees.

  If I’m crazy, this girl is the Queen of Crazy.

  I climb out and walk after her.

  The wind blows causing my hair to fly up in my face as I amble through the woods. Trees and bushes and small streams seem to be everywhere here. I step over one of the little stream then pause looking down at my black feet.


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