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Avery (Wolf Rage Book 1)

Page 14

by A. M Martin

  We break through the tree line.

  "Where are we?" I ask looking around.

  We’re in a small clearing with another cabin. Not as big as Jeff’s. It’s a cute two-story cottage. Not large, but not tiny either. Just homey.

  "My place." He says walking around the cabin to a huge black Dodge truck.

  You got to love a Dodge man. Am I, right? I know I said I didn’t know cars, but a Dodge truck, yeah, I know them. There’s just something about them that gets my heart going.

  He opens the door passenger door for me, and I climb up.

  "You live by yourself?" I ask as he gets in the driver side.

  "With Nick." He smiles and starts the truck.

  It rumbles to life.


  We pull out of the simple gravel drive, heading straight. I count fifteen small driveways as we follow the road, threading through the trees. Is that how many people live here?

  It’s not too long before we’re stopped at the end of the road. The graveyard is right in front of us. Of me.

  "It’s nice,” I say looking out the window to the gate of the graveyard.

  I’ve never visited a graveyard before. I’ve always found them creepy and sad at the same time. But nice too. In a calm kind of way. I guess.

  I climb out of the truck, and a shiver goes up my spine. Not the kind I get from Kayden. It’s the cold kind of shiver; you get when you feel eyes on you.

  "Are you ready?" Kayden asks softly.

  I’m stopped right in front of the gate. Am I ready no. But I must be-need to be this is a long time coming. So, I nod and follow him through the gate with shaky hands.

  We walk the cobblestone paths between gravestones. Some grave markers are so small you barely notice them. While others are huge with statues adorning them.

  We come to a stop at a small willow tree in the left back area of the graveyard. I look at Kayden, and he nods his head.

  I guess this is it. Which makes sense. Dad always loved willow trees.

  I walk forward to the knee-high black stone. A paw print is carved at the top along with...

  Maxwell Lee Blackwell

  A cherished brother

  A beloved father

  Always in our hearts

  But no dates. Why are there not any dates? Is it a werewolf thing or something else?

  I move forward and lightly lay my hand on the cool stone. It feels weird being here after all this time.

  "I’m sorry daddy." It comes out in a thin whisper. I squeeze my eyes shut. My whole body hurts. I don’t really know what else to say. It’s confusing. I’m confused. I’ve never had to do anything like this before. Be at a gravesite of a loved one. What are you supposed to say? Is there a right or wrong way of saying something?

  "I’ll remember daddy. I love you."

  A sigh expands my chest as the first tears touch my cheeks. Am I always going to be crying now? Who knew this could hurt so much. My lips touch the smooth stone. Giving a goodbye, a miss you kiss.

  I don’t know who did this. I do know it has something to do with me and I’m going to figure it out. Rip all the secrets wide open.

  When I turn around, I stop breathing. The look in Kayden eyes has me scared. Why I have no clue. Any girl would love to have him look at them with adoration and love. Me, nah it scares me senseless.

  Everything happened when I turned fifteen. Some birthday day. Anyway. I Never had a boyfriend. Well, a real one. Evan is a boy, and we considered ourselves in a boyfriend-girlfriend way, but it was like a friend thing. Comfortable. Hand holding and cheek kissing. But this with him. With Kayden, it’s scary. It's more real. Powerful. It will more than likely be more than just hand holding and cheek kissing. Am I ready for that?

  Everything is scary. All of this is so new. In so many ways.

  "I’m ready to go,” I mumble.

  Please don’t let him sense how breathless I am. The blush I can’t hide. Before this day is over my skin is going to be stained red.

  "Are you ok?" How his voice goes from light to deep is... I don’t know what it is other than it makes me warm. I’m a freak.

  "Yeah." No, not really.

  He nods and turns around leading the way back to the shiny black truck. It only takes ten minutes to get back to the house. It must be comforting to the other families who lost people to have the graveyard so close.

  "What now?" I question it.

  I’m so confused. There are so many things I still need to know. What does being a cursed blood mean for me? What about the ribbons? The empath thing? The mate bond with Kayden? The black wolf. How am I supposed to help him? How can one help something they're afraid of? Maybe getting my emotions back wasn’t the right choice.

  "We talk to Jeff,” Kayden says softly.

  Jeff. Alpha. God, how am I to live in this messed up reality, not knowing anything.

  "Kayden." I tap him on the shoulder before he has a chance to open the front door of Jeff’s house.

  "Yeah?" His eyes flash. Goes brighter making me step back. Does something get stuck in my throat, fear?

  He frowns slightly, “Avery, you have no cause to fear me. I’ll always protect you."

  "What does that even mean?! You don’t know me, yet I see it in your eyes."

  I start crying again. I can’t help it. Everything is so frustrating and confusing.

  Fresh cut grass fills the air around me when Kayden in gulfs me in his arms. A tingle goes through my body at the contact. This feels like home. He feels like home. How could that possibly be?

  "It will be okay." His soft lips press a kiss on my forehead.

  My eyes close at the feel of his lips; I hope it will be okay. But I just don’t know anymore. It’s only been a day with my emotions back, and it feels like a lifetime. It’s so hard.

  "Hey, You alright?" Cam's voice comes from behind me.

  I turn in Kayden’s arms when he doesn’t release me. Loving the feeling of being caged in by his body.

  "I will be,” I mumble wiping tears from my face.

  I need to be okay. I get to live again. I get to feel again. Like Kayden’s heat pressing on my back. The butterflies in my belly. That’s all good things.

  "Jeff isn’t back yet." Cam lets it hang in the air.

  I feel relieved. Is that awful that I hope he never comes back, with more questions and answers?

  "Do you want to watch a movie with me?" Cam smiles.

  "No. Not really. I think I’m just going to go to bed."

  He looks up at the sky and back down at me. I feel Kayden move slightly against me.

  "Yeah okay."

  I step out of the comfort of Kayden’s arms and go in the house. Maybe some sleep would do me good. All this might not seem so impossible in the morning. The stress could be lighter. I don’t know. I just can’t handle anymore today.


  She looks so sad. Heartbreakingly so.

  I watch as Avery goes inside the house. A little piece of me is leaving with her.

  My fist clenched at my sides. It felt amazing to hold her in my arms. Perfect. Right.

  I loved the feeling of my arms wrapped around Avery’s small body. Being able to feel her body heat and the pitter-patter of her heart. She’s a perfect fit for me. I’m able to rest my chin on the top of her head as my arms are wrapped around her. I wished she would never have moved away. Why couldn’t she stay in my arms forever? I know it’s not realistic, but hey werewolves aren’t supposed to be either, yet here we are.

  If only it didn’t bring my wolf to the surface that is.

  My hands start to shake followed by the rest of my body as brown fur begins to sprout from my golden skin, like new grass. My wolf fighting to get loose. He’s always fighting now that she’s here.

  "Not handling it too, well, are you?" Cam asks, eyeing my arms.

  I snarl at Cam. No, I am not handling the mating pull that good. The longer Avery and I go without completely the bond, the harder my wolf rides my human side
. The harder it pushes forward, wanting to bite. To claim. To mark. To tag.

  "Why don’t you just tell her? She would understand that your wolf is fighting you." Cam questions not understanding why I am willing to put myself through this.

  "I can’t,” I growl out. I can’t tell her. I’m scared.

  I twist around facing Cam who stumbles back.

  I don’t think Avery will understand the wolf under my skin or handle it well for that matter, at least not right now. She wasn’t raised here. It’d be too much for her on top of everything else.

  "Can’t or won’t?" Camron asks with worry etched on his face.

  I grunt out as my teeth length and pierces my lips.

  Damn it. I turn around going into the house. The taste of blood on my tongue.

  "What the...?" Nick yells at me as I speed by him, knocking into him as I go up the stairs.

  I move quickly with an animal grace. Not making a sound, climbing the stairs to the third floor.

  I stop, my breathing deep. I slide down right outside the small entry room into Avery’s bedroom. Her cold, snowy scent fills my lungs, with that slight aching sweet scent of the Rain blood line underneath her usual cold scent. A relief swarms my body as my wolf pulls back, somewhat content with our mates’ scent surrounding us.

  That’s better.

  "You need to tell her Kay,” Nick demands in a heated whisper as he leans up against the opposite wall.

  "No." I snap, winces at my loud voice.

  I hate the look of pity in my brother’s eyes, but to tell Avery that they need to complete the bond fills me with so much fear. She isn’t ready. She’s just now starting to trust me.

  "Would you rather end up attacking her." Nick grunts softly, “Or what about if she comes into heat. Huh. You know how painful that is. Not only to her but for the ones around her while you guys are unmated."

  "We don’t know if she will even come into heat. She inherited the empath side of the genes from her father." I start tapping my thumb against my knee. Avery being in heat is the last damn thing I want to worry about or even think about for that matter.

  "You don’t know what will happen with her Kayden. She is different."

  "Do you not think I know that." I snarl then proceed to hold my breath.

  Both boys stay still and quiet, turning their senses towards Avery’s room. Did she hear me? No, the sound of running water reaches my sensitive ears.

  "You need to sit down and talk to her about this before you attack her and do something horrible." Nick shakes his head as he walks down the stairs.

  I know Nick is right. But the fear of turning her away from me has my heart clenching with pain.

  I shake my head. I will wait a little longer. Give her more time to adjust to everything first. She needs that. I will give her that.

  When it’s the right time. I’ll explain everything that must do with the mate bonding and pray she won’t run away screaming. That she will be alright and want this just as much as I do.

  My eyes shut as I hear the beautiful melody of Avery’s heart beating. Soon it will sync with mine. With that in mind, I drift off to sleep with my own unique song ringing in my ears.


  I slowly come awake and freeze. My eyes are still shut, and I’m not moving, but there is this feeling like I’m being watched. Someone is in the room.

  I recount what I did last night. I finally went to the graveyard, and I was wrapped up in Kayden’s warm arms. It was such a good feeling having his arms around me.

  After that, I came up to my room and took a hot bath. Then I went to bed. I can’t remember whether I locked the door or not. Either way, someone is in the room with me.

  I can feel them. Their jittery-happy feelings are flowing to me. I don’t know who it could be.

  It makes me uncomfortable knowing someone is in here just watching me sleep for who knows how long. I wish emotions came with a taste or smell something to identify the person.

  My eyes open and I jerk back. "Cam."

  I knew someone was there but didn’t realize how close. My eyes narrow as a smile breaks across Camron’s face.

  He’s lying beside me on his stomach, hands under his chin, face turn towards me. It’s a little strange.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Do you know you jerk around in your sleep?" Camron says rolling over on his side. “And you mumble a lot.”

  I look behind me and see Cammie lounging on the window seat popping her gum. “And you snore.” She smiles cheekily at me.

  "No. I didn’t know those things. Thanks, so much guys."

  “Ah, she has some humor, Cam.” Cammie chuckles.

  I stare at Cam, and he stares back. What could he possibly need? Why is he in my bed?

  "Let’s go eat breakfast." He says jumping up suddenly.

  "I’ll be there in a minute,” I mumble.

  He shrugs and leaves the room.

  I roll over and groan into my pillow. I feel uneasy and stressed. I don’t think I care for these feelings very much.

  “That’s how you sounded.”

  I look up and see Cammie standing beside the bed.

  “Do you guys have this weird thing where you like to watch people sleep?”

  “Not really. You’re just new and shiny.” Cammie shrugs, grinning. “Hurry up.” She bounces out of the room.

  I roll out of bed going to the connecting bathroom.

  My ice blue eyes no longer have that cold look. They look haunted now. Lost.

  I splash cold water on my face waking me up more and brush out my long locks.

  I dress in a plain black tee and light blue skinny jeans, slipping on my flip-flops I leave the room with nerves and dread bubbling in my belly.

  I bound down the stairs to the small entryway lost in my own little world. I only make it a couple of inches in the small room; a surprised scream echoes out as I trip. I land with a grunt. As an oaf reaches my ears.

  "Kayden?" My head tilts as I take in Kayden’s rumpled form laying half in and half out of the entryway.

  My heart jumps to life at seeing him. But, what’s he doing sleeping outside of my room? Is this kind of thing typical for them? Cam and Cammie watching me sleep and Kayden laying in the room? That’s just odd to me.

  His tan skin gets a hint of red to it. He’s embarrassed. I find that sweet.

  I scramble up off him and the floor.

  "Are you okay?" His voice is scruffy from sleep. It’s very enduring.

  I nod. My voice is seeming to be gone now.

  He nods back and leaves. Just leaves. My mouth pops open from the surprise.

  I look at the spot on the floor. Did he sleep outside of my door? Why didn’t the tingles warn me to his presence? Why did he just leave without saying anything? I don’t know. I just don’t know anymore. Between him, Cam, and Cammie, today is starting out so promising. Not.

  "Hey, come eat." Cam smiles at me from the doorway into the kitchen.

  I move slowly, still uneasy at this whole situation and the people. Eventually, I’ll relax, though. Hopefully.

  My eyes roam the bar sitting in the kitchen. Bacon, sausage, pancakes and fresh strawberries are scattered on the top. It smells delicious.

  Pulling out a stool, I hop up and start fixing my plate. My eyes flick around the kitchen looking for Kayden. I get nervous and feel a little sick at not seeing him.

  "Where is everyone?"

  Oh, that’s good. The pancakes are light and fluffy melting in my mouth with a touch of butter and maple syrup.

  "Aden already ate, considering he cooked. Kayden flew out of here four seconds ago, and I’m assuming Nick is at his place. Jeff went to check up on Shelly and Lilly and who knows what Cammie is getting into."

  Kayden flew out of here. Was it because of me? I nod, crunching on a piece of bacon. Wait did he say Aden cooked this? Mean evil Aden.

  I pause with a second fork full of pancakes, eyeing it warily. He wouldn’t poison the food, would he?
I look over at Cam and see his pancakes already gone. It is good. With that, I plop my fork in my mouth and continue eating.

  "When you get done, we’re going to work with Dean." There’s a sparkle in Cam’s warm brown eyes as my hand stopping in mid-air.

  I shift in my seat, laying my second piece of bacon back onto the plate. I want Kayden here. The feeling of him missing hits me hard as my anxiety notches up.

  Dean. The black wolf. The scary black wolf that’s in this rage I’m supposed to help him out of. My gut bottoms out. I don’t think I can do this.

  "Don’t worry. You’ll be alright." Cam says gently.

  My hands start to shake. I’m done with my half-eaten plate of food. My stomach sours. This is fear. The real worry that I’m feeling. I do not like it. Maybe I can...

  "It’s not as bad as it seems,” Cam says looking at my shaky hands. "I know they call it the Rage, which is stupid if you ask me, but it’s not really a rage." He taps his finger on his lip, “It’s when a shifter reaches the cut-off age, twenty-five without having a mate or an em-bond, they start to lose their humanity. Their human emotion and mind slowly start slipping into more of a wolf, until they are completely wolf. Not rage-full, just a wild animal and the stronger ones can sometimes hold it off for a while."

  "He’s a wild animal." I cross my arms, my eyes wide. They feel like they’re going to pop out of my head. I can’t do this. Where is Kayden?

  "Kind of. He’s intelligent with only a few things mattering to him. Like eating, sleeping, hunting, protecting what he thinks is his."

  I gulp, my heart is already beating too fast in my chest. Sweat is slowly coating my palms. I’m not even in front of Dean, the wolf, and I’m already having a freakout.

  "He won’t hurt me?" I squeak out.

  Laughing Cam says, “No, he knows you are his."

  Am I his? Like property? I’m confused. "How does that work? I’m supposed to be Kayden’s mate. How can I have an em-bond with Dean?"

  Cam shifts on his feet are looking uneasy, “Well, I don’t really know."

  I just look at him. That is not an answer.

  "I don’t Avery. You're different. Normally a wolf does not form a mate bound with an empath yet Kayden did with you. It’s never happened before. It might be because of your mother’s bloodline. If an em-bond happens to form between a male wolf and a female empath, there's a small chance that the em-bond will eventually evolve into a half mate bond. But you guys bypassed that. It’s highly unusual."


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