Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World

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Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World Page 81

by Nicholas Ostler

  and French culture 410-411

  Holy Synod Act 435

  and Japan 433, 452

  ’literary languages’ 442

  Muslim populations 434-435, 439

  Russian 24n, 108, 421n, 422, 431, 433, 520, 528-529, 531

  army’s linguistic unity 438-439

  bilingualism 440

  colonizing language 325n, 427, 434, 437, 446

  Cyrillic alphabet 442

  ideological language 444

  literature 439-440

  mass literacy 441-442

  missionaries 429

  orthography 442

  poor prospects 444-446

  Soviet policy 441-444

  status 437-441

  Soviet Union 441-444

  Russian Academy 439

  Russian Bible Society, Imperial 438

  Russian Orthodox Church 423, 425, 434, 437-438

  Russo-Japanese War 452

  Rwanda 105

  Sabah 505

  Saddam Hussein, Iraqi dictator 35

  Sahagún, Fray Bernardo de, Spanish friar 368

  Sahidic dialect of Coptic 92

  St Thomas Christians 88

  Sais 130, 151, 165

  šaka 43, 48

  šaka era dating system 219n

  šaka-Khotanese 108

  Sale, Kirkpatrick 335n, 336n

  Samaria 56, 65

  Samaritan Christians 87

  Samarkand 21, 93, 106, 108, 437

  San 22

  Sanchuniathon of Beirut, Phoenician mythographer 72-73

  Sanskrit 20, 21, 24n, 92, 174-176, 238

  in Central and East Asia 207-213

  Buddhist Hybrid dialect 190

  chants 145n

  characteristics 180-185, 194, 205

  charm of 214-218

  and Chinese 192-194, 209

  dialects 175, 189

  disadvantages 218-222

  in drama 188

  and Greek 190-192

  in India 185-190, 195-199

  liturgical 175-176, 178-179, 185, 208, 225, 238, 520, 536

  Prakrit 175, 178, 185, 187-188, 190, 192, 214, 218-219, 223, 246-247

  pronunciation 157, 174n, 217

  and religion 189-190, 192

  scripts 174n, 194, 202, 206, 209, 211

  in South-East Asia 4, 21, 159, 162, 199-207

  speaker populations 12

  spread of 141, 176-179, 195-199, 214, 219, 238

  supplanted 212-213, 574n38

  survival of 222-226

  sutras 181-183

  Vedic/Vedas 43, 175, 180-181, 185, 197, 206, 209, 220

  vocabulary 183-184

  written text 183, 194, 209

  Śāntarak⋅ita, Buddhist monk 178

  Santo Tomás, Fray Domingo, Spanish friar 334, 356

  Saqqara 81

  Sarawak 505

  Sardinia 45, 71, 76

  Sargon I, king of Agade 35, 37, 40, 51, 60

  Sargon II, king of Assyria 65

  Sassanid dynasty 96, 98, 108, 259, 260

  Satavahana, Indian king 189n

  Satire on Trades 156

  Śaurasenī 188

  Saxon, Germanic language 307

  Saxon England 312, 460

  invasions 304-305, 310-314

  Scaliger, Joseph Justus, Dutch philologist 277n

  Scandinavia 19, 313, 516

  Schiller, Friedrich, German dramatist 446, 448

  Schloezer, A.L., German philologist 35n

  Scotland 447n, 463-464, 518

  scribes 67, 82, 155-156

  Scyles, Scythian Hellenophile 243

  Scythian 48, 108, 186

  Scythians 43, 186, 219, 241, 243, 246, 257, 276, 335

  Secret History of the Mongols 145

  Seleuceia on the Eulaeus 258, 561, see also Susa

  Seleuceia on the Tigris 258, 561

  Seleucid dynasty 55, 108, 190, 191, 247, 248-249, 257, 258, 293

  Seljuk dynasty 21, 101, 106, 263, 265

  Semitic languages 35, 36-38, 40, 41, 43, 47, 60-62, 65, 70, 72n, 78, 93, 110-111, 122, 129, 250, 292, 517

  1-10 in Akkadian, Aramaic and Arabic 37n, 38

  characteristics 35-37

  Senghor, Léopold, Senegalese president 420

  Sennacherib, king of Assyria 50, 65, 83

  Septuagint Bible 248

  Sequoya, Cherokee 154

  Serbia 262

  Serbo-Croat 97n

  Serbs 430n

  Seti I, pharaoh 126

  Severus, Sulpicius, Roman historian 300

  Seville 99

  Shabaka Stone (bearing Memphite theology) 113-114

  Shakespeare, William, English dramatist 22, 334, 473-474n, 477

  Shāng dynasty 118, 136

  Shanghai 149

  Shem 35n

  Shi Huang Di, Chinese emperor 137-138, 151, 156

  Shia/Shiite tradition 98

  Shoshenq dynasty 127, 129

  Showen Jiezi of Xu Shen 138

  Shusim 56 see also Susa

  Siam 207

  Siberia 80, 101, 380, 423, 428, 432, 436, 444-445

  Sicily 45, 71, 239-241

  Siddha script 156

  Sidetic 84

  Sidon/Sidonians 35n, 44, 71

  Sierra Leone 508

  Sihanouk, Norodom, Cambodian prince 420

  Sikhism 216

  Silenos and Sosylos, Greek annalists with Hannibal 77

  Simhala people 176 see also Sinhala

  Simonsz, Cornelius Jan, Dutch governor of Ceylon 389

  Sind 93

  Singapore 149, 505, 507, 532, 548

  Sinhala 198, 544

  Sino-Russian border 427

  Sino-Tibetan languages 134, 138, 141

  Sinoxenic dialects 162

  Slave trade 105, 344, 365, 391, 415, 416n, 418, 480, 508, 539n

  Slavs 274, 280-281, 304-309, 310, 423

  incursions into Greece 261-262, 264, 309, 314

  Slavic/Slavonic languages 262, 273, 275, 277, 309-310, 422, 425, 429, 447

  Slovaks 430n

  Slovenians 430n

  Slovo o Polku Igoreve, Russian heroic lay 426

  Smith, Captain John, English colonist 481n

  Socrates, Greek philosopher 183

  Sogdian 21, 48, 98-99, 106, 108, 546

  Soma, also Liuye, legendary queen of Funan 4

  Somalia 97n, 104

  Song dynasty 142-143, 147

  Song-Yun, Chinese pilgrim 193

  Son’s Books 145

  Soto, Hernando de, Spanish conquistador 337, 339, 344

  South Africa

  and Dutch 399, 411

  and English 19, 507

  South America 12, 333, 362, 419, 444

  South Pacific 508

  South-East Asia 101, 159, 160, 178

  and English 506-507

  and Sanskrit 199-213, 536

  scripts 202-203

  Spain 14, 14-16, 332-346, 347-350, 478, 482, 486, 494-495, 509, 519

  Arabic script 97n

  and China 148

  and Christianity 332

  empire and language 373-377

  and French 410

  Islam banned 333

  Jews expelled 333

  and Latin 12

  Muslim presence 99-100, 554

  Phoenician settlements 46n, 71

  Roman control 301

  see also Americas, Caribbean, Philippines

  Spanish 7, 179, 300, 307, 331, 340, 373-377, 472

  Castilian 332-333

  colonizing language 325n, 380, 400, 446, 495, 527-528

  Romance 320n, 332

  style contrasted with Nahuatl 14-15

  world language 525-533

  Spanish-American War 340, 377

  Sparta 82, 236, 240

  Spaulding, Augustine, British merchant 323

  Śri Lanka 160, 176, 178, 199, 201, 389-391, 399, 401, 544

  Śri Vijaya 147, 203

  Stalin, Josef, Soviet leader 423n, 432, 433n

  Stanley, Si
r Henry, British explorer 418

  Statute of Kilkenny 143n, 464-465

  Strabo, Greek geographer 191, 232, 241, 252, 277, 279, 282, 335

  Strasburg Oaths 308n, 317

  Stuyvesant, Pieter, last governor of Nieuw Nederland 493n

  Sudan 98

  Suebi 305, 307

  Súi dynasty 119, 141

  Sullivan, John L., US journalist 486

  Sumatra 147, 204-205, 213

  Sumer 31, 37, 39, 41-44, 51, 53, 57

  Sumerian 11n, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41, 46, 49-56, 52, 55, 60-62, 68, 163, 536

  bilingualism with Akkadian 51, 53-57, 111, 163

  cuneiform 11n, 32, 37, 39-40, 40, 42, 46, 50, 51, 54-55, 57, 61-63, 72n

  edubba system 62-63

  school texts 37

  Susa 56-57, 61, 258

  šušan see Susa

  Swahili 97n, 103-105, 419n, 532

  Sweden 410, 433, 486, 492

  Switzerland 407, 410

  Syriac 87-88, 90, 131, 250, 255, see also Aramaic

  Syria 20-21, 37, 38, 44, 48, 79, 86, 128-129

  Greek overlordship 245, 247, 259

  Syrian Jacobite Church 90

  Tabgach 106, 119, 140, 144, 151, 153, 306n

  Tacitus 273, 277, 280, 288, 302, 309, 311n

  Tagalog 377-379, 544

  Tai languages 141

  Tai Zong, Chinese emperor 159

  Taiwan 451-453

  Tajikistan, 47, 99, 108, 437

  Tale of Sinuhe, Egyptian romance 129n

  Talmud 87, 90n, 217

  Talon, Jean, intendant of Nouvelle-France 414

  Tamazight 127 see also Berber

  Tamil 160, 177, 198, 201, 507, 530, 544

  TaNaK, Hebrew Scripture 70n, 96

  Tang dynasty 119, 120, 141, 146, 151, 158, 169, 178, 209

  Tangier 93

  Tangut 142

  Tanis 151

  Tanzania 104-105, 508, 532, 544

  Taoism 172

  Tarascan 352, 355, 372

  Tāriq bin Ziyād, Moorish conqueror 95, 99

  Tartessians 290

  Tatars 106, 306n, 422, 423n, 433, 434, 435, 440

  Taxila 85, 181, 258

  TeleGeography 544n

  Telugu 177, 187, 198, 530

  Tempest, The (Shakespeare) 334

  Tepoztlán 368

  Teutonic knights 447

  Tezozómoc, Fernando Alvarado, Nahuatl chronicler 353-354

  Thai 134, 141, 208; script 202

  Thailand 147n, 148, 161, 205, 208, 528

  The 1001 Nights 98, 103

  Thebes 127, 129, 151

  Themistocles, Greek general 5, 555

  Thirty-Six Strategems 171

  Thoby, Henry, British Indian civil servant 503n

  Thracians 282, 290

  Thucydides 233

  Tibet 80, 141, 178-179, 203, 221

  Tibetan 21, 134, 209

  script 156, 211-212, 564-565

  Tibeto-Burman languages 177

  Tiglath Pileser I, king of Assyria 43, 423n

  Tiglath Pileser III, king of Assyria 65

  Tigre 36, 92

  Tigrinya 36, 92

  Tigris 39, 40n

  Timur-i-leng (Tamerlane, Tamburlaine), Turkic conqueror 90

  Tocharians see Kushāna

  Togan Timur, Chinese emperor 143

  Tok Pisin 508

  Tokugawa Ieyasu, Japanese shōgun 388, 450

  Toledo 93, 99

  Tolstoy, Count Leo, Russian writer 410, 439

  Tongking 146

  Top Twenty Languages 19n, 525-533

  Torah, 70n, 111, 217

  Toribio de Benavente, Fray see Motolinía

  Tordesillas line 336-337, 385

  Torres, Luis de, Spanish interpreter 335

  Totonac 348, 352, 355

  Trade 10, 21, 56, 61-62, 74, 75, 128, 130, 146-149, 154, 213, 229, 242, 313, 326, 334, 357, 363, 385-387, 391, 397, 402, 412, 416, 441, 444, 450, 511, 547

  ’Rich trades’ 397

  Trajan, Roman emperor 259n, 310


  Georgievsk 434

  Nerchinsk 427

  Paris 415, 494

  Rastatt 411

  St-Clair-sur-Epte 460

  Tordesillas (Tardesilhas) 336-337, 385, 392

  Utrecht 414n

  Waitangi 506

  Trevisa, John de 467, 468, 471

  Triadon, Coptic poem 134

  Triads of Ireland, The (Meyer) 272

  Trogodyte 131, 232

  Tsunataro, Aoyagi, Japanese political analyst 453

  Tuareg 101

  Tunebo 363

  Tungus languages 21, 138, 140, 142, 143

  Tunisia 93, 97

  Tupí-Guaraní languages 362, 363

  Tupinambá 349-350, 363, 393, 571n15

  Turkic languages 105-108, 138, 140, 141, 212, 219, 223n, 306n, 425, 427, 435, 443n, 514, 528n

  possible lingua franca 531, 547

  runic alphabet 106

  scripts 106

  Turkmenistan 437, 443n


  advance across Anatolia/Aegean 264

  and Arabic 101

  Christian Orthodoxy 264, 269-270

  Turkish conquests 263-265, 528n

  Turkish 21, 97n, 105n, 108, 163, 263, 547, 554

  Tyndale, William 473

  Tyre 44, 68n, 71, 73, 75, 250

  Tz’utujil 372

  Uganda 105, 508

  Ugarit 41, 60n, 62, 71, 128

  Ugaritic 70, 71, 73

  Uighur 21, 97n, 107, 142

  script 106

  Ukraine 425, 429, 431-432, 439, 443

  Ulpian, Roman lawyer 299

  ’Umar ibn al-Khattab, Arab critic 94

  Umbrian 242

  United East India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie -VOC) 397, 400n, 401-102, 457, 539

  United Kingdom, population 153n

  United States Magazine 486

  Ur 40, 67

  Uralian/Uralic area to Russia’s North-East 423, 432

  Uralic languages 429

  Urartu 31, 33, 41, 43, 46-47, 50, 65

  Urdu 12, 178, 223, 497-498, 503, 528-530; see also Hindi

  Urfa 87, 247

  Uruk 54

  US Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 454n


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