Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World

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Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World Page 80

by Nicholas Ostler

  compulsory Spanish 374

  indigenous languages 375-376

  lenguas generates 367

  Mexican cession 487, 494-495

  population in 1559 568n14

  printing presses 346

  republic of Indians 368

  Spanish occupation 1-4, 12, 14-17, 337, 340, 342, 346, 349, 392, 494-495

  and US economy 379

  Micronesia 448, 452-454, 510, 573n70

  Middle East 21, 43, 45, 110-112, 377

  linguistic innovations 29-35, 37

  Middle English 66n, 125

  Midrash 70n

  Mien 134

  Milinda 192, 230, 246

  Milinda-paõha, Questions of King Milinda 192, 246

  Mill, James, English philosopher 501, 513

  Ming dynasty 121, 143, 144, 147, 148, 160

  Mishnah 70n

  Missionaries see Christianity

  Mitanni 41, 62, 128, 196

  Mitchell, Margaret 490

  Mithradata 1257

  Mithras 255

  Mixtec 346, 352, 355

  Moabite 70, 71

  Moesia 310

  Moldova 443

  Molière, Jean-Baptiste, French dramatist 410

  Molina, Fray Alonso de, Spanish friar 346

  Monemvasia, Chronicle of 262

  Mongolia 21, 121, 143, 427

  people 153, 170-171, 207, 425-426, 555 religion 179

  Mongolian 106, 108, 138, 140, 143, 145, 146, 156-157, 217

  Monophysites 89

  Monroe, James, US President 488

  Montcalm, Marquess of, French general 415

  Montecassino monastery 319

  Montezuma see Motecuhzoma

  Morgan, Henry, British pirate 480

  Moscow 426-427, 431-432

  Mossé, Fernand 472n

  Motecuhzoma, Aztec tlatoani 1-4, 14-16, 353n

  Motolinía (Fray Toribio de Benavente), Spanish Friar 368, 371

  Mozambique 104-105, 387, 390, 399

  Mufwene, Salikoko, historical linguist 559n

  Mughal dynasty 106, 108, 212, 223, 497n, 514

  Muhammad, Arab prophet 93-94, 96, 103, 260

  Mühlenberg, F.A.C. 492

  Muisca/Muysca see Chibcha

  Multatuli (Eduard Douwes Dekker), Dutch novelist 395

  Munda languages 177, 188, 197, 217

  Mursilis, king 55

  Muški 43

  Muslims 88n, 92, 94-96, 141, 164, 212, 434

  see also Islam

  Musophilus (Daniel) 323

  Musti, D. 249

  Myiares, Andreas 265

  Mysians 43

  Nabada 37

  Nahuatl 1-4, 14-17, 342, 344, 346, 350-355, 363, 368-369, 372, 374, 444, 521n

  style contrasted with Spanish 14-15

  Nālandā Mahāvihāra, Buddhist university 193, 194, 220-222

  Nan-yue 146

  Nanjing 151

  Napata 127

  Napoleon III, French emperor 301, 416n

  Naturalis Historia (Pliny) 27, 336

  Naucratis 130, 240n

  Navajo census 489-490

  Navarre 99

  Nawat 350n

  Near East 76, 90, 92, 111

  Nearchus, Greek admiral 191-192

  Nebrija, Antonio de, Spanish linguist 331, 345, 348, 380, 396, 446, 472

  Nebuchadrezzar II, Babylonian king 44, 47, 59, 79

  Nennius, chronicler of Britain 311

  Nepali 176

  Nesian 41n

  Nestorians 88-90, 119, 120, 141, 158, 536

  Netherlands 398, 400n, 409

  New Granada 339, 367, 568n15

  New Hebrides see Vanuatu

  New World see Americas

  New Zealand 506, 508, 510, 535

  Newton, Sir Isaac 328

  Nhengatu see Tupinambá

  Nicephorus I, Byzantine emperor 262

  Nieuw Nederland 492-493

  Nigeria 508, 530

  Nikolay II, Tsar 433

  Nimrod 35n

  Nimrud also Kalhu 88

  Nineveh 49-50, 54, 65

  Nippur 58

  Nithard, Frankish chronicler 317

  Norman French see under French

  Normans 275, 319, 406, 447n, 458-460, 461-465

  Norse 312, 314n, 447n, 460

  Norsemen see Vikings

  North Africa 37, 45, 46, 49, 70-71, 76, 78, 93, 122, 292, 536

  Arabic in 100

  French language in 418-419

  Portuguese 382

  spread of Islam 100-101, 209

  North America

  Seventeenth-century European colonies 482

  American Revolution 486-487

  and English 19, 241, 378, 457, 480 485, 486-492, 504-505, 518, 535

  European population 415

  and French 411-413, 415, 457

  immigration 487, 491-492

  Nouvelle-France 412-414, 486, 492-494

  and Spain 378, 494-495

  North American Review 474n

  North Carolina 80

  Nouvelle-France 412-414, 486, 492-494

  Nova Scotia 414

  Nubia 127-128, 129

  numerals 37, 37n, 38, 50n

  Numidia 78

  Nuzi 62

  Ny Sverige 492

  Nyevskiy, Aleksandr, Russian prince 426, 447

  Occitan 300

  Odyssey 44n, 236, 251

  Old Norse see Norse

  Olmos, Father Andres de 346

  Omotic 36

  Onesicritus, Greek admiral 191

  Origen, Church father 256

  Oriya 198

  Os Lusíadas (Camões) 382

  Oscan 17, 242, 278-280, 291n, 299

  Ossetic 48, 108

  Ostrogoths 261, 306, 307

  Otomí 352, 355

  Ottoman dynasty 106, 121, 264, 266, 411, 434-435

  Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores (Ma Huan) 147

  Oxford Book of English Verse 474n

  Pachacutec, Inca 357

  Pachomius (Saint), Church father 133

  Pacific 340, 417, 419, 448, 452, 454, 508, 513

  Pahlavi 48, 98

  Pakistan 85, 530

  Palaic 39, 41

  Palestine 42, 44, 48, 62, 79, 86, 111, 128-129, 209, 247-248, 259

  Pali 145n, 151, 159, 162, 178, 190, 192, 202, 208, 214, 215-216, 536

  Paõcatantra 199, 208

  Pānini, Sanskrit grammarian 181, 183, 185, 217, 218

  Papua New Guinea 10, 12, 508

  Paraguay 367-368, 371, 373n, 376

  Paraš, technique of real-time translation 82

  Paris 407-408

  Parsa 56-57

  Parthian 108, 131, 247, 257-259

  Parthians 35, 48, 86, 87, 98, 245, 246-247, 269

  Parthian Stations, The (Isidorus) 258

  Pashto, 108, 186

  Patagonia 93

  Pataõjali.Sanskritgrammarian 180, 185-186, 245

  Patrick (Saint), Church father 303

  Pechenegs 425

  Peloponnesian War 82

  Penang 149, 506

  Pennsylvania Dutch 92

  Pericles, Greek statesman 233

  Períplous Thalássēs Eruthraías 102-104

  Persepolis 57, 259

  Persia 47, 57, 81-82, 86, 120, 122, 129

  Arabic bilingualism 98-100, 163

  and Egypt 130-131, 164-165

  Greek overlordship 245, 247, 257

  political setbacks 108

  and Russia 434

  Persian 12, 21, 30, 43, 47-48, 57, 97, 101, 106, 108, 132, 141, 160, 212-213, 219, 246, 300n, 514, 554

  Peru 12, 308, 334, 338, 339, 342, 344, 346, 356-358, 364, 367-370, 372, 392, 519

  Peter the Great also Petr I, Tsar 432, 438-439

  ’Phagspa, alphabet 156-157, 212n

  Philae 132

  Philip II see Felipe II

  Philip of Macedon 85

  Philippines 147n, 148, 161, 340, 374, 377-379, 400, 444, 509, 515, 544

lo of Byblos 72-73

  Philostratus, Athenian sophist 565n28

  Phoenicia 69-70, 83

  gods 72-73

  people 4445, 111, 242n, 292

  settlements 239

  Phoenician 11n, 21, 30, 34, 44-45, 60n, 68-78, 70, 73, 90, 103, 112, 250, 267, 520n, 536, 546

  alphabet 44-6, 72n, 155, 210n

  grammar 68n

  see also Punic

  Phonetics 37, 50, 54, 154, 156-157, 209-212

  Phrygian 43, 48, 83, 249

  Phrynichus Arabius, Greek pedant 254

  Pictograms see writing

  Pidgins 10, 380, 390, 497, 508, 575n63

  Pigafetta, Antonio, Spanish explorer 401n

  Pilipino see Tagalog

  Pindar, Greek poet 230

  Pinteado, Antonio, Portuguese explorer 388

  Pinyin see Chinese

  Piracy 102, 129, 148, 158, 199, 201, 382, 391, 415-416, 421, 478-479, 491, 494, 519

  Pizarro, Francisco, Spanish conquistador 338, 339, 343, 356

  Plautus, Roman dramatist 76-77, 252, 565n25

  Pliny the Elder, Roman admiral and encyclopaedist 27, 191, 336

  Plutarch, Greek biographer 5, 131n, 258, 259n, 555

  Pocahontas, Powhatan princess 481

  Poema de Mio Cid 332n

  Poenulus (Plautus) 76-77, 78n

  Poland 410, 429, 431-432

  Polier, Antoine-Louis Henri, Frenchman in British East India Company 497, 575n41

  Polk, James Knox, US President 488, 494

  Polo, Marco 336n

  Polybius, Greek historian 252, 279, 293, 294, 295

  Polychronicon (Higden) 467, 468, 471

  Polynesia 9, 23n


  density 152-153, 373, 376, 412, 412n, 415, 494

  growth 414-415, 489, 490-495, 527-528, 530-1, 535, 545, 547, 557, 572n42, 577n9

  movement (see also Deportation) 18-19, 22, 24, 64-66, 126, 141, 146, 163-167, 239-241, 273-275, 293-294, 325, 332, 339n, 343-344, 360, 376, 378-379, 391-392, 394, 411, 423, 433, 435, 437, 486-487, 491-492, 492n, 495, 506, 531, 534-537, 538n


  Asian empire 385-390, 396-398, 519

  and China 148

  maritime explorations 334-336, 382, 478

  Muslim presence 99, 384

  trading empire 385, 386-391

  see also Brazil

  Portuguese 300, 325n, 331, 332n, 380, 382, 384, 385, 387-388, 390-395, 404n, 446, 476, 497-498, 499n, 513, 525-533, 536

  in America 391-395

  and Christianity 387-390, 398n, 401

  expansion in Brazil 393

  Posidippus, Greek dramatist 230

  Posidonius, Greek scholar 276, 277

  Prakrit see Sanskrit

  Principia (Newton) 328

  Prinsep, James, British scholar 503n

  Procopius, Byzantine historian 261-262, 311n

  Provençal 320n

  Proverbs of Aniqar 38, 83

  Prussia 448

  Psamtek I, pharaoh 129

  Psamtek III, pharaoh 131

  Ptah 113-114, 132

  Ptolemaic dynasty 86, 131, 248-249, 251, 259, 276, 281

  Punic 46, 75-78, 97, 100, 250, 307n, 536 see also Phoenician

  Puquina 356-357

  Putonghuà see Chinese

  Pyrrhus, Greek king 251

  Qatna 41

  Qín dynasty 118, 137-138, 140

  Qīng dynasty 121, 144, 148, 149

  Quechua 21, 342, 344-346, 355-360, 363, 369, 372-373, 444, 519, 521n, 557

  Queensland 80

  Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur 474n

  Qum 98

  Quôc-ngu (’National Language’, Vietnamese romanized script) 414n

  Qur’ān 94, 97n, 98, 216, 521

  Quti/Qutium 40, 43

  Racine, Jean, French dramatist 410

  Raffles, Stamford, British developer 399, 402, 506

  Rājaśekhara, Sanskrit poet 189

  Rajasinha II, Ceylonese emperor 388

  Ralegh, Sir Walter, English adventurer 477n, 479

  Rāmāyana (Valmīki) 176, 184, 198

  Ramses II, pharaoh 126

  Ramses III, pharaoh 127

  Reclus, Onésime 404n

  Reconquista (Christian reconquest of Spain) 99

  Reformation 367, 407, 409, 412, 447, 517

  Religion 21-22, 24, 25, 86-93, 94-96, 126

  Renaissance 265, 409, 544

  Rhodes, Alexandre de, French missionary 413, 414n

  ’Rich trades’ 397

  Richard II, English king 468

  Richard II (Shakespeare) 477

  Richelieu, Cardinal, French statesman 409, 410, 412

  Rivarol, Antoine de, French writer 410n

  Roanoke, English colony 477, 487

  Roderik, Visigothic king 99

  Rolfe, John, British tobacco entrepreneur 481

  Roman de Rou (Wace) 458-459

  Roman empire 20, 76, 96, 101n, 111, 121, 140, 150, 164-167, 245

  alphabet 242

  boundary (liabar;mes) 277, 297

  collapse in the West 305

  conquests 275

  expansion 251, 293

  Fourth Crusade 263, 270

  and Greek 250-254, 255, 269

  immigration 275

  see also Latin

  Roman republic 278-279, 297

  Romance languages 20, 98, 99, 175, 304, 307, 310, 314, 317-321, 325, 382, 405, 407, 460, 519, 526 Romanian 291n, 309

  Romanov dynasty 431

  Romantic movement 266, 448

  Romans 45, 48, 71, 295-299


  expansion westward 296

  and Greek 298

  and Latin 298, 300

  sack of 293

  Rosenblat, Angel 373

  Rosetta Stone 165n

  Roux, Georges, French assyrologist 63

  Roy, Ram Mohan, Indian intellectual 502, 510

  Royal Asiatic Society 185

  Rushdie, Salman, Indian writer in English 577n7

  Russia 106

  and China 427


  Cossack invasions 427-428

  east and west 427-432

  immigration 423, 433, 435

  Korean population 423n

  of Muscovy 428, 430

  Russia (cont.)

  north and south 432-437

  origins 422n, 423-427


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