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To Love and Obey [The Doms of Club Mystique] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 17

by Mardi Maxwell

  “Dammit, Cade! You don’t have any right to do this,” she told him, squirming to get away.

  “You move, and you won’t be able to sit for the rest of the day.” He growled. “And that’s five more for cursing.”

  The tic by his right eye was keeping time with the pulse in his throat and she was afraid she might have pushed him too far. Acting nonchalant, she relaxed back on the towel-covered lounge chair. “Why are you here?” she asked him, then waving her hand in the air, nonchalantly, she added, “I thought you were off doing something important.”

  “I’m taking you to the ranch.”

  “That’s not happening.”

  “You can move to the ranch with me or you can go into protective custody.”

  “Or I could stay here with Ben and Mac.”

  “Not an option,” he told her. “They can’t protect you here and neither can I.”

  “I’m going back to work next week,” she told him, her voice stubborn. “I can’t just ignore my shop and Marcy can’t continue running it without me.”

  “You can order things on the Internet and have them shipped to the shop. If Marcy needs help you can hire someone to help her.”

  “What about Maggie?”

  “Maggie can go home and stay out of this mess.”

  “What about Jacob and Vincent? Can they co—”

  She squeaked with surprise when he picked her up, put her over his shoulder, and swatted her ass. “Decide,” he bit out as he marched toward the house. “The ranch or protective custody.”

  “The ranch,” she told him. “But I’m not signing that contract you had Zane draw up.”

  “Fine, don’t sign it.” He swatted her again. “I’ll just fuck you without it.”

  “No you will not,” she told him, poking him in the back with her index finger. “Remember safe, sane, and consensual.”

  “You’ll be safe and I know you’ll consent, eventually,” he told her as he carried her through the house. “It’s the sane part I’m not sure about.”

  Addison saw Maggie come out of the kitchen. “Maggie, help me,” she pleaded with a wink. “He wants to turn me into his slave.”

  “Don’t exaggerate,” he told her. “It’s not like I’m going to make you scrub floors or exercise the horses.”

  Addison froze. “I’d like exercising the horses,” she mumbled and he laughed.

  Maggie walked behind them. “I’ll pack your things for you, lass. Now, be good for Master Cade and stay out of trouble.” She handed Cade a yellow sundress for Addison.

  Cade dropped her onto her feet by his truck, shook out the dress, then pulled it over her head her body before picking her up and loading her into the front seat of his truck as if she was a package he was transporting. He snapped her seatbelt into place then went around and jumped into the driver’s seat. She stared out the window, pretending he wasn’t there.

  “You’re going to have to talk to me sometime. Even if it’s only to say, ‘Please, please, oh, yes,’” he told her, trying to lighten the mood.

  “That is absolutely never going to happen again. You had your chance and you blew it. Besides, I’ve moved on,” she insisted and heard him growl with frustration. “A D/s relationship is based on trust and communication. After catching you with Linda, I no longer trust you. And, after having to find out about your secret life from Valerie, I know you are completely incapable of significant communication. No trust. No communication. No D/s relationship. I’m going to date and do all the things women my age do, and that includes going to Club Elysium and Club Mystique.”

  “I’ve got news for you, pet. You won’t get into either of those clubs without me.”

  “Then I’ll find another club and go there. You forget, Cade, my parents left me a lot of money. More than I could spend in a dozen lifetimes. I can go anywhere in the world.” She peeked at him then added, “I wonder what the clubs are like in Europe? I’ve always wanted to meet one of those European princes one sees in the gossip magazines, or maybe a sexy Greek tycoon. What do you think?”

  “I think the only place you’re going is over my lap.”

  “You just try it and I’ll scream the place down.”

  Cade glanced at her. “You’ll look very nice gagged, pet.”

  She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “You can’t force me into signing that contract, which is a joke by the way, and I know your code of honor won’t let you force me into fucking you.” She sat back. “It looks like we’re at an impasse.”

  “What’s wrong with the contract?”

  “Six months of total obedience ring a bell?” she asked him. “Not happening.”

  “What do you want, Addison?”

  “Three months, my own room, and I only obey you in the bedroom. Your bedroom.” The eagerness in her voice gave her away. She loved negotiating a deal. And winning!

  “Six months, you share my room, your orgasms belong to me, and I’m in charge at all times.” Then as an afterthought he added, “You don’t speak to Vitale or Daniels ever again.”

  “Four months, I get my own room, I’ll obey you anywhere you can catch me, you don’t see anyone else as long as I’m your sub, and I’ll speak to Vincent and Jacob whenever I like. After all, a girl like me has got to keep her options open.”

  “No. In six months we’ll sign another contract and you won’t speak to either of them while you’re with me.”

  “No. In five months I’ll take my ruined little old self and move on. Why keep doing the same man over and over when there are so many other men in the world to”—she hesitated when he growled—“do?”

  “Ruined? Where the hell did you get that idea?”

  “From you! Surprisingly, Cade, you’re a lot more old-fashioned and traditional than I ever realized, and I know that after Club Elysium and Club Mystique I’m no longer the pure example of womanhood you want as a wife and the mother of your children. So, I guess in a way that means I’m ruined. But that’s okay,” she assured him with a wave of her hand. “I’m finding being a bad girl a lot more interesting than my old life, and I’ve realized that I’ve missed a lot of things while hanging around waiting for you.”

  Cade lifted his brow at her in amazement, wondering where the hell she came up with this stuff. “Six months, I fuck you anywhere I want to, anytime I want to, anyway I want to, you orgasm only with my permission, you sleep in my bed, you obey me, you don’t speak to Vitale or Daniels, you get five every time I hear a curse from your mouth, and in six months we sign another contract.”

  “No. I want my own room.”


  “Someday you’re going to get married and your wife won’t like knowing another woman slept in that bed with you,” she told him cheerfully. “Besides, there’s no sense getting used to sharing a bed with you when it isn’t going to last.”

  “Then you can sleep on the floor but you are sleeping in my room, for six months and you are going to do everything I tell you, immediately, or I’m going to start getting very creative with your punishments, like withholding orgasms.”

  “That’s worse than the original contract,” she said, hiding her excitement.

  “That’s why I’m the Dom and you’re the sub, baby.”

  Chapter Eight

  Addison smiled when the ranch came into view and she began to see some of the thoroughbred horses in the fields. She had always had an affinity with animals, especially horses. Feeling happier than she had in weeks, she spotted the white marble monument shining in the late afternoon sun and reminded herself to ride up there soon and put flowers on Diablo’s and her parents’ graves.

  Seeing the direction she was looking and the smile on her lips, Cade knew what was going through her mind. “Jackson has moved Remington to the home ranch, Addison, and you are to stay away from him.” His voice was stern. “Also, you are not to go riding without at least two people with you, and one of them better be me. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir, oh, gre
at bossy one.”

  “Master,” he reminded her. “And keep it up and we’ll spend the evening in the playroom.”

  “You have a playroom at the ranch?”

  “Of course, pet, for bratty subs who sass and think they’re in charge.”

  Addison shivered, but not in fear. Cade smiled. Damn him. He knew what he was doing to her and he was enjoying it.

  Cade glanced at her as he turned into the entrance to the ranch house. “We’ll go over the rest of the rules at dinner.”

  “What rules?” she asked, knowing she shouldn’t.

  “What you’re allowed to do and not allowed to do.”

  “I haven’t decided to sign the contract yet.”

  He laughed. “We just negotiated the contract, and you will sign it, but we’ll talk more about that in private. At dinner I’m going to discuss your protection with Jackson, Ben, and Mac.”

  “How long is this going to take? I’ve got plans and they don’t include staying in Rendezvous.”

  “Consider the ranch your new home,” he told her as he stopped the truck on the circular drive. “At least for the next six months.”

  Watching as he slid out of the truck she asked, “Or until you catch Mendez?” By the time she got her seatbelt undone, he was opening her door and pulling her from the seat, keeping her in his arms as he strode toward the house. She slid her arm around his neck, her fingers sliding into his hair from habit.

  Cade stepped over the threshold with her in his arms, his long legs moving through the entry and up the stairs, two steps at a time, until he reached the door to his bedroom. He opened it then kicked it closed behind them. “Six months, Addison,” he told her before covering her mouth with his, making a quick sweep of her mouth, then dropping her onto the bed. He reached down and opened the buttons on the front of her dress before reaching under the skirt and grasping the bikini bottoms. He pulled them down her body and over her feet, tossing them to the floor as he kicked off his boots.

  “Lift your skirt to your waist and spread your legs, baby,” he instructed her, unbuttoning his jeans with a quick twist of his wrist then shoving them to the floor. His cock was hard and red with several drops of cum leaking from it as it jutted away from his body, pointing toward her like a heat-seeking missile.

  Addison slowly inched the skirt of her dress up her legs, teasing him with a slow unveiling. Before the hem reached her pussy, he was on top of her and pushing the dress to her waist. His fingers slid over her pussy, testing her wetness, and came away glistening with her juices. He licked them, then rubbed them across her lips, drawing a gasp of aroused surprise from her. Leaning over her, one hand on the bed by her head, he kissed her, licking the cream from her lips then fucking her mouth with his tongue, her taste sweet and tangy.

  “You still on the pill?”

  “The shot,” she told him, letting him arrange her body the way he wanted her, eager for her first quickie.

  “Good,” he told her as he lifted her ass from the bed, positioned his cock at her entrance then plunged into her, drawing a squeal of pleasure from her. “Wrap your legs around me, baby,” he said, his voice rough, warm pants of air steaming across her lips as he slid them over her mouth, across her cheek, and to the sensitive spot just below her ear.

  She slid her arms around his shoulders as she caged him within the circle of her legs, ankles crossed behind his lower back. She felt him slip deeper into her, drawing a hum of pleasure from her. Wanting to please him, she tightened the muscles of her pussy, clenching on his cock, and smiled when she drew a groan from him.

  “I’ll give you an hour to stop doing that,” he told her, lifting his head and smiling into her eyes.

  She clenched again, beginning a clench-and-release pattern along the length of his cock. Rocking against him with each tightening, she pressed her clit against his short groomed pubic hairs, humming with pleasure, her brows drawn down as she concentrated on pleasuring him and herself. She tilted her head to the side, giving him access to her neck as he sucked and nibbled on the curve of her shoulder. His cock grew harder, longer, stretching the walls of her cunt, the crown pressing as deep as he could force it before he drew back. She clenched on him, trying to keep him inside her.

  In an instant he went from an indulgent lover to a demanding Dom. Sliding his arms beneath her knees, he lifted her, spreading her thighs wide, and began pounding into her. His flesh slapped against hers, his cock ramming in then drawing out in smooth, hard thrusts. Her breasts drew his gaze as they bounced with each hard thrust.

  Teasing him, she glided her hands over her creamy breasts, playing with the engorged nipples, rolling and pinching them the way he had shown her at Club Mystique. His green eyes darkened, becoming almost black, as he watched her hands.

  Her breath stuttered in her throat then huffed out when he adjusted his angle, the length of his cock sliding over her clit. Excited moans escaped her lips when he gave a little twist of his hips at the deepest point. She tightened her fingers on her nipples, the pleasure-pain zinging to her clit. Her belly tightened, tingling with the beginning of an orgasm.

  “Caade, please, please, oh, yes, yes,” she screamed, unknowingly echoing the words he had said to her in the truck.

  Feeling the rippling of her cunt around him, Cade knew she was only seconds away from coming. He held her eyes with his as he began a series or short, sharp thrusts that kept his cock in contact with her clit. “Come now, baby.”

  She stilled for a moment, every muscle seizing, then in a flash she shattered, screaming with pleasure. He watched as her entire body lit up, every muscle quivering. A rosy blush of sexual satisfaction raced over her chest and creamy breasts. Addison in the throes of an orgasm was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. She held nothing back as she let the pleasure consume her mind, body, and soul.

  The sight of her pleasure set off his own orgasm. Tipping his head back, his balls drawn up tight against his body, for a moment he held the pleasure at bay, enjoying the extra seconds of pleasure the denial gave him. Groaning, he tightened his arms around her legs, holding her prisoner as the orgasm swept through him, his cum shooting from him in hot spurts, filling her. A sense of satisfaction flared through him, knowing she would carry a part of him inside her for the rest of the day. Feeling primitive, he decided he wouldn’t let a day go by without filling her with his cum, marking her as his.

  Stretching out over her, Cade caged her within his arms and legs, his belly against hers. He kissed her then buried his head in her shoulder as her hand slid into his hair and combed through it, massaging the back of his head as their heartbeats returned to a normal rhythm.

  With a small sigh, Addison’s body went limp beneath him, her hand lying limp on the back of his neck. Gently pulling his semi-hard cock out of her, he felt her tighten in her sleep, trying to hold him. Rising, he flipped the blanket from the bottom of the bed over her then grabbed his boots and jeans and headed to the shower.

  * * * *

  An hour later Addison woke, looked around the room for Cade, then lifted the blanket and giggled. He had left her dress up around her waist before covering her with the blanket. Wondering if he was planning on another quickie before dinner, she rolled onto her side.

  The silk comforter beneath her was gray with black vines and red berries embroidered on it. Sitting up, she examined the room. The huge, four-poster bed sat in the middle of the room, facing a floor-to-ceiling wall of glass. The black matte finish of the bed matched the other pieces of furniture in the room. To her right was an archway that led into a large walk-in closet. From its location in the middle of the wall, she decided the bathroom entrance was attached to the closet and dressing area. Behind her was the bedroom door. To her left was another door. Intrigued, she slid from the bed, letting her skirt fall around her thighs as she moved across the room and opened the door a few inches. Peeking through the gap she saw a long hallway with two doors on the left and one on the right. Opening the door on the right side, s
he glanced into an empty room with soft green walls, a plush carpet, and large windows. One of the doors across from it led into a large walk-in closet that also had a door leading to the room next it that turned out to be a bathroom. The tub was raised from the floor, and next to it was a built-in, padded changing table. Running her hands over the smooth wood and soft padding, she thought, someday if things worked out the way she planned her and Cade’s babies would use these rooms. Leaving the rooms, closing the door behind her, she walked to the wall of windows.

  Everywhere she looked her imagination sent images of other women with Cade, kneeling to him, obeying him, fucking him. A large plush carpet in front of the large fireplace took on a new identity when she envisioned herself restrained and lying before the fire, waiting for him to use her for his pleasure. Even the huge chairs on either side of the fireplace were designed with pleasure in mind, and an image of herself sitting on his lap, her knees on either side of his legs as she rode him popped into her mind.

  Placing her hand on the large expanse, she felt the coolness of the glass against her fingers. From here she could see as far as the trees that lined the river and she thought she could see Remington, alone in a field, his pure black coat shining in the sun. Watching him, she worried about the future, wondering if she had thrown away her future with Cade trying to give him something he didn’t even want. With that thought, her plan to bring him around to her way of thinking took on an entirely new level of seriousness. She had six months to prove to him that she was the perfect woman to be his wife, his sub, and the mother of his children. Suddenly six months didn’t seem very long.

  Hurrying into the bathroom, she was amazed at the decadence of the huge shower with its sixteen sprayer heads and the deep-jetted garden tub. Looking into the shower, she didn’t see any way to turn it on. Spotting a panel on the wall with multiple lights and settings, she decided the tub looked easier to use. Impatient, she turned on the taps then stepped in and washed with the water still running. She dried off then pulled on the yellow sundress and ran her fingers through her hair, untangling it. She found the bikini bottoms where he had thrown them, pulled them on, then left the room, her bare feet slapping against the wood floor.


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