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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

Page 29

by Sarah Carter

  A gentle push of energy enters Claire and her nerves start to tingle.

  “How is that?”

  “Good,” Claire exhales. She grabs ahold of him and pulls him down. With some hesitation, Claire pushes her energy into Damien. He tenses and then bends down to kiss her. Their lips meet and they explode. Claire grabs at him and he does the same in return.

  Finally, after a little while, Claire pulls away from him. “We need to take a break.”


  “Because, I’m going to lose my willpower and that will get us nowhere good.”

  “Okay,” Damien replies, falling down next to her. He props his head up on his hand. “I have to say one thing.”

  “What’s that?” Claire asks.

  “I’m so happy that the hotel messed up our rooms,” Damien says.

  Claire rolls over to face him. “Don’t think you’d have noticed me otherwise?”

  “I would’ve noticed you. That’s not a concern, but I don’t know if we would’ve gotten here. I don’t know if we would’ve talked at all, or gotten to know each other so well.”

  Smiling, Claire says, “I’m happy they screwed up, too.”

  Damien lays his head down. “We should probably try to get some sleep. They’ll want to do more testing tomorrow.”

  “Probably a good idea,” Claire sighs. “I’m getting tired.”

  “The super shifter getting tired, imagine that,” Damien laughs.

  “Who would’ve thought?” Claire giggles in return.

  “Alright, are we staying in here or are we going to the hospital bed?”

  With her eyebrow raised, Claire says, “Who says we’re sleeping in the same bed?”

  “I just presumed we were adults and it would be fine.”

  “No, it is,” Claire snickers. “You should go get my pajamas. I’m tired.”

  “You can sleep in your underwear,” Damien suggests.

  “Okay,” Claire chirps. “Do you have a shirt I can put on?”

  Sitting up, Damien says, “Seriously?”

  “Sure. Why not?” Claire replies.

  “Umm, yeah. I have a few t-shirts you could wear,” Damien stutters. He gets up from the bed and walks over to the dresser. He opens a drawer and says, “Pick one.”

  Claire jumps up and bounds over. “Hmmm. What to wear, what to wear.”

  “I vote for nothing,” Damien chimes.

  “You would…” Claire murmurs, as she bends over to grab a shirt.

  “Can you blame me?” Damien asks.

  Giggling, Claire stands up. “T-shirt acquired. Bathroom needed.”

  “Are you showering?” Damien asks, stepping toward her.

  She takes a step back. “Yes, but you’re not allowed to join me.”

  “Why not?” Damien whines playfully.

  “Because I said so,” Claire replies. “I’m the boss.”

  “Oh, you are, are you?” Damien laughs.

  With a curt nod, Claire says, “Yes. Now I’m going to get cleaned up.”

  “Enjoy yourself, I’ll be out here waiting,” Damien chuckles, going to sit on the bed.

  “Have dirty thoughts about me!” Claire exclaims as she walks into the bathroom.

  “That won’t be a problem!” Damien shouts back as she closes the door. Claire giggles and goes to the shower.

  A little while later, she walks back out into the bedroom. Damien is lying under the covers on the bed. “Hey.”

  “Hey, beautiful. You’re awfully enticing, standing there in my t-shirt.”

  Cocking her hip to the right, Claire says, “Thank you. You can drool away.”

  “Come here. Let’s get some sleep,” Damien instructs, pulling back the blanket.

  Claire climbs into bed. “I’m actually really tired.”

  “That’s good,” Damien replies. Claire lies down next to him and he draws her into his arms. “Sleep, my dear, dear girl.”

  “Good night,” Claire whispers.

  “Night baby,” Damien replies, as he puts his head on hers.

  Chapter 14

  “Wake up beautiful,” Damien whispers in Claire’s ear.

  “Mmm,” she mumbles. “I was having a good dream.”

  “I know. You were talking in your sleep,” Damien says, brushing his lips against her cheek. “I can make that dream come true you know.”

  Claire opens one eye. “Not on your life ,buddy.”

  “Really?” Damien quips. “If my life depended on it, you wouldn’t do it?”

  “From the looks of it, you aren’t dying.” Claire yawns.

  Damien laughs. “No, no. I’m not.”

  “What time is it?”


  Smiling, Claire says, “I’m hungry.”

  “Me too.” Damien kisses her nose. “We should get ready. My father and your grandfather want to have breakfast with us. They, of course, have something they want to talk about.”

  “Okay.” Claire sits up and stretches. “I slept so well.”

  “As did I,” Damien replies. “I also got to wake up next to a beautiful girl, whom I adore.”

  Claire smiles. “And I woke up to a hot guy who I’m dying to kiss.”

  “I can handle that,” Damien says, moving over to kiss her.

  “Oh, no.” She pushes him back. “Must brush teeth first.”

  “Go use my toothbrush then,” Damien chirps. “I’ll wait. I already brushed mine.”

  She raises her eyebrow. “That doesn’t gross you out?”

  “We kiss each other all day long,” Damien retorts. “So, no, it doesn’t bother me.”

  “Okay.” Claire hops out of bed and goes into the bathroom. When she returns, she crawls onto the bed. “Now, what were we going to do?”

  “Oh, you know, I don’t remember,” Damien sighs with humor.

  “Okay,” Claire replies, flopping down on the bed. “Are you going to get me clothes or do you want me to run through the ship like this?”

  “I say I take my t-shirt back right now,” Damien chimes, grabbing at the hem.

  Claire grabs his hand and raises an eyebrow. “Will you win this fight?”

  “Will I win any fight?” Damien retorts with a grin.

  “Maybe, if I feel like giving in, but I doubt that will happen.”

  He reaches down and starts to tickle by her knee. “Are you sure you aren’t ticklish?”

  “Nope,” Claire quips. “I used to be, but had to learn to shut it off.”

  “That’s entirely no fun at all,” Damien moans. “Tickling girls is awesome.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you,” Claire mutters, playfully pouting. “I guess you’ll have to fill your tickling needs with someone else.”

  “These fingers shall not tickle another person without said permission from you,” Damien states, wiggling his fingers.

  Smiling, Claire leans over and kisses him. She can feel him grin against her lips. There is a knock at the door.

  “Never a moment alone,” she whispers.

  “I’ll get it,” Damien says. “Then I’ll go get your suitcase.”

  “Okay,” Claire giggles.

  Damien hops out of bed and goes into the living room. Curious, Claire follows him but stays behind the door. He opens it. “Yeah.”

  Kayla shoves him into the room and points at his chest. “I’ve been calling you for two days and was worried sick. Then your dad had us escorted here. What’s going on, Damien?”

  Claire gasps and Kayla turns to her. A shocked expression sweeps across Kayla’s face.

  Jackson follows her inside. “What’s going on?”

  Leaping over, Damien gets in front of Claire. She tries to hide behind him. “Umm, guys, I’m not alone here.”

  “Oh my gosh!” Kayla covers her eyes. “I’m so sorry!”

  Jackson starts to laugh. “Good for you, Damien.”

  “What are you gawking at?” Damien yells. “Get out.”

  “Sorry, sorry, sorry.” Kayla shoves Ja
ckson out the door. “We’re leaving.”

  Damien kicks it shut behind them.

  Claire buries her face into his back. “That was so embarrassing, Damien.”

  “You’re clothed,” he says. “Well, sort of.”

  “There’s no ‘sort of,’” Claire cries. “I’m in my underwear.”

  “Only Kayla saw,” Damien replies, turning around. “And she’s a girl.”

  “They’re going to think I slept with you.”

  “We’ll explain that you didn’t. Well, I mean, we did, but I know slumbering isn’t what you meant.”

  “No,” Claire laughs. “It’s not what I meant.”

  “It’s alright,” Damien chuckles back. “Come here.” He grabs her hand and leads her into the bedroom. Opening one of the drawers, he pulls out a pair of pajama pants. “Put these on.”

  “I could have worn these last night.”

  “Nowhere near as much fun,” Damien retorts, with a grin.

  Grabbing the pants, Claire glares at Damien playfully. He gives her a goofy grin in return and she has to laugh. She throws on the pants and sighs. “What do we do now?”

  “We go get your suitcase so we can get dressed for breakfast.”

  “I hope we do some physical exercises today. I need to let off some steam,” Claire says, stretching her arms up.

  “I do like watching you work out,” Damien chimes.

  “I feel the same way, baby,” Claire replies. “Especially if you did it without your shirt on. Hot. Lots of hotness.” She smiles and laughs.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” Damien laughs, too. “Come on. Let’s go get your stuff.”

  They walk out into the hallway and turn right. Two doors down, they hear voices. When they get closer, Jackson says, “Honey, I realize Damien and you are close, but you aren’t that close. You can’t barge into his room.”

  “Well, how was I supposed to know Claire would be in there?” Kayla exclaims back.

  Damien tries to stifle his laughter as they stop at the door. Kayla and Jackson turn to them. “Hi guys.”

  Claire isn’t sure whose face is redder, how hers feels or Kayla’s.

  “I am so sorry,” Kayla stammers. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s okay,” Damien says, putting his hand out. “Just next time, realize that I do need privacy once in a while, especially now that I have a serious girlfriend.”

  “Girlfriend?” Kayla squeaks. She looks at Claire and then back at Damien. A huge grin crawls across her face. “Really?”

  Nodding, Damien replies, “Yes, we’re dating.”

  “Yeah!” Kayla screams, clapping her hands.

  Claire can’t help but smile at her excitement.

  Damien states loudly, “Though, it needs to be known that we haven’t slept together. She was just sleeping with no pants on.”

  “Whatever,” Kayla says. “I don’t need to know details. I’m just elated that you found someone, and it’s Claire. I knew you’d make a good match.”

  Grabbing Claire by the hip, Damien pulls her against him. “Yeah. I think we make an awesome couple.”

  “So, do you know why we’re here?” Kayla asks. “They won’t tell us anything.”

  “I know why we’re here, but I have no clue about you guys. My dad didn’t say anything?” Damien replies.

  Kayla shakes her head. “No. They grabbed us from the rendezvous. What’s going on with you two?”

  “We can’t say anything,” Damien replies. “It’s completely top secret, so I don’t understand why they’d bring you here right now. All we’re doing is testing.”

  Snapping her fingers, Claire says, “I bet they want to see what Kayla’s energy does.”

  With a bewildered look on his face, Damien stares at her. “You know…that’s probably it. I hope they realize they need her permission first.”

  “My permission for what?” Kayla asks.

  “Yeah. Before she does anything, I want to know what’s going on,” Jackson growls. “Or there will be no testing on her.”

  “It’s nothing that would harm her,” Damien declares. “But, I can’t really get into anything. We’ll have to see for ourselves why my father brought you here. Maybe it was to keep us company, entertainment.”

  A wicked grin crawls across Claire’s face. “I think we keep ourselves entertained just fine.”

  He returns the smirk. “That’s very true.”

  “Wow. Get a room,” Kayla snorts.

  “Gladly,” Claire quips, with a smile.

  “She’s definitely your match,” Jackson laughs.

  “I like to think so.” Damien gives Claire a devious grin and then looks back at Kayla and Jackson. “Did they mention joining us for breakfast?”

  “Yeah,” Kayla replies. “That’s why we were coming to get you.”

  “We should get ready, then,” Damien says to Claire. “I know you must be hungry.”

  She nods. “Yeah. I’ll probably burn a million calories today, so I should get as much into this body as possible.”

  “Wow. I wish I could do that and be as toned as Claire.” Kayla sighs.

  “You’re such a girl. I’ve told you time and again. The more you shift and the more active you are while shifting, the more calories you burn. We naturally get into better shape,” Jackson says. “Anyway, you’re beautiful just the way you are.”

  “You are,” Damien assures her. “Don’t think otherwise.” He gets a worried look on his face and his eyes dart to Claire. “That didn’t come out right.”

  Claire gives him a confused look. “What wasn’t right about it? She is beautiful.”

  Damien gives her an odd look.

  “Oh! You think that it bothers me that you think someone else is pretty. Damien, really now, she’s your friend.”

  “Yes, but…” Damien starts.

  Rolling her eyes, Claire says, “It’s fine. I want to become friends with Kayla, and she’s pretty. As long as you aren’t hitting on her, we’re fine.”

  “Okay,” Damien retorts, with a smile. “Some girls get really jealous.”

  “Now if it was someone you knew I didn’t like, it would probably be better if you didn’t make a comment.”

  “Good point,” Kayla agrees. “Don’t ever do that. That goes for you too Jackson.”

  Jackson smirks. “I know better than that.”

  “Well, Claire and I will go get ready and then come to get you guys,” Damien declares.

  “I showered last night, so I’ll only be a few minutes,” Claire says.

  “I have to shower but I’ll make it fast,” Damien responds.

  “Make sure he showers alone, or we’ll be waiting here until lunch time,” Jackson quips.

  “Jackson!” Kayla exclaims, with her jaw dropping. He only laughs in reply.

  “Actually, I’ll go get my suitcase and Damien can get into the shower. That will be faster,” Claire states. “I think we’re all hungry.”

  Kayla nods, “That sounds good.”

  “Come on, baby,” Damien chirps to Claire. “We should go get ready.”

  “Okay,” Claire replies. She looks at Kayla and Jackson. “I’m really excited that you guys are here, and if you find out why you’re here, hopefully it doesn’t make you want to bolt.”

  “Why would it?” Jackson asks.

  Taking in a deep breath, Claire answers, “I can’t say, but…trust me, it’s something huge.”

  “We won’t go anywhere,” Kayla assures her. “We’ve gone up against some serious stuff already. I’m pretty strong.”

  “That’s true,” Claire replies. “Then I’ll be really happy to have other friends here.”

  “What about Alex? He disappeared at the same time.”

  “I’ll explain that later,” Claire sighs. “He isn’t here anymore.”

  The only thing that Kayla says is, “Ah.”

  “Let’s get ready,” Damien interjects. “We’ll be back in a little bit.”

  Kayla replies
, “Alright, we’ll be waiting.”

  “See you in a bit,” Claire chirps as she walks out of the room. Damien follows her. When they get into the hallway, Claire turns to him. “Go get in the shower. I’ll get my suitcase and come back to your room.”

  “So, what you’re saying is that I should shower with the door open?” Damien suggests with a grin.

  Claire narrows her eyes. “That is not what I’m saying. Keep your nakedness to yourself.”

  “Oh, okay,” Damien draws out. “Give me a kiss.”

  Claire leans over and gives him a quick one.

  “Wow, that was a sad kiss.” Damien laughs.

  She rolls her eyes, and leans over, planting her lips on his. This time the kiss is deep and passionate.

  When Claire pulls away, Damien says, “Now, that’s what I’m talking about.”

  “Go get ready,” Claire giggles.

  “Okay, darling. See you in a few minutes,” Damien replies. With that he turns around and walks away.

  Claire meanders through the halls until she comes to her hospital room and she quickly puts her stuff together. When Claire grabs her phone, she notices a few missed calls. One is from Ben and two are from Alex. She listens to the voicemails.

  The first one is Ben. “I have a sneaking suspicion that there’s something going on. Call me. You have never been this aloof before. We tell each other everything. Call me.”

  She sighs. “Great.”

  The next message is from Alex. “Hey, I tried to call earlier, but it’s late and you’re probably sleeping. I made it home in one piece. So, I’m just doing as you asked. I wanted to apologize again. I would never want to hurt you. I hope you realize that. I would never want to jeopardize what we have. If you have time tomorrow, please call me. I want to make sure you’re okay since I can’t be there to help anymore. Okay, hun. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

  Looking down at her phone and Claire sighs. She dials Ben’s number and waits.

  “Okay,” he answers. “You need to be honest with me, what’s going on? Alex is back.”

  Groaning, Claire says, “I can’t tell you anything, Ben. I’m sorry.”

  “What do you mean you can’t tell me? Of course you can tell me. What’s going on?”

  “Really, I can’t. I’m with grandpa and Master Blakely. You can’t say anything to mom and dad. They’ll freak, especially since no one can know anything.”


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