Book Read Free

No Chance

Page 18

by Christy Reece

  That seemed too simplistic but also too complicated. “Why not just get out of the public eye? There are a lot of women who manage—”

  “I’ve been in the limelight since I was born.”

  He shook his head. “I think part of it is that you enjoy it. You get a certain sense of satisfaction from fooling everyone.”

  Her lips tilted slightly. “Maybe.”

  “How many girls have you mentored?”

  She shrugged. “Not that many … maybe a dozen or so.”

  “Do you still see them?”

  A smile brightened her face and Gabe had to grip the table to keep from leaning over and capturing it with his mouth. He’d never forgotten Skye’s smiles or what they could do to him.

  “I don’t see them as much as I used to. A few of them left the city and found jobs elsewhere. Four of them still live here. I get together with them every few months.” She shrugged. “They have jobs … careers now.” She beamed like a proud parent and said, “Gretchen, one of the first girls I mentored, passed the bar last year and is an assistant DA.”

  “You helped them turn their lives around.”

  She shook her head. “No, they did all the hard work. I was just there to listen to them. Encourage them.”

  “When did you start mentoring?”

  A shadow flickered on her face. And Gabe suddenly understood. Not only what his supposed death had done to her, but also the remarkable strength Skye had inside her. Behind that incredible beauty the world saw and admired was a woman of depth and substance.

  “It was after you thought I committed suicide, wasn’t it?”

  When her eyes glazed with tears, Gabe cursed himself for asking what he already knew.

  “Seems so crazy talking about it with you.” She swallowed a laughing sob. “I felt so guilty for what happened. Not recognizing that you needed help. That you had an illness I didn’t see. When I finally reemerged from the grief, I knew I needed to do something.” She shrugged. “It wasn’t much but it was—”

  “Do not even think about minimizing what you’ve done, Skye. I’m just sorry you went through so much pain.”

  She waved her hand awkwardly as if embarrassed by his praise. “Kendra was my toughest nut to crack. And she was coming around.” She shook her head and repeated softly, “She was coming around.”

  “So tell me about her.”

  She stood and began to clear the table. And as if they’d been doing it forever, Gabe stood up and began to help her.

  As they cleaned and put breakfast dishes away, Skylar described Kendra Carson. “She’s a good kid, but her parents split up when she was a young teen … thirteen, I think. Her mother got full custody, but spent most of her alimony and child support on herself. She left Kendra on her own too long. By the time she realized that her daughter was involved with the wrong crowd and seriously screwing up her life, it was too late. So she dropped the parental hammer and Kendra rebelled.”

  “What happened?”

  “What usually happens when a parent starts parenting too late. She ran away … again and again. Last time, she was found in some slum for drug addicts and pimps. She was taken back to her mom, who didn’t know how to handle her and was tired of trying. As part of her treatment, she had to have counseling. I’d done some work for the youth center … all very public, but then I became close to several of the girls.”

  “Kind of like a ‘big sister’ program?”

  “Something like that, only not in any official capacity. Somehow I seemed able to relate to them.”

  “And they didn’t rat you out to the press?”

  “They had as much fun keeping it a secret as I did. Kendra wasn’t the most pleasant person at first, but I saw the pain behind all that bluster.”

  “When she disappeared again … how did you know she hadn’t run away again?”

  “Because I trust her. And she sent me that email. There would be no reason for her to do that if she was going to just run away. Besides, I’ve seen how hard she’s worked to get her life straightened out. After she finished high school, she wasn’t interested in going to college, so I encouraged her to find a profession she liked. She worked a few jobs but never found her passion. Modeling was the only thing she could talk about.”

  She grimaced. “I tried to discourage her. Kendra’s a lovely girl, but the modeling business is so competitive and isn’t easy. I’ve done my share of it, and while it can be fun and looks glamorous, it’s hard work. Few make it to the big time. And it’s full of pain and rejection. For someone who’s loaded with self-confidence, modeling can be hard. For someone who has low self-esteem already, it can be devastating.”

  “You were trying to protect her and she thought you were holding her back.”

  She lifted her shoulders in a sad little shrug. “We had a lot of arguments over it. Finally, I offered to introduce her to some people, paid for her first photo shoot. I thought if she could see how hard and unglamorous it really was, she would lose the bug.”

  “And she didn’t?”

  “She did for a while … at least I thought she had. Then I got her email that she was going on an interview for a start-up modeling agency.”

  “Only it was a scam to lure unsuspecting young women.”

  She drew in a shaky breath. “She’s tough. I just hope she’s tough enough.”

  Gabe didn’t say the obvious, though he figured Skye knew. As hideous as it was, being sold into sexual slavery wasn’t the worst thing that could happen to Kendra. He hoped to hell they could find her before that could happen.

  He took a breath. Now came the hard part. “Since we believe several of these cases are related, each girl needs to be checked out in the city where she disappeared.”

  Skye nodded. “That makes sense.”

  Gabe took another breath and said, “I’m leaving. Depending on what I find out, I don’t know when or if I’ll be back. Noah will keep you updated on our progress.”

  There was a brief flash of pain and then her expression froze into one of polite interest, as if they were discussing something totally meaningless. She stood stiffly and held her hands clasped in front of her. “I know you’ll do your best. Thank you for your help.”

  “Stop it, Skye.”

  “Stop what, Gabe? You’ve made it more than clear that we never should have married. Nothing’s changed for you. You always knew you were married.” Her shoulders straightened even more. “I’ll have my lawyers draw up divorce papers.”

  Gabe fought every instinct he had. He couldn’t touch her. If he did, he wouldn’t stop. And that would create complications neither of them needed or had time for.

  He took one last long look at her, memorizing her face. A memory he’d carry till the day he died. Turning, he stalked to the door. He had to get out of here.

  At the entrance, he turned around again. There was one thing he could give her. Stupid really. If she believed him, it’d be the most telling thing about him. If she didn’t believe him … then it didn’t really matter.

  Gabe cut open his heart and said, “For what’s it worth. I haven’t slept with another woman since we married.”

  She stared at him the longest time and then she asked quietly, “Why not?”

  “Because I don’t cheat.”

  His jaw clenched, he withstood her scrutiny. And then she gave him the words they both knew he deserved. “No, you just leave.”

  Gabe acknowledged her statement with a nod and proved her correct by walking out the door.

  The minute the door closed, Skylar collapsed into the nearest chair. She couldn’t cry. There were no tears left. She’d drained herself dry over the last few days, and all that was left was a gaping hole of nothingness.

  She had known he would go eventually. Just hadn’t expected it now … this soon. She had to give him credit, though. He’d done it fast and clean, like ripping tape off skin. Funny how that was supposed to hurt less.

  At least this time he’d said goodbye to her fac
e. So why didn’t that make her feel better?

  He claimed he hadn’t slept with another woman since they married. She didn’t know him anymore, but the Gabe from eight years ago wouldn’t have cheated on her. Maybe it should make her feel better to know he’d at least kept that part of their vows. It didn’t. She just felt sad for both of them. For the time they’d wasted and the future they would never have.

  In the span of a week, she’d gone from widow, to a married woman, to a woman seeking a divorce. Even for someone who lived a seemingly exciting, glamorous life, this was a bit much.

  Grim humor, but it was the best she could do today.

  William locked the door and dashed to his desk. There it was … sitting there, waiting for him. He picked it up and held it to his face. Inhaling deeply, he imagined he could smell her essence on it. Arousal beat deep within him as he allowed the momentum to build.

  Anticipation made his fingers into thumbs as he ripped open the package. A special courier had delivered it over two hours ago, but he’d been tied up with family issues. He and his wife insisted on having the family together for dinner each night. He loved that tradition. Catching up on what his children were up to was an important daily event he tried not to miss. However, it sometimes put a kink in his extracurricular activities. The package had been sitting on his desk, just waiting for his attention. He’d most likely have indigestion later because he’d gobbled his meal.

  Finally the package ripped and photographs spilled out onto his desk. He groaned at the sight. The photographer he’d hired had worked for some of the best porn places in the business. He knew exactly how to set a pose to make the most out of his subject.

  She was beautiful.

  His hand shook as he reached out to caress the smooth leg. He could just imagine the silk of her skin beneath his hands. Unable to hold back, one hand reached below the desk and caressed his hardening flesh. So long … it had been so long since he’d indulged in the secret delights he provided to others. He’d relinquished his last jewel over a year ago. And then he’d spotted this treasure. She was young and progressing so beautifully. If she continued as she was, he should be able to keep her for years.

  His eyes moved over her body, pausing at certain areas he could almost taste, he wanted them so much. His mouth watered. He hardened as he rubbed himself faster…. His eyes continued to roam. Long, smooth legs, taut, flat tummy, the perfect amount of cleavage revealed … just a hint of the beauty he would soon see. His mouth watered even more. Long, slender neck and her face … Everything stopped. Her face! Rage bloomed. Passion dwindled, went limp in his hand. A bruise. She had a bruise on her face—someone had hit her.

  His fury was so great, his hand shook as he grabbed the phone. Someone better damn well have an explanation for this.

  “Foster?” he snapped.

  “Yes.” The voice held a wary tinge.

  “You want to tell me why there’s a bruise?”

  The man gave an audible swallow. “She fought us. We had no choice but to restrain her. It wasn’t our fault.”

  “I. Do. Not. Want. Her. Bruised. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “No more photographs until she’s healed. Got that?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  William pulled in a calming breath. His voice still hard, but controlled, he said, “When she’s healed, I’ll want a short movie … perhaps twenty minutes in length. One man will be allowed to touch her to pose her, provide instructions, but nothing else.” His voice hardened. “Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  William hung up the phone, unable to speak any further. Despite his anticipation of the upcoming movie, his day was still ruined. He had so looked forward to getting these photographs. Had fantasized about how she would look. How he would feel when he was with her for the first time. But seeing her skin marred, imperfect, had destroyed his pleasure.

  His tastes were exact and specific. Beautiful. Young. Desperate. Unblemished. Not a mark on them. Until he made the marks himself.


  “Skylar, you have to come out of your apartment sometime.” Carole James’s voice held the petulant tone Skylar had grown up with.

  “How do you know I’ve not been out?”

  “Your father happened to mention it.”

  The slight hesitation before her mother answered was telling. So they had someone watching her … again.

  “And Dad knows I’ve not been out of my apartment how?”

  “Does it really matter, darling? That’s not really the issue. You need—”

  “I need you to leave me alone, Mother.”


  At one time, the shocked hurt in her mother’s voice would have caused guilt. Not anymore. Her parents had controlled her life without her even knowing it. She refused to allow that to happen again.

  “With Dad’s help, you did something totally unforgivable. Do you even care about that?”

  “But darling, we did it for your own good.”

  “Stop it. I’m a grown woman … a grown, married woman. I decide what’s for my own good. Not anyone else. Understand?”

  “Of course you’re a grown woman, darling, but we love you and want what’s best for you.”

  “What’s best for me is to live my life as I please. Now, either tell Dad to call off whoever is watching me or I’ll call the police and report that my own father is stalking me. The paparazzi will love that.”

  “Darling, let me come over and visit with you. It’s been so long and—”

  “Call off the spies, Mom.”

  The sputter on the other end of the line almost caused Skylar to smile. Her mother hated to be called Mom.

  “Fine. But when you’re ready to stop acting like a spoiled brat, your family will be waiting for you … as we always are.”

  Rolling her eyes at the drama queen of the family, she said, “Goodbye, Mom.”

  After she hung up, she gazed around her apartment and wrinkled her nose at the mess. She hadn’t left her apartment in over a week. There was no place she wanted to go, no one she wanted to see. Except the one man who didn’t want to see her.

  The press was having a field day with speculation on what had happened to her. Breast implants and a broken heart were the top two speculations. Though the broken heart was more apt, it wasn’t for the man they thought. She hadn’t seen Benjamin since she’d returned.

  Other than the daily calls from her family, urging her to get back to her old life, Noah McCall had been her only connection to the outside world. He called every couple of days with an update on Kendra’s case. Not that there was much to report.

  Kendra had been missing for almost three weeks now. And still, other than LCR and herself, no one believed it wasn’t voluntary. A bad case of crying wolf too often. Kendra had disappeared so many times, it barely caused a blip of alarm to anyone. Even Kendra’s mother.

  With effort, Skylar pulled herself up from the couch. Though she hated to admit it, her mother was right about one thing. She couldn’t stay cooped up in this apartment forever. It was time to face the world again.

  And it was time to do what she’d told Gabe she would do. The divorce that probably would have happened long ago needed to begin. It might not be what her heart really wanted, but her head told her different. Gabe obviously didn’t want to be married to her. And damned if she wanted to be married to someone who didn’t want her.

  The more Skylar thought about it, the more anxious she was to get out of her apartment and get the process started. She hurried through her shower, blew-dry her hair, and put on the minimum of makeup. Wrapping a towel around her, she turned to go into her bedroom, contemplating her wardrobe. What did one wear to a meeting where your heart was to be ripped to shreds and demolished forever?

  Skylar pushed opened the door and swallowed a scream.

  “Sorry. I did knock this time.”

  “What are you doing here, Gabe?”

s eyes took on that brilliant blue glint, and once again she stood there and let him devour her with a look. Her nipples peaked and pressed against the towel. His eyes seemed to know as they zeroed in on them. He had loved her breasts. Had told her they were the most perfect mounds God had ever created.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  She shuddered, returning to reality with a crash. Gabe had recovered quicker than she had.

  “Is it Kendra?”

  “Yes … and no.” He gave her one last lustful glance and turned away. “Get dressed and let’s talk.”

  As Gabe paced the living room, waiting for Skye to dress, he called himself every kind of fool for even being here. Someone else could have handled this … probably a hell of a lot better than he could. But he hadn’t wanted anyone else with Skye. No one but him.

  Not that he’d handled it that well with Noah. His boss had known exactly what he was asking of his operative. With a glint of barely concealed amusement, he’d delivered the details of Gabe’s new assignment.

  “You want me to do what?” Gabe shouted. “What the hell do you mean, I’ve got to go back to New York?”

  “We got reliable sources telling us that a high-profile and very wealthy man is in charge. We used the information Skylar gave us about the man being well connected. That helped us narrow down the search … it paid off.”

  “You got a name?”

  “Not yet.”

  Gabe was already getting that feeling in the pit of his stomach that told him the next words were ones he wouldn’t want to hear.

  “He’s got wealth and power … and he’s in New York.”

  High profile. Wealthy. “Hell, it’s not Jeremiah James, is it?” Though Gabe hated the bastard, he didn’t want Skye’s father to be mixed up in this kind of shit. The man had already hurt her enough.

  “No. Not James, but someone just as powerful.”

  Noah’s silence after that statement was purposeful. He was waiting for Gabe to come to the conclusion he didn’t want to come to.


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