Tesla: Man Out of Time
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Coast Defense and Fortification Bill, 201
Coffin, Charles A., 70, 71
Cohen, Louis, 16
“Cold fire,” 103
Colliers magazine, 287
Colorado Springs (Colo.), Tesla’s laboratory in, 14, 33, 170–91, 194–95, 211. 349
Colorado Springs Notes (Tesla), 186, 330, 351–52, 353
Columbia, S.S., 48
Columbia College (University), 52, 65, 83, 97, 109, 128
interplanetary and interstellar, 146–47, 149, 190, 195, 205, 296, 310, 312, 338
by radio, see Radio
by waves through Earth, 153, 348–50
Commutators, 40, 44, 46
Compton, Arthur H., 83, 293, 326
Computer technology, Tesla’s basic patents in, 168–69
Condenser, discharge of, 87
Consolidated Electric Light Company, 72
Continental Edison Company, 46, 53
Convair XFY-1, 252
Copper degasification, 305–06
Corbett, John J., 335
Cornell University, 52, 62
Corsair (yacht), 51, 58, 159
Cosmic rays, 77, 81–83, 85, 309
Cox, Durlin C. 351
Crawford, Marion, 126–27
Crawford and Simpson (drygoods firm), 170, 171
Croatia, 25, 38, 303
Tesla in, 25–41, 64, 92–93, 94
in World War II, 316–21, 325–26
Crookes, Sir William, 79, 91, 126, 148, 166, 215, 337
Crow, W. D., 200
Cryogenic engineering, 192–93
Crystal detectors, 97, 122
Curie, Marie, 82
Curie, Pierre, 82
Curtis, Leonard, 170–71, 211
Cyclotron (atom-smasher), 77, 84
Czechoslovakia, 40, 312, 315
Czito, Julius C., 235, 281, 282
Czito, Kolman, 110, 128, 171, 178, 182–84, 185, 235
Dales, Gardner H., 120
Dana, Charles A., 129
Dante’s Inferno, 174
D’Arsonval, Jacques Arsène, 103
Dartmouth College, 134
DC, see Direct current
Death rays, 290, 291, 302, 305, 332, 352
DeForest, Lee, 122, 222, 293
Dempster (engineer), 226
Depew, Chauncey, 158
Deprez, Marcel, 66
Detroit Free Press, 286
Dewar, Sir James, 90–91
Dewey, George, 179
Diathermy, 88, 102–03, 140, 165, 209, 211, 298
Dickinson, Richard, 347
Direct current (DC)
challenged by AC, 40, 46, 56, 61–75, 78, 119–20
Westinghouse wants system of converting AC to, 156
Dirigible torpedo, 241
Disintegrator rays, see Death rays
Disruptive discharge coil, 101
Dolphin, Lambert, 344, 346n, 352
Doty, Ralph, 339
Dozier, Joseph, 173, 190
Draper, Wanetta, see Hunt, Inez
Duffy (colonel), 340
Dunn, Gano, 16, 326
Dvořák, Anton, 114
Earrings, Tesla’s aversion to, 29, 116
Hz. resonance of, 177, 350
Tesla and splitting of, 152
Earthquakes, prevention of, 153
Edison, Thomas Alva, 42, 48, 49–57, 106, 198
ability to go without sleep, 54
on energy shortages, 204
later life of, 209
Magnetic Ore Separator of, 163
Marconi and, 186
Tesla and see Tesla, Nikola—Edison and
Tesla’s methods compared to those of, 33, 54–55
Westinghouse challenged by, 65–70
in World War I, 258, 260–61, 262
X-ray research of, 133, 135, 137, 209
Edison Effect, 122
Edison Electric Light Company (Edison General Electric Company; Edison Electric Company), 50, 51, 61, 70
Edison Machine Works, 28
Edison Medal, 266, 267–72, 281, 332, 334
Edward, Prince (later King Edward VII of England), 157n
Einstein, Albert, 136, 261, 294, 295, 309
Eisenbud, Jule, 284–85
Electric clocks, 88, 101
Electric dog on wheels, 240
Electrical Age (periodical), 206
Electrical Congress (1893), 103–04
Electrical Engineer, The (periodical), 70, 95
Electrical Exhibition (1898), 160–62, 171
Electrical Experimenter (periodical), 175, 259
Electrical Exposition (1896), 135
Electrical Journal (periodical), 139
Electrical Review (periodical), 118, 134, 135, 139, 144–48, 156, 166
Electrical World (periodical), 128–29
Electrical World and Engineer (periodical), 223
Electrician, The (periodical), 75
Electricity, Tesla’s explanations of, 77–78, 86, 280
Electricity (periodical), 120
of animals, 67–69
at Sing Sing, 69
Electromagnetic radiation, 87, 136, 177
discovery of, 86, 136
Tesla on, 311
ELF (extra-low frequency), 177, 260, 350
Elliott-Cresson Medal, 120
Energy, universal, see Tesla, Nikola— universal-energy ideas of
England see Great Britain
English Mechanic & World of Science (periodical), 249
Enola Gay (bomber), 344
Ether, 78
Eugenics, 301
Eulalia, Princess, 101
Everyday Science & Mechanics (periodical), 297
Faraday, Michael, 41, 62, 86, 90, 100
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 325, 331–35, 338
Ferdinand, Archduke Francis, 242
Ferraris, Galileo, 74–75
Ferris, G. W., 100
Fessenden, Reginald A., 221, 226
Field, Jacob, 107
Filipov, Luka, 113, 127
Fire in New York laboratory, 128, 133, 139, 144
Fireballs, 22
See also Ball lightning; Lightning
Fitzgerald, Bloyce C., 333, 334
Fitzgerald, Francis A., 289–90
Flat-spiral coils, 146
Fleming, Sir John A., 86, 122, 248
Fluid diode, 248
Fluorescent lights, 78
Fluoroscopes, 135
Fog produced by Tesla, 188
Foord, John, 127
Forbes, George, 120
Fotić, Konstantin, 279, 312, 315, 321, 326
Fotić, Pola, 279
Foxworth (FBI agent), 332
Tesla’s lectures in, 81, 85n, 90, 91
See also Paris
Franck, James, 326
Franklin, Benjamin, 100
Franklin Institute, 95, 180
Freedom of Information Act, 15, 331, 341
Frick, Henry Clay, 215, 216
Furnace, high-frequency, 267
Fusion research, 345
Galejs, J., 350
Gaulard-Gibbs, AC, patents, 44–45, 61
Geissler tube, 134
General Electric Company, 54, 66, 70, 71, 72, 132, 258
lawsuits against, 121
Niagara Falls and, 119, 120, 145
transatlantic wireless of, 226
General Enertech, 249
George, Willis, 335
George VI (King of England), 320
Geothermal steam plant, 297–98
See also Tidal energy
Tesla ships his turbine to, 238–39
Tesla’s patents in, 130, 241
See also World War I; World War II
Gernsback, Hugo, 110, 294–95, 325
Gertz, Elmer, 329
Ghosts, hypersensitive vacuum tub
e for detection of, 125–26
Gibbs, Lucien, see Gaulard-Gibbs
Gilder, Richard Watson, 240n
Girardeau, Emil, 265, 266
Goethe’s Faust, 44
Goldis, Mark, 248–49
Goldschmidt alternator, 241
Golka, Robert, 174–75, 344–46
Gorsuch, Walter, 333
Gould, Jay, 105
Gramme Machine, 40
Gravity, Tesla’s theory of, 309
Graz (Austria), Tesla’s studies in, 39, 43
Great Britain, Tesla’s lectures in, 81, 86n, 90
Great Depression, 290, 303–07
Guided weapons, see Remote control
Hammond, John Hays, Sr., 171
Hammond, John Hays, Jr., 240
Harriman, Edward H., 105
Hausler, Charles, 323
Havemeyer, Henry O. 197
Hawthorne, Julian, 51, 107, 110, 192, 205
Hearst, George, 114
Hearst, William Randolph, 157, 158
Hegeman, George, 200
Helliwell, Robert, 350
Helmholtz, Hermann von, 100, 104
Henry, Joseph, 52, 100
Hertz, Heinrich, 87, 177, 224
Hertzian telegraphy, 215–16
Hess, Victor F., 85
Hewitt, Edward R., 134
Hill Air Force Base (Utah), 345
Hoadley, Joseph H., 58, 254
Hobson, Richard Pearson, 114, 159, 163–66, 208–09, 213–14, 275–76, 308, 312
Holden, Agnes Johnson, 150, 159, 289, 309
Holden, Edward S., 191, 205
Holliday (colonel), 339, 340
Hoover, J. Edgar, 332
Horses, Tesla and, 173, 176
Houle, Robert E., 339
Houstin, Edwin J., 135
Hungary, Tesla in, 42–46
Hunt, Inez, and Draper, Wanetta, Lightning in His Hand, 14
Hyland, Lawrence H., 265
Hyperthermia, see Diathermy
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 349
Induction coils, 79, 87, 102
Induction motors, 201
See also Alternating current
Industrial Research (periodical), 350
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 228n
Institute of Immigrant Welfare, 314
Institute of Radio Engineers, 228, 329
Institution of Electrical Engineers, 85n, 90
Insull, Samuel, 69
International Electrotechnical commission, 329
International Niagara Commission, 130
International Plasma Corp., 345n
Interplanetary and interstellar communication, 146–47, 149, 190–91, 205
Italy, 238
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 114
Jefferson, Joseph, 21–24, 126, 156
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Cal Tech), 347
Jews, Tesla’s attitude toward, 165n John Scott Medal, 327
Johns Hopkins University, 233
Johnson, E. H., 67
Johnson, Katharine, 20, 112–14, 126–29, 142–43, 149–50, 165, 171, 204, 211–12, 214, 244, 257, 273–74
last illness of, 286–89
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 19–20, 109, 112–16, 126, 132, 142–43, 163, 165, 166, 194, 204, 214, 215, 244, 277, 289
death of, 308
letter from, 212
letters to, 156, 179, 186, 198, 201, 231, 273, 289
resignation from Century by, 239–40
Joliot, Frédéric, 82, 85
Joliot-Curie, Irene, 82, 85
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 284
Jovanovich, Zmaj Jovan, 101, 127, 243
Jueneman, Frederic, 350–51
Kaempffert, Waldemar, 111, 292
Kapitza, Peter, 344, 346
Karlstadt (Karlovac), Croatia, 38
Kratsufrakis, John, 350
Kelvin, Lord, 67, 86, 119, 120, 148, 166, 204
Kemmler, William, 69
Kennelly, A.E., 135
Kerrigan, William, 308, 323–24
Kinetoscope, 101
Kintner, S. M., 305
Kipling, Rudyard, 114
Kirlian photography, 125–26
Knight, Walter H., 254
Kolischer, Gustave, 298
Kosanović, Sava, 94, 278n, 315, 318–63, 325–27, 330–34, 336
Ladd, D. M., 334
LaGuardia, Fiorello H., 325
Lancet, The (periodical), 259
Langley, Samuel P., 250
Lasers, 346, 353
Laurence, William L., 282, 313
Lawrence, Ernest Orlando, 84–85
Lawson, Thomas, Frenzied
Finance, 72
over Tesla’s debts, 211, 218
on Tesla’s patents, 66, 73–74, 98, 121, 145, 221–28, 254–55
Leary, USS, 265
Lenard, Philipp, 337
Lenin, Vladimir I., 304
Lenard rays, 311n
artificial, 121, 148, 175–77, 351
ball, 189–90, 195, 343–46, 346n
“bead,” 346
in Colorado, 179–83
controlling of, 95
Lightning rods, 253
Lika (Yugoslavia), 25
Linde, Carl, 140
Liquid oxygen, 129, 140
Literary Digest (periodical), 218, 245
Litz wire, 88
Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 251–52
electric, 50
headlight for, 272
Lodge, Sir Oliver, 87, 97, 131, 221, 223, 224
London, 259
Tesla’s lectures in, 81, 85n, 91
Lowenstein, Fritz, 52, 173, 184, 203, 254–55
Lucretius, 189
Lynn (Mass.), 61
Maĉak (a cat), 279–80
McAllister, Ward, 106
McGovern, Chauncey, 21–23, 155
McKinley, William, 158, 200
Magnifying transmitters, 173–88, 194, 215, 344, 353
Maine, USS, 158
Mandić, Petar, 64
Manning, William T., 326
Marbury, Elisabeth, 116
Marconi, Guglielmo, 65, 88, 96, 162–63, 178, 186, 193, 199
Nobel Prize to, 219
signals across Atlantic by, 201, 203
Tesla and, 97, 145, 197–98, 201, 206, 219–22
Tesla on, 230
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of America v. United States, 221–28, 254
Marconi Worldwide Wireless Station (company), 226, 227, 258
Marie (Queen of Yugoslavia), 320
Marinĉić, Aleksander, 187
Markham, James, 339
Mars, communication with, 145–47, 149, 190, 191, 195, 204, 205
Martin, Thomas Commerford, 55, 103, 113, 196
Mauborgne, T. O., 224
Maxwell, James Clerk, 87, 100, 177
Mayer, Emil, 241
Medical diathermy, 62, 102–03, 140, 165, 209, 211, 298
Meissner, B. F., 168
Melba, Nellie, 114
Menlo Park (N.J.), 50, 65
Merington, Marguerite, 20, 115–17, 128, 165, 171
Meštrović, Ivan, 277–78
Microscope, point electron, 77, 83
Microwave Power Transmission project, 347
Mihailović, Draža, 317–22
Millikan, Robert A., 83, 85, 261, 293, 326
Monaghan, Alice, 324
Montenegro, Prince of, 120
Moore, D. McFarlan, 16–17, 79
Morgan, Anne, 20, 115, 117, 255–56, 320
Morgan, J. Pierpont, 20, 105, 111, 132, 159, 193, 234, 237–38
description of, 57–58
Edison and, 51–52, 57, 70
Tesla financed by, 198–99, 201, 204, 206–07, 210, 219
Westinghouse and, 71
Morgan, J. P. (son of J. Pierpont Morgan), 237–39, 304–05
Morin, Rolan
d J., 79
Morris, Newbold, 326
Mott, C. Jordan, 193
Muir, John, 114
Myers, Mr., 178
Myers, Peter, 248–49
Mystic Island (N.J.), 241
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 347
National Academy of Sciences, 261, 263
National Civic Foundation, 256
National Committee for
Aeronautics, 272
National Electric Light Association, 95–97, 180
National Inventors Hall of Fame, 327
National Research Council (NRC), 263
Naval Consulting Board, Edison as head of, 258, 260, 264
Naval Radio Service, 241
Naval Research Laboratory, 265
New Brunswick (N.J.), 226
New York, USS, 163
New York Academy of Science, 138
New York City
AC for, 120–21
Colony Club, 320
Delmonico’s, 114, 164, 194, 204
Electrical Exhibition (1898), 160–62, 171
Electrical Exposition (1896), 135
Engineers’ Club, 268–71
“400” in, 106, 117
Gerlach Hotel, 114, 127
Hotel Governor Clinton, 282, 295, 333, 337
Hotel New Yorker, 282, 314, 320, 324, 332, 335
jury duty in, 206
McAlpin Hotel, 305
Maguery Hotel, 115
Metropolitan Tower, 201
Pennsylvania Hotel, 229, 282
Players’ Club, 194, 196, 214, 249
possible electrical supply by satellites to, 347–48
St. Regis Hotel, 280–81
Tesla’s arrival in, 49
Tesla’s laboratories in first, 59
second, 20–24, 61, 76, 89, 126, 128–29, 133, 139, 144
third, 130, 144, 150, 170, 203, 205
fourth, 232
Tesla’s nonpayment of taxes to, 258
Triangle Factory Fire, 256
trolleys in, 56
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 19, 105, 107, 114, 149, 172, 194, 202, 218, 231, 258
White, Stanford, murder in, 216–17
New York Edison Company, 247
New York Herald, 139, 179
New York Herald Tribune, 111
New York Journal, 158
New York Times, The, 99, 111, 120, 127, 158, 169, 206, 243–44, 249–50, 263–64, 292
New York World, 158
Newark (N.J.), 276
Niagara Falls, 36, 63, 67, 118, 119–20, 157, 290, 329
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, 120
Niagara Power Commission, 290
Nikola Tesla, SS, 327
Nikola Tesla Company, 171, 197, 212, 272, 290
Nitrogen, atmospheric extraction of, 149, 272
Nobel Prize, 219, 243–46
Northrup, Edwin, 267
Nuclear energy, see Atomic Energy
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), 297–98
Office of Alien Property (OAP), 331–34, 339–41
Oil fields, locating, 153
O’Neill, John J., 74, 108–09, 110, 111, 153, 221, 232, 282–84, 313–14, 325, 330
Prodigal Genius, 13, 14
Ore deposits, locating, 153