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His Town

Page 36

by Ellie Danes


  Harper nodded, grabbing my hand and giving me a smile as we made our way out into the foyer to meet Avery, our new client.

  Read the sequel to It Takes Two, Connected Hearts, on Amazon.

  Chance Encounter, The Series

  The Complete Series Books 1-8

  (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes



  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental

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  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products references in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Third-party websites addresses listed in this book are accurate and age appropriate as of the time this book went to press, but are beyond the publishers control. The publisher cannot guarantee that the content of these sites will not change.

  Copyright © 2015 Ellie Danes

  First Edition: October 2015

  Chance Encounter

  Chance Encounter Series, Book One

  (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes


  Chapter One


  I woke up and rolled over, looking at her. I wanted to call it all off right then and there. It was the same thing I thought every morning for the last few months. I remembered how things used to be, fun. I didn't know how I'd stayed with her as long as I had. Three years, one very long one. Just as things seemed to get better she’d show a side of herself I hadn’t seen before. All I could do was thank my father. He arranged all of this. It was his idea of helping me to settle down.

  The alarm was set for six and if I got up quiet enough, I knew I wouldn’t wake her. She always slept in. No job. No desire for one. Her only real job was shopping and apparently keeping tabs on me. I carefully slid my arm out from under her head, attempting to not wake her. It was my opportunity for a quiet start to the morning before we were off to Vegas. It would be another chance for her to run my life, packing my suitcase, attempting to plan my day, even though I worked. She treated these trips as her personal vacation, not the work trip that it was for me.

  I headed for the shower, attempting to wash away those kinds of thoughts from my head, but it was useless. My mind raced thinking about everything I needed to get done. Another opportunity for not only her, but also my father to ride me about how disappointed he was in everything I did. Why couldn’t he see my accomplishments?

  The hot shower sent plumes of steam into the air and the water provided a pleasant warmth on my body. I was almost done when I heard her stirring around as she made her way toward the shower.

  “Morning sweetheart, would you like some coffee? Oh, by the way, I left a list of places we have to stop by when we get to Vegas…and I also made plans to meet Stacy and Jacob for dinner tomorrow night.“

  I gritted my teeth as I held my comments to myself. “Thanks honey.” I turned back toward the jet of hot water and immersed my head, water flowing over my ears, drowning out her voice.

  “Chance!” Her fingers tapped on the shower door and eventually opened it. “Would you like a bagel?”

  “Sure. I'll take one for the road.”

  “For the road? We have plenty of time honey. Let’s sit and eat.”

  “No, we actually don’t have that much time. We need to get going.” I just shook my head as she disappeared. I grabbed the towel, dried off, splashed on some cologne and began to dress. I walked out of the bathroom to find my clothes neatly spread across the bed. I felt the anger welling up inside of me. I had a closet full of thousand dollar suits, but she wanted me to wear some work out outfit to match hers. I swiped the clothes off of the bed and tossed them on the overstuffed leather chair in the corner of the room and made my way to the closet, selecting a black casual Armani suit and charcoal grey shirt. No sooner had I changed then I heard her yelling from the bedroom.

  “Chance! Why are these on the chair?”

  “I'm tired of you picking out my clothes and I’m not dressing like some fitness model.” I clenched my jaw again as the blood pulsed through my veins. “You need to get ready, our flight is in a few hours. We need to check in and get through security.”

  “Excuse me? Check in? Security? Why aren’t we taking the jet?”

  I stretched and twisted my neck, attempting to relieve the tension building up in my shoulders as I continued the conversation, yelling from the closet. “It wasn’t available today. It’s Ok, Sara, we can fly first class.” The sarcastic tone in my voice couldn’t be missed.

  “Seriously Chance? You expect me to check all of my luggage and deal with security? That’s it, I’m calling Howard. He’ll take care of it.”

  “Dammit Sara, that’s enough. It’s three-thirty in the morning and the last thing my father needs is to hear from you. This is all too much.”

  Sara’s reflection stared back at me in the mirror as she approached from behind. “What’s too much?”

  “This. All of this. You picking out my clothes, scheduling dates when I’m there to work. Bitching about flying first class instead of taking a private jet. I have enough going on right now with this new project and my father…and now you threatening to call him because you can’t fly to Vegas in a private jet?” I spun to look at her head on, my eyes meeting her gaze. I couldn’t tell if she was going to cry or attack, but I didn’t wait to find out. “I think it’s best for me to go alone this trip.”

  “But Chance…”

  “I’m sorry Sara, this just isn’t working anymore. We can talk when I get back at the end of the week.” I grabbed my suitcase and bag and brushed past her, not waiting for her response. I couldn’t get to the door, or the car, fast enough to leave this situation behind.

  Chapter Two


  After the week I had, including two horrible blind dates, I was ready for an escape. I had worked my ass off getting Melissa’s bachelorette party planned and the way she thanked me was to set me up on blind dates with some of her co-workers. I believe the first one went so poorly that she tried to make up for it with the second one. At least he was completely gorgeous and didn’t look like my Uncle George. Too bad he could barely hold a conversation, even with himself.

  This vacation was exactly what I needed. I had spent the last two weeks scrambling to get a proposal and pitch ready for a new client. Something, Matthew my adorable boss, decided to drop on me at the last minute. Needless to say, I had to change my flight out with the girls. One less day of vacation and a promise to Matthew that I would get him the final things he needed by close of business tomorrow. It’s not like me to over promise, but I wouldn’t miss Melissa’s party for anything, especially since I was her maid of honor and best friend since, well, forever.

  Everything was packed and ready to go as I made a dash for the airport. Working in New York City was always my dream, especially having the great marketing job I had, but all of the extras that came with it weren’t, including the small apartment and not having a car. I managed to flag down a taxi and was happy to finally plop down in the dingy back seat for my ride to the airport.

  The morning had already been a disaster and it didn’t get any better. I stepped out of the cab a
nd snagged my expensive heel on the edge of the curb. I survived, but my heel didn’t. By the time I made my way to the ticket counter, I also realized that I had forgotten the bag full of gag gifts for the party. I left them sitting on the counter of my apartment. Exactly what was I going to do with a bag of penis straws and other assorted party props?

  The airport was incredibly packed and the line for the ticket clerk was at least twenty people deep. After a long, impatient wait, I finally had my turn with Margret. She wore a dark blue blazer that was covered in wrinkles and had bluish gray hair to match it. “May I help you?”

  “I had pushed back my previous reservation for my Vegas flight and just need to check-in and check my bag.” I handed her my identification and old ticket, tapping my foot as I waited, eager to get to the gate and finally relax for a minute.

  “Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Carson. That flight is over-booked. You'll be on standby. Worse case, we can get you on the flight later today.”

  “Standby? No, I'm sorry. I really have to get on the flight. I have to be in Vegas. I'm meeting my girlfriends there.”

  “I understand. We’ll do what we can, but for now, you'll be on standby.”

  “Look, I have got to get a seat on that flight!”

  “Ma’am, please. Like I had said, that flight is over booked and you will be on standby. That's the best we can do for you. Now I can check your bags for you and get you to the gate where they can help you further.”

  I felt my stomach sink and my head was about to explode with frustration. I didn't need this shit. I grabbed my bag and attempted to throw it onto the scale in frustration, but I underestimated its weight. The edge caught the side of the scale as I struggled to lift the fifty plus pound bag with one arm. Before I could readjust and try again, an arm reached out and swiftly picked it up for me.

  He was tall, blue eyed and hot as hell! I fumbled for words as I stared at him, barely able to smile. His hand brushed mine as he lifted the bag to the scale and an electricity shot through my body. I watched as he smiled at me and I was locked in his gaze, unable to discern a word he was saying. I finally managed to get two words out in a whisper. “Thank you.” I had made an idiot out of myself.

  “You’re welcome,” He smiled back. I watched his perfect body move to toward the last ticket agent.

  “Ma’am? Here’s your stand-by ticket. Good luck today.” The old woman slid my ticket and ID across the counter. I needed more than good luck, at least my day had gotten a little better.

  Chapter Three


  Holy shit she was hot. Maybe it was the fact that I felt newly single or just hadn’t ever noticed another woman, but she was absolutely amazing. I had watched as she ranted to the ticket clerk and I couldn’t help but stare as I waited in line.

  My timing had been impeccable. As I was finally called to the next agent I walked by the woman, taking in the smell of her light perfume and instinctively grabbing her suitcase as it almost fell from her hand as she attempted to swing it onto the scale. I paused for a moment, taking her in and then was called again by the clerk, having to cut my interaction short.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I wasn’t even sure what it was about her, but I was mesmerized. I looked back and she was gone, just as quickly as she appeared. I slid my tickets across the counter to the clerk and smiled as I scanned the rest of the terminal, hoping to see her just one more time.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Vaughan, Where’s your other passenger?”

  “She won't be coming.” That felt good to say that. “But I'll keep the extra seat.” I dropped my bag onto the scale and waited anxiously.

  “Alright sir. I think that does it. Have a wonderful flight.”

  I grabbed my tickets and smiled. “Thank you.”

  * * * *

  The VIP lounge was always a great way to start a trip when I wasn’t taking the corporate jet. Lately it had been too often. I stood at the bar, ordering a Bloody Mary to officially begin my trip. I needed a little something to calm my nerves after the tense morning. I watched as the crowds started to gather at the gates, people rushing around to catch their flights.

  Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of her again, standing at my gate and talking with the agent at the counter. I watched as she waived the slip of paper at the agent and then eventually took a seat, far away from the gate. I quickly laid a twenty-dollar bill on the bar and finished my drink, heading over to the gate.

  “Excuse me?”

  The younger, perky clerk smiled at me with her attentive green eyes. “Yes sir, how can I help you? Are you checking in?”

  “Um, yes.” I slid my packet of tickets across the counter to the waiting agent.

  “Yes sir, you’re all set. You’re in first class.”

  “Great, can I ask, is everything alright with the woman that was just here? She seemed a bit upset.”

  “This flight is overbooked, so there are quite a few people on standby. She was pleading to get on the flight, but unfortunately, it just doesn’t work that way.”

  Without thinking I instantly pulled a ticket from my packet and handed it to the clerk. “Can you please make sure she gets on this flight?” The clerk stared at me, not saying a word. “I have two tickets and I’d like her to have this one.”

  “Sir, this is first–”

  “I understand it’s first class. Please, just don’t let her know who it’s from. Call it my good deed for the day.” I smiled and the clerk nodded.

  “Sir, are you sure?”

  “Yes of course I am. Just give her the ticket, wish her well and don't tell her it was me that paid her way.” I could tell by the clerk's reaction that she didn't like the idea.

  Chapter Four


  ”Here you are Ms. Carson.” The petite clerk handed me the ticket as the gate doors were opening. “I’m glad you were able to get on the flight.”

  “Wait! Seat 1A? I’m sorry, I can’t pay for first class.”

  “No Ma’am. There’s not charge. It was taken care of.” The clerk smiled at me and motioned towards the gate. “You can go ahead and board now.”

  “Taken care of? What do you–?”

  “Have a great flight!” She nodded again to towards the door, not allowing me to finish my question. I quickly scanned my pass and made my way down the jet way wondering if my upgrade had been a mistake. No sense in arguing about it. I was just happy to be on the flight and happier to fly in first class for the first time in my life.

  I stuffed my bag in the overhead compartment, not paying attention to the person in the adjacent seat as my skirt caught on the armrest. My hands were full and all I could do was jerk my dress back and forth until my seatmate’s hand freed me.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. That’s twice today.”

  His voice was familiar as I felt the shivers up my spine. I plopped into the seat as I smiled at him, fumbling for the right words. “You've been quite the help.”

  “I just happen to be in the right place at the right time.” His smile was perfect and his electric blue eyes calmed me. His perfectly tanned skin appeared as if he just been vacationing in some tropical location. “I'm Chance.”

  He extended his hand and I struggled to shake it as I held onto the remaining belongings in my grasp. “I’m Becca.” Chance, I loved that name. “Chance, can you help me out, just once more?” I motioned with my head to all of the stuff in my arms.

  “Not at all.” He reached over and grabbed my purse, book and sweater as I adjusted my dress and clicked the seatbelt closed. I watched as his eyes focused on the cover of the book, my romance addiction, and I could feel my face redden.

  “Looks like you plan to do some reading while you're on vacation…or is it business?”

  I giggled. “A little of both unfortunately. I’m headed to my best friend’s bachelorette party, but I’ve got a proposal I need to get wrapped up and out by tomorrow.”

  “Well, I hope you g
et to enjoy your trip and congratulations to your friend. How long will you be staying in Vegas?”

  “I’ll be staying until Sunday, hopefully that will give me enough time to recover and enjoy myself. Plus get some work done. Unfortunately, my boss doesn’t understand that everyone needs a vacation.”

  “Been there and done that before. It's better to leave the work behind when you go to Vegas.”

  “You've been to Vegas before?'

  “Yes, plenty of times. I work out there.”

  I loved the way the conversation flowed between us. Every chance I got I snuck a peek at his amazing body, wondering just how chiseled it was. Everything about him was put together well. I caught myself daydreaming as I looked at him and listened to his smooth voice. Why couldn’t Melissa have set me up with someone like him?

  The flight attendant poked her head around the corner while she made room for the travelers still boarding the plane. Her eyes quickly darted from me to the gorgeous man sitting beside me. “May I get you a glass of champagne?”

  Chance looked over at me with an accepting nod and I agreed.

  “This is the first time I’ve ever flown first class. Nice perk, free champagne? I could get used to this.” I smiled and he chuckled along with me.

  I watched the attendant as she delivered our flutes of champagne. She carefully handed the glass to me and then flipped her hair over her shoulder as she smiled at Chance and handed him his glass. “Is there anything else I can get you?” Her eyes met his and he simply smiled back with a casual “No thank you.”

  I thought for sure he would have flirted back. Instead, he turned his attention towards me as the flight attendant made her rounds to the others in first class, a disappointed look on her face.

  “So this is what I’ve been missing all this time?” I giggled as I took a sip and relaxed into the big leather seats. “I’m going to need this before take off for sure.”

  “You don’t like flying?” Chance took a swig from his glass as he looked at me. The final group of people brushed by him as they boarded and gave us dirty looks as we joked, drinking from our fluted glasses.


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