His Town

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His Town Page 41

by Ellie Danes

  I quietly slid out of bed and made my way through the enormous suite to the kitchen and poured myself a class of juice from the refrigerator. I topped it off with the open bottle of champagne sitting in the bucket full of water, which once was ice.

  I needed the juice and alcohol to take the edge of the hangover I felt slowly creeping in. It was a mixture of drinking from the day and the festivities of the night. I knew I wasn’t too drunk to have made a bad decision of sleeping with Chance. I would have made that decision over and over. I smiled to myself as I thought about the girls a few floors below. It was likely that they had been passed out for a few hours, while I was in the arms of the hottest man I had ever met.

  The living room was perfectly decorated and I felt a bit timid walking naked around the large suite, not sure whether we were truly alone or not, but I decided to take my chances. Something I wouldn’t have ever done in the past. Apparently I had decided to live on the edge, if even for just a night. There weren’t any pictures on the books cases or tables. It almost appeared as if he didn’t really live here, or at least didn’t spend the time to really make it a home. I made my way back to the bedroom and sat on the side of the bed, watching him sleep. I almost pinched myself as I stared at him, wanting to make sure that everything in the last twenty-four hours actually happened.

  The soft buzzing of his cell phone startled me as it lit up the room from the table on the opposite side of the room. I walked over and looked at it, wondering whether I should wake him. Maybe it is important. It is three in the morning. No one calls this late. Before I made my decision the phone had stopped ringing and then started again.

  I glanced at the phone and read the words across the display, “Sara?” I whispered to myself. “That fucker… he’s married, or at least has a girlfriend, who else calls in the middle of the night?”

  Stunned, I watched the phone go dark and the glanced at Chance, still silently sleeping. The phone lit up again, this time with a message that was only partially viewable without reading the entire message. I’m sorry and I love you. I’m…

  I felt my heart sink as I stared at the message until the phone went dark again. I careful clicked the button, reading the messages on the screen. Two missed calls from Sara and one text. I quietly moved back into the living room and gather up my clothes that I had left on the couch after changing. I dressed and made my way to the door, pausing only for a moment to consider how much of a fool I had been.

  Chance Encounter 3

  Chance Encounter Series, Book Three

  (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes

  www.Ellie Danes.com

  Chapter One


  I reached over expecting to feel Becca’s beautiful body curled up next to me, yet much to my disappointment, she was nowhere to be found. I wasn’t fully awake, and the room was still dark. I sat up and turned on the light at the bedside, hoping to see a note or at least a text message on the phone, I picked up my cell. There was a text and I smiled. Maybe she had to rush out to meet up with her friends. After all she was here for Melissa. I wish she had woken me before she had left. Last night had been so incredible and all I could think about was how she felt in my arms. I looked at the text. It was from Sara. So was the voicemail. I hit the button and waited. Chance, I miss you … I'm sorry and I'm …

  I didn't want to hear it. I hung up; disgusted with myself that I even took the time to listen to her yet again. The night I just had with Becca was all I could think about. It was great not having Sara hanging all over me, telling me what to do. I knew the drill with her. She'd apologize; act like she was sorry and then it would start all over again. After being with Becca, I just wasn't willing to fall back into that destructive pattern Sara and I seemed to always get caught up in. All I knew was that I wanted to see Becca again, and soon. At the moment I just couldn’t think about how much my father disapproved of my ending my relationship with Sara. I was tired of him running my life, acting like he knew what was best for me.

  I jumped from the bed, and went to the bathroom. I wanted to take a shower and then try giving Becca a call. I was excited, more than I had been in years. I couldn't remember ever being that excited over any girl, including Sara. Becca was perfect. She was beautiful but even more than that, I felt like the conversation between us just flowed so effortlessly. She was so interesting, intelligent, fun, and yet so easy going. I stood in the shower, hot water, covering my body like it had the morning I had left for Vegas. Only this time, it was Becca that was on my mind and not Sara. Becca’s flawless features, tan skin, and those dazzling blue eyes, so full of life. The hot water ran down my back as memories from last night resurfaced in my mind; the way she kissed, the softness of her lips. The way our bodies just seemed to fit together.

  I hoped she didn’t have any regrets. It seemed things moved fast, but it felt natural and comfortable. I imagined she had snuck out, maybe having second thoughts about the evening, or maybe she left early, eager to let her friends know about the evening. Either way, I wasn’t sure how or where things stood. I wanted to call her. I stood, wrapped in a towel, holding my phone, debating whether I should call at this early hour or wait until later and just stop by.

  Chapter Two


  I slipped back into the room, careful not to wake the girls. The sun had only just begun to come up, and I knew they had likely just gotten to bed themselves. I was thankful. I was ready to be drilled about the events of last night. I was just getting over the last thirty minutes myself. I had one of the best nights of my life with Chance. Everything went so well. I never clicked with anyone like that before. After what had seemed like dozens of terrible blind dates or setups with friends of friends, I really believed I found the right person. I really believed he was into me.

  The dream came to end when I saw the text and missed calls. No one calls a man that late unless they want something or they are his. Either way, I felt played. I thought he might be different. I crawled onto the couch in the center of the sprawling suite and lay there. All I could think about was how amazing it was being with him. I could still feel his strong hands all over my body. I rolled from side to side, trying to forget him, but couldn’t. I closed my eyes and replayed the evening, wondering if I missed a sign. A missing ring on his finger, him constantly checking his phone, getting up and leaving for no reason to make a call. None of those things happened.

  I finally drifted off remembering the way he felt, only to be abruptly awakened. “Wake up girl!” Courtney, pounced on top of me.

  “Go away! I need some sleep!”

  “I just bet you do.” She said suggestively. “Come on and tell us how it went.”

  Melissa came in, pulling Katie behind her.

  “So … how did it go?” Melissa snuggled up to me, covering me in the blanket she had brought from her room.

  I ran my fingers through my hair, and I could still smell his cologne. His scent was all over me. Stretching, I straightened my back and sat up, dangling my feet off the sofa.

  “It was great.” I said simply, because honestly, before the text it had been. And I wasn’t sure if I wanted to tell them about the rest.

  “Great? Is that it? How great?” Katie asked, pushing me.

  I smiled, remembering for a moment just how great his lips felt pressed to mine. Trying to focus on the good and not the bad, I decided to recap the night enough so that they wouldn’t keep probing for more details.

  “Well, we started with dinner. He had a private chef cook our meal and serve us. You wouldn't believe the food. Everything was perfect, completely elegant and over the top.”

  “A private chef?” Katie's eyes were wide as she smiled. “A man that knows how to have a first date.”

  Courtney leaned in closer. “So, what happened after dinner?” I knew she wouldn’t let me get away breezing over the details.

  “The night was a dream. He's got to be the hottest guy I've ever be
en with. Definitely the best kisser.” I shut my eyes and couldn’t get him out of my mind. “From the moment we met at on the plane he’s been all I’ve been able to think about.” I watched as the girls smiled at me as the smile vanished from my face. “But…”

  “But what?” Melissa squinted her eyes as she pursed her lips, staring at me. “Did he hurt you? No, lemme guess, he doesn’t have the full package if you know what I mean.” Melissa giggled as I rolled my eyes.

  “No, trust me, that was amazing.” My ears rang as the girls all screamed at the same time, but my expression stayed straight. “I woke up this morning. He was still asleep, and I guess his phone was going off. He had gotten a call, then a text.”

  “Don’t tell me you looked?”

  “I couldn’t help it. It was just there. It was from some girl named Sara. After I saw that I just left.”

  “What an asshole!” Katie grumbled under her breath. “Men, he’s no different I guess.”

  Melissa shot a look at Katie and then turned her attention back towards me. “Becca, it might have been something totally innocent.”

  “Really? She's sorry and misses him? How can I be reading that wrong?”

  “You read the text?” Melissa seemed shocked, but then quickly dismissed it. “I don't know, but you should give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's a sister or something?”

  Melissa was grasping for something innocent. I could tell the girls were trying to keep me positive, but I just couldn’t make myself try to justify the text. I’ve had enough failed relationships to know that what you see is usually what it is. Lying to myself would only make me the fool.

  I shook my head. “No, it’s ok. I wasn’t here to meet anyone. It doesn’t matter.”

  The girls piled around me, trying to comfort me. The truth was clear as day. As far as I was concerned, the text had spelled it out.

  “Becca, I still think you should talk to him. Did you send a text or leave a note when you left?” Melissa asked.

  “No. Why leave a note? Tell him that I enjoyed playing the fool?”

  “No, you weren't playing the fool. You don’t know the truth. Melissa is right. You should call him this morning. You might be surprised. And besides, are you going to let him ruin your whole weekend?” Courtney agreed with Melissa while Katie stood her ground, still mumbling how much of a jerk he was.

  “Becca, you’re in Vegas. Have some fun…you know the saying.” Courtney giggled as she looked at me, dismissing Katie’s comments.

  “I'm not calling him, but if he calls me, I’ll hear what he has to say. He probably won't call me again anyway. He got what he wanted.” I stood up, “But you know what? Screw it. Let’s just go out and have a great time!”

  I left the girls to talk among themselves as I moved into the bedroom and planted myself in the bed, still made up from the day before. I needed a few hours to just clear my head and figure out exactly what I would do if Chance did decide to call.

  Chapter Three


  It was going to be a long Friday for sure. Usually I went after what I wanted, but it had been so long since I had pursued a woman. I had been locking myself away in my business, trying to please my father. The divide between Sara and I had gotten bigger, but I never considered another woman. I found myself lost, not sure if I should wait for her to reach out to me or go after her. I paced around my suite, checking emails and trying to stay busy, but after a few hours I decided to head downstairs and take my chances.

  I knocked on the door, wondering what stories she may have already told her friends. I rocked anxiously as I heard someone scurrying in the suite. Their shadows showing through the crack of light escaping from underneath the large double doors.

  Finally, there she stood. I couldn’t believe how beautiful she was in the morning. Her hair was piled high on top of her head, with the most amazing curls dangling down the sides of her face. She was covered in a body-hugging wrap and I couldn’t help but stare, almost speechless at her beauty.


  “Becca, I hope I'm not out of line here. I just wanted to make sure that you enjoyed last night as much as I did.” My smile widened as I waited for her reply.

  Her blue eyes met mine and a small smile fell over her face. I wanted to lean over and kiss her or grab her hand, but her reaction seemed forced. I wondered if it were too early.

  “I had a great time Chance,” I wanted to believe her, but something was wrong, her voice wasn’t as cheerful as it had been.

  I watched as the girls made their way into the living room to watch my awkwardness. They all looked as if they had just gotten up from a long night of partying and I immediately felt terrible for intruding so early. I looked at my watch, eight-ten in the morning. “I’m sorry, I should have waited, maybe called in a few hours, I was just on my way into the office and through…” I fumbled for the right words as I attempted to make up a viable story. Becca stood and stared at me, not saying a word.

  Finally one of the girls yelled from the back of the living room toward the door. “Chance, come on in.”

  I looked down at Becca, making sure it was alright as she offered up a small smile.” Chance, you remember Melissa, Katie and Courtney?” The girls all gathered on the sofa in the center of the living room and smiled.

  “Yes, we haven’t officially met, but it’s nice to see you again.” I looked at Becca as she stood, almost emotionless, at the back of the sofa. She seemed so distant. “Would you girls mind if I stole Becca for a few minutes?”

  “Sure. Go ahead.” Melissa immediately answered.

  I watched as the girls smiled at Becca and then left together to one of the side bedrooms. Becca didn’t budge as she stared into my eyes. “Is everything alright? I had such a wonderful time last night with you.”

  Becca rubbed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m fine, just a bit tired. I had a good time too.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at the news. “I’m glad.” I anxiously rubbed my hands together, wanting to ask to see her again, but I didn’t want to completely overtake her weekend with her friends. “How about I set you and your friends up with a limo today? You can take in the sights, hit some bars and enjoy yourself. You all could completely relax.”

  “I don't think so Chance. We'll be fine. You’ve already done too much.”

  “Please, I insist. It would be my pleasure…and this way, I’ll know you and your friends would definitely have a good time here.” Becca nodded and then hesitantly agreed. I was unsure why she had such a change of heart since last night. “Becca, I'd really love to see you again, if time permits. I don't want to intrude, but if you get some time, maybe we could meet for drinks, maybe dinner? I could show you around Vegas?”

  Becca smiled softly, her eyes still a bit distant, and then as if from nowhere, things changed. She immediately opened up and kissed me on the cheek. “I’d like that, a lot. I’ll give you a call later this afternoon. Ok?”

  I felt the butterflies overtake my stomach as I smiled back at her. “Perfect.”

  Chapter Four


  The second Chance left the suite the girls flooded into the room. I knew they had been listening. They couldn’t help themselves, watching the drama of my life unfold in front of them like some sort of soap opera or the trashy romance books that I read.

  “Who is she? Did he tell you?” Melissa was the first to pepper me with questions.

  “I didn't bring it up.”

  “Why not?” Melissa prodded again.

  “I just . . . I don’t know. I didn’t know how to bring it up…and then I thought about what you said, it is Vegas, why should I really care?” Deep down I didn’t really believe what I was telling them. I did care, more than I wanted to admit. “He gave us a limo for the day, so let’s make use of it.”

  “Seriously? …so what’s wrong with this guy?” Courtney giggled.

  “I don’t want to think about it. I feel wrong about this
, but for some reason I’m going to listen to you girls again, even after all of the bad advice and dates you’ve set me up on.” I couldn’t help but laugh at how chaotic and amusing my dating and social life must be to my friends, especially since they were all happily coupled up.

  By noon we were ready to go and headed downstairs to the limo. The concierge had everything waiting for us include a small envelope from Chance. I quickly opened it and read the card. Enjoy the day, can’t wait to see you tonight.

  I smiled at the thought of seeing him again and pushed back the dark thoughts of some other woman being in his life. We followed the concierge to the waiting black limousine and met the driver. “Good afternoon ladies, I’m Cole.” The tall, slim driver looked as if he couldn’t have been older than his mid twenties. He was dressed in a jet-black suit and had just a bit of scruff on his face. He was cute, but didn’t hold a candle to the rugged good looks of Chance. He opened the door to the limo as we slid into the deep, black leather seats.

  “Holy shit! This thing has a fully stocked bar!” Katie gushed as she moved toward the front of the limo.

  Cole laughed at our excitement. “There’s also some snacks in the small fridge to the side. Please help yourself to anything in the limo. It’s all at your disposal.” I was the last one to slide into the limo as Cole peeked his head inside. “Just let me know where you’d like to go. I have a few suggestions from Mr. Vaughn and if you’d like, I can just work down that list.”

  “Sounds perfect, thank you.” I smiled back at him as the door closed gently. A few minutes later we pulled away from The Viridian and were on our way to someplace.


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