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His Town

Page 55

by Ellie Danes

  “Chance?” Howard looked at him and then over at me, “She has done a great job so far. Nice choice.” Howard smiled at Chance and patted him on the back as he looked at me and winked. “So Becca, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?”

  “I’m a Jersey girl, born and raised.”

  “What’s your family like? Do you see them often?” he asked as he finished of his glass of wine.

  “No not really,” I took a sip of wine. I had started to feel like I was being interrogated. “I can’t say that they love me being in the city even though I’m pretty close. My dad is a bit over protective and my mother…well, she would just prefer I live at home forever, but I’m my own person.” I played with the bottom of my wine glass, debating if I should finish it off and get a refill or nurse if a bit longer.

  “Dad?” Chance interjected, “What is this? Fifty questions?”

  “I’m just trying to get to Becca a bit more.” Howard nodded at me in a playful way and then continued. “So what brought you to the city?”

  “I got an internship at Johnson Boone when I was in my junior year, and they ended up hiring me after graduation. I was fortunate.”

  “I see,” He said leaning forward on the table. “I wish Chance had had your drive when he was in college. He relied on me and working at the Casino. Never really had to do much to prove himself.”

  Chance mumbled something under his breath as he stared at Howard.

  “Prove myself? I busted my ass in college and at the casino. I worked harder than most of the employees that were paid.” Chance practically pouted and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Easy son, that was my point. I know how hard you worked. You never had to do anything to prove to me just how hard you worked.” Howard smiled at Chance and I watched as Chance blushed.

  As the waiter cleared the remaining plates on the table Howard whispered something to him and the waiter nodded. A few minutes later he returned with three small glasses filled with a dark red liquid.

  “Becca, it has been a pleasure getting to know you this evening and thank you for everything you’ve done. I am definitely looking forward to what you put together for us.” Howard raised the glass of liquid as Chance and I grabbed the glass and joined him, carefully touching our glasses together.

  I took a slow sip of the potent liquid and felt the burn down my throat and deep into my stomach. I could feel my face getting hot as I swallowed again and then chased it with a sip of water.

  “Do you like it?” Howard chuckled.

  “Um, it’s good. I think.” I choked out.

  “Good. It’s a cognac. Now you can tell your friends what three hundred and fifty dollars tastes like.” Howard chuckled again as Chance rolled his eyes.

  I felt my mouth drop open at the thought of the cost of what I had just tasted. The price certainly didn’t make it go down any smoother, but I felt I needed to finish it all. I wasn’t willing to waste that amount of money. “This is all too much Howard, I really appreciate it.”

  “No need, it’s my apology for my rudeness before.” He shook his head, than his face grew grim, “There are a lot of things in my life that I feel I need to apologize for. A lot of bad decisions, bad decisions that have lead me to where I am now.”

  He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. I looked over at Chance, his face was clear of emotion as he listened to his father.

  “Chance, did you tell her?” Howard had a serious look on his face.

  “I…I did.” Chance’s head hung slightly and I knew exactly what he was referring to.

  “You only live once Becca. Live your life without regrets. It’s not until you realize your time is limited that you feel the need to do what’s needed. I put many things off for a long time, because I felt like I had so much time.” Howard paused and then looked at me directly in the eyes. For the first time I noticed how he and Chance had the exact same eyes and tonight, they both held the same sadness in them. “Becca, I don’t want to be rude, but if you wouldn’t mind, I like to wrap up the evening. The limo can take you back home. I’d like to spend a few minutes with Chance if that’s ok.”

  “It is. Thank you again for everything.” Both Howard and Chance stood as I slid out from the table and grabbed my clutch. Chance reached over and gently touched my arm with his strong hand. He leaned in and kissed me softly on the cheek as he whispered in my ear. “I talk with you later.”

  He seemed so vulnerable, like he had the other night. His kiss made me want him even more and I reached out and instinctively grabbed his hand as I turned to make my way home.

  Chapter Ten


  Dad had finished off his drink and ordered another while he waited for the check. We eventually made it to the limo and it was clear that dad had his share of alcohol for the evening. “That was a nice evening, wasn’t it?” Dad slightly slurred his words. I’d seen him intoxicated before, but this seemed a little out of place for him. “You were always so smart Chance.” Dad leaned his head back on the seat and continued. “Even when you were little, you were the smartest kid. It’s why I’ve always pushed you so hard. I saw so much talent in you. I still see that.”

  I sat without saying a word, allowing my father to ramble. These were words I had never heard come from his mouth. Dad rarely, if ever, complimented me. Now, all of a sudden, he found it in him to do just that.

  “It’s why you have so much responsibility. It’s why, when other kids were off doing God knows what, you were running a casino. I trust you.” Dad opened his eyes and blinked a few times as he tried to focus. “Soon everything is going to be yours. Yours to do with what you please.” Dad placed his hand firmly on my leg. “That was always the plan, I just didn’t plan on it being quite this soon.”

  I felt the lump forming in my throat as I thought about what all of this meant. The man that I hated at times and loved at others wasn’t going to be around forever. I’d be alone. No other family.

  “I just want you to be happy son, to settle down, have a family,”

  I shook my head. I hoped that this little speech he was giving wasn’t a ploy to talk about her, yet again. “Dad…if this is about Sara, you can–”

  “God dammit Chance!” Dad’s voice was cracked, yet harsh. “No, this isn’t about Sara!” Dad craned his neck back and forth, his hand still on my leg and then eventually calmed down. “I really like Becca. She’s smart, savvy and gorgeous. She has a great head on her shoulders, she seems to come from a good family.” I didn’t think my father was capable of complementing any woman but Sara. “The thing is . . . Sara . . .”

  “Dad listen, I know you like what Sara and I had before, but trust me when I say she’s really controlling and manipulative. I don’t want that in my life.”

  “Chance, I know that…all too well, actually.”

  “You do?” I cocked my brow, unsure of what I had just heard.

  “The truth is,” My father paused and took in a deep breath as he looked at me, his locked eyes with mine. “There’s something you need to know about Sara.”

  Chance Encounter

  Chance Encounter Series, Book Eight

  (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes


  Chapter One


  I propped my head up with the pillow as I struggled to keep my eyes open. I had already sent Chance a few texts and not received anything back. I clicked the button on the side of the phone, hoping I had missed the notification, but I hadn’t. I stared at my last message. I want to be there for you. I felt terrible for him. I couldn’t imagine knowing my father was dying, regardless of the tenseness of the relationship. I closed my eyes and kept my hand on the phone, waiting for the vibration to wake me up.

  * * * *

  I woke up in roughly the same position I had fallen asleep in. My phone still sat beside me on the bed. I clicked the button on the side once more. No message. I knew Chance pro
bably needed his space, but I wanted him to know I was there to help him through this.

  The humid, stale air hung in the apartment as I made my way into the bathroom to shower. One thing I had missed about being unemployed was being able to sleep in. Even an extra thirty minutes made the mornings better. I stood in the shower and mentally made my checklist for the day as the lukewarm water trickled over my body. Most of the big details had been completed, and now it was all of the little details that were piling up. I smiled at the thought of having a team to rely on in order to get things done. It felt great. Even though the entire ordeal of getting fired was one of the most traumatic things that had ever happened to me, it was definitely for the best.

  After a quick hair and make-up session, I slid into one of the few business suits I had. The smell of coffee smacked me in the face the moment I opened my bedroom door and I made my way into the kitchen. Melissa looked at me over the top of her mug and immediately went back to reading the paper in her hand.

  “Well, good morning to you too,” I joked. “Rough night?”

  Melissa stared at me with a furrowed brow and tight grimace on her face as she clutched the paper. “You have quite a lot going on. When were you going to tell me that the hotel and club opening was the same day as my wedding?” She tossed the paper she was holding at me. It was my planning schedule for work. She leaned back in the chair and watched me with her cold green eyes.

  “Well…” I fumbled for the right way to break the news to her as I poured a cup of coffee. “It really isn’t going to be an issue. I have everything worked out.”

  Melissa stood and grabbed her bag from the table. “Save it, Becca,” she snapped. “I have to get to work, and honestly I’m tired of how self involved you are!”

  Before I could say another word she left, slamming the door behind her. I stood in the kitchen in silence and sipped my coffee. That went well. There was a heavy feeling in my gut as I grabbed the piece of paper that had caused the entire problem and stuffed it in my bag. I’d calm Melissa down later.

  * * * *

  I was the first one of my team to get to the office, and I was happy for the peace and quiet. I needed a moment to myself. I thought I had managed juggling my job and wedding duties without an issue. I hadn’t missed an appointment with Melissa. I had planned her bachelorette party and been there for her all along. I buried my face in my hands as my head spun. Actually, I hadn’t been there as much as I should have. I thought about Vegas. I had left before the weekend was over. I let a man get in the way of our friendship. I had been selfish. I guess I had just been longing for love for so long that I jumped at the first sight of it. Now I felt like it was in reach, but I’d managed to upset the one person who had always been there for me, Melissa. I needed to make things right. I was going to make things right.

  I smiled at the thought of how Chance made me feel when we were together. Things were amazing. He made me feel amazing. No man had ever doted over me like he had. I loved the feeling and I didn’t want to ever take advantage of him, but I knew I also needed to be there for my friend. I had hoped I would see Chance in the morning, but instead received a text message apologizing for not responding the previous night. His words made my head spin. Even through a text message he gave me butterflies. I wished we could have woken up together and watched the sunrise. You would have made it more beautiful. Dinner tonight, my place?

  Through all of this time together, I had yet to ever go to Chance’s place. Hell, up until a little while ago, I didn’t even know he lived in the city. He sent over the address as a smile crept across my face. Now I just had to make it through the day.

  I sat through a handful of calls and meetings, but only two things were really on my mind, Chance and Melissa. The thought of Chance was a given, but Melissa, that was something else. She and I had rarely had an argument and this morning just left me with a really bad feeling.

  I closed the door to the office to give myself some privacy and hesitantly dialed her number. I wasn’t sure if she’d even pick up. The phone rang three or four times before she finally answered.

  “What do you want?” She was still pissed, which I understood. If I thought my best friend was ditching my wedding I would be upset too.

  “Hey, I know you’re upset.” Melissa let out a long sigh but didn’t say anything else. “I just want to explain. It was never going to be an issue. I can manage both of these things, and to be honest, I have things going so smoothly over here, doesn’t matter…I’m here for you, Lis. You know that.”

  “I just wish you had said something, so I knew. What if something came up?”

  “It’s your day. I’ll be there…don’t you worry about anything.”

  Melissa’s tone changed on the phone as she continued. “I appreciate that, I really do, Becca. You’ve been so busy lately. I have to admit, as much as I want you happy, I’m still skeptical about him, but I do hope things work out. You deserve it.”

  “I hope things work out, too. He invited me over to his place tonight.” I smiled at the thought of getting some much-needed time alone with Chance. “Well, I just wanted to apologize and promise you, I’ll be there for you.”

  “Thank you.” I could hear her voice soften. “That means more than you can ever know.”

  I leaned back in the chair and thought about how I had just averted one crisis, but I knew there was likely another looming on the horizon. I had everything planned to perfection for the launch. I deliberately made sure that the staff would know their responsibilities for that evening. Nothing was going to fall through the cracks for my first project. Now I was going to have to break the news to Chance that I wasn’t going to be there that night.

  Chapter Two


  I woke up on the couch with a pounding headache. The smell of stale bourbon hung in the air and my phone lay on my chest. I quickly scrolled through the messages and sent Becca a text. I felt terrible for not getting back to her last night. I needed to make it up to her in so many ways. She’s been there for me. Last night she just wanted to help, but I was too wrapped up in hatred. The thought of my conversation with Dad was still fresh in my mind, even through the fog of the alcohol.

  After stumbling into the kitchen for a cup of coffee and some food I grabbed a broom to clean up the shattered glass in the living room. I needed to get myself together. Thinking about my father dying had gotten to me more than I could have ever imagined. I always felt a bit cold about our relationship, even though I constantly sought his approval. I looked at the glass and propped the broom against the wall. This could wait. I left it sitting on the floor and made my way to my bed, carefully sipping my coffee. I pulled back the covers and slid into bed, willing my headache and the sick feeling away.

  * * * *

  It was four-thirty in the afternoon before I even attempted to climb out of bed again. This wasn’t like me at all. By now, Dad had likely made it back to Vegas and already invoked fear into every employee that crossed his path. It was his way of life. I wondered how he was really holding up. I wondered whether he had shared how he really felt with anyone else. I knew he looked a bit ragged and weaker than usual. I grabbed my phone and called Mary. If anyone knew anything, it would be her.

  “Hey, how are things going out there?”

  “You have to ask?” Mary laughed. “Your father just got back into the office, so there goes any chance of leaving early.”

  “Yeah, he wasn’t in such a great mood when I saw him the other night.” I bit my lip as I contemplated exactly what to ask Mary. “So…how’s he really doing?”

  “He’s slowing down, Chance…and he’s running me ragged in the process.” Mary’s voice sounded strained and tired.

  “So…he told you?”

  “He did. I told him he should have told you sooner, but he wanted to do it in person. He found out right after you left here last time.”

  Dad had been sitting on this news for a few weeks and pretended like everything
was all right. He knew it last time we spoke on the phone. Hell, he knew it every time we spoke on the phone, but kept it to himself. He was great at keeping secrets apparently. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m okay. I’m just trying to keep up with him.” She breathed heavily into the phone. “I’ve never seen Howard like this. He seems so different. He’s been so thoughtful and caring. It seems…kind of…like…”

  Her voice shook. I knew what she was going to say. I was thinking the same thing. Before his confession I had noticed a difference in his whole demeanor. Even though I was less than happy about what he had told me, I couldn’t deny that he seemed genuinely sorry. Which was not something my father ever was. I took in a deep, shuddering breath and let it out. “Like he’s preparing to die,” I finished her sentence. The lump in my throat made it difficult to swallow.

  “Yeah…exactly that.” Mary sniffled and then there was silence. We both knew Dad was giving up.

  * * * *

  After a few texts back and forth with Becca we decided to have dinner around seven. I hopped out of the shower, got dressed and rushed into the kitchen to start cooking. I eyed the broom and glass, still spread across the floor in the living and decided to clean it up. I didn’t need any more bad memories from last night.

  The shards of glass clinked as I swept them into the dustpan and dropped them into the kitchen trash. I picked up the small piece of glass wedged in the bristles of the broom and accidently sliced my finger. Blood trickled from my fingertip as I quickly rinsed it under cold water and wrapped it in a paper towel. Today had already been a challenge and tonight was proving to be the same. I pulled out the ingredients from the refrigerator and set them on the island in the kitchen. The lone yellow onion rolled the length of the counter and as I reached to grab it, I knocked the silver dish holding loose change onto the floor. Dammit!

  I let out a sigh as I carefully picked up the coins. I placed them back into the dish and stared at the diamond solitaire earrings on the floor. They were Sara’s. A small gift I had bought for her after we had been dating a few months. She had been searching for those earrings all over the penthouse a month earlier. I clenched them in my fist and squeezed. The thought of her made my blood boil. All this time, she had been using my father, using me, to get what she wanted.


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