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Love & Corruption: A Love & Ruin Standalone Novel

Page 16

by J. A. Owenby

  “Yes. I don’t have to think about it at all,” she replied.

  “And what if it weren’t Claire, but a mom or someone else’s sister?”

  She gave me a thoughtful nod. “I would. I’d be willing to go to prison to help.”

  It was all I needed to hear. Although I tried not to break the law anymore, sometimes it had to be done in order to protect innocent lives. I wouldn’t apologize for it. “If you want the job, it’s yours. Full benefits for you and your family. What are you making at the publishing house?”

  “Sixty thousand a year.”

  “I’ll double it.”

  “What? This is insane,” she said. “You don’t have to do this because we slept together.”

  I leaned back in my chair and drummed my fingers on the armrest. “I’ve reviewed our employees’ salaries and researched what Oregon programmers are paid, so the offer is fair. Plus I’d be stupid not to have you on my team. You have martial arts training, mad hacking skills, you’re intelligent, and I trust you.”

  “I need a minute.” She looked up at the ceiling and closed her eyes.

  “I understand.” I stood and moved around to her side of the desk. “But make it fast. I have to fire a pecker.”

  Moments later, the doorbell rang.

  Chapter 24

  “I’ll be right back.” I excused myself and made my way toward the voices carrying down the hall.

  “Pierce, this is Jaxon Sullivan commonly known as Sully,” Jeffrey said as I approached.

  “Welcome to Portland.” I extended my hand to him and sized up the newcomer. I speculated he was at least six two, two-hundred plus pounds, blonde, and from his posture … a fucking badass.

  “How long have you worked for my father?” I asked.

  “A few years now. I just finished an assignment in Vermont and went skiing in Utah.”

  “Some time off is good for the soul. Come on in and I’ll introduce you to the team.” I slapped him on the back and spotted Sutton standing near the office. She gave Sully a once over, then tiptoed back into my office. We were all such a tight-knit group, and everyone was curious about the new guy. I didn’t blame her. I was, too. But the first thing he needed to know? Sutton was mine and she was off limits to him or anyone else. Forever.

  “I have a guest room for you. Jeffrey will help you get settled in.” I returned my attention back to Sully. “This is Sutton, my girlfriend.” I entered the office, my focus landing on her while I said “girlfriend”. My heart soared as she beamed at me. I wanted to live the rest of my life doing everything in my power to make her smile.

  Sully extended his hand. “Ma’am.”

  “Just Sutton, thanks. It’s nice to meet you.” She gave Sully a firm handshake and warm welcome.

  “You, too.” Sully surveyed the office, and his surroundings.

  “Vaughn Reddington, we call him Redd, is most likely in the kitchen,” I said, guiding Sully to the next room. “He’s a damned good chef as well as a hell of a bodyguard.”

  “Well, I love to eat, sir. I won’t lie.” Sully flashed a wide smile at me. “Thank you for this assignment. I’ve only been to Portland a few times. It’s a beautiful city and I’m happy to be here.”

  I knew from Sully’s file he’d been born in Connecticut, but as an army brat, he’d lived all over the country. Once he graduated, he served in the Army, then came to work for Dad. He was mine and ZW’s age, which would give us some common ground to get to know him on a personal level.

  “It is a beaut, but the danger lurks everywhere,” Redd chimed in as we entered the kitchen. “Welcome.” He shook Sully’s hand. “These are the quarters where I serve the master.” Redd bowed at the waist to me.

  I laughed and flipped him off. “You have to watch out for him, the minute you get comfortable, Redd will pull a practical joke. You’re officially warned,” I said, grinning. “You’ll meet ZW and Murphy eventually. They’re at Sutton’s parents’ house. We just learned that her sister, along with several other young women, were abducted by a human trafficking ring. Your job is to protect her and me. You’ll be working with Redd and Jeffrey for now. I’ll rotate you out with one of them as needed. This is a good opportunity for me to get to know you and see how you work, what kind of assignments will be optimal for your skill set.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Sully said.

  “I’ve got some business to take care of, so grab some food and get settled in. Redd can show you around.”

  I gave them a small wave and went back to my office.

  “Hey.” I encircled my arms around Sutton’s waist from behind her and nuzzled her neck, sighing with contentment.

  “Hey. Where’s Sully?” She leaned her head back against my chest.

  “He’s settling into your old room.”

  “Oh. Where will I sleep, then?” Her tone carried a hint of excitement. Hopefully, she’d be on board. I’d lived without her in my bed long enough.

  “With me. In our bedroom.” I kissed her neck as she shivered against me.


  “Yeah. If that works for you,” I whispered, then lightly nipped her ear lobe.

  “I’ll move my overnight bag.”

  “Jeffrey’s got it.” I pressed my hips against her. “You’re driving me crazy.” She wiggled her bottom against my crotch and laughed.

  “I’m in.” She squirmed out of my arms and faced me. “I’ll take the job.”

  She’d completely caught me by surprise. I wrangled thoughts of her naked and on my desk back in.

  “Are you sure? I’ll be your boss and your …”

  “And my future,” she whispered, kissing me.

  “I know we have the logistics to figure out, but until Claire is home safe, I’m staying in Portland,” I said.

  “Oh. Shit. I’d not even considered … I mean, I didn’t think you’d stay here, but we weren’t back together at the time.”

  “Sutton ...” I smoothed a stray hair and tucked it behind her ear. “You can now work from anywhere in the world. I have a plane, which means if we’re in Washington, you’re an hour away from your parents. Besides, I need to do some traveling, and I hoped you’d go with me.”

  I paused for a minute. Would this be a deal breaker for her? Things had happened so fast we’d not discussed the basics like where we’d live. I’d moved around so much with different clients, I rarely gave it a lot of thought, but to Sutton, it had always been important. She needed the stability, and I wanted to provide her with it more than anything. Although I viewed her as my equal in every way, she would lack for nothing, and I never wanted her to feel trapped by it.

  “How would you feel about not living in Portland?” I asked, frowning.

  “I was ready to leave when we were eighteen. As long as we’re together, I’ll be wherever we need to be.”

  Thank God. I pulled her against me and kissed her slowly. “I won’t fuck it up this time,” I promised.

  My phone buzzed, and I placed a kiss on Sutton’s forehead while I took it out of my back pocket.

  “I need to take this. Can you close the door on your way out?” I asked her.

  Sutton nodded, but I didn’t miss the brief look of curiosity while she stood.

  “Hey, man,” I answered, unwilling to let Sutton know who was on the phone. I settled into the chair at my desk, and she blew me a quick kiss as she left the room.

  Chapter 25

  “It’s Brian. Are you alone?”


  “We located one of the abducted girls from Claire’s group.”

  “Wait, are you sure?” A hint of hope ignited in my chest.

  “She’s definitely one of them Mr. Colbert was told to deliver to the tunnels. Her name is Crystal. She was sixteen.”

  “Jesus.” I paused a moment, not missing what Brian didn’t say. “How did she die?” I took a deep cleansing breath while a combination of thankfulness and anger coursed through me. Frustration that a young lady died, a
nd gratitude it wasn’t Claire that was located limp and lifeless.

  “A heroin overdose. Found on the bank of the Willamette. Her parents stated they’d never had any reason to suspect she was ever using, so she probably kicked up a big fight and they drugged her,” Brian said. “It sounds like I’m speculating, and I am, but I’ve seen it happen over and over again.”

  “I know it’s a common practice. They probably gave her too much, then dumped her before they shipped the others off to be sold.” I leaned back in my chair and folded my arms over my chest. Was it wrong I was relieved that it wasn’t Claire’s body by the river? Or was she somewhere hoping she were dead? My chest ached with the thoughts.

  “I wish I had something more, but I wanted to update you. Besides, if Claire’s family sees anything on the news, I didn’t want anyone to panic. It’s not Claire’s body that was found.”

  “I appreciate it. Sutton has some old connections here, too. If we learn any information that can be helpful, I’ll let you know.”

  “Thanks. I’m not sure how many girls have been sold over the years, but one is too many. I’d love to bring those motherfuckers down.” Brian’s tone was thick with venom.

  “You and me both. Thanks again, and I’ll talk to Sutton.”

  I ended the call. Even though it wasn’t Claire that Brian had called about, I realized it could just as easily be her who had died. But something inside me refused to let go of the idea that Brian and his team would bring her home.

  Opening the door, my eyes landed on Sully, who was chatting with Jeffrey in the living room. Another bodyguard would be strange getting used to.

  “Where’s Sutton?” I asked him.

  “In the kitchen, sir.” Sully’s deep voice carried through the penthouse.

  I waltzed through the house and poked my head around the corner, locating Redd and Sutton sitting at the island.

  “I just talked to Brian,” I said, sitting next to Sutton and taking her hand in mine.

  Her eyes grew wide with concern.

  “Nothing on Claire, but they found another girl that was in her group.”

  “Is she all right?” Sutton’s brows shot upward.

  Redd remained quiet. I suspected he realized this wasn’t going to be good news.

  “They located her body near the river. It looks like a heroin overdose.”

  “Those fuckers,” Redd muttered.

  “Heroin?” Sutton asked confused. “Are you sure?”

  “It’s not unheard of for the girls to be drugged when they’re transported,” Redd explained. “It’s hard to fight back when you’re stoned out of your fucking gourd.”

  “Do you think?” Sutton’s voice trailed off. “Are they drugging Claire?” A look of desperation crossed her face. I wanted to tell her no, but I had to be honest with her.

  “I don’t know. It’s a possibility. Sometimes they use drugs to subdue the girls or they beat them.” I draped my arm around her shoulders while she leaned against me. “So even if she comes home, she might have an addiction to kick.”

  Sutton’s hands flew to her mouth. “Every time I think it can’t get worse … it does,” she whispered.

  “If that’s the case, I’ll pay for the best treatment possible. We’ll get her the help she needs. Even if she weren’t on drugs, she’ll need therapy. Maybe she will be open to training in self-defense, too. You and I both understand how much that helps deal with anger and frustration. It’s a lot better to punch a bag or shoot a target than let it all blow up inside. You’re not alone, babe. We’re all here to help.”

  “Yup, but please keep in mind … I do my best work when I’m awake.” Redd winked at Sutton, breaking the tension.

  A small giggle escaped her. “I shouldn’t laugh. I still feel bad.”

  “Well, I thought it was pretty ingenious myself, but ya know, if I admitted it, I might get in trouble with my boss.” Redd tossed his hands up, feigning ignorance.

  “Don’t encourage her, for God’s sake.” I gave her a grin, then redirected the conversation.

  “Let’s concentrate on what’s right in front of us and allow Brian to do his job.”

  Sutton and Redd nodded. We were all wired the same way and needed to take some kind of action rather than waiting for the phone to ring with news. And that was hard. I also wanted to confirm the information Jaci provided Sutton, but that might prove to be a challenge I was dreading.

  “Jeffrey?” I called.

  “Sir?” Jeffrey asked, entering the kitchen.

  “Did you get a time set up with Mr. Peckerwood?”

  “Yes, he’s expecting my call to let him know we’re on our way.”

  “Let’s do it.” I stood and grabbed my car keys from the counter. “Sutton, you and Redd will spend the day with our programmer. He’s been instructed to train you this week. I’m going this time so I can meet who I’m about to fire.”

  “Does he have any idea what’s going on? I mean, I don’t want to walk into an awkward situation,” Sutton said.

  We all moved toward the front door, Sully falling in between us and Jeffrey joining on the other side of me.

  “He’ll know soon, but I want him to teach you first. He has access to some important information. Not only that, I’ll need you to lock him out of the system before I let him go. For now, I’d like to have an update on any programs he’s working on and the projects Dad gave him. If I have to keep you both on for a while, that’s fine. But I need you to copy everything on his computer. He might not have meant to be, but he’s a high risk to us now.”

  “It wasn’t his fault,” Sutton defended him.

  “I’m not going to disagree with you, but my father paid top dollar for his expertise, so when you hacked right into the system … well, it’s time for a change.”

  An hour later, Sully, Jeffrey, and I dropped off Sutton and left Mr. Peckerwood’s house. Redd and Sutton would stay until around six in the evening when Jeffrey would pick them up. This gave me time to take care of some additional business.

  I hopped into the back of the Mercedes along with Sully, and Jeffrey started the car.

  “Are you ready?” Jeffrey glanced at me in the rear-view mirror.

  “Nope, but that’s never stopped me before,” I said, inhaling a sharp breath. Apprehension traveled through me. There were so many things that could go wrong with this next visit, but it could also go very well. Either way, it was worth the risk.

  My phone rang, and I dug it out of my back pocket. Staring at the screen, I couldn’t hide my frown as I answered it.

  “Is everything all right?” I didn’t even bother with a hello.

  “I was going to ask you the same.” Hendrix Harrington’s voice carried through the line. “We heard about your dad, and I wanted to see how you were holding up.”

  Hendrix and his family had been my last assignment. He and Gemma were the lead singers of the wildly famous indie band, August Clover.

  “I’m trying to adjust, but it’s been a lot to manage. It was very unexpected. In fact, I talked to Dad before I left your house on my birthday.” My thoughts returned to the last conversation I’d had with him and my chest tightened. A slow ache spread through my chest. It had only been hours before I’d lost him.

  “That’s tough, man. Franklin asked me to tell you that when you’re back in town, he’ll take you to lunch. Until then, is there anything we can do?” Hendrix asked. “We’re happy to fly down.”

  “Not yet, but I might have a favor to ask of you soon.” I stared out the back-passenger window and hoped I really would need his help in the next few months, but only time would tell.

  “Call when you’re ready and we’ll be there for you. Listen, is it all right if I put you on speaker? The ladies would love to talk to you.”

  “I’d love to talk to them,” I said, unable to hide my smile.

  “Hi, Pierce!” Mackenzie—Mac—yelled into the phone.

  I cringed and laughed simultaneously. Mac had two volumes, loud and
louder. “Hey, how are you doing? Are you and Cade settling into your new house?”

  “Omigosh, I love it. It’s so nice to walk around naked. But enough about me. Dude, I’m so sorry. There’s nothing like losing someone you love. And the way it happened. Like, so messed up. If you were here, I’d hug you and hire you a good distraction for the night, if you know what I mean.”

  I could picture Mac’s eyebrows wiggling at me. When I’d accompanied August Clover on their last tour, I’d had the opportunity to get to know Mac, and I’d grown to love her like a younger sister.

  “I’m good, Mac, but I appreciate the thought. I’m not sure when I’ll be back in Spokane, but I’d love to see everyone.”

  “Awesome. This is so much better than you as our bodyguard. It’s like, dude, we’re family.”

  “We are,” I agreed.

  “Hey, Pierce.” My stomach fluttered with the sound of her voice. Gemma had been the only other person I’d fallen for besides Sutton, but Gemma belonged to Hendrix.

  “Hi, Gemma. How’s the tour going? Are you still training?” Although I was no longer her bodyguard, it helped to know she was protecting herself. I’d taught her one-on-one for months, and she’d grown as a fighter and a woman. She’d worked hard to put a horrid nightmare behind her.

  “We leave tomorrow, and it won’t be the same without you. We have new bodyguards, but as Mac already mentioned, you’re more family. And I know Mac already said it, but I’m so sorry about the loss of your dad. If you need to talk, we’re only a phone call away.”

  “Thanks, Gemma. There are a lot of changes, and I now own the security company, so I’m dealing with that along with a new case.”

  “Holy cow. Your dad owned the company you worked for?” Gemma asked surprised.

  “Yeah. I never made it common knowledge, though. I didn’t want people to think I’d been assigned to them because of who my father was. It was important they recognized me on my own merits.”

  “Soooo many secrets, Pierce.” Mac chimed in. “I just wanna crack ya open like a nut and see what’s inside.”


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