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PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)

Page 33

by Sophia Hunter

  “Faster,” he said, nudging her shirt off her shoulder and taking the bra strap along with it. Nick leaned in further and she saw the glint in his eyes.

  “Does that turn you on?” she asked.

  He looked confused and she motioned to his crotch.

  “That. The way you’re rubbing against that looks like it turns you on. A lot.”

  “Yeah, I’m revving up,” he replied. “I’m going to take the edge off after you come.” The edge? Weren’t older guys the type that took a while to recover?

  “Mmm. Can I watch?”

  “I insist.”

  Jenna sped up her strokes, his nearness overwhelming. Nick reached into her bra, lifting one of her generously sized breasts out of its cup. "God, you’re beautiful," he whispered, closing his lips around her nipple and tugging.


  It sent her right toward the edge. “Nick!” she gasped as he worked her nipple with his mouth, his hand guiding hers in and out of her cunt. God, she was so close. So incredibly close.

  Then he bit her nipple, hard enough to send a dart of pain rocketing through her, centering in her cunt where it bloomed, and blossomed into shockwaves of pleasure. “Nick! I’m coming!”

  “Good,” he whispered, lifting his head for a second before biting down on her sensitive nipple again.

  She screamed, her cries and pants filling the car. “God, Nick. Nick!” The shockwaves tore through her and she couldn’t do anything but ride them out, her eyes drifting shut. Nick was controlling the motions of her hand and she gave herself over to her climax, riding the waves slowly but surely.

  “My turn,” he said, and she had no idea how much time had passed.

  She was utterly amazing when she climaxed; Nick couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Jenna had been forbidden fruit for him since she started college. He loved women with her curves and she had grown from a pretty teen to a gorgeous, classy lady. Her full breasts...he couldn’t wait to stroke and kiss them. He needed her, more than he’d ever needed a woman.

  “Jenna, watch me,” he whispered, pushing his seat as far back as it would go. He started to unzip his pants, when she shook her head.

  “Not watching. How far are we from your place?”


  “Good, then we get there and I’ll watch in full light. I want to see clearly what turned me on so much all these years. Nick, I have wanted you for so long. You have no idea how many times I came in my bedroom to the sound of your voice, or to the memory of you in a bathing suit.”

  “That’s been years,” he said, starting the car up again. His fly was partially down, and he would get no relief, but it was a short drive and there would be little traffic even after he swung onto the main road. He could last until then.

  “So what are you gonna do,” he asked her in a challenging voice, “Jack me off, or suck me off.”

  “Maybe a little of both,” she promised, her skirt still hiked up, her pussy still swollen and glistening with her wetness.

  Nick drove as quickly as he could to his townhome, driving into the garage. “Bedroom is third floor. Wine?” he asked. He turned the engine off and got out of his car, while she came around, her skirt blessedly fluttering to the tops of her thighs.

  “Just you,” she said. She started to reach for his hand, and winced. “God, your car is going to smell like me for weeks.”

  “Not a problem, Jenna,” he told her, giving her a wink. She looked uncertain all of a sudden and he pulled her into his arms, pressing hard against her. “I want you, sweetheart, and I want my car to smell of you, so I can remember this night.”

  “That’s kind of romantic in a kinky way.”

  “That’s me, baby,” he replied, letting her feel how hard he was.

  “Let’s get up there then, so I can show you just how good I am at blowjobs.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  He let her go in order to open his door, and she followed him inside, looking around. He’d left his kitchen light on and she seemed momentarily distracted by his home.

  “Nice,” she whispered, looking around the gourmet kitchen. “I could cook in here.”

  “Maybe you will.” That felt right to him, and he swallowed hard, trying to make sense of what he was thinking. Was he really considering more than one night with Jenna, Tony’s kid.

  Jenna, the gorgeous woman who had come for him.

  “What does that mean?” she asked, putting her hand on his chest. He could feel her body heat, and it seemed as if he was being branded by her heat.

  “It means maybe this is much more than just one night, if you want that.”

  “If I--wow.” She let out a happy sound and looked up at him. “You’re telling me you want me for more than sex?”

  Shit. He hadn’t realized she’d gone there, but it made a strange sense, considering what they’d done in the car.

  “Jenna, I want you, period. I wouldn’t ever fuck you for sex’s sake. I promise you that. I want you sexually, yes, but I want you in more than just my bed. Let’”

  “Date.” She smiled softly, and it lit up her gorgeous face. “So, if the guy’s very, very special, I do it on the first date. And you are very, very special. You may get very, very lucky as a result.” She gave him another smile and a saucy wink. “Now, where is that bedroom?”

  “I’ll show you,” he said, squeezing her hand. He hurried to the bedroom, eager to get things started. He’d been patient enough but he wanted to get his hands on her body, wanted to fuck her silly.

  She giggled when they stumbled on the stairs, resting her hand on his shoulder. He was one step behind and wrapped his hands around her waist, squeezing her to him for a moment. She smelled so fucking good and looked amazing, the strap of her bra sill off her shoulder, though one of them had tucked her breast back in the cup.

  “I want you,” he whispered, taking that moment.

  “I want you more,” she replied, flipping her hair over her shoulder. He wanted to feast on her neck, her throat. She paused just a beat, and he had a feeling she knew the reaction he was having. Just when he was considering nudging her up the stairs, she continued, hurrying this time. She seemed to know where his bedroom was, and rushed in ahead of him, while he was shaking his head, laughing. Just as he reached the threshold of his bedroom, she tossed her skirt at him, and he watched as she pulled off the rest of her party clothes. His fingers worked quickly on his shirt and pants, kicking off his shoes.

  He took a moment to look at her, those curves driving him crazy. She shook her long hair out and plopped a hand on her hip, giving him a knowing, sexy smile.

  “Like what you see, Nick?” Her voice dropped to a low register and he groaned. If his cock hadn’t been already hard, it would have swelled further. He had to get his hands on her.


  Nick stalked over to her, pulling her into his arms and kissing her hard. She moaned, her mouth opening under him, the hint of whatever she’d had to drink, something fruity and sweet, lingering on her breath. She aggressively rammed her tongue into his mouth, taking control of the kiss. He approved. he more than approved. Nick crushed her to him, those soft curves molding to his body. God, she felt good.

  “Bed,” she whispered against his lips, barely pulling her mouth away. She settled on her back, letting him know without words what she needed. Jenna looked him up and down appreciatively and he smiled. He knew when a woman liked what she saw and Jenna sure as hell seemed to love it.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered, spreading her thighs. God, her pussy was as beautiful as the rest of her was. He’d waited too long; they needed each other.

  Nick positioned himself above her, reaching toward the nightstand.

  “No, I’m safe,” she whispered. “I want it skin to skin.”

  He swallowed hard, and she stroked him slowly, her hand wrapping around him with confidence, her body arching upward. She eased him inside her and he stilled, his cock barely inside her, and watched her face as she ad
justed to his size and girth.

  When she whimpered, he pushed the whole way inside, and she let out a cry of pure female satisfaction. Nick began to stroke slowly in and out, peppering her shoulders and neck with soft kisses. She dug her fingers into his shoulders, the little pricks of pain turning him on even more. He pushed hard and fast, knowing that they both needed satisfaction, the pressure in his balls driving him crazy.

  “Nick! Nick! Niiick!”

  He could feel that she was close to the edge and he pushed hard, his own need starting to pool in the base of his stomach, his body rocking atop hers.

  “” He was getting close almost too fast, but he knew she was right there along with him.

  “Looking,” she managed on a burst of sound. Then her eyes locked on his, her gaze astounded. His eyes fastened on hers and he growled out his climax, pouring himself into her, their mingled cries merging.

  Nick rolled over and pulled her close. “Sleep right here, Jenna.”

  “Mmm...okay,” she said, her voice blissed out.

  Life was good, Nick thought as his eyes drifted shut. He was keeping Jenna here.

  Jenna woke slowly, the scents and sounds different to what she was used to. She was held against a strong chest, slow, deep breaths making not only his chest but her head rise and fall.

  She snuggled in, breathing his scent and holding it deep. This felt so amazingly right. Jenna opened her eyes and turned her head to watch Nick sleeping. He was adorable, his face relaxed in sleep, the silver strands in his hair standing out against his black pillow. In sunlight he was even more handsome, the years that he wore on his face giving him a distinguished air. In a suit, he’d be breathtaking. Jenna let out a chuckle, considering that.

  “Morning,” he said, surprising her. She’d had her attention on him in a dark grey suit, and hadn’t realized his eyes had opened, sleepy and slitted.

  “Morning,” she replied, feeling a little uncomfortable in the morning light. It showed her flaws, and she had more than average. “Coffee?”

  “Shower first,” he replied, stretching. “Want to share?”

  “Can we?’ she replied, looking hopeful.

  “Big shower. Come on.” He gracefully extracted himself and stood, pulling on her hand. She stood a little more slowly, realizing she didn’t know if he was a morning or night person, a mix or somewhere in between. Looked like morning for sure, no matter what the rest.

  When she followed him into the bathroom, she gasped at the view, the stone tile interior and the fact that it could easily fit two people--three or four, even. “Wow,” she managed.

  “Hell of an add on,” he agreed with a nod. They showered quickly; Jenna was still a little self conscious of her body, but Nick’s quiet, confident perusal made her smile. It was nice to be wanted like this, to have a man who didn’t avoid her problem areas, who seemed to like the entire her. Jenna didn’t realize how much she wanted this kind of lover, but now that she had it, as much in its infancy as it was, she was relaxed and…it was perfect.

  “What are you thinking?” Nick asked, and his voice sounded casual and content.

  “That I like that you don’t avoid looking at all of me.”

  “All of you?” He squirted some shampoo in his hands, and motioned for her to turn around and dug his fingers into her hair, washing away the hairspray and other gunk she’d had in her hair.

  “Yeah, all of me.” This would be easier with most of her problem areas turned away from him and her eyes closed. “All of the areas where I want to lose weight.”

  “You’re perfect as you are,” Nick told her in a low voice. “I love every one of your curves; you’re gorgeous, Jenna. Beautiful. Please don’t feel as if you’re anything but perfect.”

  “Size six is perfect,” she reminded him, though her heart was swelling, both from the gentle way he washed her hair and his comments.

  “Size six is perfect for some men, but one size rarely fits all, Jenna. I like your body and your curves excite me. Wildly.” He turned her around gently. “Feel.”

  Nick guided her hand to his cock and tipped her head back, rinsing her hair.

  She squeezed him gently, stroking his hard cock until he groaned. “Later,” she whispered, leaning in to kiss him, his lips opening slowly. They had a gentle slow exploration of each other’s mouths, a kiss that promised more for the future. Possibly even, dare she think it, a life together.

  “Do you really mean it?” she asked. It was so hard to believe; Nick was almost too good to be true.

  “Did that feel as if I didn’t mean it?’ he asked, motioning it his hard cock, which she’d let go of at some point.

  “No. You just seem a bit too good to be true,” she confessed shyly. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t believe and it certainly doesn’t mean I don’t want more, because I do.” She looked him up and down slowly, taking in his muscular chest, toned abs, and the gorgeous cock jutting out proudly.

  “I just never had a guy like you be interested in me.”

  “Well, get used to it.”

  “I think I can try.”

  That set the tone for the day; first Nick loaned Jenna a shirt that would work for the short term, until she got home. They had a shared breakfast, then a drive to the mechanic, and a quote for Jenna’s car. After a quick stop at her apartment to change clothes, they took off again. The afternoon was spent at a leisurely lunch and a walk around the new complex in the city, window shopping and tasting samples of wine, cheese, and gourmet olive oils and balsamic vinegars. It was easy to talk to Nick and he made Jenna feel like a princess.

  She didn’t want this day to end.

  “You have no wheels until Monday,” he pointed out. “Why don’t you spend tonight and tomorrow with me? That way, I can get to know you as Jenna, the adult.”

  “I’d like that,” she said quietly. “It would be...nice.”

  “More than nice,” he agreed.

  Later, snuggled on Nick’s couch, fingers entwined in his, Jenna thought “nice” had been an understatement. She was so at ease with him that it seemed amazing that they hadn’t discovered this sooner.

  “What are we going to tell Tony?” he asked her quietly. “I don’t want to hide.”

  “Me either,” she said, her heart racing at the thought. What would Dad say? How would he react? What if… What if?

  “Jenna, it’s okay! Breathe!” Jenna hadn’t realized she’d been breathing heavily, almost panting, until Nick pointed it out.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. Tony might be annoyed, but he’ll understand. Do you want to do it now?”

  “I...guess?” It seemed like the best idea, to get it over with and deal with the fallout. “How bad do you think it’ll be?”

  “I know him well,” Nick reminded her. “He’ll be surprised, but I think he’ll come around. You don’t need to worry so much.”

  Jenna bit her lip. “What do we tell him, exactly?”

  “That we’re involved. That I’m….” He paused, taking a deep breath, and Jenna stilled, managing to settle her breathing. “In love with you.”

  That hadn’t been expected. She gasped, locking her eyes on his.

  “Did I say something wrong? Shit, Jenna, you don’t need to reply. I just wanted you to know where my heart is in all this.”

  She regarded him for a long moment. His nervousness was endearing, his smile and the hope in his eyes gorgeous. Nick was incredibly gorgeous, smart, successful, the kind of guy she’d always dreamed about, with a maturity that was beyond sexy to her.

  “I love you too,” she said quietly, meaning the words. “Nick...I don’t know where this is going, but I don’t want it to stop, either.”

  “It’s not stopping, Jenna. Your father is going to have to adjust. And the sooner we know, the better.” He pulled out his phone and dialed her father, and put it on speaker, gripping her hand.

  “Nicky!” Jenna’s father answered after the second ring. “Are you coming over for the game?”
br />   “No can do, Tony. But….I need to talk with you.”

  “Okay,” her father said, sounding a bit confused.

  “We need to talk to you,” Jenna piped up, hating the way her voice quavered.

  “Jens? What are you doing with Nick? You’re all right, aren’t you?”

  “I’m fine, Dad,” she reassured him quickly.

  “Tony, this is the thing… Jenna and I are...seeing each other, as of last night.”


  Jenna wasn’t sure what that tone meant and she held her breath, waiting to out, clenching Nick’s hand.

  “What kind of seeing?” her father asked, speaking slowly.

  “Dating,” Nick said softly. “I’m seeing Jenna, Tony. As a guy sees a girl.”


  “You okay with that?” Nick asked before Jenna could.

  “Are you, Jens?” Her father sounded uncertain.

  “I am, Dad,” she replied, trying to convey all her emotions, even though she hadn’t quite untangled them yet. Not else really mattered anyway, as long as she had Nick, they could figure it all out.

  “Well then...good,” he sighed. “I don’t know how okay I am with this. Give a guy a break; this is shocking.’re two of my favorite people in the world, and I trust Nick with my life. You’re my one and only kid, Jenna, and as much as I trust’re my daughter. Nicholas, if you hurt my daughter, there’ll be hell to pay. I hope you know that”

  Jenna sighed. “Dad, this isn’t going to work if you go all protective father on your best friend.”

  “It’s okay, Jenna. I wouldn’t expect any less from him,” Nick replied. “Good thing I have no intentions of hurting her, Anthony.”

  Her dad laughed, the tension broken. “And Jenna, you watch out for him. I have it on good authority that he cheats at cards.”

  “Who taught him?” Jenna pointed out. “I love you, Dad. If you want to talk about this...we can later. I know you may be worried.”

  “Not about Nick,” her father said softly. “Just about...all of it. Jenna, there’s an age difference.”

  “I’m aware.”


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