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Limits of Destiny (Volume 1)

Page 3

by Sharlyn G. Branson

  I instinctively snuggled up to Alexander and hid my face in his chest. I heard the strong beat of his heart and felt safe in his warm embrace.

  “Are you okay?” I barely heard him whisper in my ear.

  I managed to just nod.

  We left the dance floor and went back to Lily, who looked at me quizzically, as if to say, What the hell was that?

  I shrugged and, instead of replying, asked her where the toilet was.

  She pulled me by the elbow and, when we’d moved away, said warningly, “Don’t get involved with Alexander. I know he’s gorgeous and irresistible, but that’s precisely the problem. Which is why I hadn’t introduced him to you. He’s not for you. Once you’ve slept with him, that’s it—he loses interest. He’ll throw you away like a piece of trash and look for his next victim. That’s his reputation. He can’t satisfy his sexual appetite with just one woman. Come on. Forget about him. Let’s go get something to eat from the buffet.”

  I felt nauseous and my heart sank.

  Goddammit. How was it possible I was attracted to someone with such a force for the first time and it turned out he was a womanizer?

  “Gosh, Alexia, you’ve turned as white as a sheet.” She observed me, concerned. “This womanizer managed to get under your skin, did he?”

  I frowned. “Yeah, and how deep… It might be a good idea if I eat and leave. Otherwise, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my distance from him.”

  “You’re smitten.” She looked at me sympathetically. And she certainly wasn’t the only person who had noticed.

  “Yes, but as you said, he’s not for me. Which is why I’d better not get involved with him.” I sighed despairingly. “Oh, Lily, why’s life so unfair? I really liked him. He’s so…”

  “I know, dear.” She held my shoulders and hugged me. “I’m sorry, but it really is better to keep your distance from him. He’ll hurt you—he’s broken the hearts of so many women. I don’t want you to be the next.”

  “Dammit…” I cursed, frowning.

  She looked at me supportively. “Let’s get something to eat.”

  We took canapés of red and black caviar and went back to the table. I saw Alexander talking to another man—of average height, with black hair and stubble. Kraftberg was speaking with great confidence and self-assurance, making his audience listen intently.

  Our eyes met, and I felt goose bumps. My throat had gone dry, so I took a sip of water. I decided I should leave immediately. There was nothing else for me to do at this party.

  I said my good-byes to Lily and went out on the street to call a taxi. Lily’s words were still echoing in my ears. Don’t get involved… Forget about him.

  “Hmm… Forget about him. I wish it were that easy,” I said out loud.


  “Alexia,” I heard someone call me. Turning around, I saw Alexander approaching me. “I suppose you’ve decided to go home.”

  “Yes, I don’t feel comfortable after the incident with Sebastian. By the way, I didn’t thank you. If it weren’t for you—the situation would’ve been even more embarrassing for me.”

  The truth was it wasn’t Sebastian who made me feel bad, but Lily’s words, even if they were completely right. There was no point in getting involved with a man who would break my heart.

  “It was the least I could do,” he replied and took me by the elbow. “I’d like us to spend more time together. Please stay.” His eyes gleamed their majestic blue.

  I watched him and couldn’t believe how God could gift any one man with such beauty and grandeur. His gaze was piercing and attracted me with such power, overcoming my weakness. Even so, I found the strength to decline.

  “No.” I smiled apologetically. “I think it’d be best if I left.”

  “Well, at least let me drive you home,” he insisted and took his cell phone out of his pocket. He dialed a number and told the person on the other end he was leaving and was at the house’s main entrance.

  An elegant black Rolls Royce pulled up in front of us, and a young man with short blond hair and grey eyes opened the car’s door for us. He was brawny, and it was obvious he worked for Alexander, not just as a chauffeur, but as a bodyguard too.

  I knew I should have refused, but I couldn’t resist the temptation. And this is how I found myself in the backseat of his car.

  While we were travelling, Alexander gently caressed my palm with his thumb, which sent shivers along my spine and left me wanting more… My thoughts were heading in the wrong direction. I wanted to feel his fingers in my most intimate of places. It was like some invisible magic drew me to him.

  “You have very delicate hands,” he whispered and gently kissed my fingers.

  This gesture of attention gave me even more goose bumps. I closed my eyes and then quickly reopened them, instinctively pulling away my hand, and looked nervously at his driver. Alexander pressed some button, and a barrier of dark opaque glass slid up behind the driver seat, giving us some privacy.

  “I hope you’re not feeling uneasy because of me?” he asked quietly. His voice was so soft, and his eyes… It was like he’d trapped me in a cage—I couldn’t look away.

  He turned to me and caressed my face with the back of his hand, saying in a low whisper, “Don’t you feel it?”

  Do I feel it?! Hell yes, I feel it, and how…

  The muscles in my loins had tightened. I felt more aroused than I’d ever been before, and that scared me… It scared me a lot. But at the same time, I felt incredibly attracted to him.

  My head was spinning.

  “We’re… too different.” My voice was barely a whisper.

  “How so? I’m strongly attracted to you, and I can tell you feel the same. Your body language, your eyes—they’re a dead giveaway. You can’t fool me.”

  “I’m not trying to fool you, Alexander… We just… shouldn’t.”

  “But why?”

  “I’m afraid you’ll hurt me,” I admitted.

  “How could you think I’d hurt you, for God’s sake? I’d never do that.” He ran his fingers through his hair apprehensively.

  You will hurt me emotionally. I know it. I feel it. I inhaled deeply and nervously crossed my legs, trying to dampen my arousal. This handsome man was attracting me too strongly.

  An uncomfortable silence fell over us, so I decided to ask him some questions. “Tell me about yourself. Do you have any siblings?” I wanted to find out more about him, see behind the beautiful façade and get to know him better.

  Immediately after my question, he let go of my hand and made his into a fist. A look of sadness contorted his features. There was nothing left of the man who had sat beside me just a second ago. His behavior confused me.

  For God’s sake, what did I do?

  Was this a response to my rebuffing him or to the question I’d asked? I didn’t get to find out, as he retreated into his shell and pulled away from me.

  Maybe he doesn’t like to talk about his family.

  “I’m sorry.” I continued. “I didn’t mean to… I… You don’t have to answer.”

  “I have a brother who is studying abroad,” he replied sadly, gazing out the window.

  I could read between the lines that there was much more to it. Something that was making him sad, but he didn’t want to talk about it.

  We stopped in front of my building’s entrance. Alexander gracefully got out of the car to open the door for me and walk me to the front door.

  I took the keys out of my handbag and said, “Thank you for getting me home.” I looked him in the eyes and it felt like he could see through me. He lifted his hand toward my face and gently stroked me, then leaned toward me and kissed me. He ran his tongue painfully slow across my lower lip and gently bit it. I moaned. The muscles between my legs tightened involuntarily. My breath quickened when our lips merged in a passionate, all-absorbing kiss.

  I went weak at the knees and felt lightheaded.

  No, nothing good was going to come out of what was ha

  With this thought, I tried to pull away from his embrace. “Alexander, I—”

  “I can’t let you go home. Do you understand? I just can’t.” He interrupted me.

  He was breathing heavily. He pressed his forehead against mine. One of his hands slid around my waist and he pulled me in while his other hand dug into my hair. A hot flush of ecstasy spread all over me. An irresistible feeling of passion started to surge in me. And he kissed me again, strongly, forcefully. His soft lips… his tongue pushing against mine… his fingers sliding across my thighs… Cloud nine! I didn’t want to, and couldn’t, tear myself away from him. It was as if invisible tentacles had gripped me and wouldn’t let me pull away. I was hypnotized. Weak and breathless, I only felt the melting pleasure across my body and my heart beating wildly. I wanted him.

  We went into my apartment, I closed the door behind me, and he pushed me against it.

  “Dammit, Alexia, I think I’m losing control… Tell me you want this too,” he whispered, his lips stuck to mine.

  His words confused me. On the one hand, I was glad I could make him unable to control himself, but on the other, I’d never had sex with someone I barely knew.

  “Tell me, please,” he murmured between kisses.

  I felt his erect member pressing against my belly. I closed my eyes and lost myself in the passionate kisses he planted on my neck, behind my ears, on my shoulders.

  “Yes, I want you,” I moaned, panting.

  I was overexcited, my fingers trembling when I tried to unbutton his shirt. Finally, I managed to get past the buttons. Then it was the turn of those on the cuffs. I slid the shirt down his back. A beautiful view opened up before me—his wide shoulders, the highly defined muscles of his arms, chest, and belly. Dear God, what beauty, what manliness. I suddenly wanted to shower every last inch of him with kisses.

  He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and took them off along with his black Boss boxers, keeping his eyes on me the entire time. His penis, in all its glory, appeared before me. My eyes widened at its sheer size.

  Alexander noticed my surprise and a satisfied ghost of a smile flashed across his face.

  “Don’t worry. It won’t hurt you,” he said reassuringly while unzipping my dress, which dropped down to my feet, followed by my bra.

  He stood back and looked me up and down, enjoying the sight. He cupped my breasts, which were heavy from the excitement, and started to skillfully squeeze and massage them.

  “Your skin is lovely, Alexia. It’s so smooth, like porcelain.” He stared at me with passion, desire, and a hint of admiration.

  He gently flicked my nipples and they stiffened. Then he bent down and lightly caressed my belly with his tongue, drawing a line to the fine, short hairs on my pubis, which was visible through my lace panties.

  Alexander dug his face between my legs and whispered, “Oh, baby, your scent is heavenly.” He stood, lifted me with ease, and carried me through the open door of the bedroom.

  Slowly, he placed me on the bed and, between kisses, murmured, “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are, Alexia?” his voice low and husky. He put his soft lips over mine and slid his tongue into my mouth, entwining it with mine.

  He kissed me passionately, enticingly, which made me wrap my legs around him to press myself closer. I felt his massive penis, with only the fine lace of my panties as a barrier. He held my right breast with one hand and thirstily sucked on my nipple, while the other hand squeezed my butt. I moaned with pleasure and started to lift myself and rub my pelvis against him. I was feeling hotter and hotter and my clit was pulsing.

  Alexander raised himself above me, leaving me breathless.

  “No,” I protested. “I want you. Please.”

  “Oh, baby, I want you too, just as much as you do. I just have to get you out of these panties,” he said, slowly sliding them down my legs.

  He settled between my hips and his lips started to caress my sensitive skin, making a path of kisses toward my sex, which was already wet and yearning for him.

  My desire increased even further. “Oh, Alexander, I want you inside me.”

  “I have to get you ready so it doesn’t hurt.”

  “I’m ready now, please.” I’d never before given myself to a man so shamelessly, but Alexander made me forget what shame was, forget the world outside—as if nothing else existed, just the two of us.

  “Shh, have a little patience,” I heard him say while he was getting near my throbbing area. He touched my clit with his tongue and started to suck it.

  “Oh my God,” I moaned.

  He spread my labia with his thumbs and started to draw circles with his tongue, licking, teasing, and tormenting. I felt absolute pleasure. I opened my hips wide and lost myself in the strong sensation—I was seconds away from climaxing.

  Nobody before had been able to make me come so quickly. His tongue moved ever swifter. He slid one of his fingers inside me, and the walls of my vagina tightened around it. My muscles were contracting each time he slid in and out. They were gripping it tightly, expressing my desire to reach the sublime end more quickly.

  “Yes, my sweetness, do it… for me… yes.”

  Hearing his words, a wave of pleasure engulfed me with such power that I started to shake all over. The sensation was very strong and pleasant, as if I’d been transported to heaven.

  I still hadn’t recovered my senses from the astounding orgasm when I saw Alexander rolling a condom over his cock. He leaned over me, like a leopard over its prey, but he was very careful, sliding it inside me very gently. I felt his wide head on my slit, slowly stretching me until his entire penis filled me. This made us simultaneously moan from the pleasure we were experiencing. He started to move rhythmically. I dug my hands into his hair and pulled him to me. He gently put his palms on the sides of my face, our lips locked and our tongues dancing.

  “Oh, it feels so good to be inside you, baby. You’re so tight,” he managed to murmur between kisses.

  My pulse started to accelerate when his thrusts became faster… and more powerful.

  I felt the contraction of the muscles between my legs. My labia thirstily gripped his cock.

  “God,” I moaned shamelessly, aroused to the maximum. My breath merged with his. We were both drenched in sweat. I felt his fingers all over my body, no place left untouched by his caresses. He was incredibly gentle and at the same time very passionate. There was no doubt Alexander Kraftberg was a great lover who knew how to take a woman to that happy end.

  I never thought I could feel such extreme pleasure.

  He glided in and out, each thrust taking me ever higher. I was overwhelmed by supreme ecstasy when my body convulsed with the contractions of another, and then another, strong and draining orgasm, setting me adrift on a sea of pleasure. Nobody before had managed to cause such indescribable bliss within me.

  “That’s it, baby,” he murmured. He thrust a few more times and also came, his entire body tensing and then completely relaxing, spent and satisfied.

  Our souls and hearts had merged into one. Alexander looked tenderly into my eyes and touched my forehead with his lips. We stayed like that for a while, until our breathing calmed. Then he carefully pulled out of me, lay on his back, and pulled me toward him.

  My eyelids became heavy and sleep engulfed me. I fell asleep in the arms of the prince of my dreams.

  * * *

  In the morning, I woke to the soft light coming into the room. I’d forgotten to pull the blinds down, so sunrays were sneaking in through the windows, caressing my face. It was almost ten o’clock. I felt Alexander’s breath on my hair and his hand on my tummy.

  I thought about last night—meeting Alexander, our dance, Sebastian’s gaffe, and Lily’s words. My good friend had tried to warn me not to get involved with him. And what did I do instead of listening to her? He ended up in my bed and we had amazing sex unlike anything I’d known before. It was now clear to me in order to get real pleasure from sex, you
must fall in love first. Alexander knew exactly what a woman wanted.

  Yes, and the list of women who have slept with him is sure to be very long.

  Was I simply his latest conquest? That would become apparent soon enough. The thought of this annoyed me and made my eyebrows furrow.

  Alexander stirred and strongly pulled me toward him. “Good morning, babe. Did you sleep well? I had a great sleep, thanks to you.” He smiled and dug his face into my hair. “You smell so nice.”

  “Good morning. Are you hungry?” I asked him.

  “Yes, hungry for you.” He settled between my hips, ran his thumb along my bottom lip, and tenderly bit it. I felt his erection, and the sweet sensation between my legs appeared again. I lost myself in his kisses. I couldn’t think about anything, but one thing…


  It was time for lunch. Alexander and I still hadn’t got out of bed. I was lying beside him, my head on his shoulder, one of my legs resting over his. I gently stroked his powerful chest, listening to the beat of his heart and feeling so relaxed. It was just great. I wanted us to stay like this forever, but I knew that was impossible.

  “Alexander, may I ask you something?”

  He raised my chin with his index finger so I would look him in the eyes and replied, “What’s floating around your lovely head?”

  “Do you really dispose of women just like you would old hankies? I mean, do you sleep with them and then you’re no longer interested in them?” I realized I was waiting with bated breath for his response.

  What will I do if he tells me he’s sorry, but that is just how he is and he doesn’t want to change?

  I would gather the pieces of my broken heart and try to forget him. But would I actually forget him? How long would that take? Could I ever forget him?

  I tried to swallow the lump that had appeared in my throat.

  No, no, no… I shouldn’t think like that. If he doesn’t want us to be together, I have to just move on and pray I meet another man who will make me fall in love again. I sighed. Who are you trying to fool?


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