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The Lost Mage 2

Page 5

by A L Issett


  “Wake up Sir” Jon heard a voice say followed by a gentle shaking of his shoulder. Jon opened his eyes and could see the elder mage who he now knew was name Davila staring at him somewhat angrily. “Send off your beast or I will send it off for you, I don’t want that damn thing following me anymore”. Jon had been waiting for this ever since he first started out on the road with these mages more than a week ago. He had written a letter and already had it tucked on Flit he just didn’t know how to send him to Magus without rousing suspicion. He had been careful to keep Slit in the pit and thus only Flit was normally seen by him.

  “Ride outside and keep view from the sky” Jon said as he opened the still moving carriage door. “If you find anything worthwhile catch it and bring it to me”. Flit took off as Jon mentally let him know where his real mission lie. Jafe could have tried to attack already, by Jon doubted it seriously since Gwendolyn was supposed to make sure he got to the palace and Jon had not seen her or her carriage once, something must have happened delaying the plan. It was times like this though that Jon wished he had a familiar, he was kidnapped from the Magus before he could learn anything of the class but he knew familiars and their masters carried a deeper bond than demons did with the mages. Mages could see out of their familiar’s eyes and use their senses, depending on the animal the mage could even small messages across, like the birds Jon had seen that could mimic voices. Still familiars could not fight like demons, Flit alone could take out most familiars Jon had seen and Alura with her claws and such could do even more damage as long as wasn’t fighting a bear or something. Jon stared out the window as he started recognizing scenery, he thought this should have been a two week trip but it went by much faster. It could have been due to the fact that when Jon left he only traveled at night, now that he was coming back he traveled day and night and even had the horses switched when he got into certain towns. He had no idea how long it would take Flit but hopefully he could get out of Ket within the week.

  “We are almost home!” Amelia said as excitedly. Jon could see even Davila’ demeanor was changed at the mention of this. Jon had mixed feelings on the matter, although this had been his home he was thrown out and his mother was left to die. Jon had heard she was buried around the outskirts of town somewhere, maybe he could visit the site or perhaps even put her to rest someplace better. Jon knew he was about three hours out but the trip went by way faster, perhaps it was because he was in his thoughts but to Jon it felt like he looked up and suddenly the city walls were before him. They did not try to stop Jon, it could be because the King’s own guard was leading the way but Jon could not be certain. Jon’s own supposed guards were only four men and two mages, but they were supplemented by many others on this trip and it was likely that once inside the palace they would receive additional help.

  “I am going to ask the king for both of you to warm my bed” Jon said breaking the silence and sending both women into shock. “I figure if you have to be around me constantly then I should get something out of the bargain. Alura is great and all but she is just a demon, with the two of you I could have real fun. I wonder if his Majesty would grant me this gift in return for me dropping the subject regarding my mother?” Jon looked into their shocked faced and wanted to laugh, Jon had no intention of asking King Jafe any favors whatsoever but Jon knew both of the mages across from him were married and had children from ordinary men, at least that is what he picked up from their conversations amongst themselves when they thought he was sleep.

  “I am married!” Amelia replied quickly with a little bit of worry in her voice.

  “It doesn’t matter, I am sure just being in this cart I have brought you to climax more times than whoever you’re with right now has and the king owes me one” Jon replied quickly. “It wouldn’t be all the time; you could just trade off with Davila when you need to see your husband, win win for everyone”.

  “Now you listen here” Davila began before she settled back in her stern face. “He is making a fool of us Amelia, he resents our inclusion and is lashing out like any child would”.

  Jon shook his head and looked out the window, he was finally back. There were a lot of people he needed to see, folks he needed to help and people he needed to thank. He decided right away he would not help anyone from the apothecary, although they would have gotten in trouble if discovered, Jon doubted seriously anyone would have found out if they snuck a little medicine for his mother. These people he would be cordial to, but as far as helping them out in anything that would be something Jon wouldn’t do. He would use the same excuse they gave him, let them stew on that for a while. The ride into the palace was gentle enough, Jon got out of his carriage and was met Jeebes, he had been in charge of the royal palace ever since Jon could remember and he kept slaves as well as other workers in line. Jeebes was an older man, far older than the king and Jon put his age near 70 summers. Jeebes had always walked with a cane but since the last time Jon saw him he seemed even more so. The man looked shocked at first when he saw Jon, but he obviously had some sort of heads up as he bowed slightly then motioned for Jon to follow him. While Jon was walking he peered into Jeebes and could see the man had no cartilage left and had to be in great pain. Jon set his body to work on building new cartilage during the slow walk to wherever Jon would be staying and cut off a couple of enflamed nerves he saw near the man’s knees and in his right hand. Jeebes noticed that bit instantly as he stopped walking and flexed his hand. Jeebes finished the rest of the walk carrying his cane instead of leaning against it and seemed almost excited to lead Jon to his room. Jeebes had always given his mother a fair shake and never talked down on her unlike many people who worked in the castle.

  “Jon” Jeebes said as he flexed his hand again.

  “You are a fair man Mr. Jeebes” Jon said cutting off whatever the older man was going to say. “If you ever need anything never hesitate to ask”. Jeebes nodded as Jon walked into his new room. “Jon had been in this room before, it was close to the King and Queen’s suites and usually would be occupied by the King’s chief healer. Jon figured the man must have lost his position but fuck him, he was the second person Jon went to for the medicine. The healer was named Clarke and he could drown himself in a bucket of bull semen for all Jon cared. Jon looked around the room, almost as if for the first time. Being a demon brought enhanced senses, Jon looked around his room and could see no one but definitely could smell something wafting in at him from a very slight breeze. This was especially weird since this room contained no windows and only had one way out. Where was the breeze coming from? Jon stood perfectly still and could feel it was coming from the far wall. Jon walked towards it careful not to look suspicious and the breeze was definitely felt their along with the smell of a human male and female. Jon could see a heavy piece of furniture was against the wall, Jon figured this furniture couldn’t be moved and probably concealed the peep holes. Jon had heard the palace had secret passages but had never seen any, at least he now knew one of their look out points was in his room. Jon stripped off his nasty clothes and threw them all over his room haphazardly, at least that is what he wanted his spies to think, in reality he just wanted to cover their peep holes. Jon then summoned Slit, and awaited a report from the insectoid.

  “It is done?” Jon asked cryptically. Slit also knew the mission given to Flit and he was to report whenever Flit had transported himself back into the cave.

  “No master” Slit replied. “Master I sense we are being watched” Slit said before Jon could tell him to shut up. Slit then turned around and looked directly where Jon thought the spies were and threw the clothes off the heavy piece of furniture and glared at a corner of an intricate carving on the piece. “I see you humans” Slit said as he then tried to move the furniture. Just as Jon thought it was bolted to the floor somehow, Slit was no powerhouse for sure but he at least should have been able to move it slightly.

  “They are likely going to keep spying Slit” Jon began. “We are trapped here for
the time being and do not make any enemies while we are here”.

  “HUMAN YOU ARE A HEALER CAPABLE OF MANIPULATING THE BODY” Drommul’s voice boomed in his head. “YOU COULD TEMPORARILY BLIND OR DEAFEN YOUR WOULD BE SPIES”. Jon had never thought about doing anything like that although now it made perfect sense. He could even blind the person in one eye, that way he would know who is spying on him when he either comes across that person or if they come to him asking for their sight back. Jon smiled thinking about this but right now he had a slightly more pressing problem. Being in his human form was taking a toll on him, the demon wanted to come out and play.

  “Keep that peep hole blocked” Jon said as he summoned Alura. “Make sure no one opens up that door” Jon pointed as he waited for Alura to draw the latch down locking the door. Jon let his disguise fall and spread out his wings, his joints cracked and his muscles ached slightly but he was free.

  “Master you should stay like that” Alura said as she looked the demon up and down.

  “I haven’t forgotten what you did” Jon bellowed as he searched through Drommul’s memories. Drommul had been seeing the succubus for some time, the entire while she was playing him like a fool, getting him to relax his defenses since all the guards put her in a bad mood. She was in league with twelves powerful demons, the council of twelve. They sneaked their way into Drommul’s stronghold and a great battle had taken place. None of the demons could heal or attack on Drommul’s level but there were twelve of them and he was tired after his activity with Alura. They eventually forced Drommul to flee and had kept control of the Pit ever since, forcing Drommul to flee far away from his original seat of power. Alura for her part was deemed untrustworthy and had been tortured by the council ever since, especially the council strongman, Goliath if the reports Drommul received were to be believed. The only somewhat opposition the Council had was from Queen Mantia, ruler of the insectoids. The insectoids multiplied quickly in the pit, but they were among the easiest demons to kill. They were like real life insects, killing one is easy, but fighting off the swarm is where the trouble is. The swarm always threw itself at Drommul while he was ruler, normally it was just Queen Mantia trying to keep some sort of border from the place in the pit she carved out for herself. Drommul knew capturing the insectoids would be easy, they were fodder anyway sent to die, any choice they had to escape it was better than none. Jon heard an insistent knocking at the door and had to quickly change back into his human form and gestured for Alura to open the door.

  “Her majesty demands your presence” the guard Wren said as he stood at the door, his eyes losing a battle to enjoy the sight of Alura’s frame. Jon could tell Alura was piling on whatever pheromones she secreted, now Jon knew what to look for the smell was easily identifiable.

  “Does it have to be at this moment?” Alura said as she wrapped her body around Wren and let her hand play down his face. “You could stay here and play with us, if you don’t have anything better to do”.

  “Go away demon” Jon heard a female voice say. Jon recognized her as one of the Queen’s personal guards. The King did not want men watching his wife at all, the Queen’s retinue all consisted of female mages. “Your tricks do not work on me, the Queen request your presence” the words died off in the woman’s head as she recognized she had barged in and found Jon stark naked. She quickly averted her eyes as Alura began again.

  “No need to be shy, we could turn this into a big party if you want” Alura let her invitation linger in the air, Jon had no intention of honoring it but anything to make the people in this castle uncomfortable. Jon went to bother the mage and to his surprise he found out she was considering the idea, at least her lady parts were even if her mind wasn’t in for it. Jon turned around and wondered if their were small clothes available that could be torn off then refastened, that certainly would save him from when he had to be in his human form. Jon didn’t feel like wearing his dirty old robe and glanced inside the wardrobe to see if there was anything that fit. To his surprise there were robes in there, all white with purple trim. These robes were previously worn by the former royal healer but Jon figured they were better than being naked. Jon put on one of the robes and didn’t bother with boots, although his feet looked human they definitely were not. Jon walked out of his door and turned to Alura telling her not to have sex with anyone while he was gone, Slit was under orders to stop such a coupling if it looked like it was about to occur. Jon followed the Queen’s mage guard to the adjoining door in the hallway, where the royal couple slept. The woman knocked once, then the door was opened by other mage guards who parted and led Jon into a small sitting room. Already seated was the Queen and she beckoned him to join her drinking some type of tea.

  “So you are the boy all this fuss is about?” the Queen said as she took a sip of her tea. “Jafe owes you his life and even more if the tale I heard about your banishment is true. I have ears all around this castle and I doubt you attacked Geoff, he is self-entitled and spoiled; he definitely is his father’s son. I do not have much power around here, but I do wield a little. What can I do to make your stay here more comfortable?”

  “Nothing” Jon replied quickly sending the queen into a fit of laughter.

  “Nothing at all boy?” the Queen said as her laughter died dow. “Do you know who I was before I married Jafe Jon?”

  “I don’t understand the question Your Majesty?” Jon said confused.

  “I will tell you the answer anyway” The Queen said with a hint of sadness in her eye. “I was the second born daughter of the Duke of Tryte, my sister was older than me by a year but she did not have my looks, or my ability to do magic”.

  Jon spit out the tea he was drinking in shock. He hadn’t ever spoke to the Queen but he had never seen her perform magic like other mages. She could very well be related to House Tryte, but a mage?

  “I see it is a surprise to you, I don’t really preform magic unless in secret” the Queen said as he took another sip. “I was to marry the current Duke of Tavare, we had grown up together and were madly in love. My sister, the current Duchess of Travare was to marry Jafe’s older brother the Crown Prince Rafeion. After a riding accident happened, Rafeion as well as Jafe’s other brother Joff whom my son was named after were killed, leaving Jafe as the royal heir. He saw me at a ball and wanted me for his bride, my parents readily agreed. My sister Regalia had always dreamed of being Queen, as I always dreamed of being Lancelion’s bride. My sister hated me for being picked, Lancelion was heartbroken as well. I married Jafe and my sister got my happily ever after. Jafe forbid me to use magic, he thought it would make him look like less than a man. Mages do not run in Jafe’s family, only mine, that is why my twins have the talent. My job as Queen is to stay beautiful and be loved by the people while my husband runs around and fills the surrounding lands with his bastards, like you”.

  If Jon were human still he knew he would have went white at this knowledge. Jon had already figured out who his father was when he changed skin tones briefly, the fact the Queen voiced it made it all but real.

  “You see Jon, Jafe is like many other men in power, he believes as long as he doesn’t bring his dirty laundry home then he hasn’t done anything wrong” the Queen said as took a small bite out of one of the cakes she had on the table. “I see all the babies of the palace staff, many think it is because I want to personally see them blessed by the Royal Priest but that is only partly true. When I looked down at you and saw a tan version of Joff’s face looking back at me I confronted the king. He denied it of course and simply had your mother switched from being the girl who handled giving me my food to a laundress in another part of this glorious prison. The fact that you were the only boy born to slave that was a freeman solidified what I had thought true. I never brought it up again but the King knew I knew. I suppose I paid him back with an affair with his now deceased brother that brought about the twins, but that is another story. He never was the type to show weakness, getting rid of you or your mother would have bee
n seen as that in his eyes. When you supposedly attacked Geoff, I demanded to see which one of our staff would do such a thing, Jafe forbid be from attending the trial, that’s when I found out it was you and why you did it. Your mother paid the price of a young girl working for Jafe, since their encounter I have spared other young women of his gaze. All of the people who have permission to be alone in my quarters are all men, my guards are under orders never to be alone in their duties when my husband is home. You poor boy are as much a prisoner as I am, take it from me when I say self-immolation will just leave you dead while another unfortunate takes your place. Now I will ask you again, is there anything I could do to make your stay nicer?”

  “There are people who helped me” Jon said shocked at the Queen’s sad tale. “They took care of my Ma they best they could and saw she was buried instead of just given to the pigs for feed. I want to visit my mother’s final resting place and either make it nicer or move her body entirely. I also want money to help those that helped me”.

  “I can do all of that” the Queen said with a smile. “I see you have discovered your visitors in the walls. They were not sent by me but they certainly spy on me also, that is the reason I talk mostly out here in this small room, instead of back where I have comfortable furniture and anything a person could ask for. So you are a healer is what I heard, although not at a very strong power level”.


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