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Two Howls

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by Sean Michael

  Two Howls

  Sean Michael

  Max is on the run, but is he running from his past, or toward his future? Only Ulf knows…

  Werewolf Max knows desiring males is wrong, but he can't help himself. When his pack nearly kills him in an attempt to cleanse him, Max runs. Jumping on his motorcycle, he heads north.

  Ulf has lived on his own in the wilds of Northern Ontario for a long time. When he catches the scent of a stranger in his territory, he’s angry at first, until he realizes that Max is more than just another werewolf. They’re mates.

  Ulf must make Max believe that two males can be mates, but just as he’s about to succeed, Max's past catches up with him. Will the home they've been hoping to build together be lost for good?

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  Alpha Series

  Copyright © 2015 SEAN MICHAEL

  ISBN: 978-1-936387-81-6

  All Romance eBooks, LLC Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

  This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business establishments, events, or locales is coincidental.

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever with out written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First All Romance eBooks publication: February 2015

  Chapter One

  Max Starling headed down the road, pushing his bike as fast as it would go. He’d burned every bridge ever built from Miami to Nashville to Detroit and now he was headed across the border.

  Fucking assholes. Fucking liars. Fucking moon.

  He made it past customs and into Canada around midnight, his body exhausted, his mind racing like his Harley. He’d whine about never finding a place to settle, but no place was big enough to handle the trouble that followed him like a mist.

  He hadn’t bothered to stop in Toronto, roaring through the big city like the plague was following him. He didn’t even stop for a fucking coffee, just got the hell through the city and continued north. He’d gone damn far north, it seemed, leaving behind civilization and decent roads long ago. Which sucked, because, coffee.

  His eyes were exhausted, burning and fuzzy around the edges. On top of that, it was going to be dark soon enough and he was going to have to find somewhere to stop and put his sleeping bag down. No way he could drive through another night. Not without falling asleep right there on his hog.

  Not long after carefully crossing a less than stable wooden bridge onto a small, unpaved road, he found a trail—not even something as big as a road—and headed up it. There would be a place to shift, to cuddle in and sleep for a day or two. Surely there’d be something. Somewhere off-road where he wouldn’t be disturbed.

  He thought he heard the howl of a wolf over the roar of his engine. Was that even possible? He guessed so. It was the Great White North, right?

  He kept going, the trail he was on getting harder and harder to follow. So far he hadn’t found anything very sheltered, but he was far enough from the so-called road he’d left that he was possibly safe to stop. He’d give it a few more minutes.

  Finally he gave up, turned his motor off and walked his bike off the trail into the woods. He stowed the bike, hiding it beneath some underbrush among the trees.

  The wind blew hard, bringing leaves and scents with it. He’d never been anywhere that felt so deserted of humans.

  Whatever. He just needed a safe place to sleep.

  He grabbed his pack and started walking, heading up along the trail, eyes peeled for a place to hole up. Something dark that might be a building, or a larger rock, was off to the west, so he headed for it, delighted when it slowly coalesced into a log cabin.

  Please be deserted. Please be deserted.

  The door opened easily, the place empty. It smelled strongly of occupancy, though. Hell, it almost smelled like wolf. Dammit.

  Still. One afternoon. Just let him get one afternoon of sleep and he’d be gone. Poof. He swore.

  He stripped out of his leathers and got into his sleeping bag, curled up and went fuzzy. Oh, better. Sleeping. Just for a little while.


  Chapter Two

  Ulf was restless, running along the edges of his territory. There had been noises and the faint hint of scents that didn’t belong. It had been a long time since his territory had been invaded.

  The tiny path from the road proved to be the source of the foreign smells. Metal and gas, oil. And something not quite human. It didn’t take him long to find the hidden motorcycle and the trail after that went almost straight toward his cabin. Tilting his head back, Ulf howled then took off at a run.

  He followed the trail to his cabin, lip curling at the scent of male. Some fucking wolf had shown up. If this invader thought for a second that Ulf was going to roll over and present his belly or turn tail and run, he had another think coming. This was Ulf’s land. All of it.

  He nosed the door open, the sound of snoring filling the air. The smell of man was more hidden now, the scent and sounds more wolfish. Growling, he pounced where the noise was coming from.

  A slim grey wolf popped up, fur ruffled and eyes bright as the sun.

  Ulf snapped and snarled, but he was caught by those eyes. He saw those eyes every time he dreamed.

  The little wolf growled, refusing to back down, standing his ground on shaky legs. Ulf snarled again. He was Alpha here and this was his land. It would be his only warning.

  The little wolf sighed, trying to pull together its bedding while not breaking eye contact. He stalked over and vocalized. He expected his due—he would demand it if he had to.

  He could read the second the little one gave up on trying to protect his things and simply ran, moving faster than he’d ever seen one of his kind. The wolf leapt over him and scrambled, zipping out the door. Ulf gave chase, having the advantage of knowing the area and where the wolf was headed. This little grey would not make it to his motorcycle with enough time to shift and leave.

  The little grey was smart, though, doubling back, leading him on a merry chase. It was almost fun.

  Ulf moved a little faster—he hadn’t had a good all out run like this in a long time. The exhaustion was beginning to show on the grey now, though, in the graceful lines of his body. Ulf put an end to the chase, pouncing the grey and taking it down, holding the grey in place with his big paws.

  The little shit was a fighter, crying out and barking, biting the air. Ulf was bigger, though, and stronger. He snapped back at the other wolf and finally wrapped his teeth around the grey’s muzzle. Those gold eyes closed, soft whimpers on the air.

  He let go of the grey’s muzzle, then opened his mouth over the grey’s throat. He could feel the way the pup’s heart beat, so fast, so frightened. He was making his point. Growling softly, he let go and stepped back, watching the pup closely.

  The little grey hurried to his feet, chest heaving like a bellows.

  Ulf knew he should send the little grey on his way, but he couldn’t. There was something in those eyes, something that said this one was a loner like him. More than that, this one was his; he smelled it on the air. He growled softly, demanding some sign that the little grey knew it, too.

  The grey bowed and then backed off, looking for a way out. No, Ulf didn’t think so. Now that he’d decided the grey was his, the beast was staying. Ulf began herding the grey back toward the cabin.

  He kept getting tired, confused looks and by the time they got back to the cabin, he was literally pushing the grey toward his home. A soft whine sounded, the pup beginning to dig in.

  He moved in and
snapped at the grey’s muzzle. The little grey danced away, barked at him. He growled. Inside.

  He snapped at the lean haunches, and once they were inside, the pup went for the sleeping bag again, curled into it.

  Using his hindquarters, Ulf closed the door and moved to his nest in front of the fireplace. Lying down, he kept an eye on the pup, making sure the grey went to sleep and didn’t try to run.


  The big male never slept. Never. Every time Max opened his eyes, the big male was watching. He couldn’t believe it. A low growl would sound, like a warning, or an order. He was being told to sleep—he was sure of it.

  He would doze off, forcing himself to wake again and again. Finally, the big male came over and put his muzzle over Max’s, forcing his head to stay down. The pressure and warmth was intoxicating, undeniable. Odd.

  Soon, though, he heard the soft snores of the big wolf.

  Move. Move. Come on. Now was his chance! He was so heavy, though. So tired.

  The big wolf stretched to lick at Max’s muzzle, then settled back in again. Max’s nose wrinkled and he settled. Maybe a little nap. Maybe, just maybe, he was safe here. At least for a minute.

  He could feel himself, body synching with the Alpha’s. It was ridiculous, to trust. He needed to go. Like the big male had heard Max’s thoughts, he growled softly.

  His body melted into the sleeping bag and he sighed. He was warm and so tired. Maybe he could just stay a minute longer.

  The male licked Max’s muzzle again. Licked him like he was being marked. The scent was oddly familiar. Weirdly comforting. And the low growling was soothing to his nerves.

  His eyes rolled and he moaned, vocalizing. The male sounded back at him.

  He’d never had anyone who wanted him to stay, who insisted on it. Never. When it came to him, the opposite was usually true. He moaned, deep in his chest.

  One dark blue eye opened up, looked at him. He squeezed his own eyes shut tight.

  The wolf holding him down chuffed, laughing at him. That didn’t work for him. He pulled away, scrambling back. The big male growled and pounced when his back legs went over an edge. He didn’t fall very far, and it was into softness, pillows and comforters in a half-foot deep area in front of the fireplace.

  “Ooph.” All his breath huffed out of him.

  The male began to lick him, marking him. Marking him. He shifted and rolled, unsure of what to do. Then the big wolf all but sat on him, keeping him in place.

  Max sighed and went boneless again. Fuck. It was clear he was supposed to stay put. Was he in for some bizarre form of punishment for having invaded this guy’s territory? If he wasn’t so fucking tired, he’d shift and demand the guy let him go. On the other hand, if he shifted, that put him at a huge disadvantage against the big wolf. He was better off staying as he was.

  He just needed to sleep. If he was lucky, he’d wake up before the big guy, get his shit and run. He had to be able to get his keys.

  He was tired enough that sleep still pulled at him and if he felt safe rather than worried by the big male, well, he was going to put that down to exhaustion.


  The longer the little grey slept in his bed, the surer Ulf was that he belonged there. Some instinct had brought the wolf all the way to him and it was a good thing.

  Ulf dozed, waiting patiently for the grey to wake again. The pup was obviously exhausted, and clearly not from anywhere close by. Northern wolves grew larger up here.

  He licked at the sweet muzzle again, not to try to wake the grey, but just because he could. Because he wanted to. He needed to fill himself with that amazing scent. He found one ear and gnawed gently on it.

  The pup’s eyes popped open, the rush of worry immediate. Ulf growled softly, soothingly. Now he felt utter confusion.

  He thought he might have to shift so he could tell the grey to stay put, the little wolf was still fighting him. He held the grey down, grooming the pup with firm, steady strokes. Surely his pup knew about grooming. Understood what it meant.

  Their scents mingled, and he sang with pleasure. Good pup. This felt good, right. Ulf had to admit that he was surprised. He’d been a loner for so long and didn’t believe there was anyone for him.

  Why the moon would send him a wee grey, he wasn’t sure, but there was no denying the wolf was here now. Or that he felt this one was entirely his.

  Only foolish wolves argued with the moon. And he wasn’t foolish.

  He settled close, nose on his paws. The grey stole one curious glance after another. Ulf wondered, couldn’t the little one feel it? Maybe the pup wasn’t used to being a wolf. Maybe he’d been a man for too long and didn’t understand his instincts. Ulf saw that all too often, people lost in their humanity, refusing their wolf.

  He couldn’t imagine living like that. He was very well used to being in this form, to living this way. Running free. It was so much easier to be wolf than to be human.

  Now he could run with his little wolf. Play. Hunt together. He put his head back and howled, then waited for the pup to respond.

  The grey finally howled, softly at first, then louder. Ulf howled back, entirely pleased by the response.

  Good. Good. The pup had a strong voice, a sure one. He rubbed their muzzles together.

  Slowly, carefully, the little grey lost his fur, becoming a lean little blond with the most amazing eyes. Oh damn. Ulf was going to start drooling. It took him a little longer to change—he didn’t do it very often.

  “Hey.” The man found his jeans, pulled them on.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” he noted. He tended to go naked as a man. There was no one to hide himself from.

  “Do what?” Oh, rough voice, gravelly. Ulf liked it.

  “Put on clothes. You have a fine body.”

  “I…” Lean cheeks turned bright pink.

  Ulf put his hands on his hips. “I’m Ulf. This is my land, my territory.”

  “I’m sorry. I was tired and I didn’t know this was someone’s digs. I just needed a nap.”

  “No, you were guided here.” Ulf leaned close and sniffed the grey as a man. He smelled good.

  “I am Ulf,” he said again. He would know his pup’s human name.

  “M.…Max. I’m Max.”

  “Mmm. My Max.” It suited the little grey. Blond. Whatever.

  “I’ll get out of your hair. Thanks for letting me stay.”

  “You don’t feel it?” Ulf asked. Could Max really not feel the same things he did?

  The scent of arousal filled the air, sudden and heady.

  “You do feel it.” Good. That pleased him. “You were brought here.”

  “I was…” Running.

  Ulf heard that thought so clearly it stunned him. “You were running to me.” Maybe he’d only imagined he’d heard Max’s thought.

  Max stared at him, but that pointed chin dipped.

  Ulf smiled. “We’ll bring your bike in and leave it under branches by the cabin.”

  “Is there going to be snow soon? I’m from Florida.”

  “Fuck yes, there’s going to be snow soon. And a lot of it. You are going to freeze that pretty little ass off. Good thing I’m here to keep you warm.”

  “I… I don’t.”

  Max’s confusion was luscious.

  “You don’t what? Don’t worry, I have supplies and this place is warm enough with one. It’ll be more so with two.” It might be nice to winter with someone. He’d never even contemplated it before, but Max made such things seem not only possible but… wanted.

  “I…” Max looked like he had shorted out.

  His pup was overwhelmed. Ulf went over and started undoing Max’s jeans so they could share his nest. It was his duty to help his pup understand their places here. Still, it was a testament to Max’s tiredness and confusion that he let it happen.

  In seconds Ulf had Max naked again, and he tugged Max back down to his bed. He covered the man completely, mouth on Max’s throat. His. Every inch. His teeth
grazed Max’s skin.

  Max groaned, trying to shift away and Ulf pressed down harder against the lean little body. Max reached down, cupped the filling cock, hiding it, shame evident on the skinny face.

  Ulf pushed Max’s hand away. “You see? You are mine and your body knows it.”

  Max’s eyes went wide. Huge. “I can’t.”

  Ulf frowned. “You can’t what?”

  “I. You’re. We’re dudes. Wolves. I know better.”

  Ulf’s eyes narrowed. “You’re one of them?” Why would Max have been brought to him if he was one of the ones who believed males loving each other was wrong?

  “I… Look. I’ve had my ass kicked a lot, okay. I swear, I wasn’t coming on to you. I promise.”

  Oh. Ulf thought he understood now. Max wasn’t one of them, he’d been tortured by them. His poor wolf.

  “No, you weren’t. But I’m coming on to you.”

  Max stared at him, eyes wide, worried. Sweet pup.

  He stroked Max’s cheek. “You are mine, Max. I know you can feel it.”

  Max covered his cock again. Growling, Ulf grabbed Max’s hand and held it up above his head. It was a very good look. Lowering his head slowly, Ulf pressed their lips together before rocking against the lean body beneath him.

  Max’s lips opened in a gasp and Ulf knew, without a shadow of a doubt that this was Max’s first kiss. Groaning, so pleased that his mate had come to him untried, he slowly moved his lips against Max’s before sliding his tongue between the warm lips.

  The rush of arousal between them was fierce, huge, making him growl. His prick had hardened to its full length and pressed against Max’s smooth belly.

  “I shouldn’t…” Max began.

  “You shouldn’t what, Max?” Rolling his hips, he let his hardness rock against Max’s skin.

  “This. They’ll smell it on us.”

  “Who?” He snapped at the air. He’d take on anyone who tried to come between him and Max.

  “Others. Pack. Anyone.” Max rolled back, showed a series of scars on his shoulder, his side.

  Ulf growled, his fingers not shying away from Max’s skin. “They did this because you didn’t want to mate with a female?”


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