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Two Howls

Page 6

by Sean Michael

  Max managed, bruised and drugged, but his mate did it, shedding the last vestiges of his wolf and finding his fully human form.

  “Good pup.” Ulf drew Max in and kissed him hard.

  Max leaned, shivering violently. “What do we do?”

  “We tie the one we spared up and put him in the Jeep, go back and fix the bridge. Then we send him across it with a message. If they can’t leave us alone, we’ll go back and take care of the Alpha there.”

  “Then we pull the boards from the bridge again,” Max told him.

  His pup was smart.

  “You got it. If we hide the boards, we can still use the bridge when we need it, but nobody else can.” There would be occasions where they’d want to go to civilization and stock up on things.

  Max nodded. “Please. I’m done running.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Max helped him drag the bodies to the back of the Jeep and load them in, but his mate was moving slow.

  “Stay with me, Max.” Ulf shook Max’s arm.

  “Trying, mate.”

  “I know. We need to get this done before you can rest, though.” Sleep would work the drugs out of Max’s system, but they had to do this first, make their home safe.

  “Yes. Yes, we need it done.”

  Nodding, Ulf climbed into the jeep. “Why don’t you shift until we get back to the bridge?” The wolf healed better, would get rid of the poison in Max’s body more quickly.

  Max crawled up into the seat next to him, shifting almost immediately.

  Ulf rubbed his hands in Max’s fur, fingers digging in. “Such a beautiful pup.”

  Max whined softly, leaned in. He rubbed his cheek along Max’s muzzle. He could feel Max’s urgency, though, his pup’s worry.

  “We’re going to get through this, pup. We’re going to protect ourselves for good.”

  Max nodded, and they headed down the road, Max shifting again to help him once they got back to the bridge. Ulf hated this, hated how every change was slower, more painful for Max.

  He worked extra hard and as quickly as he could to restore the boards on the bridge. It wasn’t perfect, but it should hold and he would be on his own when he came back, only the weight of his wolf to strain the loose boards.

  When it came time to drive the Jeep to the other side, he told Max to stay. “Rest here, mate. While I get these assholes and the Jeep on the other side of the bridge. A Jeep full of dead wolves and a wounded man licking his wounds should send a fine message to the Miami pack Alpha.

  Max shook his head. “I’m coming with.”

  “I’d worry less if you stayed here.”

  “I know, but we’ll work faster together,” Max insisted.

  Ulf growled, but it was true. “Fine. We go across the bridge together.”

  “Together. Let’s go.”

  Ulf drove the Jeep slowly across the bridge, the loose boards holding them. He continued to be careful as the wood had been made slippery by snow. On the other side, he parked the Jeep several yards down and they sat there for a moment, staring at each other.

  “I want to send it over the edge, but if we don’t send a message, I’m worried they’ll just keep trying.” Ulf would defend against anyone who did come, but it would be nice to know their message had been received and he wouldn’t have to do it every few days.

  In the end, they left the dead wolves in the back of the Jeep and dragged the unconscious man into the front seat, putting him behind the wheel and leaving the keys in the ignition.

  “Is there anything to write with?” Ulf asked. Both he and Max were naked. He’d hate to have to leave the Jeep here and risk the man waking up before they got back with paper and a pen.

  “Look in the glove compartment,” Max suggested.

  Ulf did and sure enough, there was a pen and a couple of maps, one of which could be used to write on.

  “These were your people. What kind of language do we need to use?” He knew what he wanted to say, but that wasn’t necessarily what he should say. Max would know.

  “I’ll do it.” Max grabbed the pen and simply wrote, “NEVER AGAIN. LEAVE ME ALONE. I AM NOT PACK. MAX.”

  “Nice.” There was no mistaking that message.

  “Clear enough?” Max asked him.

  “Very clear.”

  He pinned the note to the man’s chest with the dart that had pierced the guy’s neck, then closed the door of the Jeep. That was it. Ulf didn’t think they could have done anything more.

  “Okay.” He nodded firmly. They were good. “Home.”

  “Home. Home, please.” Max nodded slowly, his body clearly growing weaker, giving into the drug that demanded he sleep. “As soon as the bridge is removed.”

  “Yeah. We need to make sure our home is safe.”

  Ulf shifted, his wolf padding out across the bridge. Max followed, and when they got to the end, they removed one plank after another. They took out more than the four he’d originally done. Ulf taking three away, tossing them back to Max, then leaping across to the road. From there, he took the last four away, making the gap seven wide. Surely that would keep anyone from crossing successfully.

  Together, he and Max hid the wooden planks, spreading them out in groups of two beneath the brush. The snow would hide them and only he and Max knew where they were.

  Finally convinced they were safe until spring, Ulf shifted, encouraging Max to do the same, then got them moving back toward the cabin. It was a long way to go on foot and Max wasn’t at top speed, but Ulf continued to snap at Max’s heals and keep him moving.

  The snow was falling harder, and night had fallen when Max finally stopped, refusing to go on. Ulf pushed his mate beneath the shelter of a fir and wrapped around him. It wasn’t so cold they couldn’t make do here tonight.

  Go, mate. Go home.

  Like he was leaving Max here on his own. Together, they could stay warm enough.

  When Ulf refused to leave without Max, his mate forced himself to stand again. Home. Home. Home.

  Ulf barked in approval, so proud of his mate. If Max would go with him, they would go home rather than stay in the relative shelter of the trees. He nipped at Max’s heels, making him move faster.

  They did make it, barely, Max collapsing on the doorstep. It was far enough, though.

  Shifting, Ulf grabbed his mate and dragged Max to their bed. Once there, he lit the fire, making sure it was blazing, then he shifted again and laid himself around his pup, protecting Max from anything that decided to come their way.

  Chapter Eight

  Max slept and slept, the drugs working their way through his system. He dreamed the wildest things, but the constant in the dreams was that he was searching for his mate. For Ulf. Sometimes Ulf was close enough Max could smell him, other times, Ulf was well beyond his reach.

  He sighed, barking, running and calling. Mate. Mate. Matematemate!

  There was a sharp bark and something wet dragged across his face.

  Mate! Ulf, is that you?

  Another bark sounded, this one close. Loud.

  Mate. Need. He reached out, fingers finding fur. “Ulf!”

  Ulf licked his muzzle in one fell swoop.

  Oh. Oh, yes. Max opened his eyes, feeling gritty and raw.

  Ulf was right there, though, the magnificent wolf cleaning him.

  “Ulf. Mate.”

  Ulf barked for him, the sound happy, pleased.

  “Oh. Oh, I need something to drink. Water.” He needed to get up.

  Ulf shifted for him, the handsome wolf turning into a stunning man. “I’ll get it for you.”

  Max pushed up onto his elbows. “Have I slept long?”

  “Two days.” Ulf padded over to the storage pantry and grabbed him a bottle of water.

  “Wow.” Max took the bottle, surprised at how his hands shook.

  Ulf took the water back and opened the bottle for him before crouching next to him. “I was worried about you, about what they poisoned you with.”
  “Yeah. Yeah, I dreamed about you. No one else has come?” Had the snows gotten deeper?

  “No one has come. I’ve taken up your patrolling. Our territory is untouched.”

  “Good.” He drank deep, so thirsty.

  Ulf’s hands stroked his belly. “You’re feeling better? More normal?”

  “More awake.”

  Chuckling, Ulf kept touching. “I’m so proud of you, mate.”

  “Proud of me?” Max leaned into the touch.

  “You fought them, you resisted the poison they injected into you.” Ulf looked fierce. “You protected your mate and our lands.”

  “This is my place too.” He knew it. His home, his heart.

  “It is.” Ulf beamed at him, looking so pleased at his words. “Our territory to defend, to live in, to love in.”

  “Yes.” Max leaned in, breathing in the scent of his mate.

  Ulf pressed their mouths together, this kiss not soft or gentle, but telling him all about the need that sang between them. He gasped, opening eagerly, the rush of energy between them amazing.

  Pressing him down into the soft blankets, Ulf made him feel so many things. They weren’t as scary now, though. Ulf’s love excited him; it didn’t frighten him.

  He could feel the heat and hardness of Ulf’s cock lying against his skin. It promised need and pleasure. He reached down, wrapped his fingers around the heavy shaft, and squeezed.

  Groaning, Ulf pushed into his hand. “I want your mouth, Max. I want to feed my seed into you.”

  Max groaned, toes curling at the words and he leaned back, eager. Moving up his body, Ulf straddled his shoulders and rubbed the tip of his magnificent cock against Max’s lips. The motions painted him with Ulf’s pre-come, the salty, clear liquid exploding with flavor in his mouth. The flavor of Ulf. Of his mate.

  When Ulf pushed in, took possession of his mouth, it was coming home and Max put his head back and howled. Ulf answered, the two sounds mixing together, twisting to become one.

  About the Author

  Sean Michael, often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago."

  A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

  Barring any of that? He'll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

  For more information on other books by Sean, visit his official website:

  Also By This Author

  Torquere Press

  A Family of his Own, A Mannies Incorporated story

  A Private Hunger

  All Roads Lead Home

  And Manny Makes Seven


  Balls and Strikes

  Bar None

  Bases Loaded, A Going for the Gold story

  Beaten, A Hammer novel


  Between Friends

  Between Friends: Sammy's Place

  Between Friends: Trial by Fire

  Blue Sky Lodge

  Blue, a Jarheads story

  Box of Nails: Making Repairs

  Box of Nails: This Old House

  Box of Nails: This Young Stud




  Catching a Second Wind

  Cereus: Building

  Cereus: Opening

  Cereus: Rescue


  Christmas Angel, A Hammer story

  Christmas Auction, A Hammer story

  Christmas Homecoming, A Hammer story

  Control, A Hammer story


  Daddy, Daddy and Me

  Deeper, A Hammer novel

  Ding Dong Bell, A Jarheads Story

  Don't Ask, Don't Tell


  End of the Line


  Everyday Stories: Jarhead Shorts

  Flying With Dragons

  For Love and Money



  Fur and Fang



  Hitched, A Hammer story

  Homecoming, A Jarheads story

  Horsing Around

  In Sickness and in Health


  Life as a Front Porch

  Little Jamie, A Hammer story

  Little Square of Cloth

  Love and the Farmer, A Velvet Glove story

  Love in an Elevator

  Love is Blindness

  Made to Order

  Making a Splash, A Going for the Gold novel

  Mannies Incorporated

  Mentor, A Jarheads Story

  My Hero, A Short Story Collection


  Need for Sale, A Hammer Holiday Story

  New Toys, A Hammer Short Collection

  New, A Hammer Story: The Two of Swords

  Old Ghosts, A Jarheads Story

  On the Sand

  Out of the Closet


  Perfect 10, A Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Best, a Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Best 2, A Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Best 3, A Going for the Gold Novel

  Personal Leave

  Pour Me a Triple


  Put a Ring On it

  Renew, a Hammer story

  Screwdrivers, Collected Hammer Short Stories

  Searching the Seas

  Secrets, Skin and Leather

  Seeing Love





  Switch, a Hammer novel

  Taking Inventory, A Hammer Story


  The Briar Rose: Controlling Parker

  The Briar Rose: Hoarse Play

  The Broken Road

  The Games we Play, A Hammer story

  The Sight of Home

  Three Day Passes

  Three of a Kind

  Top Bidder, A Hammer story


  Toy Box: Domination

  Toy Box: Submission

  Treat, A Hammer story

  Trust, A Hammer story

  Underground: Special Teams

  Welcome Home

  When Harry Met Jason

  Wicked Gift

  Winning Hand

  Yes, Master: A BDSM story collection

  Amber Quill Press

  Art and Snowflakes

  Blue Collar

  Carved in Wood

  Crouching Vegan, Hidden Werewolf

  Digging for Gold

  Dirty Kisses

  Full Disclosure

  Living the Dream

  Making Your Own Luck

  No Regrets

  Office Hours

  Recipe For Love

  Revving it Up

  Royal Line

  Serving Mr. Right

  Silver Edges

  Spot the Difference

  The Good Life

  The Wizard and the Thief


  Welcome Home

  Working it Out

  Working to Win

  Changeling Press

  Alec (Shibari Auction House)

  Bad Elf, No Candy Cane

  Ben (Shibari Auction House)

  Brent (Shibari Auction House)

  Bringing Her Home

  Christmas Elves are Ringing

  Every Rose has his Thorne

  Howling for Kitty

  Jack (Shibari Auction House)

  James (Shibari Auction House)

  Joel (Shibari Auction House)

  Keeping Sir Thorne

  Leaf (Shibari Auction House)

  Robin (Shibari Auction House)

  Sam (Shibari Auction House)

  Special Order

  Storm in the City

  Swinging Along

  Tending to Rose

  Totally Bound



  En Prise (Chess 3)

  End Game (Chess 5)

  Helpmate (Chess 4)

  Malting (Beer & Clay 1)

  Middle Game (Chess 2)

  Opening Moves (Chess 1)

  Size Matters

  The Piercer's Game

  Resplendence Publishing

  Breaking Cover

  Drawing Straws: Erik

  Drawing Straws: Joe

  Guardian Angel

  Guns, Leather and Tinsel

  In Time of Need

  Royal Flush


  SWAK: Plugs

  SWAK: Pony Play

  SWAK: Pushy Bottom

  SWAK: Shaving

  SWAK: Sounds

  The Dog Next Door

  Totally Covered

  Dreamspinner Press


  The Swag Man Delivers

  Ellora's Cave

  Brush and Whip

  Pack and Mate

  OmniLit/All Romance eBooks

  The Millionaire's Mistake

  Table of Contents

  Title page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  About the Author

  Also By This Author




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