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Page 20

by C. H. Admirand

  His lips tantalized, promised, then fulfilled as they took command and devoured her.


  The sun was hanging lower in the sky when she forced herself to put a little distance between them. “I do have work to do, you know.”

  His eyes mesmerized her; their rich dark brown reminded her of her favorite flavor of chocolate: semisweet. The emotions flickering in their velvety depths amazed her. Although cool and aloof on the outside, the man was a boiling pot of emotions beneath the surface that she’d just barely scratched.

  Would he want to let her in? Time would tell. Maybe she should say something that would urge him to tell her how he felt. Oh, Ronnie knew she’d satisfied his hunger for her. Heck, he’d done the same and they’d dozed off in one another’s arms more than once since he’d flipped her over his shoulder and carried her up the stairs.

  “Well, I’m a woman… we like to use words.”

  He snorted.

  She scooted up against the headboard and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “Being a man of action, I’m sure that snort has a translation.”

  His mouth quirked up on one side, still he said nothing.

  She leaned over and poked him in the shoulder with her pointer finger.

  The rusty, rumbling sound of his laughter was music to her ears. She’d loved that he’d laughed while they’d been making love. How they’d managed to cut through the first few layers of brand new relationship and settle themselves smack into what she’d say would be halfway through the first month, she had no idea. Maybe it was the way they’d met and the tension that spiked whenever the two of them were in the same room. He enjoyed what drove most men away after they got to know her: her temper and her quirky personality.

  She glared at him and he laughed harder. Would this man always keep her slightly off-kilter? Finding out just might take the rest of her life and be worth every moment of the journey. Her heart jolted at the thought. She could just imagine the soft sound of her grandmother’s laughter.

  Finally, he spoke. “Women like to use twenty words when one will do.”


  He nodded. “Words aren’t often necessary.”

  “They are to a woman.”

  He reached for her hand and captured her attention as he slowly brought it to his lips without breaking eye contact. “Are they for you?”

  She could feel the warmth of his lips where they hovered about her knuckles. The skin tingled, still he waited.

  “Ronnie, darlin’.”

  She swallowed the pool of saliva in her mouth and asked, “What?”

  He chuckled softly and pressed his mouth to the back of her hand, the rasp of his whiskers adding another dimension to the press of his lips and the warmth of his mouth. Her stomach clenched and an answering gathering of moisture in her center had her deciding he was the only man for her.

  But his talent between the sheets wouldn’t keep their relationship going for the long haul. They had to be compatible on other levels as well. She liked what she’d learned so far: he was considerate, had an affinity for one-word sentences, worked until he dropped, loved his brothers and their ranch.

  “I know you like my cooking.”

  His gaze never left hers as he touched the tip of his tongue between the knuckle of her forefinger and middle finger. “Better ’n Tyler’s.”

  “That’s not a compliment.” She tried to yank her hand back, but he held it firmly in his grip.

  “If you’d ever had to eat my brother’s cooking, you’d know it was. Just ask Jesse. Tyler can’t scramble up eggs without burning them, or pan fry a steak without turning it to boot leather.”

  “I haven’t made eggs for you yet and you haven’t tasted my seared steak served on top of arugula and red peppers topped with fresh grated Asiago cheese.”

  His stomach rumbled and he grinned and scooted off the bed. “Got any handy?”

  She shook her head. “Do men ever think of anything other than sex and food?”

  He stretched his arms overhead and touched the ceiling. The man was tall and broad—a feast for the eyes with all those muscles playing just beneath the skin. Her head demanded that she stop drooling over the man and get her butt back to work; she had orders to process, books to balance, and mangled stock to finish sorting through… not to mention more meals to prepare for the hungry men of the Circle G.

  “Sometimes we don’t think about either.”

  Well, now that statement had her ears perking up. “Really?”

  His smile was just this side of wicked. “Sometimes we sleep, darlin’.”

  She reached for his T-shirt and slipped it over her head. It would be work to get back into her exercise clothes and she wanted to wrap Dylan’s scent around her for a little while longer.

  “Help yourself.” He was smiling as he pulled on his jeans and followed her to the kitchen. “So are you frying up a steak for me?”

  Time to get down to business and keep one step ahead of the man, or they’d be right back where she needed to be: in his arms and in her bed. “Maybe,” she called out over her shoulder.

  Reaching for the dish detergent, she turned on the hot water and a hint of cold and began to wash her hands, careful not to get her cut wet. Drying them off, she opened the fridge and looked inside. “Hmmm, I’m not sure if I have any thawed.”

  She opened the freezer and found what she was looking for. “I’ve got two small steaks, all I have to do is thaw them.” While he watched, she took them out of their package and placed them on a plate and defrosted them in the microwave.

  Satisfied with the results, she took out her largest frying pan and coated the bottom with extra virgin olive oil and let it heat.

  “What are you doing to the steaks?”

  “Just adding crushed coarse black pepper and a spritz of salt for flavor.”

  “Before you fry them?”

  She looked up and smiled at the concentration on his face. He looked like he was trying to memorize what she was doing to replicate it sometime in the future. She wouldn’t mind having him in her kitchen while she cooked. The cracked wall around her heart shed a few more pieces.

  She cleared her throat and said, “It enhances the flavor while the steak is searing.”


  “Yes.” She smiled at her apt pupil. “At a very high heat, to brown the outside, but not overcook the inside which most people prefer rare to medium rare.”

  He grinned at her as she transferred the meat to the pan and added the pepper and bit of salt to the other side. “I prefer that mine doesn’t moo,” he drawled. “Just barely warmed would be good.”


  Her laughter got to him on a level he didn’t know existed. Watching her prepare food in her tiny kitchen, the precise way she measured, stirred, chopped, and didn’t waste any motion or time, had him realizing that she’d be a perfect permanent addition to the Garahan kitchen.

  Whoa! Don’t let’s go crazy just because the woman is amazing in bed.

  She looked up from where she’d been beating a half dozen eggs in a bowl and smiled. Hell, Son, just admit it, his grandfather’s voice bit out in his head. She’s perfect for you too.

  His head felt light; he reached out to steady himself.

  “Hey, are you OK?” Strong arms wrapped around him and guided him to the closest chair, settling him on it. “The steak’ll be ready first. Can you handle arugula and red peppers with it, or do you just want it as a side to your eggs?”

  Did he dare tell her that he heard his grandfather’s voice in his head at odd times and that it sounded so real it comforted him? “On the side.”

  Concern filled her gaze and his heart tumbled closer to the edge, perched to fall. In his mind’s eye, it was a long way to the bottom, and not knowing what awaited him there, he dug deep for the fortitude to go forward knowing that he was on the verge of falling so far so fast, that he’d been dizzy with it.

  Hell, she’d practically ripped his heart ou
t of his chest and handed it back to him while they’d been making love. She gave one hundred percent, matched him stroke for stroke, thrust for thrust.

  Ronnie set a plate brimming with food in front of him. “Dig in,” she said with a hint of a smile.

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He scooped up a forkful of fluffy eggs, chewed, swallowed, and sighed. “I might just survive.” His gaze met hers. “Thanks.”

  She turned around and flicked off the burner before the coffeepot boiled over. While it settled down, she served herself and placed the plate next to him, but she didn’t sit down.

  “Let me.” He reached for her hand. “You made breakfast. I’m man enough to admit that I ran out of energy. If my grandfather were here, he would smack me on the back of the head if I didn’t at least pour coffee for the woman who worked so hard to please me… in bed and in the kitchen.”

  “Does he still live out at the Circle G? I don’t remember meeting him.”

  Dylan paused and his gaze met hers. “When he was alive, he used to—he’s been gone for awhile.”

  Her eyes softened as she reached out to grab hold of his hand. Squeezing it, she pressed her lips to his knuckles. “My grandmother on my father’s side is the only one still alive. I miss her. She’s always reminding me to do the right thing and encouraging me to try things I’m afraid to.”

  He nodded. “If I tell you something, will you promise not to think I’m crazy?”

  “Cross my heart!” She waited, breath held.

  He’d come this far, he may as well tell her. “Sometimes I hear him talking in my head, things he used to say when he was alive.”

  Ronnie’s eyes filled and she wiped at the tears. Undone, he thanked the Lord for a woman who understood the value of family. “I know my grandmother would love to meet you, but for now, you can talk to her. She loves to tell people what to do.”

  They were both smiling when he nodded. “I just might take you up on that, but my brothers might want to talk to her too.”

  Ronnie’s laughter was light and lovely. “She will be in her glory.”

  Dylan got up and rooted through her cabinets until he found two mugs and poured their coffee. “Milk?”

  “Please,” she said, scooping up some eggs.



  He served her and gave in to temptation and rested his cheek on the top of her head, inhaling her sweet scent before he kissed the same spot. Ronnie was a woman with a heart of gold. She understood that he’d told her something private, and then offered to share what she had with her grandmother. She was definitely a keeper. He sat down and tucked into his meal.

  Take her out to the Circle G, let her loose in the kitchen; you know she belongs there…

  Is that your answer for everything, Grandpa? Take the women out to the ranch and see who’s got the grit to stick it out? Didn’t work out the first time for Tyler and me. Hell, for that matter, Jesse chose the wrong woman twice.

  That’s because none of you were thinking with your hearts.

  “Is he talking to you now?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “What’s he saying?”

  “That I should take you out to the Circle G and let you loose in our kitchen.”

  She laughed as she started to clear the table.

  He scooted her out of the way, so he could fill the sink with hot water and soapy suds.

  “This is my kitchen, damn it!”

  He could tell she wasn’t really angry. “And I’m doing your dishes, darlin’, so take a load off.”

  “You’re in my way.”

  He grinned at the picture she made. Emerald eyes flashing with pique, lips pouting, just begging to be kissed. “Hell.” He yanked her toward him and took as he pleased, filling himself to bursting with the tart-tongued taste of her. “Darlin’, I’m wonderin’ how long it’ll take until I get my fill of you.”

  She struggled out of his embrace and backed up. With a toss of her head, a strand of hair fell into her eyes. She batted it out of the way and grumbled, “Maybe I’ve had enough of you.”

  He laughed out loud; it felt so good to spar with his filly. “Liar.” And to prove it, he picked her up, pulled her to his heart, and swung them around in a circle. Dizzy with the movement, dizzier from the woman in his arms, Dylan captured her lips in a kiss that promised everything.

  She didn’t respond until his tongue stroked hers and, like a match to tinder, she erupted into flames in his arms, threatening to burn the both of them alive. He let her slip out of his arms, pressing a possessive hand to her lower back, molding her to him. “Come home with me, Ronnie, darlin’.”


  He slid his hands lower, indulging himself by cupping her taut backside and hearing the catch in her breath right before he nipped her chin. “Right now.”

  She shook her head as if to clear it. “I need to get a few things together.”

  He brushed his lips to the spot he’d nipped and slid his hands up to her waist. “That’ll give me time to get my lumber list together to finish the job downstairs. Right now, I’ve got this powerful need to see you at the Circle G… Besides, my brothers’ll be finishing up the last of the before-supper chores and will be hungry as bears.”

  “Do you think they liked what I cooked the other night enough to want more?”

  “Didn’t you see the way they tucked into that pot of meatballs and sauce?”

  She chewed on her bottom lip. “I… uh… was a little preoccupied and didn’t notice.”

  He brushed his lips across hers one last time and then set her free. “If we’re gonna get there before they get desperate enough to eat the varnish off the table, we’d best get a move on.”

  When she stared at him, he winked at her. “We’re burnin’ daylight.”

  She laughed a joyful sound that eased the worry hiding inside of him. “Give me fifteen minutes.”

  He headed toward the stairs. “Clock’s tickin’, darlin’.”

  Chapter 13

  “Are you certain your brothers won’t mind if I stay the night?”

  Dylan’s smile was slow and sensual, igniting the embers of their earlier lovemaking. “Darlin’, they’d walk on water if you’ll cook more than dinner for them. Trust me.”

  Looking up at the man riding beside her, she acknowledged the gift for what it was: a sign that she hadn’t made a mistake in trusting her body to the man, and now taking it one step further and trusting him with a bit more of herself. “I think I will.”

  He let his gaze slide to hers before focusing on the road before them. Rather than respond verbally, he grunted.

  “What’s that supposed to signify?”

  He snickered. “Lord above, now you sound like Veronica instead of Ronnie, using fancy words when just plain English will do.”

  “But I got more than a grunt out of you,” she said, crossing her arms beneath her breasts.

  “Just adds icing to the cake, darlin’.”

  She wondered if he was referring to her or their budding relationship as the cake. In the past she would have let it slide and not asked, but that was the old Ronnie. The new Ronnie asked questions when they popped into her head… and damn the consequences.

  “So, darlin’,” she said, tossing his favorite expression back at her. “Am I the cake?”

  He licked his lips and ground out. “Don’t tease a man when he’s driving.”

  Shifting on the seat next to him, she realized she’d been teasing herself as well. “You didn’t answer me.”

  He signaled and pulled off to the shoulder and put it in park. His eyes were like molten chocolate, a sign he was either ready to turn up the tension and get down to getting busy or the other less favorable reaction—he might be getting angry.

  “If you don’t want me to toss you over my shoulder and into the truck bed to have my way with you while the entire population of Pleasure drives past, giving them a view of God’s greatest creation—your amazin
g backside—then you’ll let me concentrate on driving.”

  She licked her lips and he closed his eyes and groaned. “I’m not foolin’, darlin’. Just sitting next to you knowing how quickly you shoot to peak has been messing with my mind.”

  Ronnie dared to touch the side of his face with the tips of her fingers and rasped, “I’m sorry.”

  He stiffened and moaned and reached for her. “Darlin’, you are lethal.”

  She shifted and put up her hands, warding him off. “I’ve never had this affect on anyone before. It’s kind of nice.”

  His nostrils flared and his brows lowered until he was glaring at her. “Nice ain’t got nothing to do with what I’m feeling right now.”


  He shook his head. “Doesn’t what?”

  She laughed. “Ain’t isn’t a word.”

  “The hell it ain’t,” he said, sliding back over to his side of the truck, irritation replacing the lust she’d just seen in his dark eyes.

  At least they’d get farther out of town and closer to the ranch before she dared to tease the man beside her again. She planned to get a rise out of the man again soon… very soon. Ronnie needed to feed the fires of passion flaring back to life. Her fertile mind was trying to decide just how soon she could coax the man into bed with her.

  The farther they drove, the more relaxed Dylan became. The scenery changed and the spaces opened up from the confines of town life to the acres of land owned by local ranchers. There was something about the land that called to her. Back home, she lived in suburban hell. She never really liked living on top of her neighbors, with so little space between the houses, but she hadn’t had a choice until recently, when she’d packed her truck and pointed it toward the sunset.

  “It’s really beautiful out here.”

  He made a sound of agreement deep in his throat but didn’t say anything, keeping his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel.

  Turning toward the window, she breathed deeply and was delighted with the sweet scent that filled her nostrils. “What smells so good?”

  Dylan beamed. “Home.” Putting the truck into park, he got out to open the gate and got back into drive through.


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