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The Next Play: Part Three

Page 10

by Rhyannon Byrd

  “Yeah, you did.”

  Suddenly the guy’s head shot up, and he looked at Jonah like he was crazy. “But seriously, man, what the fuck are you waiting for?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I might not know a lot about love—or anything, really—but I know you’re head-over-ass for that girl. Like gone, man. As bad as Gabe is with Denny. So why the fuck aren’t you opening up?”

  Jonah scowled again, getting a sick feeling in his stomach. “Christ, Lucas. She doesn’t need to know about that shit.”

  “Beh!” Lucas said loudly, sounding like an annoying buzzer on a game show. “Wrong answer, jackass.”

  “I’m not joking,” he forced through his clenched teeth, thinking maybe he should kick the dude’s ass after all.

  “Neither am I. That’s the kind of crap that can come back and bite you hard in the ass, Jonah. You need to man up and get it all out on the table now. Then it can’t fuck with your future.”

  “Yeah?” he scoffed. “And how the hell would you know?”

  Lucas gave him a steely stare. “Because I just know, man. I fucking study people. I may be emotionally stunted, but I’m not a robot.”

  “All right, then,” he drawled, crossing his arms over his chest as he held Lucas’s dark gaze. “Now that we’ve gone over your bullshit move with me and Jace, why don’t we use this fucking gift of ‘insight’ you’ve supposedly got to shed some light on your other bullshit move of the night?”

  The guy instantly looked wary. “And what would that be?”

  “You acting like a dick to Keaton.”

  Yeah, definitely wary. “I wasn’t a dick to her.”

  Jonah snorted. “Bro, you were.”

  Scraping a hand back through his disheveled hair, he said, “It’s…”

  “What?” Jonah laughed, arching one of his eyebrows. “Complicated? Not something you want? Too goddamn terrifying? There are a lot of possible answers here, Lucas, but you had better not say nothing, because that’s a fucking lie.”

  Lucas gave a hard swallow, squinting like he was staring into a bright light. And then he quietly said, “She’s Jack’s, man.”

  “Yeah, his sister. Not his possession. Not his woman.”

  Lucas shook his head, his gaze shuttered, jaw stiff with tension. “Naw, man. She’s too good for me.”


  “The things I’ve done,” he muttered, pushing back from the counter. “I have no business even thinking about touching her.”

  Another harsh laugh rumbled up from Jonah’s chest. “So then you think I’m too trashy for Jace?”

  Lucas grimaced. “What? Fuck no.” He moved to his feet and started pacing across the hardwood floor. “It’s not the same. You…”

  When his voice trailed off again, Jonah said, “I’m what? Stop stalling and just spit it out.”

  Lucas shot him a frustrated look from under his brows. “You haven’t fallen down the rabbit hole as far as I have.”

  Jonah didn’t know what the hell the guy was talking about, seeing as he hadn’t thought they had any secrets between them. And it was still a cop-out.

  “Doesn’t matter how far you fall,” he said, rubbing his hand over his stubble-covered jaw. “Only how hard you’re willing to work to pull yourself back out.”

  Lucas stopped pacing, and his head dropped forward as he locked his fingers behind his neck, his breaths getting deep and rough. Jonah almost thought he’d gotten through to the guy, but then Lucas gave a low laugh and turned his head, sliding him a cocky smirk. “Yeah, maybe. But I’m still having too much fun living at the bottom of the pit.”

  Jonah shook his head. “Looking at you, man, I don’t think ‘fun’ is the word I would use to describe things.”

  “I’m fine,” Lucas said, shoving his hands in his pockets as he headed back over to the breakfast bar.

  “You don’t look fine.”

  “I’m just tired.”

  “You know,” Jonah said, grabbing the coffee pot and bringing it over so he could refill their mugs, “it might not hurt to take some downtime. Stop hitting Vane nonstop. Give your junk a break and learn to slow down a little.”

  “Maybe,” Lucas murmured, reaching for his steaming coffee. There were dark circles under the guy’s bloodshot eyes, making him look…haunted. He was running, hard and fast, which was something Jonah knew a thing or two about.

  He also knew that sooner or later, all that running was going to break Lucas down and fucking destroy him.

  Hoping like hell that hadn’t already happened, he forced himself to ask the question that’d been sitting on the tip of his tongue ever since he’d opened the door and found Lucas standing there with his offering of whiskey. “Look, man, I hate to bring this up, but you don’t know anything about the texts that Jocelyn’s been getting, do you?”

  Lucas looked up from his mug, his expression one of confused surprise. “What texts?”

  Jonah took a moment to study his friend’s dark eyes, then exhaled a sharp breath of relief. “Never mind. It’s nothing.”

  “What’s going on—?” Lucas started to say, only to be cut off by a loud burst of knocking.

  “Hold that thought,” Jonah said, heading over to answer the door. “What the fuck? Did I send out a group invite that I forgot about?” he laughed, as Nic, Gabe, and Jack all walked into his apartment, making themselves at home.

  He poured coffee for everyone, and it was clear the guys were relieved to see that Lucas had manned up and already come over to apologize. It was a beautiful day, so they all took their coffees outside to sit by the pool, just casually shooting the shit, the way they often did on the weekends.

  As the morning wore on, Jonah found it getting more and more difficult to focus on the conversation, his thoughts drifting to the upcoming night. He was as nervous and excited as a teenage boy getting ready to go to prom with the homecoming queen, and it wasn’t long before the guys all started ribbing him, knowing damn well that he was thinking about his girl. Needing a distraction, he grabbed his basketball and they all headed down to the building’s indoor court, playing a few games, and then he kicked them all out, telling them he had things to do.

  Gabe was the only one who followed him back up to his apartment, since he’d left his keys out by the pool. They talked about Lucas on the elevator ride up, as well as Nic, who’d seemed a little tenser than usual. As they headed back through his front door, Jonah was surprised when Gabe smirked at him and asked, “You all ready for the big night?”

  He narrowed his eyes at the guy, wondering how in the hell Gabe knew, since he’d been careful not to say anything that might embarrass Jocelyn if it got back to her. And he figured blabbing to his friends that they were finally going to fuck like rabbits would be something she found pretty damn embarrassing. “You read minds now, man?”

  Gabe lifted his hands and laughed. “No need to start glaring at me. All I know is that you and Jace are going out on the town. Denny called her to ask if she wanted to do lunch, but Jace said she had to go shopping to get something special to wear tonight.”

  Trying not to grin like an idiot, he said, “Yeah, we’ve got plans. Davey’s going to stay with her friend Rey, so it’ll be our first official date.”

  “So then back to my original question,” Gabe drawled with lifted brows. “Are you ready?”

  “Fuck yeah.” He felt like he’d been born ready for this woman. Like he’d been waiting for this night his entire life. And once he got Gabe out of there, he had a shitload of phone calls to make, wanting everything to be perfect for her.

  Gabe grabbed his keys, laughing as he told him to just give him a call if he needed any pointers. He snorted as he told the cocky jackass to get lost, shouting after him that everything Gabe knew he’d learned from him. Then he closed the door, locked it, and headed upstairs.

  Jonah had just stripped down in his bathroom, ready to jump in the shower, when he heard his phone ring out on his dresser. Walking back i
nto his bedroom, he saw that the call was coming from the private offices at Vane, which meant it was the head guy himself.

  “Tell me you’ve got something for me, James.”

  “Well hello to you too,” James murmured in his distinctive Southern drawl. “You know, it occurs to me that I haven’t seen you in a while. Could this recent lack of attendance have anything to do with the woman getting the mysterious texts? Say, a beautiful little blonde with gorgeous tits?”

  “What the fuck?” he grunted, knowing damn well who’d blabbed.

  James gave a knowing laugh. “I shared a bottle of Scotch with Lucas the other night. And don’t worry, I didn’t mention the texts, since you asked me to keep that information between me, you, and Harrison. But Lucas was highly descriptive when he told me about the new lady in your life.”

  “Fucking gossipers,” he muttered. And if he ever caught the jackass staring at Jocelyn’s rack, he’d fucking gouge his eyes out. James loved big, soft breasts, and his girl’s tits were the most perfect Jonah had ever seen.

  “I’m happy for you, Jonah. Even if it means I’m probably losing one of my most popular members.”

  “Thanks, man. But something tells me you weren’t calling to get the lowdown on my love life.”

  And look at that, he thought with a smile. I just said the word “love” without flinching.

  Unfortunately, the smile slid right off his face when James got to the point of his call. “We should have that list compiled for you by Monday, but I thought you’d want to know that someone’s trying to dig up dirt on you.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I’ve had three employees come to me this morning, and each one has recently been contacted on their home numbers by an unknown caller seeking information about you.”

  Working his jaw, he growled, “What kind of information?”

  “The personal kind. As in who you fuck, when you fuck them, and how often.”

  “Motherfucker,” he cursed on a harsh exhale, his free hand curling into a tight fist.

  “Yeah,” James murmured. “That’s pretty much what I said.”

  “Was it a man or a woman?”

  “The calls were made by both. So it could be a couple who’s working together.”

  “Or someone trying to cover their tracks. Shit, for all we know this brunette bitch who’s been snooping around could be working for some bastard who has a grudge against me.”

  “True. But from what you told me about the texts, they don’t feel like a scorned husband or boyfriend, who would probably be looking for a physical confrontation with you.”

  “Just because you like to talk with your fists, man, doesn’t mean that every guy feels that way.”

  James laughed. “Are you calling me a Neanderthal?”

  “Hey, I’m not knocking it. I’m just saying that not all guys react the same. Which means we really don’t have jack at this point.”

  “We’ll find something soon. I’ve got my security team on high alert, and they’re going at this thing from every angle. But the calls make me think that maybe the person behind the texts and these phone calls isn’t someone you’ve had contact with here. If it were, it seems they’d know more about what you’ve gotten up to here.”

  “Fuck, you’re right.”

  “You piss anyone off in the business world lately?”

  “Nothing that would warrant this kind of crap.”

  James sighed. “Then maybe it really is someone from Vane. Someone new, who’s fixated on you for one reason or another. I mean, it’s not like you’re the only pretty face with a big dick who performs on my stages.” James’s throaty laughter rumbled over the phone. “Hell, whoever it is, maybe they’ve just got a thing for arrogant redheads.”

  “I’m glad you can find this amusing,” he muttered. “Meanwhile, some asshole is fucking with my life.”

  “Yeah, I know, man. Just stay sharp, but try not to worry. I’ve always considered you a friend, and I don’t let my friends down. We’ll have an answer soon.”

  “Thanks, James. I appreciate the help.”

  “Anytime,” James replied. “And don’t be shy about bringing your little blonde in to meet me.”

  “Dream on, jackass,” he said in a wry drawl. “I’ve seen how women get around you.”

  They ended the call, and Jonah set the phone down, a frustrated curse on his lips as he headed back into the bathroom and climbed into the shower.

  Bracing his hands against the tiled wall, he lowered his head, letting the water pour down over him while he worked this fucking nightmare over in his head.

  He might not have any answers right then, but this bastard couldn’t hide forever. No matter what it took, Jonah was determined to find whoever it was that had decided to screw with him.

  No way in hell was he letting anything ruin what he and Jocelyn were building.

  Not the asshole behind the texts. Not his old man. Not his friends.

  And sure as fuck not the screwed-up choices that he’d made.


  Taking one last look at herself in her bedroom mirror, Jocelyn couldn’t have been more pleased with the results. The little black, strapless dress she’d picked up while out shopping with Rey was sexy and edgy, while still being incredibly feminine. She’d kept her make-up natural, with glossy nude lips and shimmering gold on her eyes, then added extra coats of black mascara. Rey had loaned her the perfume she’d bought while in Sicily with Mitch last year, and it smelled delicious, as well as the black heels she was wearing, the bows on the back making her feel like she belonged on a catwalk.

  It was by far the most provocative look she’d ever pulled off, and when she heard Jonah knock on her front door, Jocelyn crossed her fingers in the hopes that he would like it as much as she did.

  “Fuck me,” he breathed out in a husky rumble when she opened the door, his greedy gaze moving over every part of her, taking her in like he was trying to commit the way she looked to memory.

  She slid him a shy smile, thinking his reaction couldn’t have been more perfect. “I plan to.”

  His gaze shot up, locking hard with hers, the hunger burning in those heavy-lidded, beautiful blue eyes so intense it made her knees shake.

  She took a moment to look him over as well, and thought he looked gorgeous in his gray trousers and sexy black shirt, his auburn hair brushed back from his chiseled face and a few days’ worth of dark stubble on his rugged jaw. He was so big and solid and deliciously male, and she’d never been so in awe of someone as she was at that moment. He was there for her, looking like he wanted to eat her alive, and she didn’t understand how any of this had happened. How everything between them had gone from being such a disaster, to this. To what she hoped, with every part of her, was going to be one of the most incredible nights of her life.

  He strode forward, closing the distance between them, and caught her up in his arms, spinning her around in the middle of the hallway. “Look at you,” she whispered, grinning up into his handsome face, “already sweeping me off my feet.”

  His chest shook with a low, sexy laugh. “You haven’t seen anything yet, baby,” he husked, casting a quick look down the hallway for Davey, before he lowered his head and stole a blisteringly hot, lush kiss from her lips. He stepped back as soon as he heard Davey coming down the hall, and her son gave an excited shout the second he spotted him.

  “Jonah!” Despite wearing the little backpack he was using as an overnight bag, Davey ran at him full tilt. He caught her son up in his arms and swung him around too, making Davey laugh so hard his little face turned pink. While Jocelyn grabbed the small bag that she’d packed from her bedroom, Davey chatted away like crazy, telling Jonah all about the movie he’d watched with Piper that afternoon, and how one of his friends at his preschool had just gotten a new puppy. When she joined them, Jonah took her bag, carrying it over one shoulder, while he held a giggling Davey perched over the other one, and she couldn’t keep the smile off
her face as they made their way down to the street.

  They loaded an excited Davey into the backseat of Jonah’s new car, then drove him over to Rey and Mitch’s. The second the couple answered the door, Davey gave her and Jonah hugs, then ran off to play with Piper in her room. Turning to Rey, who looked adorable in a pair of overalls and French braids, Jocelyn threw her arms around her and gave her a quick hug. “Thanks so much for doing this.”

  “Anytime,” Rey said with a warm smile as they moved apart. “And, girl, you look freaking gorgeous.”

  She blushed so hard she could feel the heat in her face. “Thanks, Rey.” As Jonah took hold of her hand, she added, “And we’ll return the favor for you and Mitch whenever you want.”

  “Awesome,” Rey said, waggling her brows as she grinned up at her husband. “I haven’t been wined and dined in forever.”

  “I’ll wine and dine you as soon as the kids fall asleep,” Mitch promised with a playful growl, wrapping his arms around his laughing wife.

  They said their goodbyes, and she loved that everyone genuinely seemed to like each other. The plans were still on for all of them to have dinner together at Jonah’s place on Monday night, and she was looking forward to it. Plus, she was excited to finally see his apartment, since she’d only made it as far as the gym on Monday. Given how beautiful the building was, she had a feeling it was going to be stunning.

  “Where are we going for dinner?” she asked, as they slipped back into the luxurious SUV, the seats so comfortable it was like riding on a cloud.

  Jonah slid her an adorably crooked, boyish smile. “It’s a surprise.”

  They spent a few moments talking about some of the things they wanted to discuss with the Fillmore team during the meetings that were scheduled for the following week, but the conversation quickly moved away from work, since that seemed to be the last thing that either of them wanted to be thinking about at the moment. Instead, they talked about maybe flying into Los Angeles first, before heading down to San Diego to see Sean and Natalie, so that they could spend a few days at Disneyland. Jocelyn hadn’t had a vacation since the ones she’d gone on with her mom and dad when she was in high school, and she couldn’t wait to get away from the city for a bit and just unwind.


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