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Page 5

by Brenda Rothert

She nodded. “I think I’ll go down and watch practice for a bit if you don’t mind. Just getting out of this office for a bit will help. I’ll be okay when I get back.”

  Killian cocked his head at me, tilting it toward the open doorway. I followed him into the hallway, hoping he didn’t plan to continue our argument from the other night.

  “You want one of my t-shirts?” he asked. “I’d give you this one, but it’s sweaty.”

  I looked down at my brown-stained chest. I kept extra clothes in my New York office, but hadn’t gotten around to bringing anything here.

  “That’d be nice. I’d go home and change, but I have a meeting at eleven.”

  “I’ll bring one up.”

  I fell into step beside him. “I can just come down with you. Thanks for the save, by the way.”

  He glanced over and grinned. “No problem. I take it that was Keri who screamed?”

  “Yeah. She’s mortified by the whole thing, I can tell.”

  “That scared the shit out of me. I thought someone was up here hurting you guys or something. I took my skates off in about five seconds.”

  His concern and chivalry warmed me. I’d never had a man run to my rescue. Mostly because I’d never needed it, but he didn’t know that. I would’ve caught the rat myself. It wouldn’t have been the most pleasant part of my day, and it probably would’ve involved putting a bucket over it until an exterminator arrived, but I would’ve taken care of it.

  “You weren’t scared of it,” he said as we walked down the concrete arena stairs.


  “What are you scared of, it not rats?”

  I didn’t even have to think before answering. “Failure. That’s the only thing that scares me.”

  We were at the bottom of the stairs now, and Killian stopped and looked me over. I saw admiration in his expression. “You’re something else, Sidney Stahl.”

  “So are you, Captain.”

  Orion came around a corner and saw us. His brow furrowed when he noticed Killian’s bare chest.

  “Just helping with a rat in the office,” Killian said. “We used our shirts to catch it.”

  “There’s a rat in there?” Orion eyed the shirt balled up in Killian’s fist.

  “No, uh … Liam caught it.” Killian pulled his shirt back on over his head.

  We hadn’t been doing anything wrong, so why did I feel like we’d been busted? I smiled at Orion and crossed my arms over my coffee-soaked chest, hoping nothing beneath my sweater was showing.

  “The team’s looking good, Coach,” I said. “And I hope we’ll see you and Samara at the fundraiser Saturday night.”

  “Oh, we’ll be there for sure … I have to run, I’ve got an interview to get to.”

  He nodded and headed back down the hallway he’d come from. Killian and I walked the rest of the way to the locker room in silence.

  “Hang on,” he said when we got to the door. He went inside and as soon as the door closed I heard him yell.

  “There’s a lady comin’ in, boys! Cover your junk.”

  The door opened again and I stepped inside.

  “I can wait out here,” I said. “I mean, you can just grab one.”

  “Come on in. The place is almost empty anyway.”

  The locker room was neat and quiet. The dark carpet with the blue and white Flyers logo in its center was swept perfectly clean.

  Killian approached an open wood locker along the wall and grabbed two folded up t-shirts.

  “You want a Flyers one or one from my college team?”

  “Uh, you pick,” I said.

  He handed me a gray one. “This one’s smaller. I’ll guard the stall if you want to change in here.”

  I felt another player looking at us. “I’ll change in the bathroom. Thank you for loaning me the shirt. I’ll return it.”

  I turned and left the locker room. Liam was walking in the door as I was walking out.

  “Thanks,” I said. He nodded at me silently.

  I went right to the bathroom, where I took off my sweater and replaced it with Killian’s Penn State Hockey shirt. It carried his scent – a mix of leather hockey gloves and his cologne. I was alone, so I let myself inhale it for a few seconds before leaving the bathroom. Though I could have sent Nicole to my condo to get me a new shirt, I knew I wouldn’t. Killian and I were never going to happen for several reasons. Mostly because it would be unethical, but also because we were completely wrong for each other. But I could admit to myself that I found him very sexy and this shirt was as close as I’d ever be getting to him…and I planned to wear it as long as possible.


  I had no reason to go up to Sid’s office. I’d lifted weights, showered and packed for the upcoming road trip. It was time for me to go home and do my laundry. But, here I was walking through the open area in her office where a door should’ve been.

  “How’s it going?” I asked Barb, one of Sid’s assistants. She reminded me of my mom, her short brown hair sprinkled with gray.

  “Good. It’s been quiet since this morning. Guess we got all the excitement out of the way early today.”

  I smiled and picked up a heavy silver paperweight from the edge of her desk, turning it around in my hand.

  “Did you want to see Sidney?” Barb asked. “She’s in between meetings, so I think she’s free.”

  “Yeah, if she’s not busy.”

  Barb got up from her chair and walked to the door to Sid’s office, knocking softly.

  “Come in,” Sid said from inside.

  “Killian Bosch to see you,” Barb said, sticking her head in the open doorway.

  “Send him in, please.”

  Barb waved me over and opened the door so I could walk in. Sid’s other assistant Nicole was sitting in a chair in front of Sid’s desk, a notebook in her hand.

  “Hey, Killian,” Nicole said, a purr in her voice. “Have a seat.” She patted the chair next to her.

  Sid glared at her blonde assistant, but Nicole didn’t even notice.

  “So, verify that the right dresses and coats were sent and then pick up those groceries, please,” Sid said. “And if you can grab my dry cleaning, too, you’ll be done for the day after that.”

  “No problem,” Nicole said, smiling as I sat down in the other chair in front of Sid’s desk.

  “Hi,” I said to Sid, admiring the way she looked in my shirt. It was baggy on her, but it was mine and she was wearing it, which did something unexpected for me. Seeing her dark red hair against the gray fabric made me instantly hot for her.

  “Hi.” The corners of her lips tugged up a little in a smile.

  “How’s it going?” Nicole asked, breaking the invisible current of electricity between me and Sid.

  “Nicole,” Sid said sharply. Her assistant gave her an innocent stare. “Thanks. I think that covers everything.”

  Nicole jumped up and left the room without another word, and Sid rolled her eyes as the door closed.

  “Thanks again for the shirt,” she said. “How was practice and training this morning?”

  “The usual. How’s work?”

  “The usual.”

  “So the charity thing this weekend,” I said, clearing my throat. It’d been a long damn time since I’d asked a woman out. “You wanna go together?”

  She just looked at me for a second before answering. “That would probably send the wrong message.”

  “To who, me?” I arched a brow at her.

  She smiled. “No, to everyone else. And I have a friend coming into town who will go with me Saturday.”

  Was it Lance, the guy I’d seen in photos with her online?

  “Okay,” I said, shrugging. “So I guess I’ll see you around.”

  “You’ll still be there, right?”


  “See you there, then.”

  Chapter 4


  I caught a glimpse of my gown in a mirror on the wall of the hotel lobby. It was the pe
rfect shade of Flyers blue. Lucky I’d already had it in my New York closet and it had been shipped here on time.

  “This place is shabby,” Lance said, looking around as we walked into the hotel’s ballroom.

  “This is Indy, not New York,” I reminded him. “And I like it.”

  “It’s old.”

  “In a good way. I’ll take a restored building like this over a new build any day. They don’t make gorgeous stone structures like this anymore.”

  He pulled me close. “I’ve missed my real estate expert. You sure we can’t skip this and go back to your place, gorgeous?”

  “Of course not.” I pulled away and smoothed out my dress. “Things between us are strictly platonic now. You know that.”

  “Can’t we be friends with benefits?”

  “No, we can’t.”

  “I’ve missed you, Sidney.” Lance gave me a scolding look. “Haven’t you missed me?”

  “I’ve been super busy. All I do is work and sleep.” In other words, no.

  “What’s happening to us?”

  “We broke up eight months ago, Lance.”

  “I really thought the break would bring us closer together.”

  “I don’t want a relationship right now – not with you or anyone.”

  He glanced around, looking nervous. “Let’s not have this conversation right now, sweetheart. I came a long way and I just want us to have a good time.”

  I suppressed a sigh. Lance had never listened to me when we were together, and nothing had changed since we broke up.

  “I’ll get the drinks,” he said, walking away.

  We fell into the familiar routine, a routine that was borne from knowing one another for so long. From the time we first became a couple, he never asked what I wanted to drink. He liked the familiarity of knowing that I’d always have a white wine. But, unfortunately, tonight I didn’t.

  Tonight, though, drinking a glass of wine I didn’t want was preferable to an argument. I wished I hadn’t agreed to let Lance come with me tonight. What I really wanted was to be here alone.

  A hand on my back made me stiffen with awareness. Wrong as it was, I wanted it to be Killian.

  “Hey,” Keri said, squeezing me in a hug.

  I smiled, not letting my disappointment show. “Keri, look at you. You look spectacular.”

  She wore a form fitting sequined gown in the same Flyers blue I was wearing. Her hair was swept to one side, with elegant waves flowing over one shoulder.

  “Thanks, you look great, too. That color is perfect with your red hair.” She gave me a nod of approval and then glanced discreetly around, “What’s Lance doing here?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Long story. He just wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “Impressive, since you usually deliver a pretty convincing no.”

  I couldn’t tell her I’d caved because I knew having Lance with me tonight was a guarantee there was no way I could leave with Killian. He’d been on my mind constantly, and I was pretty sure seeing him in a tux would affect my sex drive about the same way his suit had.

  “Those boys better show up here clean cut and sober, or heads are gonna roll,” Keri said sweetly.

  I nodded my agreement, once again grateful that Keri had agreed to uproot her life in New York to come here with me. It was an open-ended arrangement, but not once had she asked when we might be going home. She was like me – single and driven.

  A server approached with a tray of bubbly champagne flutes.

  “Want one?” Keri asked, reaching for two glasses.


  “Hey, Shuck cleans up nice,” she said, sounding surprised, as she caught a glimpse of our goaltender across the room. “He must’ve borrowed a comb from someone.”

  I laughed and was about to respond when I was stopped cold by the sight of Killian. He was perfect in his tux, clean shaven with his short blond hair perfectly groomed. He was crazy hot and I’d wager that every woman in the room had noticed him.

  My heart beat wildly as he approached. I thought it might stop altogether when I saw the woman next to him. She wore a strappy gown that showed way too much skin, but there was no denying she was beautiful. Petite and toned, she had long black hair piled into curls on top of her head.

  He was going to fuck her tonight, and the thought gave me a hot, clawing sense of panic. He’d slide down those shoulder straps and put his mouth all over her bronzed skin.

  I tilted the champagne flute and drained it in one go.

  “Thirsty?” Keri muttered.

  “Sidney, Keri, great to see you,” Killian said, laying his hand on the back of his date’s back. “You both look great tonight. This is Celia.”

  “Hey,” Celia said, grinning brightly and waving.

  Lance joined us just then and handed me a glass of wine. “Your favorite, sweetheart.”

  I sipped it, an awkward silence falling around us.

  Killian extended his hand to Lance. “Killian Bosch.”

  Lance shook his hand. “Lance Holt.”

  “Are you Sidney’s boyfriend?” Killian asked.

  After a beat of silence, I answered. “No. He’s an old friend.”

  Lance’s grin disappeared. “A friend who’s been inside you,” he murmured just loud enough for everyone to hear.

  My lips parted with shock and I turned to speak quietly to Lance, “You did not just say that. I knew I never should have let you come here tonight. You are embarrassing me.”

  “Sorry, I forgot – you control all,” he said sarcastically.

  Thankfully the waiter appeared again and Celia swept two glasses of champagne from his tray, taking a sip from one and then the other. “Can you believe this stuff is free? It’s not my favorite, but if it’s free and it’ll get me drunk, I’ll take it!”

  In a matter of a minute the evening had gone south and it was hard to decide who was the more embarrassing, Lance or Celia.

  Taking charge of the situation as only a seasoned PR person could do, Keri said, “Sid, why don’t I take you to meet the charity’s CEO?” Taking my arm she said, “We’ll be back.”

  “That was awkward,” I said softly when we were out of hearing range.

  “Lance is being a tool,” she said.

  “As usual, I might add. And I own shoes that are smarter than Killian’s date.”

  Keri laughed and nodded in the direction of a tall, silver-haired man nearby. “Max Martin. CEO of the charity. You ready to meet him?”

  I nodded. “I certainly am. A distraction from the personal stuff would be more than welcome right now.”

  Hopefully I could dodge Lance until it was time for dinner. He was acting like an insecure idiot and seeing Killian had only reinforced how right I was to have broken up with him. I’d never really felt a strong, definitive spark with Lance and his antics tonight killed any feelings I might have had for him. But with Killian, I felt a bolt of lightning that was almost too powerful to resist.


  Sidney had a way with people. I didn’t even have to hear what she was saying to the circle of people clustered around her to know why they were all smiling. She was engaging – involving them in conversation, asking them questions, and then laughing and nodding as she listened to their responses.

  Celia, on the other hand, was chattering about the great new spray tan place she’d found.

  “No tan lines,” she’d proclaimed, waggling her brows up and down.

  “Cool,” I said, sipping from my bottle of beer.

  “I’m so glad you called me,” she continued. “I was starting to think you never would. I gave you my number like three weeks ago.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been pretty busy recently.”

  “You want to come and look at the silent auction stuff with me? I saw a gift certificate for a manicure place I want to bid on.”

  I nodded toward Liam. “Why don’t you go check it out and I’ll catch up with you? I’ve gotta talk to Liam for a minute.”

  “’Kay,” she said, as she walked carefully away in her sky-high heels.

  I was relieved to have a break from her, which brought on a stab of guilt. I hadn’t planned on bringing a date tonight until I’d asked Sid to come with me. And when she told me she already had a date, I’d immediately decided to come up with one, too.

  It was a shitty and immature move. And now I was stuck with Celia for the night.

  My gaze went to Sidney and our eyes met. An invisible string seemed to draw us close together. She grabbed two glasses of champagne from a server’s tray and walked over to me, handing me one.

  “Do I get you to myself for a little bit?” I asked.

  She smiled and sipped the champagne. “I wish it could be longer.”

  “Well, it could’ve been if you’d let me bring you here tonight,” I reminded her.

  “Trust me, you wouldn’t have wanted to bring me as your date. I’m not your type.”

  I gave her an amused glance. “You too rich for me, boss?”

  “Too stuffy,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m Gucci, and you like hoochie.”

  I threw my head back and laughed. “Hoochie, huh? Is that what you think of me?”

  She shrugged, a hint of sadness crossing her face. “I can tell you for certain that Celia and I are as different as night and day. For one thing, she seems rather agreeable to everything.”

  I couldn’t keep from grinning as I tipped my glass up and drained it.

  “What’s so bad about that?” I said in a low tone. “Only one person can be in control, and when I’m with a woman, it’s me.”

  “Hmm.” She glanced around the room, looking at everything but me. “I suppose she’s perfect for you, then. I didn’t peg you for a man who just likes a woman to lay on her back and moan.”

  My cock shifted to attention. Sid’s passive-aggressive, sexually-charged words made me want to wrap my hand around her long, sleek ponytail and pull. I wanted to devour the milky-white skin on her neck.

  I slid closer to her, about to murmur a response in her ear, when Lance appeared and wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “Sweetheart, Tom Ellsworth is here. Let’s go say hello.”

  “You go ahead,” she said. “I’ll be over in a bit.”


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