Book Read Free

Promised to a Highland Laird

Page 3

by Sky Purington

  “I did know that,” he conceded. “And yer right, I did want yer take on it. I wanted to better understand ye and mayhap yer life.” He gave her the sort of mischievous grin that made most lasses swoon. “Can ye blame me for doing my research?”

  “No, I suppose not,” she replied, a small smile hovering on her lips. “Just so long as we’re honest with each other from here on out.” Her brows shot up with curiosity. “Can you do that, Graham? Can we skip all the BS I know we’re muddling through with the MacLomain, Broun connection and save-Scotland’s-history thing and just be honest with each other? Because I sure would like one person in all this that tells it to me straight.” She shrugged. “If something’s on your mind just say it, don’t dance around it.”

  He couldn’t stop a smile if he tried. Where had she been all his life? Clearly not in medieval Scotland.

  “Aye, lass.” He nodded and kept smiling. “I would verra much like us to be honest with each other.”

  “So would I.” Her eyes lingered on his for a moment, her smile just as wide as she nodded then looked ahead again. “Good, I’m glad we got all that awkward stuff out of the way.”

  Graham nodded and kept grinning. About the last thing he expected to find when he traveled to the future was a lass like Christina. It almost seemed too good to be true. She was most certainly the one that should be meant for him, and he said as much. “So will ye travel back in time with me, lass?” He gestured at the ring. “Will ye agree to be mine so we can ignite the gem’s magic, and defeat our warlock?”

  Christina stopped short, a hint of amusement in her narrowed eyes. “Are you tryin’ to skip all the fun stuff to get to the boring stuff?”

  “The fun stuff to get to the boring stuff?” More confused by the moment, he cocked his head. “Shouldn’t it be skip the fun stuff to get to the better stuff?”

  “Not in my experience.” She chuckled, following his meaning. “Though I’ll say up front I’m happy that it has been for you.” That same smirk still hovered on her lips. “So there’s been nothing but flirting, fun, happiness and then great sex with all your women, huh?”

  Maybe not now but most certainly at one time. So he kept being honest.

  “Aye.” He winked. “Verra good sex.”

  “Hmm.” She twisted her lips and eyed him up and down with appreciation again. “I really do get it.”

  They met each other’s smiles, not a bit of discomfort between them as they discussed things that would be entirely inappropriate with any lass from his time. More than that, anything he would ever talk so casually about with a lass he just met.

  “So back to fun stuff not becoming better stuff betwixt us as we move forward together and try to save my country.” He considered her. “Are ye up for it, lass?”

  She seemed to contemplate it as she continued eying him. “So let me get this straight. You want to skip all the love and sex and see if we can get out of this ring-binding thing while we pretend to be together?”

  “More the pity on the sex part but aye,” he said. “What about ye? Do ye want to move forward with me and take control of our own destiny rather than have anyone or,” he glanced at her ring, “anything dictate it for us?”

  She crossed her arms over her ample enough chest and tapped her foot as she thought about it. “Y’know what, Graham, I reckon I do.” She shook her head. “But can it be done? Can we be together without actually being together?”

  “I think ‘tis best that we give it a try.” He nodded, more sure of this quickly hatched plan by the moment. “Just as long as ye realize we cannae truly be together.”

  “That sounds doable.” Yet he saw the curiosity in her eyes. “So what gives? Are you in love with someone your kin has forbidden?” Her eyes rounded in intrigue. “Secretly married?”

  “Is it so important to know?” He remained perfectly honest with her. “Because I would rather not share quite yet.” Graham issued his most charming smile. “Right now, ‘twould be best if, by the time we return to the house, we could say we’re smitten and desire one another.” He shook his head. “And no one else.”

  Christina’s full, perfectly shaped lips twisted as she considered his offer. “What’ll happen if we don’t?” Her foot tapped a little faster. “Is Bryce gonna want me?” She cocked her head. “And is he a real dragon?”

  “Half dragon,” he said, sure to sound grave. “But aye, the MacLeod can easily shift into a ferocious beastie.” He shook his head. “One that is frightening to behold.”

  A little smirk returned to her lips as she listened to him. “You’re exaggerating, aren’t you?”

  “Nay.” His brows flew up. “I’ve seen my cousin embrace his dragon, quite recently in fact, and ‘twas terrifying.”

  Her smile didn’t budge, and her bonnie eyes never wavered from his. “You’re determined to play this up I see.” She stepped a bit closer, her tone that of a co-conspirator as she looked right then left before she met his eyes again. “All right, I’m game.” She pointed between them. “You and me. How do we go about it without everyone knowing we’re trying to trick ‘em?” She held up her hand between them and eyed the ring. “And what about this?”

  “I think, for starters, we let my cousins see how intense the attraction is betwixt us already.” He nodded. While he had intended to spend more time getting to know her, it really wasn’t necessary now. She was on board with deceiving everyone, and that’s exactly what he needed.

  “Wow, glad to see you’re decisive,” she commented, but he could tell she approved. “Just wondering...won’t your kin see right through it? Especially your sister?”

  “Nay, they havenae been around me enough to know better,” he provided.

  “Ah.” She gave him a knowing look. “So you really are off with lots of women.” Her look turned sly. “Or one extra special top secret mystery gal.”

  “I didnae say that,” he denied.

  “You didn’t have to,” she said with approval, eying him over again. “Like I said, it makes sense.”

  He smiled. “Thank ye.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Yer quite bonnie yerself,” he said, comfortable with how frank they were with each other.

  She grinned, and said, “Hell if I don’t know it,” before she promptly apologized to her granny for cursing.

  “So we are in agreement then?” he said, still dishing out his most charming smile though he knew he didn’t have to. “We were smitten the moment we met, and refuse to be with anyone else.”

  “That sounds about right.” She held out her hand. “Walk back with me authentic-like then?”

  “’Twould be my pleasure.” He slipped his hand into hers, caught off guard by how soft it felt. “What will we say when we get back? We’ve only known each other for a verra short time.”

  “Isn’t that all it takes?” Christina gave him a pointed look as she wiggled her ring finger. “From what I’ve learned, this thing’s supposed to declare us together so why don’t we let it?”

  Intrigued, he murmured, “Go on.”

  “Well, who says we don’t see this gem matching your eyes from the get go?” She peered at it mockingly and squinted. “Not sure what you see, but it’s a rich dark brown as far as I can tell.” She grinned at him. “The exact same shade as your eyes, I’d say.”

  Something about her smiling at him made it impossible to do anything but smile in return.

  “Aye.” He nodded, peering at it. “’Tis verra much the shade of my eyes.”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “I thought meeting you and facing this whole MacLomain, Broun thing was gonna be a lot harder,” she said. “And a whole lot scarier.” Relief lit her eyes. “But it’s not.” Her smile only grew warmer as their eyes held. “Thanks for that, Graham. For making this feel so normal.”

  “Aye, my thanks to ye as well,” he replied, feeling the same way about her. “’Tis no easy thing knowing yer expected to fall in love. ‘Tis unnatural in some ways, in my opinion.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she exclaimed and shook her head. “I still find it hard to believe Mil and Linds fell so hard so fast. Sure, maybe in Mil’s case but Linds is a huge stretch. She swore up and down she’d never hook up with a guy. Not like that.” Her eyes met his as they walked. “You saw it all happen, didn’t you? First Mil and Adlin then Linds and Conall?”

  “Aye, a good part of it in both cases.”

  “And?” She watched him closely. “Did it seem unnatural?” Her eyes narrowed. “What you saw happen between my friends and your cousins? Were the connections they made somehow against their will?”

  “Och, nay.” He shook his head. “What I saw betwixt my kin and yer friends was genuine. ‘Twas verra real from nearly the moment they met.” His eyes stayed with hers. “But such cannae happen with me. ‘Tis important ye ken that.”


  “Understand,” he explained.

  “Ah.” She nodded. “I ken then. Totally get it. No worries.”

  Based on the look in her eyes, she meant it, and he couldn’t be more grateful.

  “So what happens next?” she asked.

  “After we reconnect with Rona, Blair, and Jim, we travel back in time.”

  She flinched. “Are you sure there isn’t any way we could pull this off from right here in New Hampshire?”

  “Nay, Christina.” He stopped and made sure her eyes stayed with his, so she understood how serious he was. “Ye face many things, lass. Love being the least of the threats.”

  “Right.” She sighed. “Evil.”

  “Aye, and ‘tis verra real,” he said. “That’s why ‘tis so important to leave and return to Adlin and Grant. They are the strongest of us all and ‘tis best to travel alongside them if possible.”

  “And where is it we’ll be traveling again?”

  He could tell she was trying to seem unaffected by all this. Trying to put on a brave face.

  “First, if all goes as it should, to my home,” he replied. “MacLomain Castle.”

  “Adlin’s castle,” she said. “Right?”

  “Aye.” He nodded. “I’m his first-in-command.”

  “So unlike the rest of your male cousins, you’re not a chieftain.”

  “That’s right.” He grinned. “’Tis a rather simple life all things considered.”

  “Somehow I doubt that,” she said softly. As her eyes lingered on his, he swore for a moment she saw deeper, that she caught a glimpse of things she should not.

  Jim’s muffled words drifted through the forest, interrupting the unexpected connection. He and Graham’s kin were nearly back.

  “Are ye sure yer up for this?” Graham asked her again.

  “I am.” She nodded. “Just as long as you’ll stay by my side no matter what.”

  He was touched by how much trust she already put in him.

  “Aye.” He nodded. “I will, to the verra best of my ability. Ye have my word.”

  She grinned, clearly trying to find humor rather than fear in all she faced. “You mean you have my word.”

  “Nay, I mean ye have my word.” He chuckled and pulled her after him. “Come, lass. ’Tis nearly time for us to play our parts.”

  They had almost reached the oak in front of the house when Rona, Blair, and Jim appeared out of the forest. Everyone’s eyes immediately fell to Graham and Christina’s hands.

  It didn’t take long for their interest to turn to doubt as they approached.

  “Well, that happened fast, Cousin,” Blair commented, her eyes flickering from Christina’s face to his. “Faster than usual, that is.”

  “Aye.” He nodded as Jim shot Christina an odd look then headed inside. “We’re verra lucky.” He pulled her against his side and wrapped an arm around her slender shoulders, pleased by how well her height suited his. “’Twas instant betwixt us.”

  “I can see that.” Blair’s eyes narrowed. “How...convenient.” Her brows drew together. “Christina’s gem still looks clear to me.”

  “Aye, but it isnae,” Graham assured. “’Tis the color of my eyes.” He shrugged. “Mayhap ye dinnae see it yet because of the warlocks’ influence over its creation.” He smiled at Christina. “But my lass and I see it, and that’s all that matters.”

  “Good then.” Rona smiled at them, her gaze less doubting and more interested than anything. “The gem’s glow can only help things.”

  He was a little surprised his sister wasn’t more doubtful. But then, her attitude, in general, had changed since their last adventure. Though he wouldn’t call her chipper she was far less dour. Not only that but she was here in New Hampshire. Truth told, whether it was Grant asking or not, that she had finally left Conall’s side in medieval Scotland spoke volumes.

  “Aye, ‘tis good the gem glows the color of Graham’s eyes,” Blair murmured, clearly not convinced. “Though I didnae think these MacLomain, Broun connections happened quite that fast.”

  “Well, we’re living proof it can happen that fast,” Christina began before Jim appeared at the door, worry in his eyes as he said, “We’ve got a problem, Christina.”

  Her eyes whipped his way as if she knew what was coming. “Oh, no, tell me she’s still in there...”

  “Can’t do that. I’ve checked the whole damn house, and she’s gone.” He shook his head, upset. “Jessie’s nowhere to be found.”

  Chapter Three

  “SONOFABITCH,” CHRISTINA MUTTERED as she flew through the house, determined to find Jessie. “I leave for ten damn minutes and she up and vanishes!”

  “Her car’s still where you parked it down by the ranch,” Jim announced as he reentered a short time later.

  “I could’ve told you that because it was sitting there when Graham and I walked that way.” She planted her fists on her hips and eyed the untouched tea on the coffee table then Jessie’s faithful chair by the fire. “She must’ve gone for a walk and all the power to her for doing it considering she barely moves from that thing.”

  Rona and Blair were already out looking, but Graham had stayed by her side, claiming no Broun lass should be left alone. She glanced his way as she pulled on a heavy hoodie and running sneakers. “I’m going out looking for her.” Her eyes went to Jim. “Stay here in case she returns.”

  He nodded and tossed Christina her cell phone. “Keep in touch and be careful. Bad weather’s coming in pretty soon.”

  “You got it.” She glanced at Graham as she did some warm up stretches. “You should stay here too. I move fast.”

  Already at the door, he shook his head. “Not a chance.”

  She eyed his heavy boots and fur cloak. “You’re not dressed for running, darlin’. You’ll only slow me down.”

  Not daunted in the least it seemed, Graham tossed aside his fur and held open the door for her. “After ye, lass.”

  “All right then.” She nodded thanks as she strode past then started jogging before she picked up the pace and let her instincts take over. Her brand of magic.

  Jessie had a unique essence about her. One that seemed to magnify everything around her. Scents. Texture. Even the way light worked. That’s what Christina focused on now as she sprinted through the darkening woods.

  Though she never detected anything that would lead her in that direction her feet carried her to Mystery Hill. It was almost as if she was stuck on autopilot when she ended up in the same exact spot she had run into Graham earlier.

  “’Tis far tighter than it seemed when we met here before,” Graham commented as he ducked in and crouched rather than remain slumped over.

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered as she moved her cell’s flashlight around. “Why did she lead me here?”

  “Who?” He frowned as he watched her. “Jessie?”

  “Yeah.” When she realized what she said, she shook her head. “I mean no.”

  It was enough to realize she was almost out of the ‘witchy’ closet never mind flat out admitting it.

  “I thought we agreed to be h
onest with each other, lass,” he said softly.

  The way he said it made the fine hairs on her arms and neck stand on end. Almost as if there was a unique electrical charge between them. One that made her a little too aware of him. Funny how she could keep Graham and all his hotness in perspective anywhere but here. It had been somewhat easy until now.

  Until they were in this spot.

  “It’s a decoy,” she whispered, not sure why she said it or even felt it.

  “What do you mean?” he replied, his voice suddenly very serious.

  Christina didn’t comment on the fact he said ‘you’ instead of ‘ye’ but met his eyes through the darkness as she crouched as well. “I don’t know.” She shook her head. “This just all seems too planned out somehow, don’t you think?”

  “Planned out?” He frowned. “How do you mean?”

  “I’m not sure yet,” she murmured. “What I do know is that Jessie isn’t here.” She swallowed hard and ignored the worry and sadness that spiked through her. “And I get the strangest feeling she hasn’t been for a while...not really.”

  Thankfully, Graham didn’t question her but nodded his head toward the exit. “Let’s go back then, and let the others know.”

  He had no idea how grateful she was that he didn’t question her more right now because there were a lot of confusing emotions ripping through her. Namely, how this place seemed to magnify everything so much more than it did earlier. Even more so than when she came across Lindsay then ran through Graham as they crossed time barriers in broad daylight. Well, as light as it could get in here.

  “Are ye okay, Christina?” he said, stopping her as they exited the small stone dwelling.

  Overly sensitive from so recently using what her granny called her lightn’, she stepped away from him. He was too close. Too him. Tracking Jessie and her unique signature was one thing. Graham, however, was a whole lot of something else she needed to be awful careful of. He was all hot male flesh and had a spicy scent that made her want to run her tongue over his hard skin.

  He smelled like dessert.

  “If everything I’ve heard is true then Jessie could be in real trouble,” she said, putting a little pep in her step as they headed back through the woods. “Because she’s not anywhere near here, Graham.”


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