Wirth, Louis, 292n.42
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 180
Wolin, Sheldon S., 263n.7
Wood, Peter, 203
Work: defined as labor in technology, 114–17; degraded to a mere means in technology, 114–20, 272n.2; and dignity, 118, 121–24; division of, 115–17; and education, 119–20; elimination of, through automation, 123–24; engagement in, 236–37, 239; improvement of, in technology, 122–24; pre-technological, 44–47, 114–15; at the leading edge and in the wake of technology, 115–16, 118; and the reform of technology, 227, 236–39, 241
World citizenship, 126–28, 224–25
Yanarella, Ernest J., 263n.3
Yankelovich, Daniel, 254n.6 (Ch. 4), 269n.4, 270n.14, 271n.14, 277n.54, 289n.22, 290n.14
Yergin, Daniel, 279n.18
Young, John Richard, 287n.26
Yudell, Robert J., 292n.43
Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life: A Philosophical Inquiry Page 49