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American Hunks

Page 8

by Adam Carpenter

  Not that he’d had sex since that hot night with the blond guy named Noah.

  He hadn’t even had a date. It had been a whole month.

  And now here was Aaron, growing ever closer to him, still chatting, looking fine. Jake tried his best to concentrate on the task at hand, thanking people for their donations as they dumped bills and change into his red bucket. Selling a signed Playbill, handing out show pins, watching one person continually stick their jacket with the latter until it stuck. Jake knew from the jacket’s angst. He was stuck, too.

  Why had he even ventured outdoors?

  For the past three weeks, Jake had been holed up in his apartment, working on a novel that was based on his London experience. A scheming bookmaker, add in a, sexy, rich heir with a bad boy reputation whom he still called Hunter because it was too good a name not to use, an innocent man caught up in the events beyond his control. It was not unlike his own experience, but his story was a murder mystery, and the banker who knew the truth ended up the victim in the first chapter. The hero was a version of himself, and the devilish man at the center of the action was a hot English guy. In truth he was based on the real Hunter Abbott, with whom Jake had slept with on a number of occasions during his summer excursion, both in London and at an estate called Voignier House outside of Newbury. But that was a story unto itself, and not one Jake was ready to put to paper. For tonight, he had been grateful for the chance to escape his apartment—not to mention the machinations of his mind—and get out amongst the people.

  The two other volunteers arrived, each of them wearing a pin on their jackets to identify themselves from BC/EFA. Jake had one on as well. He recognized the first volunteer, a heavy-set woman in a flak jacket, the other was a tall skinny guy of about 50, who smiled at Jake when he arrived. They shook hands and introduced themselves, then they went back stage to check in with stage management, picking up the buckets and special items the cast had signed. He knew the drill; he’d done it before. They went to the lobby, where the theatre’s well-dressed ticket taker guided them to the back of the house at the conclusion of the show, pointing out where they would stand for the best fund-raising results.

  The show was the rock musical Hedwig and the Angry Inch, and with the crowd being so LGBT-friendly, Jake was expecting to take in a decent haul. So much so could see a $5 bill sticking out the top of Aaron’s fist, ready to be dropped aimlessly into the bucket. The $5 donation entitled him to an “I Heart Hedwig” pin. Would Aaron even notice that Jake was the volunteer handing him the trinket?

  He felt his heart beating, even as he thanked other audience members for their contributions and purchases. Aaron was only a few steps away, having reached the top of the aisle. Even with the back door of the theatre open and all of Manhattan available to hide him, Jake felt trapped, like he had no escape. It had been several months since he and Aaron had parted ways, and it hadn’t been Jake’s choice. He still wanted a life with him, he still wanted him in his bed, and in his arms. Shit, stop thinking about that…concentrate…

  “Broadway Cares, folks, any donations are appreciated,” Jake called out, trying to refocus.

  “Jake, is that you?”

  And there it was, recognition. Aaron was standing right before him. Looking as hot as he’d always been.

  “Oh, hey…Aaron, hi.”

  “Hi, Jake. I was seeing the show with, uh, friends,” Aaron explained, not needing to. What he said qualified as obvious.

  It was an awkward exchange, with no introductions forthcoming from the people—both men and women—Aaron was with. So Aaron just dropped his donation into the red bucket, took a pin from Jake, and both of them ignored the electricity that passed between them when their hands touched. Their eyes locked momentarily, and Jake wondered if his ex could see the regret inside of him. At last Aaron looked away, said he should let Jake get back to his fund-raising, and just like that he and his friends left the theatre.

  Jake felt empty as he continued to mine the last dollar bill from the departing audience.

  Soon, though, the house was clear and he turned in his bucket to stage management, and made his way outside in the cool early spring night. He was annoyed with himself for how he’d handled his unexpected reunion with Aaron, and was unsure of what he wanted to do about it. The old Jake would have gone for a drink, met some stranger, and fucked him. But wasn’t he trying to change his pattern after his sexual debacle with Noah? The pleasures of anonymous sex was fleeting; once you shot your load, you couldn’t wait to get out of there.

  He was about to head back down 44th Street toward Times Square when he heard his name.

  “Over here,” said the voice, and of course he knew it was Aaron’s.

  He was waiting across the street, standing in front of a French bistro. What Jake noticed first was he was alone. What he noticed second was how hot he looked. Instinct told him to forget this foolishness, but horniness won out. So he crossed the street, just beating out a speeding taxi, and was soon standing before the man he’d once dreamed of standing beside.

  “Hi,” Jake said, stupidly. They’d already established their greetings tonight.

  “I like the beard,” Aaron said.

  Jake had forgotten that he’d not had it while he and Aaron were together. “Winter boredom, I guess,” he said.

  “So, that’s nice of you…you know, volunteering.”

  “Trying to give back.”

  ‘That’s great. You seem…different.”

  “I’m not, Aaron. I’m still me. The me who you broke up with.”

  “Jake, come on…”

  “Look, Aaron, I’ve got to go. I’ve got friends waiting…”

  Aaron grabbed hold of his wrist, stopping him, and again their eyes met. “Do you really?”

  Jake couldn’t lie to him, it’s one of the reasons they’d broken up. Aaron didn’t always like hearing the truth: like, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. “No, but I can’t do this, whatever this is. Did you ditch your friends? For what reason? You’re still you, and I am still me and I always will be. I suspect the same holds true for you.”

  Aaron suddenly pulled him close, their lips nearly touching. Jake felt a palpable wave of heat pass between them. He wanted to pull away, but he also wanted to be pulled closer. To kiss him, to feel his lips against his, to run his hand along his crotch, the way he used to. The way he knew Aaron liked it. God damn but the sex between them had been so good. Everything was good between them but the talking.

  “Maybe I miss what we had,” Aaron said.

  Conflict hit Jake, those words like little bombs going off in front of him. “Maybe it’s too late.”

  “Have you met someone?” Aaron asked.

  Again, he couldn’t lie. “No. I just…I just can’t go through….”

  His words were cut short by Aaron’s kiss, a sizzling exchange which filled Jake’s heart and challenged his mind. What was happening? How had a simple volunteer job gotten to him to the point where he was giving himself away? He could have easily melted into Aaron’s arms right now, but the hope he’d once had for them was now tinged with sorrow, and he wasn’t sure his own heart could withstand another attack. He finally pulled away, inadvertently wiping at his lips. His body, though, remained on fire. He just wanted this man so bad. Is that what Aaron wanted to? And to what end?

  “I don’t think I can do this,” Jake said.

  “We can. We’ll talk.”

  Talk. Sure, fuck first. It would be good and then it would be bad. “Figure out in one night what we couldn’t figure out over a year’s time?”

  “Jake, things are different. Maybe I’m ready.”

  Maybe. It was always maybe. Never a definitive answer. Never moving forward.

  “Come home with me, Jake,” Aaron whispered into his ear. “Let’s see if we can figure out a way, for both of us. And in the meantime…we were good together. In bed. So good.”

  “I…I…” Jake was at a loss for words.

  Aaron pulled him back, their bodies locked tight, oblivious to the crowd gathered at the stage door. Jake could smell his cologne, and his eyes darted down to his former lover’s shirt, open two buttons to reveal the teasing triangle of hair, a mere preview of the coating that grew all over his chest. Jake knew it so well, he’d indulged himself so many nights in the man’s lush carpet, and it would be so easy to give in to its allure now. He would lick it, and oh, he would suck on his large nipples, and later…yes, later, he would blast a hot load all over it. Streaks of white come against the dark fur. Jake’s mind swirled, his cock thickening in his pants.

  “Don’t say no. Not tonight.”

  No was the only word he wanted to say. The only word he couldn’t. “Okay,” Jake finally said, nearly out of breath. “I won’t say no.”

  He knew in a matter of time, all he would be saying…crying out, was yes, yes, yes.


  He remembered the circumstances of the first time they’d had sex.

  It had been fall, just a few weeks after they’d met at Gaslight on that Labor Day weekend. He had just returned from London, Aaron had just moved from Chicago. They’d been on a few dates, and they had all ended with a chaste kiss. Jake felt frustrated after each date. He’d wanted them all to end with breakfast. He finally got his wish, as Aaron had taken him to the park near where he lived. It was a part of the city called Tudor City, just west of the United Nations building. A private park was made available for residents, and as the hour reached midnight, Aaron unlocked the wrought iron gate and invited Jake inside. On a park bench they sat, and they talked, first about the bad movie they had seen, and then more personal matters, but all while they spoke Jake found himself looking at Aaron for signs that the night was about to progress. He wanted the man to kiss him, hard, to finally let happen what he’d been hoping would since they met.

  “You want to come upstairs with me?” Aaron had finally asked.

  “I thought you’d never say those words.”

  That’s when Aaron leaned in and they shared their first intimate kiss, one with deep feelings attached. Jake remembered how soft his lips felt, how his tongue had snaked inside his mouth and lit a fire down in his loins. His hand slipped inside Aaron’s open shirt and he got the first feel of his chest hair, grazing the dark fur as they continued to kiss. Jake boldly undid a third button, his fingers twirling hairs. Aaron had pulled back with a smile.

  “You like that, huh?”

  “You have no idea. I’ve wanted to stroke your chest hair from the night we met.”

  “I could tell. But I’m really kind of hairy,” Aaron said, almost shyly. “Like, all over. You going to be okay with that? Some guys…”

  “I’m not some guys. I’ll show you how much I like it” Jake said, a wanting smile alighting his face, again slipping his hand inside Aaron’s shirt and feeling the furry carpet on display. It was rough to the touch, yet so sexy, so fucking hot. He remembered leaning in and allowing his tongue to seek out a hardened nipple, all while the city glowed around them and Aaron emitted a soft, low moan.

  Now, a year-plus later, after a hot relationship where sex had defined them, after a break-up which had wounded Jake to his core, he was back to the scene of the crime, but this time the two of them bypassed the park and instead went directly into the building where Aaron lived. He lived on the fourth floor, and they rode the elevator in silence, even though they were alone, as though each man was afraid to make that initial contact. They might just end up fucking right here in the elevator. Then the doors opened and they walked down the corridor, and Aaron unlocked the door to his apartment, escorting Jake through the darkness. Only a faint hint of moonlight shined through the drawn curtains. It was enough to cast shadows on the walls; their shadows, and they came together sooner than did their actual bodies.

  Heat erupted, their lips locked, kisses hungry, all while clothes were being torn at. As they made their way to the bed in the far corner of the studio, a trail of shirts, pants and socks were left in their wake. Soon they fell to the soft mattress, their minds no longer in control. This was all physical, and it was hot and urgent, a heady mix of desire and passion. Like what they’d denied each other these past few months of being apart was making up for lost time.

  “Oh, God, Aaron, you feel so good…so good…”

  His kisses on Jake’s neck fired him up, the scrape of his scruff against the shaven part of his neck hot. Jake dug his fingers deep into Aaron’s back, relishing thick, furry patches of hair while seeking out the muscle pulsing beneath it. He grabbed at him, pulling him tight. He could feel the man’s hard cock pressing against his leg, and he reached down and grabbed at it, jerking its shaft. Aaron’s warm breath blew out of him. A second later, he had Jake’s cock in his own hand, and he was pumping it. The two of them stroked each other’s cocks, all while kissing, rolling on the bed, rediscovering all they had missed. Jake was on fire with this sexy beast atop him, and his kissed him hard, his hot tongue darting in, tasting him, wanting his every drop to boil.

  “Tell me what you want,” Aaron said, “what do you need right now.”

  “You….your cock. All of it, deep inside me. Fuck me, Aaron. Hard.”

  It didn’t take long for them to be ready, condom rolled down on a cock that, while average in length, had a decent girth to it. Jake remembered how it felt the first time it entered him, opening him up, hurting him until it pleasured him. He awaited the same sensation again, and gave his ass a good swipe of lube to ready himself. Widening his legs, feet pointed to the ceiling, he watched as Aaron mounted him, his hairy chest heaving, hovering above him. Jake reached up and planted his palms flat against the dark carpet, burying his fingers into the fur as he felt that first, wanting, piercing penetration.

  “Now, do it….do it, let me feel it all.”

  Aaron wasted no further time, sliding his cock inside him. Jake allowed a sharp exhale of breath, and then felt himself relax. His pulsing ass took that fierce cock, each inch of it, his muscles aiding in nearly swallowing it whole deep inside him. He cried out after Aaron’s first thrust, and he then begged for him to do that again, again, again. Aaron did as asked, and his hips began to rock forward, knocking the bed against the wall as his motions increased. Jake looked up and met his eyes, and the two men stared at each other like they’d done back when they thought they were in love, the sex between them an expression of wanting to be one. Did it feel different now? Was Aaron just a conduit, his cock a tool meant only for physical satisfaction?

  Did it matter?

  Jake just wanted to get fucked, and that’s what he asked for. Later could come later.

  He pulled Aaron tight against his body, wrapping his legs around his ass, pushing his cock inside him again. Aaron shot his hips, the slap of his body against Jake’s tight ass loud in the quiet of the room. He allowed a grunt with each thrust, his voice echoing. Jake again dug his hands into Aaron’s back, reveling in the man’s wonderful hairiness. He grabbed at two thick patches on his shoulder blades, heard an urgent cry erupt from Aaron’s mouth.

  “Yeah, take it all, Jake. Let your furry man fuck you.”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” he said, his words mirroring the words his brain had spoken not an hour ago outside the theatre. “Shit, shit, shit…harder, harder, you hot, fucking animal, don’t ever stop. Just fuck me, hard, as hard as you can…”

  Jake had always enjoyed dirty talk during sex. He loved how filthy he sounded. He loved how such words turned a simple man into a hungry beast, as though he’d gone from loving him to attacking him. Jake felt that cock thicken as it pushed again inside him, against the walls of his ass, widening him. With his hand snaking down his belly, Jake took hold of his own cock, and he rubbed it against Aaron’s hairy stomach. The coarse, dense hair felt delicious against his angry tip, making his cock feel even bigger in his grip, causing his balls to tighten. A relentless Aaron continued to plow him, sweat beginning to form on his brow and a sheen of sweat glistening on his furry
chest, all while his balls gave no indication of reaching climax anytime soon. He just continued his assault on Jake’s ass, Jake begging for every heated, hungry thrust. Shit, this was what he missed. This hot, hairy hunk banging the crap out of him with all of his might.

  But his mind wouldn’t shut down. He still thought about what was missing between them, that commitment Jake had always sought in his life. He’d had too many relationships fail because the men he fell for didn’t fall hard enough for him; not enough to plan a future. Aaron had been the first guy in years to make him think being one half of a permanent couple was possible, and then he’d pushed too far…too fast, he guessed, and he’d chased Aaron away. So now what was so different today that wasn’t yesterday? Even as he took each of Aaron’s thrusts, even as his body reacted with physical pleasure, he just wasn’t…into it. He grabbed at his cock again, knowing it was wilting from his thoughts. He redoubled his efforts, closing his eyes, shutting out the past. Just enjoy now. Just enjoy him.

  He again dug in his hands into Aaron’s strong, muscled back, grabbing at the surface layer of hair, and he heard Aaron cry out with excitement. He begged for Jake to pull harder, and he did, and he felt the response from Aaron’s hips. He fucked him with determination, his hot climax the desired result. Suddenly Aaron let out a sharp sound, and his entire body froze for a moment. Jake braced himself for impact, and that’s when Aaron let loose with one last round of fucking, his cock finally exploding with a fierce blast. Even through the condom Jake could feel each spurt, each accompanied by Aaron’s verbal exhalations. At last, he pulled out, and rolled over. Jake tried to look at him but found himself staring out the window instead; the blinds were open and he could see the lights of the Chrysler Building in the near distance. A phallic symbol for sure, and he would have laughed if he didn’t feel like crying.


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