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Mary's Pledge

Page 6

by K T Morrison

“I’ve been ready a long time.”

  “And this is your cherry?”

  She nodded.

  “And you don’t want Jack to have it?”

  “It was there for the taking for years.”

  “Well, it’s an honor as his brother to do this for him, and an honor that he would give it.”

  Jack stepped forward. He was going to go ahead, push Royce aside and do the deed himself. He would do it right in front of them all, take what was his. But he wobbled, fell to the side. Someone propped him up again from behind. Someone else clapped him on the back. And then once one person had clapped him, other hands were reaching and touching him, too. Squeezing his arm, stroking his neck, and patting his back. He thought at first they were trying to restrain him. Hold him back while the Grand Unicorn did the deed, but now he saw it was camaraderie. It was support. They knew what he was going through and were bolstering him.

  The room was hazy and his eyes narrowed. His heart was hammering in his chest. And if he thought that he was going to be able to go over there and do it in front of all these guys he realized he couldn’t. So he let himself be held, watched as Royce climbed over top of Mary and she received him. She extended her arms to him and they circled around Royce’s back as he lowered over her. Her knees poked up on either side of Royce’s waist, her woman’s opening exposed and ready to receive. Jack’s knees dipped again and a brother on either side of him hooked elbows and forearms under his armpits and got him to his feet again. Mary’s knees worked in and out in anticipation for having the first man inside her. She was looking at Royce’s eyes and nodding her chin. She reminded Royce: “This is for Jack.”

  Royce said, “All hail Jack,” and his hand went between them. Jack could see where their two sexes would join as Royce angled that long penis so the point pressed into Mary’s hairy opening. Mary made a funny gasping sound.

  The wobbly brother three down on the left fell to his knees now before anyone could help him. His hood slumped forward and bent to the side. Another brother stepped forward and brought the woozy man to stand.

  The tip of Royce began to sink inside Mary’s slit. The glans disappeared, the beginning of his shaft sucked inside her. Mary made a crying sound and tapped her hands on Royce’s shoulders.

  “You okay?” he asked her.

  “Go slow,” she told him.

  He said, “I think it might be better if I go quick.”

  “At first,” she said, “maybe...”

  “It hurts?”

  “I’m worried it will…”

  “I’ll be gentle,” he told her. He withdrew a little and pushed himself in again, this time sinking in barely past the length of a hand and Mary let out a whimper.

  “Okay?” he asked her.

  “Do it,” she said through a pretty grimace.

  Then Royce’s thighs flexed and the cheeks of his ass lifted and closed. He jabbed himself inside her quick and she let out a yelp. He’d broken her hymen. It was done.


  Royce’s bare ass rose and fell and Jack swooned knowing this other man’s erect penis would be stabbing in and out of Mary. His girl made plaintive cries, squeezed her thighs around Royce’s slim hips.

  “Did it hurt?” Royce asked her and stopped.

  She made a soft moan, then said, “Please, go slow.”

  Royce caressed one side of her face. “Does it feel good?”

  She waited a moment, unsure, before saying, “It feels really good.”

  “Doesn’t it?” Royce said, and it made Mary smile.

  “Keep going, but do it slow,” Mary whispered to him.

  Royce was good to her, drawing back and pushing forward, almost too slow. It was glacial. Mary made soft ululations with each renewed penetration. Her knees rose on either side of Royce and her stocking feet curled Royce’s legs and stroked the backs of his thighs.

  “A little quicker now, please,” she said.

  Royce’s hips doubled their speed and then there was a crackle now, wet and rubbery. Mary’s moans came higher. Her hands curved around Royce’s waist and stroked at his sides. It trebled the speed of Royce’s hips and got the bed rocking. Mary made high whimpers of pleasure and Royce began grunting. Jack sagged against the support of his brothers, and more hands enjoined to help him stand. His limbs had gone watery.

  Mary’s squeaks and grunts came faster and faster and her legs writhed around Royce. “Oh God, oh God,” she cried, “oh, what’s happening? Oh, God, oh, faster, oh…”

  Royce’s arms went straight, and he lifted over her, his cock thrusting in and out of her and he made wild sounds, too, watching Mary’s face twist and contort below him. His body bucked hard and fast, erratic, his hair fell forward and hung down and his body began to shine with a sweat.

  “Faster! Oh, faster! Oh!”

  Royce couldn’t even keep up with her, she humped back, her hands went to claws and rent red furrows along Royce’s tan back. Then she howled and shrieked, clung herself to him and babbled sounds like a devil’s witch. Royce stiffened and shook and trembled. Mary hugged her face to his chest tight, and the housemaster bellowed and roared. His ass flexed and released, his hips bucked into her, held, relaxed, and his roars turned to growls. He collapsed on her, heavy, pinning her to the bed.

  Their two young, naked bodies lay still on the bed, flushed red and slick with sweat, both of them heaving fast breath and moaning.

  When Royce had the strength to lift his head, he looked in Mary’s eyes so long she finally had to ask him why.

  “Oh,” he breathed, “oh, Mary, if Jack wasn’t my honored brother, I do believe I would fall madly in love with you.”

  “Oh, hogwash,” Mary laughed and turned her smiling face away. Her cheeks were bright and flush, her eyes sparkled with dazzling wet.

  “I have new respect for my brother,” he groaned.

  Mary’s eyes returned to his and her hands caressed his waist again. “Is it over? Is that it?”

  Royce exhaled. “That’s it,” he said, and withdrew his erection from her with a slick wet sound. Mary whimpered again. He fell next to her and Mary lay on her back with her legs open, showing all the boys her open womanhood. The brother three down on the left fell fully forward, and no one was quick enough to stop him this time. He went down with a hard thump that made a vase rattle on a nearby table. Someone chuckled in sympathetic humor, and three brothers rushed to bring him to his feet. Groans and heavy breathing pervaded from the gathered hooded men. The room had gone damp from heavy male respiration and even under the hood Jack could smell a funk. That was Mary’s smell.

  Her pretty hand gathered over her hairy opening, covering and caressing, and she asked Royce, “What happened to me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What happened? I went… It was like my brain and my heart did backflips.”

  “I don’t know,” he said, still panting through his open mouth.

  Mary closed her thighs around one hand and her other moved to touch Royce’s stomach; her eyes were glued to his still-hard penis. She touched a finger to the rubber and traced around the tip. “It’s all in there?” she said.

  Royce gripped his cock tight at the base and scrolled the prophylactic up, squeezing as he went. He held the used rubber up by its open mouth and it dangled like a pendulum, the tip heavy with the prior content of his testicles. Jack’s knees were snipped, and he fell. Brothers on either side helped him lower to a crouch. Someone rubbed a circle on his back, someone else squeezed his shoulder. He gripped the sleeves of their robes, thanked them, and pulled himself to stand.

  “All in there,” Royce said, and Mary steadied the swinging, pinched the glop gathered in the tip and squeezed it between thumb and forefinger, curious.

  “What do you think, Mary,” Royce asked now, “do you like fornicating?”

  She smiled, still eyeing the gathered contents in the rubber. “I like it a lot,” she whispered, and it got all the men laughing though the sound was woozy like the oxyge
n in the room had depleted.

  “Huzzah!” Teague exclaimed and stood. “Great news, indeed,” he said and batted at Royce’s knee. The housemaster kissed the top of Mary’s head and scooted higher up the bed so Teague could sit next to her.

  Mary sat up as though she were eager, still with that glassy liveliness in her eyes. She got hip-to-hip with Teague and her hand stroked up the satin of his leg and disappeared under the split. Her fist danced under the shine of the material, handling whatever was between the man’s legs.

  “Wow, you’ve got a fat one,” she said, and Jack was glad again for the support of his brothers as his knees lost their lock.


  Teague’s face came closer to Mary’s as her hand jerked up and down under his robe. He said, “I sure would like to kiss those lips...”

  She smiled slyly, said, “They’re only for Jack’s lips.”

  “But you’ll use them for other things...”

  Another groaning Ooohhh wavered through the gathered men though it had lost its earlier fervor. Some of the brethren swayed and Jack wondered if they were all as hard as he was right now. He imagined they must be.

  Mary wasn’t quick to catch on, turning to the hooded spectators speculatively, hand still stroking. “Oh,” she gasped, as she caught on finally.

  A chant began. “Use your lips, use your lips, use your lips…” Jack found himself joining in though his voice was constricted.

  His girl loved the attention and performed for them, tracing a finger along the flap of Teague’s robe, pulling away one side, then the other, revealing the brother’s very large and hairy balls. Mary studied them, laughed as the touch of her finger made them squirm. She shimmied the robe’s opening up higher, slowly revealing Teague’s erection. It was thick, smooth, dark brown. Fortunately, not as long as Jack’s own, but Mary was right; he had a fat one.

  Her face lowered in Teague’s lap and she gave the tip of it a kiss. Teague ran the hair away from her face so the brothers could see and opened his legs wider. “It might be too big,” she said, regarding it.

  “You can try,” Teague said.

  “I can try,” she said and smiled, then sunk her mouth over the end. It stretched her lips wide, but she didn’t complain. Her head bobbed up and down and she closed her eyes.

  “Oh, God,” the brother next to Jack laughed, one arm under Jack’s armpit, the other hand going to the top of his head in an expression of bewildered admiring and crushing back the hood’s point. “Kingsway, your Mary is… Oh, God…”

  Her stocking legs stayed slightly parted; they could see her bush but not that dark slit that opened to the bright of her canal. Her perfect breasts were squashed by her arm that reached so her hand could cup Teague’s oversized scrotum.

  His girl didn’t let up; she kept her mouth wrapped on him, slipping up and down, her fingertips played with his base and sometimes she would squeeze his testicles. Royce stood and came around, naked, stood at the foot of the bed to watch. He shook his head, too, like he couldn’t believe Mary’s eagerness. She’d told them she was game. A strange and befuddling pride rose up in him. His woman so powerful she had all the brothers wrapt, all of them practically worshiping her; the envy was palpable. All these anointed upperclassmen only wished they could be Trident, or now, Holy Quad. But Jack was. Jack was Quad. And Mary was his. His brothers’ women would be his if he wanted. But why would he when this sexual beauty who was doing this for him was his?

  Royce squatted so his face was level with the action. He made more sounds of appreciation as Mary continued to pleasure Teague with her mouth. He said, “Hey, Mary?” and she slowed, opened her eyes and watched Royce but kept her mouth connected. “Brother Teague isn’t able to wear prophylactics.”

  “They bother my skin,” Teague grunted, eyes closed, face turned up to the chandelier.

  Royce said, “So, Mary, you’re just going to keep going until he’s finished, is that okay?”

  Mary nodded; Teague’s erection almost slipped out of her mouth but she steadied it with her hand.

  Royce continued, “And—now, it’s up to you, and you can ask my girl Elizabeth if I’m lying—Kappa girls swallow.”

  She nodded again, closed her eyes and her head bobbed up and down with renewed fervor. Soon she had Teague squirming, his hips wriggling, moving up and down. Saliva spilled down his shaft and pooled around his big brown balls and over her fingers.

  Someone moved through the crowd behind him, nudging his way to get close, put his hand on his back. “You Kingsway?” the brother asked.


  The man squeezed his neck, said, “Kingsway, you… are… a… god…”

  “Uh-huh,” he grunted, watching the girl he loved doing something vile, but doing it for love and devotion, doing it for him, and it wasn’t vile—not if he were honest about its effect—if it were vile, what did it say about the painful arousal pressing out his pants right now? What about the primal ache he had for her right now? The swelling not just of his erection but his testicles, and the hard knot of his prostate, the throbbing need in his stomach right now to be an Omega Man and put his Omega cock inside that beautiful creature.

  Teague made a strangled sound, and, with his hands planted on the mattress, his bottom lifted up and his face contorted. Mary’s lips stayed stretched by his width and she made a grimace and snorted through her nose. She clutched at the man’s thighs, and his testicles rolled around in their sack and climbed high to hug his shaft. His body tightened and shook and he seized much like Royce did, and Jack wanted to know that feeling—his Kingsway penis throbbed with need for his Mary.

  Teague groaned and fell back flat.

  Mary let his penis slip from her mouth, leaving it gleaming in the chandelier’s light, and pursed her lips, kept a hand below her chin, face serious but trying not to smile. Breath heaved from her a few times but finally she swallowed. Groans and chuckling from the men gradually turned to applause. Mary blushed and turned away, waving her hand at them and laughing. The brother squeezing Jack’s neck said, “Kingsway, you’re crazy if you don’t marry that girl tomorrow.”

  His answer was drowned out by the applause fading, being replaced by a lowing chant that sounded like angry cows. “Moose, Moose, Moose, Moose, Moose…”


  The big football player rose from his throne-like chair, the sturdy thing creaking with his shifting weight. The chanting dissipated to sounds of approval and some applause. Mary’s face changed, and it bothered Jack. Her face tightened with anticipation, smiling, mouth forming an O shape. She scooted closer to the edge of the bed and put her feet on the floor, eyes turned up to Sven’s face. He moved between Jack and Mary, eclipsing her with his size, and Jack had to shift to the side to see his girl’s face. His brothers moved to accommodate him, but a voice near his ears said, “I hope he leaves her tight enough for you.”

  “What do you mean?” he hissed.

  Sven’s robe was untied, the sash and rope falling away, the flaps opening, the satin slipping down his shoulders, off his back and billowing to the floor.

  Mary’s expression widened to its furthest, stretched in shock. She gasped. Her eyes went up and down the athlete’s body then lingered between his legs. From the back, the man was gargantuan around the shoulders, with a thick neck and arms but a small waist and narrow ass.

  Mary laughed in quick chokes. “Oh, my God. What. Is. That?” she said, eyes glued to his crotch. Jack struggled to get to the side and see, but too many brothers were in the way.

  Royce said, “Something tells me Mary likes what she sees.”

  Teague was covering his robe over his crotch, tucking his penis under the satin, saying to Royce, “Maybe as much as your Elizabeth.”

  “Nobody likes a wiseacre, Teague, my boy,” Royce said, and they both laughed but returned to watch Mary’s reaction.

  Teague closed his sash, elbowed Mary and said, “You can see why Moose goes last.”

  Moose stood naked before her,
hands on his hips like Superman.

  Royce said, “Well, Mary, one last go around? You see the Moose’s equipment—you still game?”

  Mary made all kinds of faces, funny ones, eyes still glued to whatever it was between Olufsen’s legs.

  She turned her eyes up to Moose at last and said, “Please, tell me rubbers don’t bother your skin.”

  It brought great guffaws from the crowd, Royce and Teague, too, even Moose’s muscular back shook with laughter; Jack swore he could see the shadow of something huge between the man’s legs.

  Royce said, “Mary wants more than her mouth on that and there’s few Kappas who would argue—they just shriek and run away. But don’t worry, Mary, Moose wears rubbers just fine—‘course we have to mail order them from Spain where they’re smuggled in on riverboats from the darkest heart of Africa.”

  Mary sighed, said, “He could use a trash bag,” and Jack watched his girl’s pretty stocking foot reach out and stroke up the inside of Moose’s knee.

  His eyelashes fluttered, his heart did two abrupt jumping jacks, and the world went black. This time he fell.


  Smelling salts revived him, and he jolted and kicked out one leg. Hands helped him to stand, and a brother said, “Stay up, Kingsway, dammit, these men need to look up to you.”

  “I’m fine,” he said, “I’m fine,” and pushed away their help. He shook his head, trying to get his eyes focused again. Then regretted it.

  Mary had scooted up the bed and lay seductively, her big beautiful breasts spilling off her narrow chest, her stocking legs open and receptive, and Moose had pursued her, walking on the mattress on his knees. Once he was over Mary, he dropped over top of her and Jack saw his tool from behind. Below his muscular ass his scrotum hung, and then dangling down to rest on Mary’s stomach was a penis that looked like a pale club; longer than Royce’s and thicker than Teague’s. But Mary’s hands didn’t go to it right away, instead she was running her palms over his muscle, feeling his chest, his broad back, coming down and caressing his narrow waist. Moose nuzzled his mouth into her collar and sucked on her neck, making her moan.


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