Book Read Free

Ever After Drake

Page 5

by Keary Taylor

  I’m sure my eyes are wide and surprised, I’m quite certain my mouth hangs open just slightly. “Uh, yeah. Sarah,” I say to one of my more trustworthy students. “Will you be in charge for a few minutes? Everyone, please start reading through chapter six. This’ll give you a head start on tonight’s reading assignment.”

  Sarah nods and looks back at the class.

  But I barely notice, I’m in such a hurry to get out into the hall with Drake.

  The second I am out in the deserted hall and the door shuts behind me, Drake takes hold of my wrist and we dart down the hall.

  “Where are you taking me and what is going on?” I hiss through a laugh.

  Just then Drake pulls open a door and tugs the both of us into the cramped space.

  It must be a janitors closet. It smells of chemicals and sour mops. It’s dark and tight.

  But I couldn’t care less.

  The second the door closes, Drake’s body presses me up against the shelves and his lips are moving in frantic sync with mine. His hand slips under my shirt lying flush with the skin over my ribs. His other hand pulls my leg up and he presses himself into my center.

  A small moan works its way out of my throat and were my eyes open, they would have rolled back. My hips press forward, trying to get all the closer to him.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this during school,” he says into my mouth.

  “We could probably get in big trouble,” I breathe back.

  “Principal Riker would be most displeased.” His lips move to my neck, having to bend far over since I am wearing flats today and he’s got a good ten inches on me.

  “But this couldn’t wait till next period,” I say as my thoughts start going all blurry and glittery.

  “Nuh uh,” Drake agrees, shaking his head. “But I also had something I wanted to ask you.”

  “What’s that?” I respond automatically. I’m heavily distracted by his hand that has slipped from my thigh to my rear end.

  “Will you come meet my family?” he asks. His kisses slow down. Instead of being passionate and frantic, they are slow and tender. After a moment, I feel him back away slightly, and if there were any light in here, I’m pretty sure I’d find him staring at me.

  “Drake, I…” I start to say. He’s caught me by surprise with his question in the heat of this moment.

  “You don’t have to,” he quickly adds. “I mean, I know it’s way early and it’s only been like three weeks since we met, but I—”

  I cut him off with a soft kiss and bring my hands up to either side of his face. “I’d love to meet your family,” I breathe against his lips.

  “Really?” he asks, and I can hear the smile I know is on his face.

  “Really,” I say, smiling on my own in the dark.

  “Okay,” he says, his voice out of breath. “Everyone’s coming over for dinner on Sunday at six. Sage is coming home from Seattle, so you can meet them all.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” I say. I am, but suddenly I’m also nervous. Meeting the rest of his family is a big step.

  One I suddenly realize I am so ready for.

  “Ask your mom what I can bring to dinner and what I can help with.”

  Drake chuckles through the dark. “She’s going to love you.”

  I hope so. I hope so, so bad and it’s startling how bad I do want it. This feels important. Meeting his mother and getting her approval.

  Why is it so important?

  It’s stupid, me asking myself that question. Because I know the exact answer.

  I press my lips to his and cling to him in the dark for just a few stolen moments longer.

  I’ve had a total of three serious relationships in my life. There was Patrick, who I started dating in high school. We stayed together for a few months of college, but eventually things fell apart. Then came Aaron for just a few weeks my sophomore year. Then Alan for four weeks until it all ended with that text that set me free.

  Patrick’s family was the only one I ever met. So I’m a little out of practice in the meet-the-parents scene.

  I’m scared, I’m nervous, I’m excited, and way overthinking things.

  What do I wear? I don’t want to look like a total prude, but I also don’t want his parents thinking I’m some kind of slut. I also want his sister to think I’m cool—what am I, back in high school?—so I need to wear something cute.

  In the end I go with a dark blue dress that exposes my shoulders, but covers up my chest. I do my hair in a French braid that trails over my shoulder and keep my makeup moderate. It takes me longest to pick out shoes though. I’m too nervous to wear heels, I’ll probably end up breaking my ankles. But if I wear flats, I know everyone’s first thought about me is going to be “short.”

  In the end though, I go with a pair of white flats and tell myself to stop overthinking it all.

  At six-fifteen, there’s a knock on the door and I literally skip across the apartment to open the door.

  Drake stands there wearing a denim shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black jeans, and of course, his Chucks. His hands are stuffed deep in his pockets and he looks up at me from beneath those long lashes.

  “You look…” he starts, trailing off into a dot, dot, dot that leaves me uncertain.

  “Overdressed?” I say, my brows furrowing together and breaking out into panic. “I’m way over doing it, right? Just wait a second, I’ll put on some jeans,” I turn away from him, and panicking in the moment, don’t think about the fact that I am starting to undo my zipper with Drake right there. “I knew this was too much.”

  “I meant,” he says as he crosses the space to me. He pinches my fingers and the zipper between his own and stops my hand. He leans in close, touching the tip of his nose to my upper back that I’ve exposed. “That you look absolutely beautiful.” His lips brush my skin and instantly there are goosebumps covering my skin.

  “Don’t do that, or we are never going to make it for dinner,” I sigh as my eyes roll back and slide closed. I relax into him as my female hormones go ballistic.

  “Do what?” he says as his hand drops down. I’m pretty sure he meant to place it on my thigh, but considering our height difference, it lands on my hip. And his hips press into mine.

  “Stop it,” I giggle as I step away from him and turn around. “I don’t want to be late for the first time I ever meet your family. It’ll leave a bad impression. I can’t have that.”

  “Let’s forget about them for a while,” he says, eying me up and down and my face flushes red. “Instead, let’s stay here and—”

  “No,” I say sternly through my coy smile as I walk toward the fridge and pull out the biggest bowl I own that is filled with salad stuff. “And you may want to do something about that before we get there.” I point between his legs and draw a little circle in the air.

  “Oh my…” he says in embarrassment as he turns away and presses two fingers between his eyes. “That’s just…just great.”

  “Yeah,” I say as I take a step toward the door. “It is pretty great, actually.”

  Drake chuckles and looks back at me and shakes his head.

  “Now, come on,” I say as I reach for the door and hold it open. “Let’s get going.”

  Drake takes two long, awkward strides toward the door. He presses a kiss to my forehead before going out. I lock the door behind me and follow him down to his car.

  The McCain’s house is simple and older looking, but the yard is well manicured. The garage door is open, revealing a minivan and a sedan parked inside. In the driveway are two older looking cars. Drake parks on the curb. He gets out, walks around to my side and opens the door for me.

  We walk through the door and I am instantly surrounded by a multitude of conversations being had throughout the house.

  “I know it’s a worse car, but I made seven hundred bucks by selling my other one,” a girl I recognize as Sage from the picture says to the man I know to be their dad. “I’ve got this stock thing
down, Dad. Just wait and see.”

  “Lake!” a woman yells from the direction I assume is the kitchen. “I told you I need some help in here!”

  Everyone is so busy with life and talking they don’t even realize Drake and I have walked in.

  It’s completely different from how my own house was growing up. For forever it was just Mom and me and we’d eat together quietly, or I’d eat by myself while she’d be on the phone trying to figure out how to be an adult. And then there was Dick for a while and eventually baby Skyler.

  But this is wonderful. This is what a home should look like.

  This is what I hope my home will be like someday.

  Drake’s hands come up to my shoulders. The gesture is calm and comforting. I relax back into him a bit and take a deep breath.

  “You ready for this?” he breathes into my ear.

  I nod, and a smile spreads on my face.

  “If you’d all stop talking for two seconds, you will realize I’ve brought someone by,” Drake suddenly says loudly. Loud enough it makes me jump. My smile falters. I probably look pained.

  Sage and Mr. McCain look up at us and suddenly a woman appears in the doorway.

  “You must be Kaylee!” she says warmly. She crosses the entryway and wraps strong arms around me. “It is so nice to meet you. Drake has been talking about you non-stop since school started back up.”

  “Is that right?” I tease as I look back at him when his mother releases me.

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Guilty,” he admits with a lopsided grin.

  “I’m Robin,” his mom says. “Have you met Robert yet?”

  “I haven’t,” I say as Robin takes the salad bowl from me. “I’ve seen you from a distance at school though.”

  He stands from the couch and crosses to shake my hand. It feels awkward. Shaking hands has always seemed cold. Hugs are so much better. I’m glad Robin seemed to agree.

  “So you’re the pretty little thing that’s got Drake acting like a fool lately,” Robert says with a grin.

  “Guilty,” I mimic when he lets go of my hand. There goes the first short reference.

  “Uh, Kaylee,” Drake steps in. “This is my sister, Sage.”

  “I love your dress,” she says with a smile from the couch.

  “Oh, thank you,” I say, looking down at it. Score one for me with the family points. I’m suddenly very glad I didn’t change.

  “Kale!” Drake suddenly yells.

  “What?” someone from right behind us snaps.

  “Oh, didn’t see you there,” Drake says as we all turn. “This is Kaylee, my, uh…my girlfriend.”

  “’Sup?” Kale says with a smirk and a tip of his chin that makes him look way too grown up for his thirteen years. He wears a pair of basketball shorts, but lacks a shirt.

  “So all the McCain boys are relentless flirts?” I say with a smile that shifts from Kale to Drake.

  “I taught them well,” Robert says as he heads for the kitchen, following Robin.

  “Oh, stop that,” Robin chides. “Don’t encourage them.”

  “Gross,” Sage says with a shake of her head as she stands and starts for the kitchen as well. For the first time, I realize what she herself is wearing. A black pencil skirt, simple white shirt, and five inch black heels. She’s as tall as Drake with them on.

  And looks nothing like a starving college student.

  Yeah, I’m defiantly a little intimidated by her and she’s only said five words to me.

  “We are good at it,” someone says from behind. I turn to see Lake giving me a smirk.

  “At what?” I question, my brows drawing together.

  “Flirting, of course,” he says as he raises an eyebrow and makes his way into the dining room.

  “I told you to cut it out or it’s war,” Drake says, placing his hand on the small of my back.

  “I’ll jump in on that battle,” Kale says. “You know she likes this.” He suddenly flexes, his biceps and pectoral muscles jumping in contrast against his well-tanned skin.

  “Put a shirt on, fool,” Drake says, shoving his hand against Kale’s face and pushing him away. I cover my mouth to hold in the laugh.

  “Did he just flex for me?” I squeak.

  “He flexes for everyone.” Drake shakes his head.

  “Okay, that’s enough boys!” Robin says as she wipes her hands on a towel. “Act like human beings instead of cavemen before poor Kaylee thinks we’re all insane. Let’s eat!”


  My ancient world history classes continue learning about the Mesopotamians. My world history freshmen start learning about China. In historical lit we start in on the Grimm fairy tales.

  It’s too busy of a week to do much with Drake. School is in full swing now and we’ve both got hours of homework to grade each night. I barely have time to think about him.

  So when there’s a knock on the door Thursday night and I know it isn’t Drake, I’m not too happy about it.

  I get up from off the floor, surrounded by a circle of papers and cross to the door.

  “Mom?” I say when I open it to find her standing in the doorway.

  “Hi honey,” she says with a small smile. Her fingers are linked and she’s squeezing them together tight. Her eyes are too bright and her smile is twitchy. She looks nervous.

  “Hi,” I say, trying to recover from my shock of her being here in the flesh. It’s been at least three months since I’ve seen her last. “Uh, come on in.”

  I step aside and let her inside. She walks through the door, and observes my living space.

  “I’ve been here almost a month now,” I start babbling. I scoop up the papers from the floor and lay them on my bed. “It’s cheap and pretty close to work.”

  “It’s nice,” she says with a smile. She takes a seat on the couch and lets her purse slide down to the floor. I stand next to my bed awkwardly, unsure of what to say or do.

  “I just got back from a business trip to Los Angeles,” she offers. “This one was a killer. I was there for almost two weeks.”

  “Oh,” I say, giving an awkward nod.

  She gives me this look, like she is very well aware of how uncomfortable this situation right now is. Like she knows she’s been absent for far too long, like she knows it’s not okay that she’s not been a part of my life now for quite some time.

  “How’s your new teaching job?” she asks instead of trying to give any explanations or apologies.

  “Good,” I say with a nod as I sink down onto my bed. “I’ve got a full-time position, so that’s pretty great. I wasn’t sure if I’d find one or not.”

  “Your students treating you well?” she asks.

  “Yeah,” I say. “Except this one that keeps flirting with me. He’s kind of relentless.”

  Mom’s brows furrow. “That’s inappropriate. Have you spoken to the principle about it yet?”

  “It’s really not a big deal,” I give an awkward chuckle and laugh. “He’s harmless.”

  “Be careful,” she says with a small shake of her head. “Situations like that tend to get teachers in trouble. I saw this thing on the news a week or two ago about a teacher who got into a sexual relationship with one of his students. The parents sued him and he’s probably going to serve jail time.”

  “Mom,” I say in exasperation. “It isn’t anything like that. Lake’s just being a boy. Trust me, I’m not encouraging him.”

  “Hmm,” she says, observing me closely. “So, how’s Alan these days? He seemed like such a nice young man. What you told me about him, anyway.”

  A startled chuckle erupts from my chest. Mom’s brows draw together again and she gives me a harsh look.

  “Alan broke up with me through text message over three weeks ago,” I say with a shake of my head. Just then my phone starts ringing. I grab it from my nightstand and see Drake’s name on the display.

  “Just a second,” I say to Mom. “Hey, can I call you back later?”

  “Yeah, s
ure,” he says. His tone says this was obviously not the hello he expected. “Everything okay?”

  I sigh. I’m honestly not sure how respond.

  “I take that as a no,” he says when I take too long to reply. “Is this something I can fix with a chocolate muffin and an extra-large coffee in the morning?”

  “That’d be a good place to start,” I say. A smile is already creeping onto my face.

  “’K, don’t forget to call me back.”

  “I won’t. Talk to you later.”

  I hang up, and for just a moment, I forget why I was in such a bad mood.

  “What’s the new man’s name?” Mom says in a teasing way. I look up at her and see a smile curling on her lips. “You’ve got a man grin on your face, Kaylee.”

  “No, I don’t,” I say, shaking my head and trying to force my lips to not curl up. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I may have been single for the vast majority of my life, honey,” she says as she leans forward and rests her arms on her knees. “But I know what kind of smile is made by only a man.”

  I shake my head and my smile goes away for real now.

  The world I have with Drake is beautiful and surreal. It’s above reality and I don’t want anyone to touch it. Especially not my mother, who’s only barely started to figure out the real world as an adult in the past few years, and forgot that she needed to be a mother at the same time.

  “I don’t really want to talk about this,” I say, unable to look at her. I stand and fold my arms over my chest like a high schooler throwing a fit. “Be around more, bother to check in more than once every three months, and maybe I’ll want to talk to you about the men in my life.”

  “Kaylee, I—”

  A quick knock at the door cuts her off. And not a second later, Skyler comes walking in.

  “Mom?” he says, his tone shocked. He bolts across the room and throws his arms around her. She looks just as surprised to see him for just a moment. Finally, she melts into his hug and gathers him tight to her chest.

  “Karen?” Dick is just as shocked as everyone else to see my Mom. He strides in cautiously, hands stuffed in his pockets. “I didn’t know you were back.”


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