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Rule Breaker

Page 7

by Sienna Snow

  “I’m not sure you are, but why not? I agree to your proposal. But before we begin our little liaison, I believe we need to even the playing field in each other’s offices.” Max knelt down in front of my chair and nudged my floor-length linen skirt up.

  Excitement filled me. “What are you doing?” I stuttered.

  “You know exactly what. Lean back and enjoy. I’ve dreamed about your taste for days. I need another helping.” His lips and tongue trailed up the inside of my leg.

  “This isn’t a good idea. Anyone could walk in. We have to keep our professional life separate from our personal,” I halfheartedly protested.

  Max nudged on my legs, and without resistance I opened them to his touch. A tingle shot up my thigh as his five o’clock shadow grazed my skin.

  “I can smell your arousal, Arya. You can deny it all you want, but you love the idea of being caught.” He gently bit the inside of my thigh, and a whimper escaped my lips as my pussy contracted.

  I slid my fingers into his hair while he journeyed to my apex. He captured my hands and placed them on my armrest. “Keep them here. I control the show.”

  I whimpered again but kept my arms where he commanded.

  He stopped and stared me in the eyes. “Did you hear what I said?”


  “Yes, what?”

  The haze cleared for a second and I narrowed my eyes. “Yes, Max,” I answered through gritted teeth.

  “Oh Arya, even though that wasn’t exactly the answer I wanted from you, I will let it pass.”

  The hell he was getting the words he desired. I tried to squeeze my legs together, but Max held them in place at the knees.

  “I think we should stop.”

  He leaned in and used his teeth to push my thong to the side. I held my breath waiting.

  “Don’t think to control me, Arya. I will follow your rules to a point. But, remember this: I’m not one of your weak men who will fall at your feet to do your bidding.”

  What? I stiffened. Where had that come from? What men? Who had he talked to?

  “Where did you—oh, God.”

  Max’s lips closed around my clitoris and sucked. All questions were forgotten. He lifted my legs off the chair and placed my thighs on his shoulders as he bathed my swollen sex without mercy.

  I clutched the armrest and threw my head back. His mouth was incredible; using the right amount of pressure and movement, he brought me to the edge again and again. His tongue thrust into my pussy, causing my core to clench. He fucked me until I whimpered and begged, but left my orgasm out of reach.

  “Please—I need—”

  He tore his mouth away and replaced his tongue with his fingers.

  “I know what you need, but you won’t get it until you ask correctly.” He pumped his digits in and out as my back arched in a feeble attempt to match his rhythm. My pussy contracted and my body screamed for release.

  “Dammit, Max. We haven’t started yet.”

  “We started the moment you walked into that conference room. Now say it or I won’t let you come.” His pace increased then suddenly stopped.

  “No,” I shouted. “Don’t stop. I’m begging you.” My fingers bore into the armrest, scratching the wooden surface.

  “Say it, Arya. Stop being stubborn. You know how much I hate leaving you unfulfilled. But I will if you don’t give me the words.” His fingers drove back into me and scissored.

  I clenched my jaw as my body arched in response to his torture.

  This wasn’t fair. I’m giving him too much power already.

  “I hate you, Max.”

  “Nope, wrong again.” He pulled out once more. My back bowed, but he used his other hand to hold me down.

  Tears escaped my eyes. What had I gotten myself into? “P-p-please…s-s-sir, let me come.”

  He mouth settled on my clit and he gently bit as his fingers resumed their rhythm. With a loud cry, I exploded onto his tongue. Never was I so thankful for my paranoid clients and the soundproofing of my walls.

  I slowly descended from my orgasm as Max carried me to the soft rug in front of my desk. He leaned back, unbuckling his belt and lowering his pants. I gripped his tie and tugged him toward me. His body lowered over mine as our mouths met. I sipped my essence from his lips, and the salty-sweet taste sent a shiver up my spine.

  He pulled his tie out of my hand and yanked the silk from around his neck. He positioned my arms above my head and wound the soft material across my wrists. A thrill shot through me and my breath quickened. This was what I had craved for so long: the loss of control.

  Max leaned his forehead against mine and peered into my eyes. “What would Kerry say if she walked in here and found you bound and me pounding into you?”

  “She’d probably say it was about time. I don’t think anything can scandalize her,” I breathed out as I rubbed my body against his.

  “Good. Let’s see if we can make enough noise for her to investigate.”

  “No, I was kidding.” I attempted to sit up, but my bound hands and Max’s weight held me to the floor. “Dammit, Max. I wasn’t serious.”

  “Relax. I know you, Arya. The thought of it may arouse you, but intimacy is a private affair. Why do you think I never took you to any of the public clubs? You don’t share, and neither do I.” Max caged me with his arms as the head of his cock nudged me. This man had me so hot I hadn’t even noticed him taking off my thong.

  Awareness of me being clothed, except for my underwear, and Max in a state of semi-undress, gave me a thrill I hadn’t expected. Closing my eyes, I reveled in the spectacular sensation. God, I was already in way too deep.

  “Open for me, Arya.”

  Immediately I spread my legs and he thrust his cock into me. I opened my eyes and peered into his lust-filled hungry gaze. My core spasmed at the tenderness I saw there.

  “Tell me what I want to hear, Ari.” A bead of sweat ran down his forehead.

  I was too desperate to argue. “Please sir, I need you.”

  “Oh God,” he moaned and pushed in to the hilt. His movements were slow at first and then increased in speed and intensity. My pussy gripped him tighter with each thrust.

  “I feel you, baby. You’re almost there.”

  I cried out as the first of my quivers ignited.

  “Arya. Arya, are you in there?”

  Both Max and I jerked.

  Kerry’s voice abruptly blared over the intercom. “Your three o’clock will be here in a few minutes. Mr. Dane’s—I mean Max’s secretary called to let him know he’s needed back at his office ASAP.”

  Was there amusement in her tone? The thought of being caught both annoyed and thrilled me. I should have been annoyed that Max put me in this situation, but I couldn’t help accepting the humor of my position.

  Max’s solid, pulsating cock still throbbed inside me, but the mood was broken by Kerry’s interruptions.

  “We should stop,” I said as my heart slowed its rapid beating.

  Max leaned his forehead against the rug. “Give me a second,” he gritted out. “I wasn’t expecting any disruptions.”

  With reluctance, he extracted himself from me and rolled to the side as he attempted to steady his breath. “Wow, this is the softest rug I’ve ever felt.”

  I giggled. Of all the things for him to notice, he picked the rug. “It’s pure silk. I had it specially made for my office. I love the feel of it under my toes after a long day in heels. It’s pretty soft to lay on too.”

  “I missed the way you laugh.” Max sat up, grinned, and started to dress. “I’ll have to think about adding a rug like this to our playroom.”

  Reality set in. We weren’t a couple, no matter how much it felt like we were at the moment. He was my Dom; I was his sub.

  My own fault.

  “You’re thinking too much again.” Max’s voice broke into my thoughts. “Let this run its course. In the end, we’ll get what we both want.”

  I tried lifting up on my bound arms
but fell back onto the rug. “You seem pretty confident about this.”

  “The one thing I am, Ms. Rey, is confident.” He leaned over me and untied the knot around my wrists, then pulled me to my feet and kissed me before he finished getting dressed.

  I propped myself against my desk, since my legs felt like Jell-O. Max reknotted his tie. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to—umm,” I said.

  Max cupped the back of my head and brought my lips to his. “It’s called come. Don’t worry. I plan to get mine.” He took my mouth once again. Pulling back, he bent down, picked up his briefcase, and headed for the door. He paused before turning the knob.

  “I have one question for you before I go.”

  “Yes?” What could he want to know?

  “How many men do I need to erase from your memory? You know I’ve been with no one since you, so I deserve to know your sexual history as well.”

  He had a point. Especially with him not being the male whore I assumed he was.

  “I’ve been with one man my entire life, and until a few days ago, the last time we were together was over five years ago.”

  Max’s face relaxed with relief. “Expect a box at your penthouse later today. I want you to wear what’s inside, nothing else. I will send a car for you tonight exactly at nine. Be ready.”

  “I won’t be home tonight. I have to go to the foundation fund-raiser. I assumed you were attending, since you’re the principal sponsor.”

  “Damn.” Max ran a hand through his dark brown hair. “I forgot. Fine. Expect my car to collect you from the venue. Wear what arrives in the box and your gown, nothing else. Since it’s Friday, you’ll be spending the weekend with me. I will provide everything you’ll need for your stay.”

  “Okay.” My voice hitched a little. Here we go.

  “From this moment forward, you are my submissive, Arya. No more vanilla. I hope you’re ready.”



  Carol, my housekeeper, crossed the threshold of my home office with a large gift box in her hand. “It arrived a few minutes ago with a note saying: ‘To A from M.’ Where do you want me to put it?”

  “On the coffee table is fine.”

  Carol paused after placing the box on the table. “If you don’t have anything else for me, I’ll finish for the day and go home.”

  “Oh, I forgot about the boys’ hockey game. Go, go.” I shooed her with my hands. “I’m sorry I kept you late today.”

  Carol worked to support her three sons after they’d emigrated from Ireland and she’d lost her husband to cancer. The sacrifices she made for those she loved reminded me of Aunt Elana.

  “Arya, you know as well as I do that I barely have to do anything here. Making a few meals for you is the least I can do for paying for my kids’ school tuition in addition to my salary. Besides, half the time you end up feeding me one of your Indian specialties.”

  “That’s because you like spicy food. Most people run when I start cooking.”

  Chuckling, she moved to the office door. “Let me know when you want more test subjects. I’m sure my children will happily volunteer.”

  “I’ll make sure to plan it for a weekend when the kids don’t have a game.”

  “By the way, your stylist and her staff will arrive in half an hour.”

  Thank God, Milla insisted on hiring a beauty team for events. Otherwise, I’d have no clue how to kick up my look for galas.

  “James will let them in. Don’t worry about me, and go enjoy your time with your boys.”

  “Enjoy your weekend, and don’t let Mr. Dane keep you up too late.”

  I gasped as she winked and shut the door.

  How does she know so much about my love life? My face must have “property of Max” written all over it.

  Shrugging, I strolled over to the box, untied the ribbon, and peered inside. There, tucked into the white tissue paper, was a breathtaking silk and lace basque. I traced the delicate embroidery and bit my lip.

  It was happening. My stomach fluttered. For the first time in years, I was nervous. Even during negotiations for the development of Arcane, I hadn’t felt this kind of anxiety.

  Well, with the exception of the day ArMil merged with MDC. Although that revolved around the same person, so it didn’t count.

  Picking up the lingerie, I went to my en suite, slowly stripped out of my clothes, started the shower, and stepped under the scalding spray. The heat from the water engulfed me and relaxed my tense muscles almost enough to help forget my disquiet. A beep sounded from the home automation system, indicating I had one hour left before Lex arrived to escort me to the ball.

  I exited the shower, wrapped a towel around my hair, and stared at my reflection in the steam-covered mirror above the vanity. My palm slid to my stomach as I released a heavy sigh. The mist couldn’t hide the jagged lines that marred my skin, twenty-four in all. Twenty three scattered across various spots around my abdomen and one long one in the center from the top of my stomach to just above my pubic bone. Each slightly raised, red, puckered mark held wishes of what might have been.

  Max, me, and a future.

  If I’d listened to Lex back then and stayed in Boston, I’d have a different life right now. A thickness settled into my throat, and fresh tears lingered on the horizon. Releasing another deep breath, I gathered the corset and slipped it on.

  Each piece of the ensemble accentuated my assets, from my large breasts to my tiny waist. I searched the box for stockings when a small card fell to the floor. Recognizing Max’s handwriting, I picked it up and read:

  You can change your mind. I’d rather have you as my wife than like this.

  x Max

  My hand shook as I placed the note on the table. Why now? I’d loved him so much, and he rejected me. Too much remained between us for me to believe he’d stand by me. No matter what way I went into this relationship, I’d end up with a broken heart. Going in as his submissive was the one remotely possible path to protecting myself. Or so I hoped, anyway.

  A knock on the door interrupted my wistfulness. A member of my beauty team poked her head into the bathroom. “Ms. Rey, we’re set up in the living room. Come out whenever you’re ready for us. Also, Ms. Stanfield’s assistant delivered your gown.”

  “I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Resigned to the inevitable, I squared my shoulders, opened my door, and let the waiting team make me presentable.

  As soon as I entered the grand ballroom of Boston’s Mandarin Oriental Hotel, the weight of Max’s attention locked on to me from across the room. There was nothing impersonal in the way his gaze roamed my face and body. He regarded me with possessiveness. Irritation radiated from him as Lex placed his hand on my back, and it gave me a sense of confidence. Tonight I would belong to him, but right now I was my own woman.

  “Ari, are you trying to cause a fistfight in the middle of this ball?” Lex asked with a hint of irritation in his Irish brogue.

  I gave Lex a startled look. “What? I’m not doing anything.”

  “Max and I don’t have any love lost between us, but I’d like to keep my shirt clean tonight. I should have ordered you to change when I picked you up. That stupid dress exposes all your assets. No wonder Max is ready to kick my ass.”

  I glanced down at my dress. The simple black, long-sleeved dress scooped conservatively in the front and back, but the slit on the side drew one’s eyes to my bare leg. Moreover, the reason my assets were accentuated was because of Max’s little gift underneath.

  “The only thing showing is my leg. Hell, I’m covered all over.”

  “I told you before not to get involved with him again, but you went against my advice.” We approached the attendant, and Lex handed him our invitation.

  I feigned innocence. “What are you talking about? I don’t have any relationship going on with him.”

  “Arya, don’t lie to me.” Uh-oh, the annoyed brother tone was coming out. “Milla told me you slept with him.”
r />   That was supposed to have been a secret. I’m going to ring Milla’s neck. “For two people who can’t stand each other, you sure share a lot of information.”

  “She’s worried about you and your plan to set the rules.”

  Shit, Milla had told Lex the details.

  “Arya, you aren’t a no-commitment kind of girl. You’re treading a very thin line. Does he even know about the past?”

  I am sick of people saying that. If Milla can do it, why can’t I? “No, and I’m not going to tell him. It’s none of his business. He abandoned that right when he left me.”

  From the beginning, Lex felt Max needed to know about our girls and the attack, but I had refused, and both Milla and Lex begrudgingly agreed to heed my decision.

  We walked past a few business investors and smiled. Lex led me to the bar and handed me a glass of champagne.

  “Of course he has a right to know. How are you going to explain the scars?”

  “I’ll make sure he never sees them. He prefers corsets and lingerie. I can keep them covered.”

  “God, I don’t need to hear about all that. I think I threw up a little in my mouth.”

  “Seriously Lex, this is physical. Nothing more.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” Lex paused midstep and leaned toward me. “I don’t want to argue with you here. Just know that, no matter what happens, Milla and I are here for you.”

  This man was amazing. He placed his personal feelings to the side and supported my decisions. I kissed Lex on the cheek. “I love you, too, big brother.”

  Lex grunted and walked me through the crowd. Before we entered the dining room, I glimpsed at Max over my shoulder. His scowl deepened and he raised a brow. Oh, the kiss had annoyed him. The beautiful blonde by his side noticed his frown and tried to draw his attention away. He gave her his arm and escorted her into the dining room.

  I hoped that bimbo knew dinner was all she’d get tonight.

  Hell, where did that come from? We’ve haven’t started our affair and I’ve already become a jealous shrew.


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