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Shadows 03 Greek Shadows

Page 12

by K C West

  “I wonder if our taste buds work as well in Dreamland.”


  “Hmm?” She was still gazing at the roasting meat.

  “Mama’s here,” I whispered.

  “Oh, come off it.” PJ pushed against my chest. “You’re taking this dream stuff way too seriously.”

  I gripped her hands, stilling them. “No, she is here. I was worried that I wouldn’t recognize her, but I have.”

  “Where?” PJ scanned the crowd. “Point her out to me.”

  I pulled her hands to my chest, gently this time. “Inside me. Somehow, we’re one. Since I’m here, she is, too.”

  PJ’s eyes glistened and she bit her lower lip. “Are you sure that clunk on the head didn’t affect you just a little bit?”

  “I’m sure.” For just a second, I saw fear in her eyes. Over the past few months, that haunted look had periodically appeared and muted the gleam in them. I put my arm around her and held her close to me. “Don’t be afraid. I’m here for you, and I always will be. No matter what or who I am, you can count on me.”

  “Hold me?” she asked, voice trembling.

  “Forever.” We drew into each other, absorbing comfort and warmth from our loving relationship.

  The dancing and chanting grew more frenzied and then stopped. The vibrations from the drums continued to reverberate in the ground beneath our feet and in the still air all around us. It was accompanied by the crackling of the many fires. Oiled bodies dropped to one knee, heads bowed, and arms reached out and down as if to grasp the earth and become one with it. Skin glistened in the moonlight as dancers curved their spines and lowered their heads between outstretched arms.

  A single drummer started to beat, then another, and another.

  With small gasps, our escorts dropped to one knee.

  “Look,” PJ pointed off to her left. “Who do you suppose - ?”

  “Our queen has arrived,” one of our escorts whispered. “On your knee, head bowed.”

  It felt perfectly natural to do as she bid, and I scrambled into position.

  “If you think I’m going to - “

  “Down, for me, please?”

  PJ shot me an irritated look, but dropped into position beside me. “I feel ridiculous.”

  “Silence. You must pay your respect.”

  PJ threw an exasperated look at the woman who had spoken. “All right, I’ll play along, for now.”

  The queen, a personage whose features were hidden behind the ornate carving of a heavy mask, carried weapons: a sword at one side of her waist, a dagger on the other. Dried grasses adorned her mask, making it difficult in the darkness to see the detail of the carving. A warrior walked at her right side. Her features were also hidden behind a mask, but her arsenal of weapons was evident. She held herself erect and was attentive to her queen.

  Only a single, slow drumbeat broke the silence that had fallen over the camp. Three heavily armed women followed the two and took their places behind the seats of honor.

  “I’m dying to see their faces,” PJ whispered into my ear, nibbling on my earlobe as she did.

  We didn’t have to wait long. As if answering PJ’s request, the queen removed her mask. My heart thudded in my chest. “My God. It’s Leeja.” I turned to PJ, looking for confirmation.

  She swallowed. “She’s the spitting image of the model Dr. Westermeyer made of her.”

  “Then we know who the other one is.” The queen’s consort removed her mask and took her place at the queen’s right hand.

  “Mama,” PJ said in a harsh whisper. “You and she could be sisters. Oh, God, this gets worse.”

  The royal couple sat on their fur-covered thrones and the drums pounded. Dancers lithely contorted before their monarch.

  “Kim, are you all right?”

  “I guess so, though I’m not sure I know at this point what is going on.”

  “Join the club.”

  I inclined my head toward the queen and her consort. “It’s so strange. Am I here? Or there in a younger version, beside my queen?”

  “Yeah, your queen who is also your lover.”

  I failed to recognize the sarcasm in PJ’s statement as I continued to stare at the two Amazons. Months ago, we had found bones in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona that when reconstructed through forensics, resembled these two. But these women were very much alive, and judging from the way they touched and spoke to each other, very much in love.

  The feasting, the drumming, and the dancing continued long into the night. We remained seated among the group, almost unnoticed. The experience provided us with the chance to observe the rulers and their subjects. PJ and I ate, drank, and joined the dancing in a subdued manner.

  The queen glanced in our direction once or twice during the festivities, but made no move to talk with us. After she and her party departed, some of the women scattered to their respective huts, but the majority remained to feast and dance, probably until daylight.

  Exhausted and stuffed with food and ale, PJ and I ambled toward our hut, intending to call it a night. We were intercepted by a heavily armed warrior. “Our queen will see you in the morning. Be ready by two candlemarks after sunrise. Someone will come for you.”

  “We’ll be ready,” I told her.

  “Why us?” PJ gripped my arm. “Why does she want to see us?”

  I hugged her and ruffled her hair. “I don’t know, sweetheart, but now maybe we can get some answers to our questions.”


  I awoke to feel warm sunlight on my face, filtering in through the cracks in the walls of the hut. Not wanting to disturb Kim, I stretched my body slowly and gently under our thick fur covering. She and I had made the most of our free time, making slow, sweet love and then drifting off to sleep. I felt mild aches from the exertion of the evening, and my head still buzzed from the effects of too much ale and frenzied dancing. Me? Dancing? In that skimpy costume? Oh, God.

  Kim stirred, and drew a long, steady breath. We had settled into one of my favorite positions, with Kim on her back and me snuggled against her side, a leg over hers, one arm across her stomach, my chin resting on her collarbone. She made a delicious body pillow.

  “Mmm,” we sighed in unison. Our fingers intertwined across her taut abdomen.

  “Some party, huh?”

  I groaned. “Is it possible to dream you got drunk, made love, and fell asleep?”

  “I don’t know, but I think we did. At least the last three parts of that. I know I’m satisfied in all the right places.”

  “Is it time to see the queen? My watch seems to have stopped. I’d sure like to wash and find my cargo pants and T-shirt before we have to march out in front of those people again.”

  “Oh, PJ. Don’t give up those leather thingies.”

  “Sorry, hotshot. I have to get some underwear on before I see the queen again. Walking around half-naked might be de rigueur in this village, but I find it drafty and very hard to concentrate.”

  “Spoilsport.” She pulled my chin closer and planted a kiss on my lips.

  “Ugh, please Kimmy. Let me brush my teeth first. My breath could probably stop a charging rhino.”

  “Yeah, me too. Wonder what these folks use for dental hygiene?”

  I kissed her cheek and threw back our covers, chilling our bare skin. On hands and knees, I crawled in the direction of the basin and water container.

  Someone had started a small fire and warmed the water for our use. I thought it had been a very considerate gesture, until I realized it meant that same someone had intruded on our privacy while we slept.

  I discovered a soft scrap of cloth and some herbal oil beside the basin, and wasted no time washing my face and upper body. Kim joined me in a quick cleaning. We used cold water and mint leaves to freshen our breath.

  “Not exactly our usual routine, is it?” She tickled my neck with a sprig of mint.

  I ducked away from her assault. “Oh, look! Someone has washed and dried our stuff. Bless t
heir hearts.” I dashed to the pile of familiar clothing in the corner of our hut and hastily dressed in my usual work clothes.

  Kim pouted. “I’m going to miss seeing so much of you.”

  “You can stay in that soft tunic, if you want.” I rubbed my face against the deerskin and handed it to her.

  “Perhaps I will.” Her eyes glazed a bit. “Wearing it gives me a strong feeling of kinship with these women, especially Marna.”

  She pulled the tunic over her head and cinched it with a strip of leather. I felt a warm glow when I saw her in that outfit. “You look like you belong here - wherever here is - a dreamscape or something.”

  “It’s strange, but I do feel somewhat at home here.” She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close. “I sure wish you had stayed in that skirt and those leather strips. All that exposed skin gave me all sorts of warm feelings.”

  “Yeah.” I snickered. “Right between your legs.”

  “That wasn’t what I meant. If you’d stay in that new outfit, I bet you’d feel more at home in this village, too.”

  “The only place I’m going to feel at home is at home, or back on site.”

  The door to the hut opened, and two well-endowed warriors beckoned us.

  “Come, the queen awaits.”

  Kim straightened her tunic. “We’re all yours, ladies.”

  The two women gave us frank, appraising looks before exchanging amused glances.

  “Jesus, I don’t think that’s quite what you meant,” I said as we were escorted out.


  “This is just too weird,” PJ said, as we made our way toward the queen’s hut.

  Our final escort was a beautiful, young, olive-skinned woman with dark eyes. She wore a short skirt of soft doeskin and a fringed band around her breasts. Her leg, arm, and shoulder muscles rippled as she moved gracefully across the clearing.

  I took PJ’s arm and we fell into line with our guides. “Try to relax. Accept what is happening as an experience you won’t soon forget.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t accept it so calmly.” She stopped walking and turned to face me.

  “We’re trapped in a dreamscape, on our way to meet two characters who coincidentally happen to look like the embodiment of remains we found on our excavations in Arizona.” Her index finger jabbed me in the stomach. “You say you are Mama, her descendent, or some sort of reincarnation. We have to be dreaming, but we can’t seem to wake up.” She threw up her hands. “What’s wrong with this scenario? What’s right about it? And you wonder why I’m apprehensive?”

  “Reality as we know it is nothing more than our acceptance of it. Who’s to say that our dreams are not reality? I can’t be absolutely sure that our life in the twenty-first century is absolute reality. There’s so much we don’t know, PJ, so much yet to learn about dimensions way beyond those we routinely accept.”

  We stopped outside the queen’s hut while one of our escorts announced our arrival. Then she stood to the side and motioned us inside.

  “Thank you, Petrina, you may leave us.”

  “You’re sure, My Queen?”

  “Yes, we are perfectly safe with our guests.”

  The queen examined us closely. Her gaze bared my soul, and I’m sure it did something to PJ, too, because she edged closer to me.

  “Be seated.” Leeja’s command was forceful, but cordial.

  “Thank you,” I bowed my head and dropped to the floor, seating myself comfortably on soft animal skins.

  PJ remained upright, feet wide apart, arms folded across her chest. “I’ll stand, thank you.”

  “As you please.”

  The queen was a strong woman, clearly equal to the task of dealing with PJ’s defiance. She glanced at Marna who nodded some sort of unspoken agreement.

  “First, I must apologize for the rough treatment you received when you arrived.”

  “I should hope so,” PJ said.

  I gave her a stern look. “Not now.”

  The queen ignored us. “Unfortunately, you encountered a scouting party that has been away for a while. They had no idea you were coming for a visit.”

  “Apology accepted,” I said.

  “A likely story,” PJ countered.

  “PJ.” I tried my stoniest expression on her, but she kept her eyes focused on the queen and her consort.

  Marna stepped forward, looking both dangerous and beautiful, and directed her comments to PJ. “You may remain standing if you like, but we have much to talk about, and you will surely be more comfortable sitting.”

  I watched, fascinated as they held a staring contest, each refusing to back down.

  “Relax, you two.” Queen Leeja turned to Marna. “Sit here beside me, and we will see how long our friend wants to stand so rigidly at attention.”

  When Marna smiled, the gleam of her perfectly white teeth softened her features. PJ didn’t move.

  “You’re Dr. Kimberly Blair,” Leeja said, looking at me, “a noted archaeologist in your world. In this one, you’re recognized as an equally noted Amazon warrior. You are courageous, independent, loyal, and - best of all - you share the soul of my beloved consort.” She gave Marna a look that left no doubt about their devotion to each other.

  A movement at the door heralded the arrival of a young woman bearing herbal tea and a basket of fresh fruit. She went quietly about pouring and serving the tea, a strong mixture of ginger and other herbs.

  “Thank you, but no thank you,” PJ said, when offered a cup.

  Excusing myself to Leeja and Marna, I took PJ’s hand and pulled her down beside me. “You will sit, you will relax, and you will drink the tea.” I ignored PJ’s scowl and turned to the queen, “Your Majesty, I - “

  “We don’t stand on ceremony here. I may be the queen, but I’m also a woman who likes to chat, to laugh, and to love.” She glanced again at her consort. “You may call me Leeja, and of course, you are well acquainted with Marna, my protector, advisor, companion, and the love of my life.”

  “Thank you. I am deeply honored to be in your presence.”

  “Come off it, Kimmy. This is completely crazy. These people only exist - “

  “PJ, watch your tongue.”

  She turned to me. “Can’t we stop this charade and get on with our lives?”

  “Don’t blame her for not believing,” Marna said. “It’s quite a step from your world to ours. But you’re here for a reason. We know who you are. We know all about both of you.”

  “So, who am I?” PJ demanded.

  “PJ!” I could have strangled her right there on the spot.

  “No. She knows so much. Let her tell me who I am. We’ll get to the bottom of all this.”

  Marna folded her muscular arms under her full breasts. “You are Dr. Priscilla Josephine Curtis, daughter of the wealthy and well-respected Frederick Curtis. You have a doctorate from Boston University and you are an archaeologist of some renown, though much of your early professional years were spent… jet-setting. I think that’s the word you use. You met Dr. Blair while she was still searching for the Lost Tribe. You two fell in love, and your life changed forever. Not long ago, you traveled together to what is now called Wales.”

  “Stop. That’s enough.” PJ took a deep breath. “So you know a few facts. It doesn’t prove anything.”

  “What can we say to gain your trust and your undivided attention?”

  PJ glanced in my direction. I felt she was blaming me for all that was happening to us. “If you love me, Kim - really love me - you’ll ask these two to wave their magic wands and return us immediately to reality.”

  “I’m sorry, PJ, I can’t do that. I need to find out more about these women and what our destiny is with them. This is a chance to know Marna on a - “

  “Marna, Marna!” She tapped her chest. “What about me, huh? The woman you profess to love? Can you answer that?”

  So that’s it. PJ felt threatened. She was jealous of Marna and my closeness with this group of Amazons.
/>   I spoke against the lump that grew in my throat. “I’m asking you to go along with me. Listen to what Leeja and Marna have to say. Learn why they brought us here.”

  Tears welled in PJ’s eyes. “I’m afraid I’ll lose you if I do that.”

  “You’re not going to lose me. All I’m asking is for you to trust me and go along with me this once.”

  She looked up at the hut’s matted ceiling, blinked back tears, and took a long, shaky breath. “All right, I’ll do it for you, but we’re going to have a serious talk when we get back to reality. We need to take stock of our relationship in light of your fantasies. Life is not an illusion, Kim. It’s real.” She turned to Leeja and Marna. “You have my attention. What is it you want?”

  “You talk to them,” Leeja said to Marna, “since you probably know more of their situation than I do.”

  “You’re here for several reasons. There are things you must know about us and about your destiny, but before we can go into that, you both need to work out the demons that afflict you. We want to help you both.” Marna stopped and watched us. I sat quietly waiting for her to continue, but PJ’s face was a mask of discontent.

  “Speak for yourself, or for my friend here, but don’t go putting any demons on me.”

  “Your demons are quite obvious, PJ, and understandable, considering what you went through in the place called Wales. Kim’s are not as obvious, but they’re just as deep and just as debilitating.”

  “And why would you want to help us?”

  Showing a great deal of patience, Marna refused to react to PJ’s hostile attitude. She sat beside Leeja, her hand resting on the queen’s thigh. “We’ve told you that Kim shares my soul. What we haven’t told you is that she was selected for that honor because of her unique abilities.”

  “Yeah, right. Kimmy the Warrior.” I could hear the bitterness in her words and knew she was upset with me, with them, and with herself. “Just because you think you’re acting all noble, and that Kim has swallowed your story hook, line, and block of concrete, don’t expect me to be as gullible. I was doing just fine back in my real life.”


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