Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 31

by Lauren Wood

  The feel of his lips on her skin made her want to push his face away. It was not the act that made her cringe, but it was the person that was performing it. She felt vulnerable standing there like his personal sex robot. He took her hand and she allowed him to drag her up the staircase, until they were entering into a boudoir that was made for lovers.

  “This is where the magic happens. Let me light a few candles and turn down the bed.” He extinguished the light overhead and the candlelight was now giving off this romantic glow. He pulled the drapes to prevent any unwanted visitors, especially in the variety of a bullet with his name on it.

  He stood in front of her admiring her body and the swell of her breasts. The cups of her bra were barely able to contain what she had to offer. He plucked the button on the back and with it came the revelation of her wonderful tits. Those nipples topped the mountain and were large enough that they made him hunger for the chance to inhale each one. He clicked his tongue to the top of his mouth and very quickly disrobed her of the underwear. It was the last obstacle in his way and now it was around her ankles. He circled her and upraised the property.

  Slapping her ass made her jump almost out of her skin. She did squeal a little bit, but then she held her tongue. She found that her need to stay in control was the one thing that he wanted to take away.

  He grabbed one of his silk ties, a fluorescent yellow one and grabbed her hands and pulled them around her body.

  The blindfold was next and she was essentially blind and unable to see what he was going to do. She didn’t like putting that kind of control in his hands. It looked like he was ready to unmask the kinky perversions in his mind.

  She was guided by his hand, until she was bending over the bed with her screams for mercy now echoing in the room. He was slapping her ass and making it red and hot to the touch. The pain was unbearable, but she endured and tried to think of anything that would help her to float above her own body.

  “I can’t see how it’s much of a surprise that I’m a bit sadistic in the bedroom. I’ve always liked to make a woman my bitch and to give them that memory that they would never be able to wipe from their minds.” Caleb had his cock in his hand and he was stroking it in the same rhythm of the sound of those slaps hitting her bare skin. Having her naked like this and willing to take whatever she was going to get was better than paying for it any day. There were those that made it look like it was no big deal and that was not what he was looking for in a partner.

  “I hope you know that you are a bastard and that you deserve to rot in hell for everything that you are doing to me and to all those people that had the misfortune of meeting you. Fuck…you know that hurts… Jesus Christ… I don’t know how much more I can take of this.” “The last time that I had seen Randal was when I pushed him into the closet and left him there. I have no idea if he was able to get out, or if he was still in there getting angrier by the second. I really didn’t want to be in front of anybody that came in front of his path after he was released from that prison. Caleb is sadistic and he has a real mean streak that I find is testing my patience.”

  “You don’t know what it does to me to hear you say these things to me. I don’t think that I’ve ever had my cock this hard before. I should’ve been trying something like this a long time ago. I won’t make that mistake again.” He lined his cock up against her hole and found that he wanted to do this with nothing to help her to take the 8 inch hammer between his legs.

  Nicole could feel that hardness pressed up against her and she braced herself for what was to come. There was something behind her and then there was this loud thud. That soft and pliable top had now been replaced by a very agile tongue. She heard what sounded like an anguished cry of pain and it wasn’t coming from her lips.

  “I don’t know what made you do that, but I think that it might be out of character for you. I would’ve thought that you would’ve wanted to dry hump me, but you surprised me.” Nicole felt that tongue darting in and out of her like a snake. It seemed almost familiar, but she really didn’t give it much thought. “I wasn’t expecting him to be this nice about it. After being spanked for over a minute, I really did believe that he was just going to slip it into me without even getting me the least bit excited. I’m glad that he had a change of heart, but that doesn’t really mesh with what I know about the man.”

  A few minutes before that, Randal had just finished with the last of the sharpshooters. He had snuck up on all of them without them even being aware that he was going to be the hand of god. He slit their throats. The first one was hesitant, but the next two were easier than expected.

  He grabbed for the gun of the last sharpshooter and prepared to send Caleb to his maker. He had the shot lined up, but then he moved in between Nicole to avoid any kind of contact. He must’ve gotten suspicious when the lights from the scopes went out.

  He was still too far away, but he heard everything that was being said through a two way communication that was in this man’s ear. He looked down at the blood on his hands and felt a sort of calm come over him from knowing that he had done what he needed to protect the person that he loved the most. He did not enjoy the way that Caleb taunted Nicole into going into the bedroom with him. He was going to have to get down there. He was in remarkable shape. He took off at a full sprint, until he was at the threshold to the house.

  He was about to go through the door, but he thought better of it. He found an open window and shimmied through to the other side into what amounted to a laundry room. He heard Nicole scream and continued to scream on and off for the next minute. His anger welled up inside and he felt this red hot rage that he could not contain in the bowels of his stomach. He didn’t rush things. He moved with cautious care up the staircase, until he was standing and looking at Caleb bare ass about to pierce the interior of his beloved.

  He looked at Nicole in her vulnerable state and decided to act without thinking. There was no hesitation this time, as he wrapped one of Caleb’s own silk ties around his throat. He felt his fingers scratching at his hand, but the pain was nothing compared to the satisfaction that he felt by taking this man’s life. He lifted him off his feet and the strangled breath that Caleb was trying to force into his lungs was not making any headway.

  Caleb knew that he was in trouble and he looked around frantically for something that he could use to defend himself. He had to let go of the instrument of his own demise. He didn’t want to, but it was necessary to reach out for the one thing that might be in his reach. He had his hand grazing the vase, but it became something of a mocking gesture. It was the one thing that he could use to break this man grip and he was a fraction of an inch away from using it.

  Randal used every muscle in his body and eventually Caleb succumbed to lack of oxygen. Randal closed his eyes and forced himself to stand there for a good minute to make sure that this man wasn’t going to get up. He let him go like a sack of cement that landed on the floor in front of him. He touched his neck for a pulse and found none.

  He was about to inform Nicole that she was safe, but he suddenly had a better idea. Seeing her trussed up and blindfolded had put that extra bit of lead down below where it matter the most.

  Back in the present, he was tongue fucking her hole and then stood with his hand unzipping his pants. He was about to fuck her, but he didn’t think that it would be right without telling her before hand that her worst nightmare was over. “Nicole, you don’t have to worry about him anymore. He’s not going to hurt anyone ever again.”

  “Randal, is that… YOUUUUUUUU?” she felt him slide into home plate. “I never thought it would be possible that we could get out from underneath this. I’m not ashamed to say that I’m grateful for his assistance. I really didn’t want to go through with that, but I didn’t see any way that I was going to get out of it.”

  “I hope that you don’t mind. I thought that I would take over where he left off. Your body has always been something that I have a need for. When I took my first bite of the f
orbidden fruit, I knew that I was never going to be happy without another helping. I’m watching myself fuck you and I see my cock covered in your love and I know that this is right. This is justice and this is something that I should never be ashamed of.” He was holding onto her hips and slamming up against your hot and heavy. He was biting her ear and whispering to her how many times he would want to make her cum.

  “You are about to get your fucking wish… I’m cumming.” “I was scared that this was going to happen with Caleb, but I guess I didn’t have anything to worry about. I should be angry with him for taking advantage of me like this, but it feels too damn good to be anything but happy.” Her head was lying half sideways on the mattress with him continually pounding her. She couldn’t reach back and cradle his balls, but it was that sense of confinement that was all that much more thrilling.

  “You’re…ahhh…. not the only one…not by a fucking long shot… AHHHHHH.” Randal threw his head back. He was doing everything he could not to put any pressure on the ankle that he had taped up. It was a little awkward, but the pleasure was running upstream against the vodka that he had poured down his throat, as a form of self medication.

  He finally untied her and after searching the whole house, they were able to find his ledger of those that had fallen victim to his wily ways. They also found the deed to the house and using a fair amount of money had that changed over to Randal’s name. It wasn’t just this house, but there were several others. They had decided to put most of them up on the market. They would all fetch a mighty dollar and the investment that Caleb had put into them had paid off in big dividends. They weren’t expecting this kind of windfall, but they weren’t going to be greedy. They decided to donate half of the profits to worthy causes. This money might have come from a man that had no scruples, but at least it was going to do some good.

  They went ahead and contacted all those that were waiting for that death knell to come calling. They gave them the good news and they could hear the sigh of relief coming over the end of the line. They were even able to siphon his accounts. They couldn’t get all of them, but they had several millions and more than enough to live their life in each other arms in luxury.

  It wasn’t long before she found out that she was with child and this was what she had always wanted. This was the perfect symphony and him standing beside her gave her the courage to believe in happy endings.




  Chapter 1

  “Nina, I’ve never seen you look more ravishing or desirable. It’s a good thing that you came out with me to shake things up a little bit. I’ve been worried about you. You seem to have lost something and you seem to be just going through the motions.” Nina looked at her best friend Susan with her long blond hair and voluptuous good looks and she wonders if she ever did attract a man like that. “That dress is going to knock any man out of their boots. I guess it’s true that a little black dress is a girl’s best friend. We all have one and now you can say you have one too.”

  “Susan, you know that this is not me. I’m not this risqué or erotic. If I were to step out of the doors wearing this, I would probably be arrested for indecent exposure.” Nina was looking in the mirror and she noticed that her dirty blond locks were the perfect contrast to the dark dress that she was currently wearing. It had a plunging neckline with ruffles to indicate more than what there was. It was short on the bottom and rose up to almost a scandalous amount. One wrong move in any direction and she would be putting herself out there for everybody to see.

  “That’s precisely the reason why you should get it, Nina. We know that eventually you’ll have use for it. It’s better to have it now, than to never have it at all. I don’t think I’ve seen you out on a date in at least a year. You can’t tell me it’s because of Benjamin. He’s 10 years old now and he has his own friends and before long, he’ll be old enough to stay home on his own. You’ll blink and you’ll find that life passes you by. I don’t want to see that happen to you.”

  “I know that she means well, but she has no idea what I’ve been putting myself through. That trip five years ago is still haunting me. Every morning, I wake up with his face in my mind and the regret of leaving him behind. I never told her the story. Maybe I’m embarrassed by what happened, or maybe I just want to keep it to myself. I know that there’s no chance that I’m going to see him again, especially after I left things cold.” Looking at this dress, Nina begins to see that maybe it’s time to finally shed that memory and get on with the rest of her life.

  It had been over five years, but that navy seal with that killer instinct in his eyes and body to kill for was the only thing that mattered. She found herself measuring the men that she went out with by a certain standard that they couldn’t possibly live up to. It didn’t matter if they were nice, well educated or even had a bad boy quality. She wanted the whole thing, the total package and the only person that had ever given that to her was John Evans. That man knew how to make a girl feel like a natural woman and also show them that they were respected enough that foreplay was mandatory.

  “Earth to Nina. Where did you go? You’re here one minute and then you were in that secret place that puts a smile on your face. You lit up like the 4th of July and now I know that there’s something underneath all of this. I think it might be a man. You’ve never said as much, but I have seen you looking exactly like you are right now. Your eyes seem to glow with a memory and if that memory is the only thing that is holding you back, then I suggest that you think of something else. I’m starting to see the reason why you are alone, Nina. You want something that you can’t have. You crave it, you wait for it, but you know in the deepest part of yourself that it’s never going to happen. Perhaps, he’s married and you got caught up in an affair of a heart that made you feel like you were doing yourself a disservice.” Susan had always had Nina’s back, but this time, she saw that this was a losing battle. Something was eating at her and preventing her from finding the true happiness that she deserved.

  Nina was the perfect 10 with a body that was sculpted out of the gym every morning for an hour. With her clothes on, her body looked like a man’s wet dream come true. With her clothes off, she became the ultimate fantasy with pendulum breasts that were a natural C Cup. She also had the kind of nipples that a man could chew on for days. She was only 5 foot two, 100 pounds, but she still felt that there was need for improvement. It’s was her piercing green eyes that made most men take a second look.

  “I do have a secret, but I really don’t want to talk about it. It’s painful time in my life and a pleasurable one at the same time. I don’t know how that’s even possible, except for the fact that I had a wonderful weekend with a young man and then after it was over with, I left without saying a word or leaving any signs that I wanted to continue pursuing something between us. I’ve been hiding, hoping that he would find me, but how can he, when he doesn’t even know that I came from this town. He lives a life of mystery and there are times that I know that he’s bad for me, but I don’t care.”

  “I want everything and I think that I should never have to settle for second best. If life means for us to come together at some point, then so be it. Until then, I need to stop living in the past and live for the present. If I don’t, then I’m going to find myself shying away from the perfect man. He’s out there and maybe I’ve already found him and because of my feelings for John, I let him go. That was a sad thought. I did not want to go down that road. I did not want to live like a hermit for the rest of my life. I’d found comfort in television shows, but now I had to go out into the real world.”

  “Nina, I really do have to run. I have a few errands that I have to do, before I go home and make supper. I think that I’m going to take it slow, because I always have more fun when Steve is there to make supper with me. Sometimes we don’t even make it out of the kitchen, if you know what I mean.” Susan was only trying to make her fri
end smile, but she realized that her attempt at doing just that had backfired. Her happiness with Steve was getting underneath her best friend’s skin.

  “You don’t have to rub it in. I know that you have the best life and I would never begrudge for having everything you want. I would like to have what you have, but I have no idea how to go about it. I can’t just go into a bar and pick up a guy. Most likely than not, he’s only there for one thing and one thing only. I’m not really looking for a one night stand. I want something with more substance and is going to stand up to the test of time. I want that friendship that is going to turn us into lovers. You started that way with Steve and you’ve been going strong ever since. Why is it, so hard for me to find that best friend that could turn into a whole lot more?”

  “Nina, you can’t find it, because you haven’t been letting it find you. You need to walk amongst the people, talk to them and get to know them on another level besides just idle chitchat. I want you to go out tonight in the black dress and I want you to say to yourself that you are over him and that you can do better than somebody that was only a weekend affair.” There was a small problem with that. They both knew that going into a club would only cause those young men in their informative years to become drooling idiots. They were older than most of the crowd at 35 apiece and had been best friends since they were kids.

  “I might just take you up on that suggestion. I’ve been doing nothing, but letting a very nice night keep me from moving on. I have to stop letting him get to me like this. I’m sure that he hasn’t been pining over me. He has probably already slept with at least five or more women, since we met. I doubt that weekend was special to him.” “What I don’t want to tell her is that I don’t think that it’s possible for me to find somebody that even comes close to John. Wouldn’t it be something if there was an identical twin out there somewhere that had the same traits and the same qualities as John? They say that everybody has one and believe me, I’ve looked, but I’ve yet to see his carbon copy come walking through any door.


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