Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 32

by Lauren Wood

  Nina and Susan bought some clothing, including the little black dress that was going to become a staple in Nina’s closet. She had been working, as a closet organizer and Susan could always find time to meet up with her for these little adventures. She had her own business of soaps and other key things for girls. It started off, as a joke between friends, but then it escalated and now she had two shops on different sides of the city. People clamored for what she could give them. Nina was happy for her friend’s success.

  “I know that we’ve talked this thing to death, Nina, but all of this has been for your own good. It shows you that I care for you and I would never want anything, but the best. You’re obviously going to do what you want anyway and there’s no way for me to stop that. At the very least, go to the grocery store. I know it sounds stupid, but I’ve found some interesting delights that certainly put a smile on my face. That is, until I met Steve. He’s everything that I would want and more for you. I wish that I had the capacity to share, but I’m not into that kind of freestyle lifestyle.”

  Nina had seen Steve on several occasions and there was a small part of her that wanted to seduce him and turn his head in her direction. Nina realized that she was just projecting. She didn’t want to do it and to sabotage her friends happiness would’ve been a very mean spirited thing to do. She just wanted to reconfirm her sexuality and know that she could bring the boys to the yard.

  Chapter 2

  Nina separated from her friend in the mall, carrying her newfound acquisitions underneath her arm. There was no way that anybody could see through the bag into the contents within. It just made her little subconscious to have this in her possession and walking around like it was the most normal thing in the world.

  She was passing by the grocery store and those words that had come from her best friend hit her like a ton of bricks. Thinking nothing of it, she walked into the grocery store with a plan in mind that she would make the circuit and then walk back out proving her friend wrong. She’d changed back to her customary blue jeans and it wasn’t lost on her the way that the guys had constantly been eyeballing her the entire time that she was walking around.

  “I don’t know why they don’t have the courage to ask me out. I’ve seen at least three guys that have ticked most of the boxes and yet they only stare and probably wonder if I’m taken or not. If they really want to know, then all they have to do is ask. I’m sure that they’re worried that I will give them the brush off, but that’s the risk of playing in the dating pool. If you’re not willing to jump in feet first, then you may as well just sit on the sidelines and dangle your toes in the water.”

  Taking those few steps down into the produce department, she spied a man with the same kind of haircut that John had back in Greece. It was a little longer, but still primarily the same style. He had the same basic build and apparently he was looking for some kind of steak to complement the bottle of fine wine that was currently in his basket.

  John had no idea that Nina was behind him, cocking her head sideways and trying to envision him naked. He’d only stopped by to pick up a few supplies for a barbecue that his friend was having in his honor for coming back in one piece. He didn’t have a whole lot of time and two weeks had always gone by in the snap of his fingers. John had borrowed his friend’s brown bomber jacket. It was the perfect fit for his 6’3, 220 pound frame. It was a little tight on the arms, but his biceps were a work of art that was perfected with a regiment that an old friend of his had come up with. He had found that building muscle wasn’t, as difficult as everybody made it out to be. He just needed to know how to rest those muscles between days and work on different parts of the body to make it an all around healthy workout style.

  Nina was doing her best trying to get him to turn around. She was tempted to call his name and risk the possibility of embarrassment. She could actually feel that her palms were sweating, her skin was tingling and that familiar feel of his fingers touching her in that not so subtle way had come back to her. Even through the white and blue blouse that she was wearing; her nipples were poking obscenely against the almost sheer material of her black Lacey bra. Inside her jeans was the piece that went with the bra. Those panties left very little to the imagination. In the right pair of manly and suggestive hands, they would’ve been rendered useless.

  She followed from behind, until finally she took that educated guess of where he was going to go to next. If it was John, he had a real penchant for anything chocolate. His Achilles heel had always been rocky road ice cream. She remembered having it in their hotel room, feeding it to each other like lovers would after a particularly raunchy and marathon kind of sex.

  “It can’t be him. It’s just not possible that the universe would somehow play into bringing us together after all this time. I don’t believe in fate or destiny and I believe that things happen when they happen. Sometimes you have to take the bull by the horns to make it happen. The guy that has had me twisted up in knots could be mere feet away from me and he doesn’t even know that I’m here.” She moved cautiously and quickly away from him, skirting the entire store from another angle and coming in from the side where the rocky road ice cream was located.

  During her time in security for a mall, she knew that most people wouldn’t look up or wouldn’t look down. With that in mind, she moved to her knees and pushed a few pieces of a display out of her way to give her easier access to see him coming around the corner. She waited with bated breath, consciously aware of the fact that her heart was beating a million miles an hour.

  Her heart leaped with joy and apprehension at seeing his face up close and personal like this. Nina couldn’t stop staring, as John stopped exactly where she expected him to. He rummaged around in the freezer and came out with a look of glee on his face and a box of rocky road in his hands. At first, she thought that it might be a look alike, but now all the pieces had fallen into place.

  John felt that prickling on the back of his neck. He stopped and looked around, but saw nothing that would indicate that somebody was watching him. He’d always followed his instincts in the past, but this was civilian life and he had to put away his training and enjoy his time off for, as long as it was going to be. It must’ve been just his overactive imagination running wild. He thought he saw something moving within the displays up front, but when he came around the corner, there was nobody there, except for a little old lady looking at cat food.

  Nina had no idea why she was being so secretive. What she should’ve done was go straight up to him in and surprise the hell out of him. She hoped that that time together was, as meaningful to him as it was to her. She didn’t want to take the risk, especially if he was involved. She couldn’t get close enough to see if he was wearing a ring on his finger. It was best to stay back and assess the situation before going forward.

  Nina Cameron was not following her own advice. She just finished making mention that guys didn’t take the risk of getting rejected. They would rather stay in the shadows, watching and waiting. It was almost like she was beginning to see the other side of the tracks. This was the way that men felt most of the time, especially if they did not have the charisma or the openness that came from showing their emotions on their sleeves. This was not something that Nina was comfortable with. Essentially, she was stalking and making this man feel like he was about to jump out of his own skin. She already noticed that he had stopped with the ice cream in his hand and was now looking in both directions. It was only fortuitous that she moved out of the way of his line of sight, before he actually was able to pinpoint her location.

  John had always been very astute and his training had come into play when a mugger had decided to see if they could score on those streets of Greece. Instead of getting away with the booty, he was instead confronted with a man that had this look in his eye that you really didn’t want to meet in a dark alley. John was able to sustain from hurting him badly, but he certainly did put the fear of god into him.

  “I know that I’m being f
oolish. I just can’t seem to take that final leap of faith. I guess I’m going to convince myself that it’s all about timing. It feels like everything has been coming around in a circle, until we finally came to this point. Who knew what I would find in a grocery store?”

  He was not dressed the same with his navy blue uniform. She’d never thought of herself, as one of those girls, but seeing him in that uniform and the way that he looked at her was almost too hard to resist. After a few drinks and some conversation that was lighthearted, they began to see that things were going to lead all the way up to the hotel room. That was the past and this was the present.

  Nina made her way out to her car and she sat in her blue Prius. She was always about saving the planet and did everything she could to limit her carbon footprint. She knew that eventually this world would be turned over to the next generation. She didn’t feel that it was right for them to destroy their legacy, even if it was inadvertent. She didn’t typically enjoy recycling, but it was a necessary evil to keep all of that from going to the graveyard known, as a dump.

  Her hands played drums on the steering wheel, as he came out and went to this black jeep. He was twirling the keys in his hand and she was about to climb out and go up to him, when he suddenly stopped again and abruptly turned in her direction. Thankfully, she was able to dive out of sight and stay there, until she heard the rumbling of the engine of the jeep coming to life.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, getting herself back to a sitting motion, until she heard the knocking on the window and turned to come face to face with John.

  Chapter 3

  John had finally figured out that the person that was watching him was from the car across the way. He had only seen a brief glimpse of some hair flying, as the person behind the wheel ducked down to prevent themselves from been detected. He had snuck up on her, pretending to turn the ignition and then leaving it and moving stealthily across the parking lot towards this person’s window.

  When the female form came back up to survey her surroundings, he got the shock of his life by seeing a woman that he didn’t think that he would ever see again. Nina was the one that had got away. He never meant to make her feel that it was only temporary, but he had made it clear from the very beginning that they were only going to be passing ships in the night.

  He could see that she was visibly distressed, but he felt it only right that he find out why she was following him. There was a part of him that wanted to leave it alone, in case this was her way of finally getting closure. Knocking on the window and seeing her reaction, as her heart almost literally stopped, made him smile.

  Nina rolled down the window and could feel the cool air in the car, except that she was sweating bullets.

  “Nina Cameron, as I live and breathe. I honestly never thought that this day would come. We never exchanged information and for us to end up in the same place is almost unheard of. If you don’t mind me saying, you are looking even more beautiful five years later. You have this raw sexuality and I see that you’ve been hiding it, but I have no idea why. You look amazing and that red dress that night had every guy eating out of the palm of your hand. You thought that I was a pushover and you sidled up to me, precisely because I was playing hard to get. It wasn’t, until I pushed you up against that pool table in back that you finally let all your preconceived notions about seducing a man go flying out the window.”

  ‘John, it’s not fair that you’re here like this. I thought that that was a one time thing. How is it possible that we are here in the exact same place at the exact same time? The odds of that are against us, but here we are. I saw you in the grocery store and I got a brief peek at your face and couldn’t believe my eyes. I’m sorry that I was a coward and tried to get away. I didn’t know what kind of response I was going to get…” She didn’t get a chance to say anything else, as he leaned through the window and cupped his hand behind her neck. He made her lean out the window and they kissed for the first time in five years.

  His tongue was like it had learned new tricks in those five years. Nina was beside herself and at first struggled vainly against his caress, but that didn’t remain for too much longer. That kiss was more than 20 seconds and then when he finally pulled away, she was practically on the Moon.

  “What’s this, Nina?” She heard the rustling of the bag. It took her a moment to contemplate what he was saying, until the light bulb went off over her head. “Nina, I guess some things never change. You’ve got to come over to my friends barbecue and where this in front of him. He’ll go completely nuts. You know how hard it is to stay with him and his gorgeous wife. I know that she’s off limits, but I can’t help the way that she looks at me. I could definitely use you, as a distraction or maybe a way to make them see that I don’t have any intentions of playing within the home field.”

  “I don’t know if it would be proper of me to impose like that. They don’t know me from Adam and you bringing me to them might seem a little impulsive. I really don’t know what I should say to you right now. If you haven’t guessed it, you’ve always been in my thoughts. There hasn’t been a day that went by that I didn’t think about our time together fondly. I don’t want you to think that I’m some kind of stalker, because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve always considered myself to be a woman of virtue and good standing, but with you, I threw caution to the wind and literally threw the glasses in the fireplace.” “I still don’t know how it’s possible that we could be here together, but I think I’m going to take full advantage of it. I really didn’t want anybody to see that little black dress, until I was damn good and ready to wear it out in public.

  “Nina, you are going to this barbecue, whether you like it or not. Don’t make me spank you and put you over my shoulder. People may not look kindly to seeing that kind of public display. I get this feeling like you wouldn’t like it yourself. People that you know might see you differently and that scares you. It shouldn’t, because you should be comfortable in your own skin and not worry about what other people think.”

  John took her hand and helped her from the car. Nina locked the door behind her, leaving behind her vehicle in the parking lot, until such time they were able to come back and retrieve it. She was carrying the little black dress and she knew from just seeing it that he would give anything to see her in it. It was that infatuation and that passing fancy that had taken her quite by surprise.

  “John, I don’t suppose that you’re still in the navy. I know that everything that you do is secretive, but I think that for an old friend and lover that you might be able to give me a little better insight about what your plans are. I hate to be just another passing ship in the night like we were five years ago. Come to think of it, that whole weekend together was one of those times when I let my emotions get the best of me. My desire for you kept us in the hotel room all weekend long. We never came out and only ordered room service when it was absolutely necessary.”

  He was driving, but he couldn’t keep his eyes on the road. They were constantly straying towards those tight jeans. That brief glimpse at the sheer black material of that little black dress in that bag was enough to bring things to a boil and make his cock unfurl and become the waving flag that any man would be proud of. Any woman that would see it would metaphorically salute and of course enjoy some naughty thoughts that were running around in their head.

  He was blessed with 9 inches of solid pipe and when hard, he became quite a sight to behold. His black pants could barely contain the healthy abundance that he was now showing to a woman that had got the necessary reaction from him. He couldn’t help, but to shift nervously in his seat.

  He moved his hands over towards her, but instead of shying away, Nina stayed exactly where she was.

  Nina jerked her knee, feeling slightly uneasy, but also feeling that same excitement that she had when she was in Greece. “I know that we haven’t seen each other in five years, but we can’t just jump back into bed with each other. We need to find out more a
bout each other, before we decide to take things any further. I know that you’re not exactly comfortable with talking about your feelings, John. You show them with actions and that’s more than some men can say. I’m glad that we finally get to do this the right way.”

  “Nina, I don’t know why you are saying this. What makes you think that I’m even interested in ending anything between the two of us? I think that we were explosive together and given enough time, I’m sure that we could become that couple that everybody is jealous of.”

  “He has me at a disadvantage. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to say something like that. In my defense, I thought that what we had done had finished things once and for all. I knew when I got on that plane going back home that it didn’t end for me, but I figured that it had for him.”

  “I just thought that I was one of the many notches on your bed post. I accepted that, but it didn’t mean that I had to like it. I told you then and I’ll tell you now, that I don’t want to know about your past dalliances. A man like you can’t possibly keep it in your pants for five years and I wouldn’t expect you to. Then again, you can say the same thing for me. It’s not like I’ve been pining over you and waiting for that day to finally come around. I certainly didn’t think that my knight in shining armor would show up out of nowhere.” What he didn’t know was that Nina did feel that way. It was the only thing that was driving her to keep men at a distance, because she thought in the back of her head that this day would come.


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