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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 52

by Lauren Wood

  It was that delicious nectar of the gods that had him applying his tongue and watching as it sank into the everlasting tightness of her hole. He didn’t even have to use his hand to manually stimulate himself and nothing was going to bring down the flag at full salute.

  “Yes…so fucking deep. I think that I’m beginning to see that being with you can be an addictive experience. My god…that is certainly one way to get to a woman’s heart.” She screamed and her feet slipped from around his neck to press up against the roof of the car. Her high heels were digging into it and leaving her mark behind in the wake of her climactic moment. “I want to believe that this is him showing me the real Sheridan. He doesn’t know when to give up and that first orgasm was only the beginning. I’m looking at myself and I see the woman that has become unglued. I see the way that I scream. I feel the way that my pussy clamps down on top of him to make sure that he doesn’t escape my clutches. I ride each one to the finish line. I think he knows exactly what I need more than anything else.”

  He listened to her scream and knew that she was in a league of her own. That emotion of sexual bliss became like a symphony to his ears. He was completely enamored and her body responded to his every touch like a live wire was being pressed into her flesh. He felt her pull at his hair and he was left with a permanent glaze that he never wanted to wipe off.

  “I know that I might have gotten a little carried away. I have to thank you for taking me underneath your wing, but I think that I can take it from here. You’re the kind of woman that needs more pleasure than the average woman. I think that I can give it to you, but only if you want it.” He would have just slipped it to the girl that he was with, but this time he wanted her permission. He got it the form of her hands wrapping around him from below and pulling him into position. His knob touched her lips and he knew what was awaiting him.

  Shuffling up to him, Shana made the necessary adjustment to give him free rein to her body. “In the blink of an eye things can change. Any chance that I get to be with you will be something that I…CHER…ISH.” The last word got stuck in her throat as he moved forward with the thrust of his hips. She felt his body on top of her and noticed that he was moving quickly to take off his shirt to reveal those muscles that made her little hole clamp down on his cock from seeing him in his glory.

  “I can’t understand why somebody like you would be single. You’re the total package. Oh my god…you just fucking did that. No woman knows how my nipples are my weak spot. How is it that you seem to know me better than they do? Is it because you go the extra mile? Have I always been that predictable and didn’t know it?” Sheridan gave her short and hard strokes that were meant to make that telltale wet slap every time that he buried it deep. He could feel the convulsions starting to radiate down her excited walls. The way that those walls were now closing in on him made him grateful that his cock was not claustrophobic.

  “Make those shocks take the brunt of what you’re doing to me. Give me the blunt end of your instrument and make it feel so fucking good that I will always want to be with you. Show me what you have learned and what I have yet to learn. Your stick is not easy to get…used to. You fuck me like an animal and I have to admit that taking off the chains was a good thing. You’re banging me into submission and leaving me panting and wanting more. My god… I don’t think that I’ve ever had this kind of…fucking climax.” I’m being used and abused and I know that I will never look at him the same way. I can’t have him thinking that this one time is going to be enough. I forgive him for coming to me under false pretenses. I’m glad that he did or I wouldn’t be here getting the fuck of a lifetime.

  “Yes…play with my body and make my cock into your own personal toy. You’ve always had me and all you had to do was look at me to find the truth. Yes… Shana… Shana… Shana.” He could feel the rising storm and that swirling white tornado coming up the length. There was a moment of complete serenity and then his mind short circuited with the pleasure that became something that he would always measure the next time that he was with her by.

  She felt the ejection of his manhood and the way that her pussy seemed to hunger for the very sweet sauce that had now driven into her. She was beating her heels against the ceiling leaving puncture marks. “I lie here taking this and I know that he’s the one that I have been dreaming about. I just hope that I can prevent him from straying and the last thing I want is to see him with another woman unless of course it’s agreed upon beforehand amongst the both of us. I can see us experimenting for the sake of what other pleasures are out there to be had. Birthdays and anniversaries are going to be very interesting. We are going to try to outdo each other with how kinky and perverted we can get.”

  He saw the way that she looked. She had that well fucked satisfied smile creased across her face. They were both slippery to the touch. He pulled back slowly and watched as each inch began to emerge from the hot little cocoon. His knob was the last to exit. He saw his discharge clinging to the inside of her lips. He always wore something to protect himself from the possibility of getting someone pregnant, but he never even managed to get it out of the wrapper.

  They promised each other that they were always going to be in each other’s lives and that was a promise that they were going to take very seriously. Even after he was drafted, she followed him to Chicago and they soon found out that they were going to be with child. This whole thing had started off by her being the ultimate prize and in the end that’s exactly what she was.



  Chapter One

  Brent Jenson was having a crappy month. First Micah declared that shifters could marry whomever they wanted. Now he had to monitor everyone who came into the territory. Other shifters. Humans. Witches. Even vampires. It was getting ridiculous. Then Jackson married a witch, and he had to keep surveillance on the whole pack to make sure she was safe.

  And now there’s the tunnel.

  Who the fuck tunnels into a convenience store?

  Someone had done their homework. Of the entire perimeter, the spot behind the convenience store was the only location not covered by a camera. And why would it be? It was a wall.

  But someone had busted in. Who knows how long it had been there. The only reason Brent knew of it was when a shifter from another pack found it and entered the premises.

  Lucky for us.

  He sighed and stared at it for the millionth time that week. He didn’t need this crap, but, as the third member of the head of the Woodland pack, Brent made billions to deal with crap just like this.

  “Sir? We’ve finished wiring the camera. Is there anything else you need us to do?”

  Brent shook his head. They had checked out the rest of the perimeter to make sure there were no other dead spots, and they’d checked the rest of the buildings to make sure that this was the only entrance. And now that they had wired it with a camera, they didn’t have to worry about anyone else getting in.

  He was more concerned with what they had taken out. It was impossible to know how many times trespassers had entered the quarters. He hoped that maybe they’d caught the tunnel in time, but he knew it was never that easy.

  “What are you thinking?”

  Brent looked up and saw that Micah and Jackson had both joined them in the store. He frowned. “Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon?” he growled at Jackson.

  The second-in-command grimaced. “I’d love too, but Natalie hasn’t quite mastered her power yet. Every time she gets upset or emotion, things start flying off the shelves. She’s terrified to go anywhere. And every time I try to talk to her about, she gets more upset and more things start to move. We’re slowly working on spells, and even I’m terrified now.”

  “I told you to find a witch to train her,” Micah said with a sigh.

  “I’m trying, but Brent keeps turning down all the names I give him.”

  “That’s because you keep choosing women with shady pasts.”

  “Their wi
tches. They all have a shady past,” Jackson grumbled. “Anyways, I don’t want to talk about it. I want to talk about this.”

  Brent pinched the bridge of his nose. He loved his two best friends, but sometimes they were complicated. “I’ve already told you that there’s nothing new. It leads about half a mile and begins under a brush in the woods from one of the trails. It’s the public portion of the woods. There’s nothing about the tunnel to indicate who made it. We’ve put a camera up, and the only thing I can do is hope that someone is stupid enough to come back. Until then, we’re changing all the passcodes to the security entrances. By tomorrow, everyone will have new cards to enter certain buildings.”

  Micah reached up and clapped the man on the back. “I know you’ll figure this out. You’re the best.”

  “I deserve a raise,” Brent growled. “You’ve made it so that any Tom, Dick, and Jane can walk in here as long as they’re in love, you created a strangely powerful female shifter, and now Jackson was a witch for a wife.”

  Micah shrugged. “You’re a billionaire. How can I pay you more? Besides, you’ll fall in love one day. And then you’ll understand.”

  Brent rolled his eyes. Him? Fall in love? That would be the day. He ran his hand over his chin and frowned. He hadn’t shaved in days, and the hair was getting ridiculous.

  “Keep it,” Jackson said, reading his mind. “The ladies love some good facial hair.”

  “Bigger issues,” Brent muttered. “What did you tell the owner of the convenience store? I haven’t been fielding any questions on the tunnel, so everyone’s doing a good job keeping it secret.”

  “Told him we were concerned about a sinkhole. We’re going to relocate his inventory to the other side of the territory,” Micah said smoothly. “I do not want this getting out until we know what we’re dealing with.”

  Brent turned and led the men out of the store. “There’s not a whole lot we can do now except wait. I’ve got camera’s at both ends, so hopefully someone will come back soon.”

  “I hate waiting,” Micah growled.

  “You and me both,” Brent agreed. He shook their hands and watched as they slowly made their way back to the condos. It was surprising how much the two men had changed over the past month.

  Micah used to be so stressed about being alpha, but with Stacey by his side, he was stronger. Bolder. Calmer. And Jackson used to be the biggest of playboys, but Natalie practically had him on an invisible leash. He doted on her.


  It wasn’t that Brent never imagined being in love, but while Micah and Jackson were expected to take wives, Brent knew he would be married to the job. Micah and Jackson were groomed for their positions of alpha and second-in command. Brent just happened to be lucky enough to be their friends.

  They convinced him to be their top chief in security. And Brent, having inherited his wealth and having nothing better to do, agreed. And for the first few months, it was fine. He kept an eye on the changing vampire community, and he canvassed the area, but this was a major breach in security. And it happened on his watch.

  He’d been too relaxed.

  He cast one more glance at the convenience store. Who was crazy enough to break into the bear shifter community? And why?


  Tara Schmidt forced a smile and tried to ignore the two men ogling her cleavage. Her uniform was ridiculously tight, but that’s how Dave liked his waitresses. He wanted their curves popping out in all the right places. And Tara was as curvy as they came. It was one of the only reasons people kept coming back to the shitty bar because Dave couldn’t cook worth crap.

  “Can I get you anything else?” she asked sweetly.

  The bald one eyed her lecherously and licked his lips. “I can think of a thing or two that I might want to get my hands on.”

  “If it’s not on the menu, you’re not getting your hands on it,” she said as the smile dropped off her face. God, it was going to be one of those nights. She moved past the table, careful to keep out of the reach of the men, and made her way to the back. “Sandra, can you take table twelve? They’re getting on my last nerves.”

  The petite blonde peered around the corner and frowned. “Fine, but it’ll cost you. You’re going to have to fill the ketchups tonight.”

  “Done,” Tara said immediately. “Anything to get away from them.”

  Sandra pulled her low cut top up in an effort to hide her cleavage and straightened her shoulders. She looked like she was about to do battle.

  “You going to see Matthew tonight?” Gretchen asked.

  Tara shrugged. “I haven’t heard from him. And things are kind of fizzling pretty quickly.” She’d started dating Matthew two weeks prior, but things weren’t going well. She normally never dated the bar guests, but there was something about him that was mesmerizing. Unfortunately, she’d only seen him twice since then, and she wasn’t very impressed with him. But every time she walked away, she ended up wanted to see him again. It was bizarre.

  “Boring in bed?”

  Tara shook her head. “We haven’t made it that far. And I don’t think we’re going too.” She reached up to grab two glasses from the top and filled them with water. As Dave yelled out orders from the back, she made a face. “I need a vacation.”

  “Don’t we all. I’ll take those waters if you grab two Bud light packs from the back for table two.”

  Tara nodded and handed over the waters. As Gretchen opened the swinging door, Tara made her way to the bar cooler to grab a case of beer. As she entered the chilled area, her phone vibrated. Frowning, she pulled it out of her pocket. It was a text from Matthew.

  Doing anything when you get off work tonight?

  She sighed. She didn’t have any plans, but she hated to keep dragging things out with him. They just weren’t compatible. Still, if she saw him tonight, she could break things off. It was classier than a text break-up or completely ghosting from the relationship.

  Was a few dates considered a relationship anyways?

  No plans she texted back.

  Great. I’ve got a surprise for you.

  She wrinkled her nose. She could just guess what kind of surprise he had at two o’clock in the morning. And she wasn’t interested. Maybe you could just meet me here?

  Nope. I’ve got something you’re really going to want to see. Meet me in the Woodlands Park at campsite B.

  The park? There was no way she was going to the park in the middle of the night. He must have been out of his mind. That doesn’t sound safe.

  Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you. I think tonight might be the turning point for us ;)

  A winky face? Matthew didn’t really seem like the type to text facial expressions. Still, she was intrigued. She agreed to meet with him and put her phone away. They were still busy out there, and she didn’t have time to argue with him anyways.

  Briefly, she wondered what kind of surprise he would have for her. Maybe she’d underestimated him after all.

  Four hours later, she was cold and pissed. She’d been waiting for nearly ten minutes for Matthew to show in the clearing, and so far, nothing. She walked around the perimeter of the campsite to see if she could get a glimpse of his surprise, but all she could see were trees and darkness. She pulled out her cellphone again.

  This isn’t funny! I’m cold and kind of freaked out. Where are you?


  She perked up at the sound of Matthew’s voice. It was about time. “Matthew? Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m back here. You have to see this!”

  Tara turned around and tried to identify the direction of his voice. “Back where?”

  “Follow the trail.”

  After a moment of hesitation, she found the trail on her left and followed it down a ways. “Matthew? I don’t think they allow hikers after dark.”

  “Just keep going. Trust me. It’ll be worth it.”

  “It better be,” she mumbled. She kept going, but after a few minutes,
she didn’t hear anything. “Matthew?”

  There was no answer. Her heart started to pound in her chest, and she suddenly thought about all the things that could happen to her in the dark. “Matthew? I’m scared.”

  There was still no answer. Fumbling in her pocket, she pulled out her cellphone and turned on the flashlight app. Shining it around, she could see nothing but trees and the twisting path. She had a bad feeling about this. “Matthew, I’m heading back to the campsite.”

  No response.

  Growling in irritation, she turned around and headed back to the clearing. There was no sign of the man, and he never texted her. Hoping that nothing bad happened to him, she hurried to her car.

  She never noticed the blinking red light in the trees.


  The next night, she relayed her story to Gretchen and Sandra. “And then he just stopped talking to me. Do you think it was a prank? Maybe I should call the police.”

  Sandra leaned over to finish wiping the bar. “Did you hear a struggle or anything to indicate that something bad happened?”

  Tara shook her head. “No. But I’ve tried texting and calling him. You’d think that if was a prank, he’d want to chance to gloat. At least then I could punch him. I just have a bad feeling about it.”

  Gretchen shrugged. “The police can’t do anything until forty-eight hours. And you don’t even know if he’s missing.”

  “Still, I should at least tell them that something strange happened,” Tara said defensively.

  “Girl, it’s a pretty popular park. If something happened to him in Woodlands, at the very least, the bear shifter community would know.”


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