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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 66

by Lauren Wood

  He was up in one powerful move, twisting her around. Kissing her hard, he pulled her hips down and plunged into her. “Ride me,” he demanded. “I want to see you pleasure yourself on me.”

  Her body was already trembling around him, but he gripped her hips to provide some help. As she thrust her hips towards him, her breasts bounced, and he twisted them gently. She clenched around him, and he groaned. Never in his life had anyone fit him quite like this.

  “Oh, God,” she panted. “Micah. You feel so good.”

  He was close, but he wasn’t going to allow himself the release until he saw her face contort with pleasure again.

  “Say my name when you come,” he demanded. “I want you to know who’s making you feel like this.”

  As if he were possessed by demons, he thrust his hips up harder. Reaching between them, he slid her fingers into her wet folds until he found her clit. She cried out and ground himself on her, and finally, she thrust her head back. “Micah,” she screamed as her muscles clenched around him.

  That did it. He could take no more. Gripping her hips, he anchored her to him as he spilled himself into her for the second time that night.


  They spent twenty-four hours in the bed. It wasn’t until he had to face de’Massier that he finally dressed and kissed her goodbye. At that point, she was so spent that she could barely move. He felt a streak of satisfaction knowing that he’d done that to her.

  As protocol dictated, he met the new vampire leader on neutral ground. The clearing in the forest had been blessed by both sides. To spill any blood there would be an offense punishable by death.

  “Mr. Gordon.” Micah nodded his head as the leader approached. To his surprise, de’Massier was young looking and attractive. Still, he had no notions that the man was as young as he looked. Although the vampires were not immortal, they did live an incredibly long time.

  “De’Massier,” Micah said. “Thank you for meeting me.”

  “It’s time I introduced myself. I hope to strengthen our alliance,” the vampire said carefully. “Although, I have a feeling this isn’t about that.”

  Micah shook his head. He didn’t want to offend the vampire, so he chose his words carefully. “I do hope that soon we can talk about our peace treaties, but no, that’s not what this is about. A few days ago, a human was attacked. There were traces of vampiric energy and magic on the grounds.”

  “I will admit that there are issues amongst my people. The last leader was careless, and there were more than a few vampires that toed the lines of the law. For that very reason, my people have been on lock down. I have personally seen to it that none have left my territory for the past two weeks. So not only would it be strange for a vampire to play with magic, but it’s simply not possible that they left.” He paused. “Because of these new restrictions, I can tell you that there were two trespasser on my land. I let them come and go because they did nothing violent, but I did recognize them as bears.”

  Micah eyed the vampire. To have two shifters on vampire territory was unthinkable. “What did they do?”

  “They carried two charms around their neck. They took a bit of dirt from my yard and performed what looked like a ritual.”

  “They stole vampire energy,” Micah breathed. “How do I know you’re not lying?”

  De’Massier crooked his finger forward. “I have it on tape.” Another vampire came forward with a laptop and pushed play. Every muscle in Micah’s body tensed as he watched the screen.

  He didn’t even bother to say goodbye. As soon as the moon lit the faces of the traitors, Micah roared with anger and took off running.

  Chapter Eleven

  Stacey shot up in bed as someone pounded on the door. Wildly, she looked around. This was Micah’s home. Everything smelled like him. Everything felt like him. Here, she was safe.

  With a sigh, she pushed the sheets off and grabbed some clothes. Expecting Lynette or one of Micah’s men, she threw open the door.

  Bridgette stood on the other side. Upon seeing Stacey, her face contorted in rage. “Bitch,” she screamed as she shoved her.

  Stacey stumbled back and hit a table. Her eyes widened with Bridgette drew a gun. “Let’s go,” she said in a calmer voice.

  “Easy,” Stacey said in a soothing voice. “I know we need to talk, but we can do that without the gun.”

  “Get the fuck up off the floor, and let’s go,” Bridgette snarled.

  Stacey pushed herself off the floor. “If you shoot me here, everyone will know. You’ll never get away with it.”

  “That’s why I’m not going to shoot you here.” Bridgette smiled coldly.

  “Then why would I go with you?”

  “Because Travis is with Micah’s mother. And all I have to do is call him, and he’ll slip her a deadly cocktail. My brother is oddly talented with potions like that. No one will suspect a thing.”

  Stacey’s heart caught in her throat. “Why would you kill Lynette?”

  “I don’t want to. Actually, that’s a lie. I do want too. That bitch hates me. But you can save her if you come with me. Only one person has to die tonight,” Bridgette said. She cocked the gun. “Let’s go.”

  Keeping her eye on the gun, Stacey slowly walked out the door. Bridgette gripped her arm tightly and shoved the gun into her back. “If we pass anyone, and you tell, I’ll shoot you and them. Got it?”

  Nodding shakily, she stumbled as Bridgette pushed her onto the elevator. Twenty floors down, she stumbled into the lobby.

  The waning moon was high in the sky, and there wasn’t a single soul outside. Her heart sank. The chances of someone coming to her rescue were getting slimmer and slimmer.

  “Why are you doing this?” Stacey said. The chill of the evening shook her bones, and she shivered.

  “I told you that Micah was mine. You didn’t listen.”

  “Okay, but most people eat a pint of ice cream and cry. They don’t resort to murder.”

  Bridgette laughed. “Oh, you poor thing. This isn’t about love. I don’t give a damn about Micah. Once we’re married, and I’m carrying his cub, I intend to kill him. This is about power. Travis deserves to be alpha. My family deserves to be on top. Keep walking,” she yelled.

  Soon, they were walking deep into the woods. “Why didn’t you just challenge Micah?” Stacey asked as she tried to buy herself some more time. If Micah could feel her pain, she prayed that he was feeling something now.

  “There hasn’t been a challenge of the alpha in centuries. If we start one now, the entire clan will challenge Travis. I can’t risk that.”

  “All of this just for your brother? That’s one helluva bond you got there,” Stacey said softly.

  Bridgette heard her. “Shut-up. I have always looked out for my brother, and I always will. He’s twice the man that Micah is.”

  Stacey shuddered. It was clear that Bridgette had long ago lost her battle with sanity. Suddenly, it dawned her on. “You attacked me.” She whirled around. “You stabbed me.”

  A wicked smile crossed Bridgett’s lips. “Micah started acting differently, so I followed him. Imagine my surprise when I found him lusting after you Taking you out for a date.” Her lips twisted in a snarl. “A human.”

  “Looks like your plan worked real well,” Stacey taunted. “If I turn, I have a shot at winning over the pack.”

  “You’re not turning. You’ll be dead before the next moon rises.” Stacey felt a little relief with Bridgette suddenly put the gun away. “This is far enough.” Reaching back under her coat, she pulled out a long blade.

  “Stabbing is better than shooting?” Stacey asked as she eyed the knife.

  “Please.” Bridgette rolled her eyes. “I could rip you apart with my bare hands. But I need to place the blame on someone else. Once I break your neck, all it’ll take is two tiny puncture wounds on your neck. And Micah will never suspect. Until it’s too late, of course.” Tossing the knife down, she launched herself at Stacey.

  Ready for
the attack, Stacey twisted herself at the last minute. As blood and adrenaline pumped through her veins, everything felt different. Her senses were heightened. She could almost see Bridgette’s move before it even happened.

  Ther tumbled onto the ground. Bridgette straddled her and attempted to her hands around Stacey’s neck, but Stacey easily bucked her off. Pulling herself to her feet, Stacey gasped for breath and circled Bridgette.

  “Putting a kink in you plans?” she taunted her. “After all, what human can fend off a vampire attack? Micah’s going to see the struggle.”

  Bridgette growled and threw herself at Stacey. This time, she could see the brilliant flash of blue in her eyes as Bridgette partially shifted. This time, Stacey wasn’t fast enough. She hit the ground hard. Her head struck something rough, and she saw stars.

  The bear shifter was already rolling her onto her stomach. She felt the woman wrap her arms around her head, and she knew if she didn’t act fast, she would lose. Summoning all her strength, she gripped the rock beneath and hurled it behind her. Bridgette screamed and released her.


  She could head Micah’s panicked voice cut through the darkness. Suddenly, they were surrounded by shifters. Micah raced to her side, but the cock of a gun stopped him cold.

  Bridgette stood over them, manic in her eyes as she aimed the gun at Micah. For the first time that evening, Stacey felt true fear.

  “Bridgette, what are you doing?” Micah asked softly. “You can’t kill everyone here. Give it up.”

  “Travis should be alpha,” she growled.

  “Travis is in custody. He’s not going to be alpha of anything,” Micah said. Stacey felt a bit of relief. At least Lynette was safe.

  “No,” Bridgette wailed. “All this time. All this planning. How dare you!” she shrieked.

  Everything seemed to slow down. Before she even pulled the trigger, Stacey could see the bullet exit the chamber. Everything in her body shifted, and she threw herself at Micah. Pain lanced through her as the bullet entered her, but she was bigger and stronger. Bones rubbed bones as she fell to the ground, and it was no longer the bullet hurting her. Her entire body was growing and stretching. Fear gripped her as she struggled to control her body, and suddenly, she felt Micah holding her, whispering to her. As she listened to his voice, the panic eased, and she felt the bear release her.

  Her body returned to normal and everyone gaped. Blood soaked through her pants. “I got shot,” she said in a dazed voice.

  Micah reached down and ripped the hole in her pants even bigger. “It just grazed you,” he muttered, relief in his voice. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  “I couldn’t let you die. I love you,” she said. “So I guess I’m a bear now.”

  He laughed as he held her. “My love, you are so much more than that.” He lifted her in his arms and kissed her. Around her, she could hear Bridgette wailing and the men muttering among themselves. But as Micah walked her out of the woods, all she knew was him.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Dr. Gratsky says if end up in his clinic one more time this month, he’s going to propose,” Stacey said as she eased herself on the couch. Her leg was still bandaged, but the pain was gone. Now she was trying to be careful not to tear the stitches. Even though she could already feel her skin healing, she was still skeptical about the process.

  “If he does, I’ll kill him,” Micah growled as he propped a pillow under her. “Comfortable?”

  “I’ve been shot. I’m not pregnant,” Stacey laughed as she pulled the pillow out from under her.

  “You might be.”

  Stacey stopped. “I’m on birth control,” she said with a frown.

  “It’s not very effective in shifters,” he admitted. “Are you okay with that?”

  Her jaw dropped. “Not effective in shifters? Are you kidding me? Is there anything else you’d like to tell me after the fact?”

  He winced. “I should have said something. We’ve never talked about kids, but I just assumed that you’d be okay with them. We’ll be more careful until you’re ready. Most shifter conceive right after marriage, but we can wait for as long as you want.”

  Stacey pulled back and stared at him. Her heart was pounding furiously. “Did you just propose to me?”

  He immediately bent down to his knees. “I’m going to get you a ring and flowers and a very expensive bottle of champagne. I promise. I’ll do everything exactly how you want me too, but I love you Stacey. You have been my mate from the moment I laid eyes on you, and I intend to make you mine before anyone else tries to take you away from me.”

  She leaned down to cradle his face in her hands. His eyes were filled with desperate longing. “I’m already yours, Micah. You know that. But what about the pack?”

  “Sweetheart, you partially shifted before the full moon. I know you shifted so you could take the bullet, but we didn’t know even know that was possible. You beat the alpha in a challenge, and you saved my life. I think the pack is talking about overthrowing me and making you alpha. But none of that matters. I’ve already spoken to them. From here on out, the shifters can marry whomever they choose. We’re no longer going to be restricted by archaic law. And everyone agreed.”

  Pure joy flowed through her. “So I can be yours?”

  “Marry me, Stacey. I’ll spend the rest of my life making you happy because nothing would bring me more joy.”

  She bent down a kissed him. “Yes,” she whispered. This was her man. Her billionaire. Her shifter. Her bear.

  Her mate.



  Chapter 1

  I spent my entire life pleasing only myself. Admittedly, I have been selfish. But the truth is, I was actually scared. Scared of building myself up onto a pedestal only to secure my own demise. I always found it much easier to maintain low standards. It is hard for people to expect much from you when all you have ever done is glide. That way, no one gets hurt.

  As of today, I wish I had done more.

  The call came in late last night minutes after escaping the pursed lips of a drunken German. Granted, he was compelling and intelligent. His square jawline, blonde hair, and blue eyes immediately captured my attention. I let him smile at me, which apparently was a global stamp of approval allowing him to break the communication barrier.

  “Hallo liebling.”

  I jolted as his hand found the small of my back.

  “Sorry, English. No German.” I lied, turning back to my drink.

  I heard this term of endearment more times than I could count since I landed in Hamburg last week. My own blonde hair and blue eyes screamed Fräulein and apparently I had a sign on my forehead that read Single. But I wasn’t interested in the mindless bar-conversation that tended to lead to one thing: the bedroom.

  “Felix.” He ignored and offered me his cold, clammy hand.

  Uneasily I shook it using only my fingertips. “Pleasure.” I turned away.

  “You haven’t told me your name yet.” His accent was rich and heavy.

  “I hoped you didn’t speak English.” I blurted seeing no reason to string him along.

  “Funny.” He laughed and hopped up onto the stool beside me.

  Why did guys always think I was trying to be funny? I was being blunt and honest. I was trying to avoid this very thing: conversation.

  “So tell me funny-girl, where are you from?” He snapped his fingers to grab the bartender’s attention.

  “I don’t know my address.” I sipped back the remainder of my beer and reached for my jacket. Felix placed his hand on my arm in attempt to stop me.

  “No name and no address.” He smiled. “So you’re funny and mysterious.”

  “No, I’m uninterested and exhausted.” I snapped back shrugging into my jacket.

  “Bartender, zwei Bier!” He turns back to me. “Just one drink?”

  I look at the door and then back at Felix. He was sort of handsome, in a college frat boy w
ay. And who was I to pass up a free beer? I sat.

  The bartender slid the beers along the counter toward us and Felix smoothed out a crumpled bank note against his thigh before tossing it to him.

  I reach for my beer but Felix snatches it before I do.

  “You get a free drink on one condition.” He pauses. “You tell me your name.”

  “Kate.” I pulled my beer free from his clammy hand and bring it to my lips. Drinking might be the only thing that helped me survive the ten minutes of bar-talk with Felix.

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”


  My beer was half gone by now. Only minutes remained before I would receive the phone call that changed my life.

  “You really don’t say much.” He reached out and tucked a piece of wavy blonde hair behind my ear.

  I don’t like being touched. I pulled away.

  “I’m only here for the free beer.” I rhymed and raised my near-empty glass in the air.

  With the glass back to my lips, I sucked back the rest of the ale in a hurry to escape this touchy, space invading, German.

  “Well Felix.” I turned back toward him. “Thanks for the drink.”

  I got to my feet and he followed suit. Before I could protest his arms were around my waist and he was leaning over me with loose lips.

  Then my phone rang. Saved by the bell. Or so I thought.

  “Excuse me,” I smiled and wiggled my waist out of his reach.

  Once outside, the cool November air filled my lungs. I breathed in deeply in attempt to eliminate the foul stench of smoke that lingered in the bar.

  I fumbled around my bag in search of my mobile. Buried deep under ticket stubs and expired granola bars, I brought the device to my ear.


  “Hello, my name is Lieutenant Hooper. I am looking to speak to Kate Alley.” A woman’s voice spoke sweetly yet sternly.


  “Ms. Alley, I understand that you are currently abroad and I apologize for the timing of this phone call.” Lieutenant Hooper exhaled. “We have some bad news about your parents.”


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