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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 85

by Lauren Wood

  "The commander asked me to give you these. This is everything that you will need and believe me I’ve been exactly where you are. It’s fun to play dress up, but remember that all these fancy things are only window dressing. I’ve taught you everything that you need to know and I think that you are more than qualified to step into the shoes.” Sheila Masters was a resident expert in seduction and she had the raw sexuality that she used on many occasion to lure the suspected victim into her trap. She had worked with Natalie on a few occasions and found her to be competent. In fact, she would say than Natalie could immerse herself into any role with relative ease. It was interesting, but there were a lot of similarities to the commander. They were two peas in a pod.

  Chapter 2

  Marcel couldn’t stay cloistered in his penthouse all the time. There were functions meant to give him the praise that he deserved for many of the causes that he chaired daily. He didn’t like wearing this monkey suit and he was more comfortable in a pair of blue jeans while lazily watching reality television. Unfortunately, this was something that was unavoidable and hearing them talk about him made him cringe to think of how easy he had blended in. He was not a man that took chances. His main guard was an island on to himself.

  “Mr. Foster, I implore you not to feed into their false platitudes. You’re here for one reason and then I’m going to get you out of here as fast as possible. I know that you want me to stay incognito, but I don’t think that I can do that this time. There are too many variables and I can’t account for every one of them. This place can be easily attacked from many fronts. I have my best people keeping an eye on anything that might seem out of place.” Benjamin was a seasoned African American with many tours of duty under his belt. He wore the black suit as a form of armor. He didn’t like having the control taken away from his hands.

  “I know that you’re not comfortable with this situation, but I can’t afford not to make some kind of appearance. They’re going to need a sound bite and I have to let them see that I’m not just some phantom with a lot of money.” He had shaved his dark beard down to a very manageable goatee. His dark blue eyes took in his surroundings like that of a soldier that had been trained to look for anything out of the ordinary. He stood at over 6 feet with dark hair that went down to his shoulders. He was no stranger to working his body into a specimen and had Benjamin to help him continue his regiment every morning. “All of these people are starving for the truth and they wouldn’t know it if it came up and bit them in the ass. They only want to believe what they can see with their own eyes. They are blind and they cannot see. They want to believe in heroes and I have to project that to them.”

  “I still don’t like this and there’s too much that can go wrong. You know how you get when you’re pushed into a corner. Refrain from making any grand gestures and don’t even think about getting in front of the camera.” Benjamin had known from the moment that he went to work for Marcel that he was different from all of his other charges in the past. Seeing him change the first time was a little alarming, but the money was good and the man had proven that he was more than what was underneath. “I don’t want to see another video like the one that showed up on the Internet a couple of months ago. There have been those that have been suspicious and they’re taking action. I’ve been right there on the front lines to make sure that they didn’t get close.”

  Marcel really didn’t know what Benjamin had done and really wasn’t in any position to ask questions. There was something deadly about Benjamin. It was the way that he carried himself with authority.

  Natalie in her best white flowing dress that accentuated her curves to the best of their advantage was now making her approach. She pretended to be talking on the phone and not watching where she was going. She bumped into the man and spun around like she had lost her equilibrium. The champagne glass in her hand dumped onto the white tuxedo shirt of Marcel Foster.

  She was accosted by this giant old black man that looked like he could blot out the sun. His huge hands were pressed up against her chest and that ignited a certain something down below that had gone unfulfilled in quite some time. “My apologies, but I guess I can’t juggle and chew gum at the same time.” “The best way to break the ice is to show some humor. This is a tried and true method that I have mastered with my own flair for the dramatic. He’s looking at my huge breasts and the way that the nipples are poking through the fabric of this very sheer gown. I have him by the balls and I plan to pull at his short and curlies to get his attention.”

  “You’ll have to forgive Benjamin for acting like a Neanderthal. He’s here for my protection, but sometimes he tends to go overboard in the course of his duties. I do hope that you are okay. I would hate to think that I had anything to do with taking that smile from your face.” He put his hand on her cheek, letting his fingers linger on the softness and the warmth of her skin. “I do believe that they are playing our song. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me onto the dance floor?” He was being charming and felt a sort of longing that came from being subjected to only four walls. He had to be careful and there were those out there that were still looking for him. He wasn’t making it easy. Anytime that he felt their hot breath on the back of his neck, he would make sure to stay quiet and not attract their attention.

  “How can I possibly refuse an invitation like that?” Natalie purposely pushed up against him and made it look like she had stumbled on her high heels. One of those heels had broken by design and with just enough pressure she was able to become that damsel in distress. She pitched forward and landed into his arms. “It seems I’m nothing but a klutz these days. You might have to lead on the dance floor, unless of course you want me to break your toes. I do hope that your bodyguard won’t be joining us. You know what they say about three’s a crowd.” Her hair had red on the tips. She felt his arm encircle her and he dragged her with no effort onto the dance floor.

  Natalie had learned that there were five golden rules. One of those was not to rush into anything. She had taken her time over the last two weeks to get to know Mr. Foster intimately down to the minute detail. She found some things that were quite enticing. It had her touching herself in the middle of the night. “I’ve seen him in my dreams, but it’s so much better when it’s personal and in a more one on one situation. I thought that I would be immune, but he really is spectacular. He could easily carry me to the bedroom and have his way and I would gladly give into my carnal cravings. Why shouldn’t I be able to mix a little business with pleasure? It was obvious from what my mother said that she was expecting me to go above and beyond.”

  Marcel put his arms around her and was enjoying the fact that she was not like all the others. The socialites dieted needlessly and he had always been more attracted to those that were comfortable in their own skin. “I’m guessing that you already know my name, but I’m afraid that you have me at a disadvantage.” He had learned how to work the room and seduction was mere child’s play for a man with his obvious character and age.

  “My name is Natalie Wells. I believe that you might know my family. I supposedly died in a boating accident, but reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.” The Wells family was known for their generosity. It didn’t take much to get them to play along with her as their long lost daughter. It was good fortune that their daughter was named Natalie, but the rest was fictitious. “They found me in an Indian hospital. I had no name and was in a coma for almost a year before I finally came to. I know that it sounds ridiculous and most likely something of a plot from a soap opera.” “Touching him is like being in front of a raging fire on a winter’s night with a bearskin rug splayed on the floor for obvious intimacy. Touching his hand is making me aware that I have been denied the touch of the opposite sex for too long.

  “I do believe that I have heard this story, but it was mostly in passing. I try to keep up with the day to day events, but sometimes it’s a little depressing. We seem to have a knack for killing and a day doesn’t go by that
somebody doesn’t fall victim. I pity those that stick their head in the sand and hope that their lives are never touched like that. I’m sorry for being so depressing, but sometimes my passion gets the best of me.” Marcel dipped Natalie, making her gasp which gave her chest the arch that he was looking for. He could easily see her nipples and the silver dollar tips were not exactly easy to forget.

  Natalie was happy that things had progressed nicely, but now she was breathless with anticipation for the first kiss. They were looking at each other with more than just friendship and suddenly they were hot and heavy. His tongue wiped across the surface of her teeth. He was trying to gain entry. She was letting him believe that he was the one that was in the driver’s seat.

  He lifted her to her feet and turned away like he couldn’t quite believe that he had done such a thing. “I’m sorry. I’m usually not that forward. I do hope that you will forgive my behavior. That was certainly not becoming of a gentleman. I assure you that I’m not like all the other guys that you’ve met in your life. I respect women and I know that they are the backbone of our society. They may not get the credit, but their influence is felt in everything that we do.” Marcel was a study of human nature, but this time he felt a little out of sorts. He couldn’t explain it, but the obvious chemistry between himself and Natalie had gone off the charts. “I’m sure that you heard this line before, but I really am not like any other guy. I don’t believe that just because I shower you with gifts that you have to give something in return. I’m not one that thinks with the head between my legs. I admit that I find you alluring and I would like to spend more time getting to know you. Perhaps you will join me for brunch on Sunday at my estate in the Hamptons. I do believe I have a drink with your name on it.” This was the first time in almost a year that he had invited anyone to his personal haven away from the real world.

  “I’m guessing from your expression that this is not a common occurrence. I guess I should feel honored that you would present me with this option. I also would like to get to know you better and I’m not talking in the Biblical sense. You would be one hell of a one night stand, but I really have more respect for my body than that. I’ve been widowed for the last two years and his death came when I was not there to hold his hand on his last breath.” She was pulling out all the stops and doing what she could to pull at those heartstrings. “I learned everything I can about Natalie Wells and everything that I’ve said can be verified with one phone call or even a global search.

  “That kind of loss cannot be easy to get over, Natalie. I grieve for you and my heart breaks to know that you will never see the one that you love again. Everybody should take time to smell the roses and you never know when your time is up. Life is so fleeting and if you don’t take a hold of it then it can be gone in the blink of an eye. It’s good to see that you’re brave and standing after everything that you have gone through. You stand in front of me and I see your every breath as a gift.” Marcel had other women vying for his affections, but he never really had any interest in going any further than a chaste kiss.

  After the dance, they enjoyed about an hour together, before Natalie feigned that she had something that she had to do. She promised that she would be in touch and even scribbled her cell phone number on his palm like some cheesy romantic notion from one of those movies. “I don’t know if you are serious about having me for brunch, but I’ll be more than happy to show up.” “One step at a time is the order of the day. I was getting closer to learning if he truly is more than these people can see. I’m kind of hoping that he’s not. For some reason I don’t want anything to happen to him. I’ve only met him this one time, but it was something that I will remember.”

  Marcel took her hand and did the exact same thing to the palm of her hand. “I figure that one good turn deserves another. Be at this address and my private helicopter will be there to escort you the rest of the way. If you’re thinking that this is something that I do for everyone, then you are sadly mistaken. I am more selective than that.” They separated and mingled among the masses. When he turned at the end of the night she had disappeared like that of Cinderella in one of those fairy tale stories.

  Chapter 3

  “I want to go on record to say that this is a huge mistake. Her coming here is wrong and you know that I need to vet each and every one of those people that come here. You’ve given me no fair warning and these last couple days I have scrambled to find out everything I can about her. It hasn’t been easy, but I have compiled a dossier. I know that you have perused everything that I have come up with. Don’t you think that there is reason for alarm?” Benjamin was weary of strangers and couldn’t understand why Marcel was allowing this interloper to see into the inner sanctum. He was wearing a white shirt with a black tie and blue suit to match. He had on his customary sunglasses to show mystery. That would instill a little fear into those that had come across him in a dark alley.

  “You really do have an ugly disposition, Benjamin. You don’t trust easily and maybe that’s a good thing and something that I need in my life. I understand your trepidation, but maybe you need to dispel your disbelief. You’ve already seen that moment and you were scared at first, but then things changed when I showed you the dollar bills. I think that I’ve been more than generous and believe me I had to fight and scratch for everything that I have. I came here with nothing, but I learned how to manipulate the markets in my favor. Becoming a billionaire didn’t take more than a couple of weeks and then I had to stop to formulate an identity.” Marcel was wearing white pants with a red shirt with the collar undone. He looked like an evil genius. He was sitting on the patio with the trees behind him being buffeted by the wind.

  He turned to see that the helicopter was circling over the lush green lawn. It came in for a perfect landing.

  She emerged with her hand over her head, wearing an oversized pair of sunglasses and a white dress that left very little to discern. “I’ve played hard to get and it was not an easy feat. I wanted to hear his voice again, but I didn’t want to appear too anxious. That alone would raise his suspicions and maybe being aloof was a good way to lull him into a false sense of security.” She could see that he looked very relaxed and he had every reason to think that he was safe. She’d already counted five sharpshooters in the trees and on the house. The Security System was the best that money could buy. She wasn’t at all surprised to see that Benjamin was standing by his side like the loyal foot soldier.

  She walked on sandals, until she was standing in his presence. He motioned for her to sit down and she gladly accepted the invitation. “I’m sorry that I’m fashionably late, but I didn’t have a thing to wear. I went shopping and you imagine what kind of hardship that might’ve been on me.” She felt his hand and then his soft lips touching the back of her hand. She felt her heart stop for a second and then she reminded herself that this was only a job. This was not a date and there was not reason to be nervous.

  “I’m pleased to see you again, but I was slightly taken back on how easily you rebuffed my continued attempts to communicate. I thought that we had something, but then you made me think that it was one sided. I’m hoping that you were just busy and walking in your social circles can’t be easy.” Marcel had read the dossier and had found her accomplishments to be legendary. After returning from supposedly the dead, she had thrown herself into a humanitarian effort to make other lives better. He admired her desire to do the right thing. “I do hope that I didn’t do anything to ruffle your feathers.” He swallowed hard at the way that her bosom was glistening with the noonday sun above. They were magnificent mounds and he was hoping to plant his flag in between.

  “I didn’t want to come on too strong. Everybody knows that you are that reclusive billionaire. I was kinda wondering why you would even be interested in somebody like me. I think that I’m a catch, but there are guys out there that wouldn’t even look at me with a sideways glance. I certainly wouldn’t cause an accident and make a man run his car up a flagpole. I do
have an amazing asset and I shudder sometimes at those that ogle them without even looking into my eyes. The only reason why I’m giving you a chance is because you did me the honor of keeping eye contact the entire time that we were dancing. I thought that was refreshing, but now I might be mistaken.” Natalie was only teasing, but it was obvious that his gaze had lowered a few inches below her chin.

  Marcel cleared his throat and turned away to see that steam was coming out of his mouth. He had never been in this situation before and was now a little shaken by that feeling building inside. Benjamin came forward, but he dismissed him with a wave of his hand. “You can go back to the house, Benjamin. I really don’t need you hovering over me like an expectant parent.” Marcel was trying to keep those tendencies to himself, but it was very difficult with a woman like Natalie drawing that other half from where he had pushed it back down. One wrong move and those looking for him would be able to find him. He couldn’t allow that to happen and their intention would be to enslave this world.

  “I don’t mean to be an alarmist, but you don’t seem like yourself. I know that we haven’t known each other long, but I do have a strong shoulder that you can lean on.” Natalie put her hand on his and the warmth that he had projected the other night was even more so now. “You can be your own furnace. That must mean that you have hot blood running through your veins.” “I had to say something and to say nothing would only make him wonder why I didn’t say anything. It feels like his temperature has risen. I don’t know why that has happened, but maybe he’s about to reveal something that he was never intending.


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