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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

Page 104

by Lauren Wood

  I couldn't help but repeat, “Me?” Barry and Sticks and Eric looked directly at me, each with their own questions and their own concerns. Caroline huffed and shook her head just a bit, like she couldn't believe I was surprised. But I could hardly believe what she was saying. I added, “We’ve got rehearsals — ”

  “What you've got is a responsibility to this ship, our crew, and our captain. The guests request your company. They’re in the Captain’s Table for breakfast.” I stood there shocked, glancing at Barry and at Sticks, who only shrugged as if to say, I told you so. Eric’s head sank even lower on his shoulders, disappointment wiping the little half-smile from his face. But there was no more time, as Caroline’s voice snapped with unusual distemper, almost unheard of when speaking to the captain’s daughter. “Now, Dana, now!”

  Chapter 4


  I left the band behind and walked with Caroline down a long hall. I knew what had happened even then, and that Caroline felt rejected. It was hard for me to fathom, to be honest. I thought for sure Hutch would have kept Caroline around for a day or two at least. But for him to be so quickly disinterested in that curvy body, all that sexy, toned skin, impressed me. Very few men would have passed Caroline by, and the last person I would have thought would have been preferred, would have been me! Barry and Sticks had been right; Caroline had designs on Preston Hutchinson and they didn’t get her further than just a few minutes. That had to be a bitter pill to swallow, especially for a woman like Caroline. Even worse, to know he wanted to see me instead of her, that I was the one between the two of us who was more desirable, must have taken Caroline completely off-guard. She was used to getting pretty much any man she wanted. But things were changing fast, we both could sense it. But what it would mean for both of our futures, neither of us could yet imagine. Anyway, for me the present was a lot more pressing than the future. “Everything okay, Caroline?”

  “It’s fine, Dana, everything’s … everything’s just swell. How about you, you sure you’re … up to this?”

  I shrugged, keeping up with Caroline’s impatient pace. “I know the ship as well as anybody, I practically grew up on — ”

  “That's not what I mean, Dana.” We walked on, my silent confusion letting Caroline continue. “You really think what he needs is a tour of the ship? There are directories posted all over the place, Dana. Use your head … at the very least.”

  With that, Caroline turned and headed down another hall alone. But my destination lay straight ahead, my brain jangling with what seemed like the obvious conclusions.

  Am I going to have to sleep with him, is this what all this is truly about? Am I really supposed to be some amusement, an attraction like the video arcade or the IMAX theater? I suppose that’s just the way these super-rich people go through life, renting everybody they don’t need to buy. But these people can be dangerous too, not caring who they hurt or what they have to do to cover up their crimes. Odd what happened to his wife.

  I got to the end of the hall to the elevators, pushing the button and waiting for the door to slide open.

  No, that’s too dark, too cynical, I’m sure he didn't have anything to do with what happened in Colorado. If he'd been guilty, the police would have caught him by now. Wouldn't they? Of course. And he’s the only guest on a cruise ship. There'd be no way to cover up anything happening to me. I’m probably the safest person in the world right now, at least the safest girl floating on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. Anyway, this man doesn’t necessarily have to be that kind of person; not the kind who would swoop in on some defenseless young woman, much less do what they said he did to the late Mrs. Hutchinson. That’s just hysteria. The man wants company for his daughter, probably. Sure, that's really all it is, the girl's gotta be lonely. What a silly notion, that I'm supposed to be the guy’s onboard concubine! I’m sure Caroline sees it that way, because that’s the way she sees the world and so that's the way the world sees her. But I don't live that way, that’s not me. I’m lined up to be a babysitter, not some sex toy!

  I stepped into the elevator and waited, the box gliding me down two floors. The door slid open to reveal the big mall, the Captain’s Table Steakhouse just a few yards away, wondering what that feeling was in the pit of my stomach. Is it excitement? Fear? Disappointment?

  I took a deep breath, put a big smile on my face, and stepped out to see Hutch and his daughter, Blu.

  They were at a booth near the front, not needing too much privacy since he rented out the whole ship. But the restaurant was immediately dark, thick wooden paneling giving it the look of an old pirate’s pub somewhere on what used to be called the Spanish Main.

  As soon as I sat down, breakfast arrived. Leo the cook knew what I liked, and the spinach egg white omelet was perfectly well-done, crispy on the outside. The roasted potatoes were my favorite, and the English muffins were still hot from the toaster.

  Blu was polite and gracious when they brought her scrambled eggs and fruit, following her father’s lead as he received his steak and eggs. The waitress, Stella, gave me a little wink as she turned to walk away from the table, but I tried to ignore it. I certainly didn’t appreciate it. I had to think, Leo already knows, so does Stella? What will they all be wondering, talking about, gossiping about tomorrow, and for the next seven days? What about my father, what’s he going to make out of all this? I’ll bet Caroline’s telling him right now, probably making it sound as bad as she can. But I couldn’t keep focusing on all that; that wasn’t what mattered. At that moment what mattered most was the somewhat-reduced Hutchinson family, and that they have the best week of their lives.

  Hutch said, “The food is delicious, Dana. May I call you Dana?”

  “Please do … Hutch.”

  He smiled and turned to Blu. “S’good?”

  She nodded, pushing a piece of watermelon into her mouth. “Yes, thank you.”

  Hutch asked me, “How do you stay so thin? You must have a gym here.”

  “Oh yeah, I go when there’s a spot open. It’s usually pretty crowded.”

  Hutch smiled. “Won’t be this time.” He didn’t say anymore about it, and I was glad. We’d just met, and I found myself immediately hoping he wouldn't come on with some tacky line about showing him my routine or whatever, especially not right there in front of his daughter. But he left that matter completely alone, as if it had been the mere afterthought that it seemed to be. He went on, “Anyway, I’m glad you could see your way clear to joining us.”

  I smiled, glad he brought it up, and for reasons other than sheer curiosity. “It’s certainly my pleasure. Though I have to say, it’s generally the kind of thing Caroline, our cruise director, would do.”

  Hutch let the moment land, silence at the table. “Would you rather she do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “I don’t know, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, well, um, just, y’know, show you around the ship, be your escort, as it were.”

  Hutch smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. “I see. Nevertheless, we feel a bit more … comfortable with you.” He turned to Blu to confirm. “Wouldn’t you say, Blu?”

  Blu nodded, swallowing her food to say, “‘Zactly.”

  I couldn’t help but smile, and I really didn’t want to help it. What more was there to do but shrug and butter my muffin? We were going to have a splendid time and there was nothing I was going to be able to say or do about it.


  After breakfast (Hutch tipped a hundred dollars!) we strolled around the ship. I showed them the rest of the mall, a glittering city block of polished glass and chrome, the world’s most tantalizing trinkets on display; diamonds and fine silk, but also the colorful, humorous t-shirts and flip-flops so popular among their post-adolescent passengers. They passed the IMAX theater, which had 3-D presentations of a variety of deep sea documentaries as well as the latest blockbusters.

  Hutch looked around, impressed. “Wow, this is really something. It’s
quite a place to live. How long have you been doing this?”

  “My dad took the job almost ten years ago, after my mom … ” But a quick glance at little Blu told me I’d already said too much. The last thing I wanted to do was to drudge up sad memories for the Hutchinsons, especially not those memories in particular. But it was too late to backpedal away from the subject, and both Hutch and Blu seemed to know it. “Anyway, it’s been about ten years.”

  “So, about half your life,” Hutch presumed and I nodded. “Or two thirds of mine.”

  Odd thing to say, I couldn’t help but think. He must want to know how old I am, and he wants me to know how old he is. There can’t be too many reasons for that.

  But I wasn’t intimidated or upset by it, not at all. In fact, I was intrigued, to put it in the most gentile way I can.

  Blu asked, “Have you always been a singer?”

  I didn’t have to give that one too much thought. “Ever since I was a kid, Blu. I sang in the shower, school plays, all that stuff. When we came to the ship it was … it was a little harder for a while, I have to admit. I really didn't sing at all for a few years, to tell you the truth. I just kept my head down, I had a tutor so there was always schooling to do. And I gotta say, all the things there were to do, and Oceania was brand new at the time, it helped, y’know? Just to know there was still some fun to be had out there, and for me … it was in my own backyard!”

  Hutch said, “Speaking of that, who feels like a swim?”


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  Be My First

  A Billionaire and Virgin Romance


  My New Employee makes it hard…very hard to ignore.

  Claire makes me want to throw all the rules away

  I’m not supposed to f*ck employees.

  But I have never cared for rules.

  And all of the rules changed when Claire Adams walked in the meeting as one of my newest consultants.

  I ignored the slight stirrings, but it was hard to resist the beautiful woman.

  She was so young, innocent and supple.

  Her body called to me in so many ways.

  She is so ripe for the taking.

  It was like she was asking for it.

  I just couldn’t say no.

  Once I put my mind to it, I get anything I want.

  I have money, cars, power.

  No one denies me.

  Not even her.

  I want Claire underneath me.

  My mind obsessed about being inside of her.

  The noises she would make.

  How tight she would be.

  I want to be her first.

  And I always get what I want.

  I don’t care what others think.

  How wrong it is.

  I don’t care that I am the wolf and she is the sheep.

  She is bound to me.

  I will have her innocence.

  And then she will forever be mine.


  Be My First: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

  Chapter 1


  “So what about that guy?”

  I looked to where Amy was pointing and I shook my head. “Come on, you know that I am not really looking.”

  “You are single, have been for months. It is time that you start looking again. You are too picky Claire and you are going to end up an old spinster if you don’t start opening your horizons.”

  I chuckled at her and took a sip of my drink. She was right of course. I would never tell her that, but she was right after all. I already had a cat. I was just three cats away from being the crazy cat lady on my block.

  “I am looking, sort of. I just know what I want. That isn’t being picky.”

  She wasn’t buying it and her brown eyes gave me this look that I knew too well. “What about you?”

  “Scott and I are doing okay. I think we should see other people though, you know, keep the options open.”

  “Then what is the point of being together?”

  “He keeps me from doing stupid things.”

  I giggled, “Like Justin?”

  “Yes like Justin. That is worth it, right?”

  I nodded my head in agreement, but I still wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say. This was a normal thing for us. We went out every Friday night and Amy always tried to talk me into dancing with all these different men. She had found the love of her life in a bar, even if they did split up. I knew I wouldn’t find my husband here. I didn’t know where I would find him, but it wouldn’t be at a place like this.

  “That guy is over there staring you down Claire, go say hi.”

  I looked where she was looking and I had to admit that she finally found a guy that was easy on the eyes. I certainly liked the look of him and I turned back to Amy when he met my gaze. The man was not what I was looking for, but there was something in his eyes that made me look again.

  “Go over there.”

  I debated it for a minute and had decided that I didn’t want to go, but that didn’t matter. The guy that was looking our way started to walk over and I fixed a smile on my face.

  “Hey ladies.”

  Smiling up at the guy, as he got closer, I could tell how handsome he was.

  “Hello guy.”


  “Hi Tony.”

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  I picked up the glass that I was drinking from. He was a little too late on that one.

  “Fair enough, let me take you for a dance.”

  He was persistent and with Amy half pushing me out of the bar stool, I didn’t really have a choice but to go dance with him. One dance I told myself. I only have time for one dance and then I was going to go home and work on some resumes.

  “You are beautiful, what is your name?”

  I smiled at the compliment and told him that my name was Claire.

  “I think I have seen you before Claire.”

  I shook my head and told him that I doubted it. The man wasn’t listening though. His hands were all over me and I felt his palms tightening up on my ass. What the hell did this guy think he was doing?

  I pushed back from him. ‘”Come on, I know where I saw you from Claire. It took me a minute, but I have watched you dance many times before.”

  “No, I think you have the wrong girl.” He was not letting go of me and I was getting aggravated to no end. I wanted his hands off of me, right now.

  I pushed away and he told me that I was being a tease. This was why I hated coming here, but I came for Amy.

  “Don’t think that I don’t know who you are. Do you need a few dollars?”

  My face fell and for a moment I was mad at someone else, more than I was this man. But then I had to wonder how I could deal with this every day. When Tony started to pull some money out of his pocket, I turned around and hoped that I didn’t feel his hands on my arm to stop me. I was humiliated and I walked right back to the table where Amy was.

  “What just happened?”

  “He thought I was someone else and thought he would get liberal with his touching.”

  “Oh, ewww, sorry.”

  We were both quiet for a while. I wanted to leave right now, but Amy wanted to finish her drink. She at least had the decency to not say anything about Amber. I didn’t want to talk about it and it was nights like this that I hated sharing a face with someone else, that someone who is my twin, someone so different than me, yet close enough to the same that I had encounters like this a couple of times a week since I came to Atlanta.

  “Don’t worry about it Claire, that was one guy.”

  It was one guy, all the time it felt like. How was I ever supposed to date here if that was how it turned out? “I think we need to try somewhere new. This place
isn’t working for me.”

  “It’s not so bad. Some of the guys are really nice. I just like the atmosphere.”

  The atmosphere was dark and bright all at the same time. Colored strobe lights moved throughout the place. It felt like more of a light show than anything else. The music was loud enough to vibrate my rib cage and I could barely hear without the person doing a sort of shout talk that was only okay in a club.

  “I think I have had enough of this atmosphere for the night.” My attention was on Tony who was staring me down from the bar. I didn’t know if he was going to be a problem or not, but he made himself being there uncomfortable.

  Amy saw the exchange and agreed that it was time to go. “If he gets up when we do, we need to talk to the bouncer.”

  She was getting the same feeling I was and I agreed one hundred percent with her plan. Tony didn’t get up though. He stayed on his stool, eying us as we left. I got a shiver down my spine with the way he was looking at me. I was going to have to warn Amber about him. That guy seemed a little too forceful and I didn’t want her to run into him as well.

  I took Amy home and even though she offered to finish the night at her house, I had had enough.

  “Come on Claire, it’s not like you have class or work in the morning. You might as well get some of the benefits of being unemployed, think of all of the off time that you get.”

  “I would rather have a job.”

  “I could always get you a job at the diner.”

  She had offered before and I had refused several times. I wasn’t quite to that level yet. I would be soon if I didn’t find something in my field before my savings ran out. I had projected up to nine months to find a good job. I moved to Atlanta for better job prospects, but I was finding it hard to bust into the market. I hadn’t given up, but I was getting discouraged.


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