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Alien Tryst

Page 4

by Sax, Cynthia

  “It’s an Orogone thing,” Eshe corrected, opening the can, the fizz of released gases punctuating her reply. “We use more energy than humans do.” She sipped the sweet liquid and smiled, the fruit punch reviving her. “Here.” She passed the can to him. “You must need this also.”

  Kane placed his mouth where hers had been and took a long swig, the muscles in his throat convulsing. He’d taste sweet. She licked her bottom lip, hungry for his touch.

  Kane groaned, shifting in his seat. “You’re killing me, Eshe.” He pressed the can into her hand. The ridge in his pants had returned, if it had ever left.

  She placed the can in the cup holder and openly studied the outline of his hard cock. Can a man run with an erection? It should be physically possible. The scientist in her needed to know and knowing required more information. Eshe leaned over the middle console and ran her palm along the intriguing ridge, exploring him with her fingertips, savoring his length and girth.

  “Remove your hand,” Kane growled.

  “Okay, okay.” She obeyed, crossing her arms, ignoring the burning in her chest, the pain that came from not touching him. “Many human males welcome any female contact.” Her overprotective brother had warned her away from human males, claiming they resembled rabid beasts, having no willpower.

  “I’m not completely human.” Kane’s knuckles whitened on the steering wheel.

  “If you were completely Orogone you’d need my touch.” Eshe watched the scenery. A hawk perched on a wire, his gaze on the field below him. Fir trees swayed in the wind. The space between houses increased.

  “You’d want me,” she murmured, trembling, her pain escalating. If she were a normal Orogone, able to assimilate perfectly with the humans, he’d want her also.

  “I’ve had a hard-on since we met.” Kane placed her hand on his thigh, easing her torment. “I want you.” He gripped the steering wheel, his expression ominously dark. “But we have to focus on our mission.”

  “Can you focus on our mission with a hard-on?” She used his words.

  He didn’t answer her question.

  Because he can’t focus on our mission. Her spirits lifted, hope returning. He wants me too much. “Let me take care of you, my One.” She moved her hand to Kane’s groin and he jerked. “Let me pleasure you as you drive.” She unzipped his pants, slid her fingers inside the fabric, touched bare skin. Her One didn’t believe in excess clothing, this quirk thrilling her.

  “Eshe.” He spread his legs, giving her easier access.

  “Concentrate on the road, Kane.” She curled her fingers around his shaft. His cock was soft yet rigid, an intriguing combination. Eshe pumped him as she’d seen the big-breasted women in the research videos pump their pizza-delivering males.

  “Ohhhh…” she moaned, recalling their sex noises. “You’re so big.” A large cock was a sign of virility in human males, much revered in their culture. “Yes.” Eshe ran out of dialogue. The research women hadn’t been prone to excessive talking.

  “Grip me harder,” Kane ordered, demanding more.

  Eshe complied, closing her fingers around him tighter, happy to have instructions. A bead of pre-cum formed on his broad tip. She swiped her thumb over him, glazing his skin with the glistening moisture, and he shuddered, his shoulders shaking. “You smell delicious.” She breathed in his distinctive scent, imprinting him on her brain. “I wish to taste you.”

  A strangled noise came from Kane’s throat that Eshe interpreted as consent. She set her sunglasses on the dash, draped her stomach over the middle console and lowered her face between the steering wheel and her One’s rigid body. Clasping his base, she extended her tongue and flicked his tip.

  The Hummer swerved, horns blared and Kane cursed. He tasted of sweetness, intoxicating and right. Eshe laved his skin with her tongue, circled his rim, followed a vein down his shaft, wetting him, cleansing him, teasing him.

  “Fuck.” Kane rested one of his palms on her head. “That feels good.”

  I pleased him. The heat from her mark spread across her chest, his praise rebuilding her battered self-worth. The research women did more than lick their males. Eshe pushed her lips over Kane’s cock head, and the vehicle’s speed increased, the floor vibrating under her.

  She sank lower and lower, his cock filling her mouth. His tip tapped the back of her throat and she tilted her head, taking all of him.

  “Yes, Eshe.” Kane’s fingers twisted in her hair as she sucked. “Fuck me with that sweet mouth of yours.” He pulled her upward and pinpricks of pain shot across her scalp, stimulating her. She maintained the suction as she withdrew, her cheeks indenting around him.

  “You’re so hot.” He guided her up and down him, taking control of their joining. “Wet.” She slid her tongue along his shaft, savoring the feel of him. “Perfect for me.” His pace increased, his hips lifting.

  Kane ravished her mouth, using her for his pleasure, and Eshe followed his lead eagerly, learning how to satisfy her male. His coarse private curls tickled her chin and the fabric of his pants brushed against her cheeks. His body heat engulfed her, seductively warm.

  Kane grunted as he thrust into her mouth, his clasp on her hair intense and arousing, not allowing any retreat. Eshe’s lips hummed and her cheeks ached. He was driving insanely fast, even for an Orogone, their surroundings whizzing by them. She didn’t care, all of her focus on her One, on his fulfillment.

  “Fuck.” Kane’s voice deepened. “Fuck.” His thighs shook. “I’m going to—”

  She sucked hard and he roared, driving upward. Hot spurts of cum shot down her throat and filled her mouth. Eshe swallowed and swallowed, savoring his sweetness. He thrust once, twice and stilled, his hold on her head easing.

  “I needed that. Thank you.” He petted her hair, his caresses gentle, caring.

  Does he care for me? Kane’s cock softened in her mouth. She licked him clean, his taste resembling liquefied sugar, and she carefully fastened his pants.

  Human males, unlike Orogones, mated with any viable female, the species notoriously fickle. Eshe straightened and studied Kane’s face, searching for signs of affection. He didn’t look at her, his gaze fixed to the road.

  I’m simply a viable female. She sighed, turning her attention toward the outside world.

  * * * * *

  Hours later, Kane continued to drive, compelled to reach the city tonight. Eshe slumped over the customized middle console, her hands pressed against his leg, her mouth, the mouth he’d pounded his cock into, slightly open. She twitched as she slept, her breathing ragged.

  She’s in pain. His heart twisted with that realization. Not that she’d ever admit to it. His sexy alien was as stoic as any soldier, not complaining once about their drive-through greasy burger-and-fry dinner or his lack of talking or the lame-ass thank-you he’d given her after the hottest blowjob he’d ever had in his long, lonely life.

  Kane ran one of his hands over Eshe’s rounded spine and she moaned, pushing into his palm. Her white doctor’s coat was soaked with perspiration, her body hot to the touch. They’d have to stop, delaying the completion of their mission. He removed the elastic from her hair and spread her straight blonde tendrils over her shoulders.

  I need her to transfer my mother, he told himself. That is why I’m putting Eshe’s needs first. He pressed a button on his dash and the vehicle dialed his parents’ home phone number.

  “Kane, is that you?” his mother answered. “You’re calling us late at night. Is everything okay?”

  “Can you and Father stick around the house tomorrow morning?” Kane ignored her question. Everything wasn’t okay and he wouldn’t lie to his mom.

  Eshe straightened, the flames in her alien eyes high and bright. He pressed his index finger to her lips, signaling for her to be quiet, and she nodded.

  “Sure thing, hon.” His mother sounded as worried as Kane felt. “I’ll make pancakes. Your father bought a big jar of maple syrup yesterday from the farmers market.”

“Pancakes sound good.” He glanced at Eshe. He had to say this, just in case. “I love you, Mom.” His voice broke.

  He heard her suck in her breath. “Kane, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

  “We’ll talk about it tomorrow morning. Give my love to Dad too.” He ended the call before the lump in his throat grew any bigger.

  Silence stretched. Kane felt Eshe’s gaze on him yet he couldn’t acknowledge her, couldn’t answer her questions, his emotions stark and raw. He stared straight ahead, peering through the windshield at the winding stretch of pavement before them. Fireflies danced by the roadside, seeking their mates, searching for love.

  “We’ll save her.” Eshe kneaded his leg, her fingers shaking. She was in pain, a pain he’d inflicted by simply existing, yet she sought to reassure him, to comfort him.

  Kane spotted the motel he often frequented and he pulled the Hummer into the parking lot. Gravel crunched under the tires. “We’re stopping here.”

  “We shouldn’t stop.” Eshe glanced in the passenger side mirror. Moisture streamed down her pale cheeks and Kane’s stomach twisted. She was crying. “A warrior will already be searching for me. The sooner we reach your mother, the safer she’ll be.”

  “We’re stopping,” Kane repeated, firm in his decision. He grabbed the bag from the back. “Come on.” He exited the Hummer, striding to the passenger side. The cool night air skimmed over his bare arms, the scent of pine filling his nostrils.

  Eshe opened the door and stared down at the ground. Sunglasses shielded her eyes. She’s wearing sunglasses at night. Kane snorted. As though that’s not suspicious.

  “You go ahead.” Eshe’s voice was weak. “I can’t.”

  She couldn’t walk. That was how drained she was. “You should have told me to pull over.” Kane glowered at her, enraged that she was in that much pain, agony he could have prevented.

  “Hold this.” He plunked the bag in her lap and scooped her out of her seat. She weighed nothing and smelled delicious, her desire musky and arousing.

  “You don’t have to carry me,” Eshe protested, linking her trembling fingers over his nape, her body shaking with agony.

  My woman is too damn proud. Kane kicked the door shut, taking his anger out on his vehicle. “Do you sense any warriors?” he demanded as he stomped toward the motel office.

  Eshe turned her head to the left and to the right, breathing deeply. “I don’t smell any Orogones.” She sniffed, that dainty, delicate sound making his stomach clench. “An off-worlder was here though. Unknown species.”

  Great, there are more goddamn aliens. He wrenched open the door to the office. Martin, the owner, straightened behind the reception desk. It didn’t matter when Kane arrived at the motel, the small, slight man was always sitting in the same spot.

  “Back again.” Martin smiled, revealing crooked yellow teeth. “And with a guest.”

  Eshe gazed at the man. “Off-worlder,” she whispered.

  Martin is a Martian. Kane reached for his space gun.

  The man’s smile faded, his face losing all color. “It’s not time for me to be transferred yet.” His voice squeaked. “I have a permit for three more Earth months.

  Kane aimed the gun at the alien, not giving a shit about permits.

  “Wait.” Eshe placed one of her hands on his arm, her soft touch stopping him from blowing Martin to bits. “Tell anyone you saw us,” she murmured, “and your permit will expire immediately.” She shook, her heart-wrenching tremors alarming Kane.

  “We need a room,” he demanded, shoving the space gun back into the waistband of his pants.

  “Of course. You can have your regular room.” The motel owner tossed him a key. “And anything else you want. I won’t tell anyone you were here.” A tic pulsed in his cheek. “I promise.” He held up his hands.

  “I’m holding you to that promise.” Kane carried Eshe outside. She stared over his shoulder, watching the alien.

  “He’ll report us,” she advised. “We should leave now.” She shuddered. “The warrior will find us.”

  If they left she wouldn’t survive until the next stop. “I’ll take that chance.” Kane strode toward their room. His woman’s health was now his top priority.

  Chapter Four

  I’m going to die. Eshe stared up at the silver scar under Kane’s chin. His touch eased her pain but her weakness remained. If they didn’t join soon she wouldn’t survive much longer. She knew this in her restless souls.

  She had to save him, save his mother. “If I don’t make it—”

  “You’re making it,” Kane rumbled. Wood cracked as he kicked the motel door in.

  “Place the red-and-blue tube in the injector,” she instructed.

  “Placing tubes in injectors is your job.” He slammed the door shut and jammed a chair under the doorknob, using only one of his hands. Her One was strong and resourceful, worthy of an Orogone mate.

  “Press the muzzle to your mother’s bare skin.” Eshe ignored his reply, determined to teach him how to save his beloved parent. “And pull the trigger.” The heels of Kane’s military-style boots rang on the parquet floor, his irritation with her palpable. “Count to ten and then transfer her.”

  “I’ll transfer her. You inject her.” They entered a small bathroom. Kane smacked his hand over a light switch and the tiny tiled space was filled with a harsh brightness. Eshe blinked, her vision correcting quickly.

  “Get naked,” he instructed, shutting the bathroom door. “We’re doing this in the shower.” He lowered her carefully, set his gun on the sink, within arm’s reach, and pulled his T-shirt over his head, revealing endless tanned skin, defined muscle and even more scars.

  A new type of heat filled Eshe, a bone-deep wanting. She placed her sunglasses on the sink’s porcelain surface, stripped off her white jacket and the remains of her white blouse, the fabric charred from her Orogone mark. Her gaze remained fixed on the male before her.

  Kane bent over, his shoulders broad, his back marred with silver stripes and circles, remnants of his warrior past. He removed his boots and his black socks. Eshe swept her hands over the deep scar running down his left side and he shuddered. “Undress, Eshe.” His deep voice curled her toes.

  She discarded her remaining clothing without hesitation, without thought. Bodies were simply shells, exchanged with each transfer, until an Orogone joined with her One. She hadn’t fully appreciated their wonders, had looked but not seen the beauty of the male human form.

  Kane’s form was beautiful. He unzipped his pants and yanked them downward, the fabric creating a puddle around his bare feet. His cock sprang free, hard and long and thick, ready for joining.

  Kane caught her wrist, giving her the connection she needed, and he perused her naked physique, his gaze pausing on her breasts, her tight nipples and her hair-covered mons. He breathed deeply, his chest rising and falling, his abdominal muscles rippling, his cock bobbing.

  “Am I sufficient?” she asked, suddenly shy and uncertain. Orogones mated with only one being, their joinings lasting lifetimes. Humans mated with many, their joinings sometimes lasting less than one Earth day. As Kane believed himself to be a human male in his prime, he must have had many partners.

  “You are more than sufficient, Eshe.” He pulled her to him, her curves fitting into his angles, her softness into his strength. She leaned against him, needing his support, her knees weak.

  “You’re beautiful.” He brushed her hair away from her face. Eshe trembled, relishing the contact, the press of his hardness against her stomach, his heat and his scent. This might be their last encounter.

  “If we had the time I’d love you properly.” Kane’s brown eyes held regret. “Tease you.” He brushed his lips over hers and Eshe gasped, not expecting his tenderness. “Savor you.” He nipped at her flesh and she yelped.

  “We don’t have the time.” He grasped her waist and lifted her into the shower stall. “Turn around and place your hands flat on the wall.” She obeyed him,
wondering what he planned to do.

  Kane reached around her, his chest pressed against her back, his cock slid between her ass cheeks and he turned on the shower. Eshe shrieked as the cold water hit her hot skin.

  “The water might mask your scent,” he explained, rubbing his hands up and down her braced arms. Steam hung in the air, partially concealing them. “A warrior shouldn’t be able to see your laser light show in here.” He chuckled, his lips vibrating against her shoulder.

  Eshe curled her fingers, wishing to touch him.

  Kane covered her hands with his. “Keep them on the wall,” he ordered, forcing her to flatten her fingers. “If you touch me I’ll take you and then we’ll be fucked. Literally.”

  He wishes to join with me. Eshe glanced over her right shoulder, saw the desire in his brown eyes, and her need for him spiraled higher.

  “If we join fully, the warrior will transfer both of us.” She swayed against him, seeking more connection, more of his strength. “You won’t be able to save your mother.”

  Kane groaned in her ear and wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her upright. “We are saving my mother.” He grazed his teeth along her skin, sending waves of sensation over her wet body. “Together.”

  Eshe said nothing. Very few off-worlders could outrun an Orogone warrior.

  “First, I’ll please you.” Kane skimmed his free hand over her stomach, threaded his fingers through her private hair, dipped his fingertips into her heat. Eshe jerked, the contact too intense, too right.

  “Easy,” Kane murmured into her ear, his lips humming against her skin. “I’ll give you what you need.” He circled her clit, winding her desire around her.

  Eshe panted, close to coming, her body primed from hours of wanting him, of craving his rough fingers, his calloused caresses. Once she reached satisfaction she’d feel better, more rational, more herself.

  Kane plunged two fingers deep into her and she cried out, the fullness sublime. “That’s it.” The approval in his voice warmed her. “Clench me with your tight little pussy.” He worked her hard, not allowing her a moment to recover.


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