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Required to Wear the Tycoon's Ring

Page 14

by Maggie Cox

  Her eyes suddenly awash with tears, Imogen knew her gaze was transfixed. ‘I adore you, too, Seth. But I’m a little overwhelmed that you care so much about how I might feel that you would do that for me. I can still hardly believe we’re married. I’m scared that I’ll suddenly wake up and find that I’ve been having the most fantastical dream.’

  Putting his glass down on the table, Seth captured her hand and lifted it to his lips. ‘This is no dream, angel. What’s happened has happened because it was meant. The older I get, the more I believe that universal forces aren’t random. I get the sense that events and situations are being carefully orchestrated. When a relationship feels as right as ours does, what else can you put it down to? Anyway...’ He planted a warm kiss across her fingers. ‘Now that’s clear we can start to enjoy our honeymoon.’

  ‘I’m already enjoying it. Even if we went home today it wouldn’t matter...just as long as I know we can be together.’

  ‘We’re not going home today. My helicopter pilot will be collecting us in the morning to take us to the airport. Then we’re boarding a plane to fly to Italy.’


  ‘Yes. I’m taking you to La Scala in Milan, to see an opera. Before we see the show we’ll shop for a suitable outfit for you to wear, and then, when it’s over, we’ll enjoy some of the very best Italian food in one of my favourite restaurants. After that we’ll have three more days in which to please ourselves and enjoy the sights.’

  ‘And then...when we get home...?’

  ‘We’ll talk about where we’re going to live.’

  The expression on his riveting handsome features suddenly became serious. There was still an unspoken uncertainty about where they would reside, and sooner or later they were going to have to address that.

  Her teeth anxiously chewed down on her lip. So much had changed for her in a frighteningly short time, and she was having a little trouble acclimatising herself. Her good fortune seemed to be unrelenting. She could hardly believe that Seth was taking her to Italy—and to the opera to boot! How had she got to be so lucky?

  And the most exciting thing of all was that they would soon be living together as man and wife. What could it matter where they lived? She would willingly go wherever he did, confident that she would be able to adapt to a new place or even country if she had to. The main thing was that they loved each other. That was what would sustain them. Imogen had once agreed to become just his companion and helpmate, but now she was his friend and lover, too...

  ‘It all sounds wonderful. And I’m very much looking forward to discussing where we’re going to live when we get home. You can even move in with me and give up your hotel suite until we find somewhere more permanent, if you’d like? I promise my bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch.’

  ‘I don’t doubt that it is—especially if you were in it with me sweetheart... But there’s no need for that. We’ll come up with a solution, I promise.’ The glance he gave her was both steady and reassuring. ‘In the meantime, let’s drink a toast to our future.’

  Raising her glass, Imogen smiled confidently. ‘To our future... May it be a fruitful and happy one.’

  * * *

  Their first outing in Milan was to the glamorous array of shops in the Galleria, known to be one of the world’s oldest shopping malls. And it was there that Seth insisted Imogen shopped to buy a dress to wear to the opera.

  The incredible four-storey arcade that was topped with a distinctive glass dome housed the fashions of the most elite haute couture designers, Armani, Dolce & Gabbana and Prada to name just a few, and it wasn’t easy to take it all in. For Imogen, the sight of so much glitz and glamour under one roof was nothing less than intimidating. It was so far away from the world she was used to that it might as well have been on another planet.

  Even more intimidating was the prevalence of so many beautiful and attractive people. Everyone looked like a model or a movie star. Observing both the men and the women, she saw they looked to be gliding from store to store as if born to the task. And every now and then somebody would stop to take a call on the latest designer phone, or to take a ‘selfie’ with a friend and smile and gesticulate as if it were their divine right to have such good fortune and not be concerned with very much else.

  And of all the scents that pervaded the area the scent of money was the strongest perfume of all, she noted.

  Realising that this was the world she’d married into, that like it or not, she was going to have to quickly get used to it. As astute as ever, her husband straight away sensed her disquiet.

  Guiding her towards the store of one of most famous designers in the world, he examined her searchingly with his glittering blue eyes. ‘You’re far too quiet for my liking. That tells me you’re not enjoying yourself. Why?’

  Glancing uncomfortably at the beautifully dressed window in front of her, Imogen flushed and uneasily brushed her hand down the faux leather jacket she wore with jeans. ‘I don’t want to sound like a broken record, Seth, but I’m just not used to this kind of thing. It’s going to take me a while to adjust.’

  ‘Why? If it’s because you don’t feel “good enough” to go into such an elite store, let me reassure you. Whether you’re married to me or not, you have as much right as the next person to go into this store and have an assistant serve you. And if I detect for even a second that anyone is making you feel uncomfortable, either by a look or a condescending attitude, I’ll make sure that I never buy from that designer again. In my world, Imogen, money and status is power. Never forget that. So work on losing that demoralising feeling and enjoy yourself. Now let’s go in and find you a beautiful dress to wear to the opera.’

  Brushing her lips with an affectionate kiss, Seth caught her hand and led her into the store, and Imogen loved him all the more for his insistence that she was as deserving as anybody else to shop there...

  * * *

  La Scala was an unbelievable experience from the moment their car dropped them off at the square.

  The deceptively unprepossessing building turned out to contain an Aladdin’s cave of wonder and delight. Inside the auditorium, with its six perfect ‘doll’s house’ tiers, the atmosphere was somehow imbued with the echoes of all the magnificent voices that had ever sung there...indeed, that sang there still. The members of the audience who had started to fill the seats were immaculately dressed and important looking. The men wore flawless suits and the women were dressed in an array of classic and fashionable gowns practically dripping with jewels.

  Although she and Seth talked amongst themselves Imogen was so mesmerised by the fact that she was there at all that she hardly knew what she said. And when they finally took their seats in one of the most desirable boxes in the theatre, she honestly attested to feeling like the fairy tale Cinderella must have done when she went to the ball.

  Seth held her hand and every now and then discreetly pointed out an important official or celebrity that he’d spotted, adding an amusing anecdote or two if it was someone he had met personally.

  One of the best things of all about that magical day was the sensational scarlet gown that Seth had helped her choose. It was simply glamour personified, and she couldn’t deny that she felt like a different woman wearing it—a woman who was confident and assured. And adding to that rare sense of confidence was the fact that she was with Seth.

  Her handsome husband had caused a small sensation when he’d stepped out of their car, because he looked so amazing in yet another classy Armani suit. The owners of the high-lens cameras that had pointed in their direction attested that it hadn’t gone unnoticed who he was. Coupled with that, there had been several times when some of the most stunning women Imogen had ever seen had glanced admiringly his way. But she didn’t let it disturb her. After all, she was the one he’d made his wife.

  The opera that evening was La Bohème, by Puccini,
and the powerful emotive music stayed with her long after they’d returned to their hotel. In truth, neither of them wanted the magic to end, and that night Seth took his time making slow, sweet love to her. It was the icing on the cake in an extraordinarily happy day that would be etched in her memory forever.

  * * *

  The following few days saw them touring several art galleries and other places of interest, but Imogen’s favourite thing was their visit to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, to see Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Although she could see that the incredible painting had faded down the years, it was still powerfully moving. Seth was right. There was so much about Italy that was utterly compelling.

  On their return to the hotel the day after their final lunch in town Seth took himself off to the bathroom for a shower. Contentedly lying on the bed, browsing through a magazine, she was finally distracted by the persistent message tone of his phone. He’d left it on the bed, down by Imogen’s feet, and although she wouldn’t normally dream of looking at it, it came to her that it might be something urgent.

  Gathering up the smartphone, she stared down at the name that had appeared on the screen. Not recognising it as anyone he’d mentioned, she scrolled further down to read the message.

  Well, my friend, have you found your trophy wife yet? My father the sheikh is anxious to meet you with a view to making you his new supplier. I’m sure you know what an amazing opportunity this is. We’re talking about entry into the ‘elite of the elite’ classic-car fraternity and you need to have a wife to make you eligible. Don’t let your reticence about making this marriage one of convenience deter you much longer! You know it makes sense. Ring me. Ash.

  In those horrific few moments as the words seeped into her brain Imogen felt as if time had chillingly slowed down in order to manifest the nightmarish realisation that now seized her.

  Her husband had been lying to her all along about his reasons for marrying her.

  Tightening her hold on the mobile, she reread the message. She hadn’t made a mistake... The words were writ clear in black and white.

  The glossy magazine she’d been so avidly perusing just a moment ago slid off the bed and landed on the floor. Shock, dizziness and sickness infiltrated her insides all at once. Dear God, what was going on? Had Seth just pretended that he loved her? Had their marriage been forged purely out of his desire to become a member of this so-called ‘elite of the elite’ fraternity, and was she the ‘trophy wife’ his friend had suggested he find?

  If it was true, then Imogen knew it would be a far worse betrayal than Greg’s had ever been.

  Throwing the phone down on the bed as if it was some kind of dangerous explosive device, she hurriedly moved to stand in front of the large ornate window that overlooked the piazza. Although the square still teemed with people, Imogen barely registered the fact. Her heart was thumping so hard it made it nigh on impossible for her to think straight.

  Right at that moment Seth reappeared. He had a single white towel wrapped round his toned middle and his damp hair was tousled from what must have been a cursory attempt at drying it. His blue eyes automatically seeking her out, he gave her one of his usually irresistible smiles. But this time, Imogen was in no mood to be charmed by it. She was far too angry...angry and confused.

  ‘What exactly is a trophy wife, Seth?’ She was endeavouring to keep her tone cool, but it didn’t prevent her from shaking inside as she asked the question. ‘I hope you can enlighten me, because I’m anxious to know.’

  He stopped smiling. ‘What on earth are you talking about?’

  She jerked her head towards the mobile she’d thrown down onto the bed. ‘You had a message from someone who clearly knows you much better than I do. I didn’t mean to read it, but I’m glad that I did.’

  Not commenting, he immediately reached for the device. As he read what was on the screen his countenance visibly paled. Then he swore under his breath. Was that a sign that he was guilty of the very thing she had dreaded? Imogen wondered sickeningly.

  Jettisoning the phone, Seth deliberately walked towards her. ‘Reading that, I can understand why you no doubt believe I lied to you about my motives for marrying you. All I can tell you, Imogen, is that it’s not true. I married you purely because I love you and could not contemplate living my life without you.’

  When he would have stepped closer she folded her arms over her chest and stared at him coldly. It wasn’t easy to stem her suspicions that he was lying. She was honestly terrified of being so gullible a second time.

  ‘If that’s so, then what’s all that about you needing to find a trophy wife to enter this sheikh’s “elite of the elite” classic-car fraternity?’

  ‘That part is true, in that my friend Ash recommended me to him. It’s his father who is ruler of a kingdom with a very ancient history, and his wealth is much envied and admired. The sheikh is an avid classic-car collector and is reported to have the richest collection of classic cars in the world. To be accepted into that fraternity you need to be married as well as rich, because they have a very traditional culture.’

  Pausing to take a breath, Seth dragged his hand through his hair.

  ‘When I met you I suggested us having a marriage of convenience partly because it would help me to be accepted into that fraternity. I also saw that we could genuinely help each other out because we had both been disappointed in love. But I also quickly began to realise that I was falling for you. When I married you that day at Gretna Green, Imogen, it was the happiest day of my life. I no longer care about becoming the sheikh’s new supplier of elite cars. In fact I’m going to text my friend today and let him know I decline the offer. The only thing I really care about now is you.’

  Although his declaration made her heart sing, she was still anxious about it blinding her to the truth. ‘I want to believe you,’ she confessed shakily, ‘but I’m so scared of being taken for a fool again. Right now I just don’t know what to believe.’

  ‘Maybe I can do something to help you?’


  ‘Let’s go and sit down and I’ll show you.’

  Waiting for her to make the first move. Seth followed her back to the bed, then gestured for her to sit down. When she did, he once more picked up his phone and sat next to her. He efficiently pressed a couple of buttons and a photo of someone called Ash Nassar appeared on the screen. He had tanned skin and a fashionably short haircut.

  The number started ringing, and when it was answered her husband declared, ‘Hi, Ash, it’s Seth. I’m in Italy on my honeymoon and I’ve only just read your message.’

  ‘Seth—it’s about time! I wondered what the delay was. So you took my advice and found yourself a trophy wife? You couldn’t have timed it better. How soon can you travel over here to seal the deal? My father has already told me that if you marry the job is yours.’

  ‘I appreciate all your efforts on my behalf, my friend...but I’m afraid I’m going to have to decline the offer.’

  ‘Tell me you’re joking? Do you realise this is the kind of opportunity that only comes along once in a lifetime—if that? Tell me the truth. Has someone tempted you with something better?’

  His lips breaking into a smile, Seth glanced at Imogen and clasped her hand. He had put the call on speakerphone and knew she had heard every word. Thankfully the look of dread in her glossy brown eyes had started to fade...

  ‘Yes,’ he replied. ‘They have.’

  ‘I can hardly believe it. Who is he?’

  ‘The person concerned isn’t a man. She’s a woman. As a matter of fact she’s my wife, and her name is Imogen. As important as it is to you and your father, it’s no longer important to me to acquire the kudos of being accepted into your family’s world, Ash. With respect, I don’t need that kind of acceptance. And neither do I need the business or the even richer trappings that come a
long with it. I’m successful enough in my own right. What I want and need most is my beautiful wife and the amazing new life we’re going to make together.’

  Again, he directed a warm smile at Imogen.

  ‘And if I were you I’d take your own advice and get yourself a wife... Find a woman you can truly love with all your heart. I’ve discovered that that’s the most valuable treasure of all, my friend.’

  At the other end of the phone, all was silent. Then, just when Seth thought his friend had disconnected, he heard him chuckle.

  ‘You sound as if you are truly smitten!’

  Gazing back at Imogen, he nodded. ‘I am. When you next come over to the UK, I’ll introduce you to her.’

  ‘That’s a deal. By the way—does this rose amongst the daisies have a sister?’


  AFTER THEY’D KISSED and made up, following the most tumultuous episode of their marriage so far, Imogen didn’t think her feet touched the ground until the morning they boarded their plane back to London.

  But then, home again as their plane touched down at Heathrow, she started to feel nervous for another reason. All of a sudden their joyful wedding in Scotland and their trip to Italy seemed light years away, and to a certain degree she knew she would have to come back down to earth. She couldn’t let her taste of the high life blind her to the inevitable practicalities of life. And nor could she help dreading the moment that she and Seth would have to say goodbye to each other for a while.

  They still hadn’t decided where they were going to live, and she presumed she’d be returning to the flat until they did. She hardly relished the idea of being apart from him for too long.


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