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What Hurts The Most 3

Page 8

by Tynessa

  “Say no more. Pack her bags.” Ke’ smiled as he tongued me down right where we stood. Finally, he pulled back and said he loved me and I said it right back. I thought it would be kind of cool to have a little one running around, and I was really looking forward to it.

  Chapter 16

  About A Week Ago!


  Ever since Kace spilled the beans a week ago that Tan was pregnant, I’d been fucked up. I wanted to call her ass and go the fuck off, but I knew I would be out of line if I did that. I mean, who was I to call her up and snap when that nigga made it clear that she’s three months—which means there’s no way it could be mine.

  As much as I tried to get my mind off that damn girl and this whole pregnancy bullshit to focus on more important stuff I had going on in my life, I couldn’t. I ain’t gon’ even lie, finding out Tang was carrying Kace’s baby hurt worse than finding out Bree had a baby by the nigga Lo. But was the baby even Kace’s? Did he only say that she’s three months to throw me off? Is Tang hiding the pregnancy from me because the baby is really mine? Those were all the questions that were running through my head.

  All those questions had me ready to pick up the phone and call her up for answers. I needed her to tell me that the baby wasn’t mine. I ain’t about to listen to shit that punk ass nigga had to say. Unfortunately, I couldn’t call her because I was chilling at Grisela’s house. I had been there since my brother dropped me off after we left the projects.

  “Tez, are you okay?” I heard Grisela say. I looked up at her and she was on top of me, butt ass naked. I don’t know how I was laying there thinking about Tang’s ass when I was supposed to have been fucking my woman. Sadly to say, this wasn’t the first time.

  “Yea, I’m good,” I responded as I lifted her off my limp dick. I got up and went to the bathroom, totally ignoring the daggers Grisela was shooting at me. I jumped in the shower, and I know I was in there for damn near thirty minutes, so I don’t know why when I got back in the bedroom this dumb ass girl was still sitting in the same spot staring at the bathroom door.

  “What in the hell is wrong with you, girl?” I asked her.

  “So, your dick just goes soft like that in the middle of us having sex?” she asked me. Yeah, I’ve thought about Tang before during sex, but my shit hadn’t ever went soft before I got my nut. It’s safe to say that I was fucked up over this pregnancy.

  “Man, you know I been stressed lately. I got niggas trying to kill me and shit; sex is the last thing on my mind,” I half-lied. That wasn’t the only thing that’s stressing my ass out.

  “Yea whatever. It didn’t stop you the other night.”

  “I was fucked up the other night, too. You see we hadn’t had sex since the other night, so don’t come at me with that bullshit. I’m about to go home,” I let her know as I grabbed my keys and went out the door without saying shit else to her. Thank God I already had one of my cars here.

  As soon as I got inside my car, my phone went off indicating I had a call coming. I looked at the phone, and didn’t recognize the number.

  “Yea?” I answered.

  “Hey Tez. This is Asia. I got your number from Jay and I was wondering have you seen or hear from Tangela.” That grabbed my attention. What did she mean have I heard from her?

  “Nah, I ain’t heard from her in a minute. Everything good?” I asked, fishing for information.

  “No everything isn’t good! I been calling her since I got back from New York, and she hadn’t been answering. Now it’s going straight to the voicemail. You know that’s not like my sis, then I go to her house and Kace said he hasn’t heard from or seen her in like a week,” Asia explained.

  “What the fuck he mean he hadn’t seen or spoken to her in a week? Why the fuck he ain’t called nobody?” I was pissed.

  “That’s what I’m saying. He say they had a big argument and she left out the house. Said he been trying to call her but her phone is going straight to the voice mail. I swear to God, I’m going to kill Kacey if he done did something to my sister,” I heard Asia’s voice crack, and knew she was on the verge of crying.

  “I’ll look for her. As bad as I hate to say it, I doubt Kacey did something to her. But don’t sweat it though, I’ll find her and give you a call later.” I didn’t like the nigga, but I didn’t think Kacey had it in him to actually hurt Tang. Me personally, I think she probably left the nigga after he told her about the baby he had with Rachel.

  I rode around for like an hour looking for Tang. I had no idea on where she could be. Hell, the only friend I knew she had was Asia. She didn’t have no family here, and if she went back to Savannah then I’m pretty sure someone would’ve notified Asia.

  “So you been here this whole time?” I asked when I unlocked and walked into the house that I hadn’t visit in a very long time. It was the same house my mother lived in since before I was born. I hadn’t been there since her repast.

  “I knew this would be the last place anyone would look for me at,” Tang responded as she sat up on the couch. “I just wanted to be alone,” she said. I took a seat right next to her as I looked around.

  “Have you been cleaning up here?” I asked, because the house was spotless.

  “Yeah I have. I come by every now and then and straighten up a bit. I hope you don’t mind. She gave me a key when she found out me and you were messing around and told me that when Kacey comes home, and if I needed to get away, then her door was always opened. It was like she knew something like this would happen.”

  Grabbing the picture of my mom off the coffee table, I chuckled. This lady was truly a mess, and I missed her so much.

  “Either that or she wanted this to be our little getaway spot,” I teased. Tang looked over and me with her lips pressed together with a ‘Yeah right’ look before laughing. “I’m just playing with you. So why you didn’t tell me you was pregnant?” I asked as I sat the picture back on the table. I couldn’t look at it for too long, because her death was still fresh to me.

  “Why you didn’t tell me that Kacey was fucking that bitch and had a baby on me?” Tang shot back. I dropped my head, because the hurt that I heard in her voice broke my heart. This damn girl had me wrapped around her finger.

  “That wasn’t my business to tell you,” I answered honestly.

  “No it wasn’t your place, but I thought we were better than that. You let me sit in your face bragging about how this nigga wouldn’t ever break my heart—”

  “And don’t forget bashing me about being a dog,” I rubbed in her face.

  Rolling her eyes upwards, she smacked her lips and said, “That too. Meanwhile this nigga was in jail making babies and shit. How could he do something like this to me?” Tang whimpered.

  My heart actually went out to Tang. I pulled her over to me and wrapped my arms around her, then kissed her forehead.

  “Kace is a coward! He should’ve told you about the baby when he first got out. I mean, how long has his ass been out?” I wasn’t trying to sound like a hater, but it was the truth.

  “That’s why I’ll never get back with him again! This shit Kacey has pulled is unforgiveable.” Tang sat up and looked at me. At first she didn’t say anything, she just stared into my eyes as if she was searching for something. “How do you think things would’ve worked out if I would’ve chosen you and not stayed with Kacey?” she asked.

  “Things would’ve been perfect with us. You saw how good we were together. before he got out. Unfortunately, it wasn’t meant to be.” When I said that, Tang leaned over and kissed me softly on the lips.

  “So, you don’t love me anymore? Because I still love you!” By now, she was straddling me and just from her touch, my dick was rock hard.

  “Come on lil mama, we can’t do this,” I tried uttering out as Tang placed kisses all over my face and lips while grinding on my dick. Grabbing my bottom lip, she sucked on it before slipping her tongue inside my mouth. I didn’t even pull back.

  “I wanna feel you insid
e of me, Quintez. I need to it so bad, baby,” Tang moaned out as I picked her up and laid her on her back. Hovering over her, I trailed kisses down her body. Lifting her shirt, I stared at her little pudge belly. Shanking my head, I went back up and kissed her lips before sitting up on the couch.

  “I have a girl, and I know you’re not over Kace,” I said.

  Mainly, I used I had a girl as an excuse. I wasn’t in love with Gisela and if I fucked Tang right here right now, I wouldn’t even feel bad about it. I knew Tang was still in love with me, but when she thought Kace was that nigga, she was blowing me off. Now that she knows he was the dog she assumed I was, she wanted to be all on my dick. Hell nah, I ain’t about to be no damn rebound nigga! Fuck I look like?!

  “I’m sorry about the baby. I was planning on telling you, but I guess Kacey beat me to it,” she said as she sat up looking embarrassed.

  “It’s his, right?” I asked. I knew if it was mine, she would’ve been a little bigger than what she was. Tang just nodded his head. “Look, I’m going to keep it real with you. I know the lame ass nigga loves you, and you claim that he has your heart, so why don’t you go talk to him. Maybe he has a good explanation as to why he did it.” I knew the nigga didn’t, but that was the only thing I could think of.

  “Nah he don’t. Talking about he done it so he could come home early. That’s bullshit! Do you believe in karma, Quintez?” she asked me.

  “Nah. I don’t think this is karma,” was all I said back, truthfully.

  “Well I do. How can I be mad at him when I was out cheating myself?” I just looked at her when she said that and wondered did that mothafucker tell her that the shit started off before he even got out. So he was cheating on Tang way before she started cheating on his punk ass.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you should go home and talk to him. You know, you can’t stay here forever.”

  Nodding her head she said, “I guess you’re right. After all, we do have to be cordial for the baby’s sake. Thanks Quintez.” Leaning over Tang, hugged me and gave me a peck on the lips.

  “No need to thank me, lil mama. Just know that my shoulder is always free for you to cry on. Now come on so we can get up out of here, and so you can call Asia. She called me about to cry and shit,” I laughed, and so did Tang. Once she got her things, we left out and went our separate ways. I knew I’d just done the right thing and if it were meant to be with us, then we would be together.

  Chapter 17

  Stay With Me!


  This past week had been hell. I hadn’t seen Tan since her ass stormed out on me. I’d been so worried about her that I’d been calling the jail and hospital repeatedly. The hospital more than the jail though; I was scared that she’d gotten into a wreck or that something could’ve happened to her and my unborn child. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if she was hurt.

  My biggest fear was that she’d run to that nigga Tez. At first I thought what they had was just a little fling; you know, something to hold Tan until I came home, but nah, those two motherfuckers had done fucked around and caught feelings for one another. I didn’t think Tez’s feelings were as strong as Tan’s, but I found out they were when I announced she was carrying my baby. Nigga looked like he was about to cry. I respect the nigga though, because he could’ve easily told Tan about Rachel and me and had her all to himself, but he didn’t and I salute him for that.

  I’d just hung up from the hospital when I heard someone fumbling with the front door. Just as I rounded the corner to see who it was, Tan walked in. I breathed a sigh of relief just seeing that she was unharmed.

  “Where have you been Tangela? You couldn’t call and let me know that you were okay? I have been over here calling the hospital and shit worried sick about you.” I didn’t mean to have an attitude, but that was real inconsiderate to have been gone for a week and not reach out to anyone.

  “I thought I told you to get the fuck out my apartment?!” was her reply as she walked right past me. Yeah, Tan told me to get out but I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew she was safe.

  “So you been gone for a week and you get back home and that’s all you have to say?” I asked as I followed her to the bedroom.

  “Yes, that’s all I have to say. I don’t have to answer to you. You better go question that bitch you got a baby with. That’s your concern. Not me!” I looked at Tan strangely, because she was too calm for my liking.

  “Where have you been Tangela?” I asked as I walked up on her. She was standing in the mirror doing her hair and not paying me any attention. “You were laying up with that nigga, wasn’t you?” I couldn’t help myself; I just had to know. My question must’ve hit a nerve, because she turned to look at me so fast.

  “How dare you question me about my whereabouts when you not only was cheating on me when you was locked up, but had a baby during the process, then when you get home you wasn’t even man enough to tell me about it.” This time, her voice wasn’t as calm as it once was. There was hurt mixed with anger being heard.

  “Man, I know babe and I can apologize a million times, but it still won’t change the fact that I have a baby with the bitch. I only started fucking with Rachel so I could get out early. If I wouldn’t have started, I would’ve had to do those whole five years.” I didn’t know what I’d just said that was so funny, but Tan was laughing her ass off. I just stood here looking her as if she was crazy.

  “So this whole time you was on the phone accusing me of cheating on you and not holding you down, you had been fucking with that bitch?”

  I couldn’t say shit, because it was true. When Lo came to me and informed me that Tan was sleeping with Tez, I had done already smashed and knocked up Rachel. To be honest, I started accusing Tan of cheating right after the first time I smashed Rachel. I guess that was my guilty conscious kicking in. I wasn’t about to admit to it, even though she already knew the truth.

  “But I honestly did it to come home to you sooner. Can’t you see I would’ve done anything to get back home to you?” I just needed for Tan to see that.

  “Bullshit Kacey! I would rather for your ass to sit and serve all those years than to cheat on me.”

  This time, I had to laugh because she was acting as if she hadn’t done shit wrong either.

  “Yea, I bet you would’ve rather for me to serve the whole sentence so you could be with Tez. You wanna sit up here and point all the blame on me like you wasn’t cheating too. What makes yours so right? Because you didn’t get pregnant by the nigga?”

  “I’m not saying mines is right, but it’s fucked up how even when you got out you had me feeling bad about the dirt I had been doing when you started way before I even met Tez.”

  “Okay yeah, I admit I was wrong for not telling you and once again, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t lose you. I love you Tangela and you know that.” I grabbed her by the hand as I sat on the bed and sat her on my lap. “You know how I feel about you. I just need for us to move forward. I’m going to be in my son’s life, but I need for you to be in mine. I can’t lose you over this, Tan. I just can’t.” Man, Tan had a nigga on the verge of tearing up. She was my world and more, and I could’ve live without her.

  “I love you too Kacey, but you hurt me. But you wanna know what hurts the most?” she spoke between the kisses I was planting all over her face and lips. Pulling back, I just stared at her as tears rolled down her face. “The fact that you couldn’t come to me sooner about the baby. It makes me wonder if there are any more secrets you’re hiding. We’re not talking about sleeping with this woman; you had a baby with her. It hurts to know that I’m not about to be your first babymama.”

  I sat quietly, because she was right. I kept throwing the fact that she slept with Tez in her face when it didn’t equal up with the dirt I’d done. Her sleeping with Tez was something that we could overlook. A baby? That’s something that’ll remind me of my infidelity for the rest over my life.

  “Your son? He’s a Jr. isn’t he?” Nodding my h
ead, I told her that he was. Tan chuckled and shook her head. “I knew it. Once you said you had a son, I knew it was a Jr. I’m not going to ask you have you slept with her since you been out, because I’m not a fool, so I know that you have. But if you can sit here and promise me that you will not have any dealing with her again other than your son, we can work on finishing the damage that you caused.”

  When Tan said that, I smiled as I kissed her lips and promised her that the only thing Rachel and I would ever have to discuss was our son. I fucked over her once, and I’d be damned if I did it a second time. Her staying with me let me know that our love was real and there was nothing that could compete or come between what we shared.

  Chapter 18

  Main Chick Vs Baby Mama!


  I knew what Kacey had done was wrong, and though I’m no longer in love with him the way that I once was, I did have a child that I had to consider. I don’t think no woman wants to be a single mother. I wasn’t brought up in a single parent household, and I didn’t want my child to be. I might’ve forgiven Kacey, but we had a long way to go before our relationship could ever get to the way it was.

  Hell, to be honest with you, I don’t think we would ever get to that place again. Too much damage had been done; now just on Kacey’s end, but mine as well. I wasn’t the type of woman that would put all the blame on the next person. No, that ain’t even me. I know played a part in the damage that had been done but I can say this, my shit wasn’t nearly as bad as Kacey’s. He did the ultimate no-no, but here I was, willing to forgive.

  Kacey and me had just got in bed for the tonight. I had my back against his chest as I laid in his arms with him hugging me tightly. We were both quiet, and I didn’t know if he was asleep or not, but I had something to get off my chest.

  “I wanna see the baby tomorrow,” I said. I felt Kacey’s body tense up and knew he wasn’t sleep. When he didn’t respond back to me, I continued talking. “Since it’s yours, I think I should put my feelings to the side and accept the baby. And I might as well for your baby mama to do the same. So tomorrow, you need to let her know her position because I’m not going through no baby mama drama. Especially when I was here first and we’re going to remain a couple. Right?” I asked him.


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