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Alessandro (Members From Money Book 21)

Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “Among other things.” He took off the rest of her clothes and ran his hands over her body. “You have shown me so much pleasure that I want to return the favor, not that it can come to anything remotely resembling what you have been doing to me.”

  “It’s not a competition,” she whispered as she wrapped her hands around his neck, her fingers toying with the fringes of his hair that rested onto his shoulders. “I love you, Alessandro.”

  “I love you too,” he murmured as if the words were strange to him and they were. He had never told another woman except his mother and sister that before.

  “I know,” she murmured, her eyes shining.

  “Good.” He kissed her eyelids and then ventured down to her cheeks and touched her lips lightly before going down. Jayda arched her body as his lips touched her nipples and spent some time there, pulling the tight buds into his mouth. Her fingers dug into his thick dark hair as her body spiraled high with the pleasure he offered. His mouth wandered down to her trembling stomach before reaching her sex. His tongue flickered over the mound causing her to jump and shudder against him. He used his fingers to part the folds of her vagina inhaling her scent with pleasure. His tongue darted inside and Jayda splintered, her moans increasing and her body shivering like crazy!

  “Alessandro!” she cried out sharply as he plunged his tongue inside her, the tip of it going deep inside her causing her to rear up in shock! “Please!” she babbled, her fingers clenching together on the sheets. “Please, Alessandro. I can’t!” But he did not stop not until he had wrung her last drop of the orgasm building up inside her and not until she was left babbling incoherently. He lifted his head and moved over her hanging suspended over her, his eyes roving her flushed and passion filled face. He entered her slowly, his body easing over hers going in deep into her. Jayda wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands circling his neck and bringing his head down to hers. “You win,” she told him shakily, her body vibrating.

  “I thought you said it was not a competition?” he teased her softly.

  “I changed my mind.” She brought her hands around to frame his beautiful face. “I am scared sometimes thinking that some woman is going to take you away from me.”

  “I thought you were not afraid of that.”

  “I am not, at least most times I am not. When I look at you I see a beautiful man who can have any woman he wants.”

  “I only want you. And it scared me silly when I realized that there could never be anyone else for me but you. I am not used to that.”

  “I thank God so much for you every single day.”

  “So do I.” He pushed into her and she started moving. He gathered her up against him and taking her lips with his he showed her how important she had become in his life.


  “My dad told me that I am supposed to say something and I thought about it for a little bit before I decided on what I should say.” She was facing the congregation on her first Sunday back at church since she got married. Her husband and his parents as well as Isabella were seated at the front. Lorenzo and Monique and the twins had come as well and also some of the wives and their husbands. “I know that some of you are still grieving. We all are but we have to understand that God is in the midst of everything and he will see us through. I remember my dad telling me to wait on the Lord for everything. He told me to pray about everything and I did.” Her eyes settled on Alessandro. “I prayed that he would find me the man for me and he did. I am married to him and I want to share with you the fact that I have the best man in the world! I love you, Alessandro Rivera, and I always will!”


  “That was some speech,” Alessandro whispered as he caught her around the waist bringing her closer to him. They were in the room where they were socializing after service. He pulled her onto his lap and nuzzled her neck. “I was almost embarrassed.”

  “You embarrassed?” she whispered, the love she felt emanating from him and wrapping around her. “I never thought you could be.”

  “I love you, Jayda Rivera.”

  “I love you, Alessandro Rivera, my only love, my man,” she whispered.

  “Break it up, you two, you are starting to make us look bad,” Leesa Wellington said with a wicked grin.

  “We are newlyweds. We are entitled,” Alessandro drawled as he pulled his wife closer to him.

  Later that night after they had gone back to their apartment, Alessandro sat in front of the fire his arms wrapped around her and a smile of contentment on his beautiful face. At last he felt as if he belonged somewhere! And it was all due to her!

  Much later that night as he watched her sleep, his expression tender beyond belief! He pushed back her hair from her forehead and she stirred against him, her hand drifting up to his muscled chest as she sought the comfort of his warm muscled body. She as smiling in her sleep and he could not help the smile on his lips as well. He had found a love he had never expected to find in a woman who was the most extraordinary he had ever met!

  The end... but wait:

  The Kinky Billionaire

  Her world is about to be rocked...

  Alex and Emily have a secret.

  Despite Alex's dad and Emily's mom getting married, the two stepchildren share an attraction of their own. A forbidden love if you will, but one that can never be acted upon due to their parent's relationship.

  But times change. Pulled apart by their parents split, the two lost contact, seemingly never to speak again.

  But this isn't the end, oh no.

  10 years later and a chance meeting has Alex and Emily reuniting. And as they both come to find out, nothing much has changed as far as their feelings go.

  10 years is a long time though, and Alex is doing extremely well for himself. Now a successful billionaire, he has the world at his fingertips and a new confidence which spreads into all areas of his life.

  Having lost each other once, the two decide to make a go of things despite the taboo nature of their relationship. But will people's opinion on this choice put an end to things before they can even take off? And will Emily be able to handle Alex's more adventurous sexual side?

  Find out in this must read romance by Erica A Davis.

  Warning: contains scenes of an adult nature and dominating sex scenes with an alpha male. Only read if you're 18 and above and have a sexually open mind.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 1

  Emily Carter rubbed her temple as she looked around the room. She had been working long hours for almost two weeks now making sure that the Lithium IPO ran smoothly without any hiccups. Lithium was her latest client’s company, the ever demanding Archibald Crane. She was never one to let up on a good party but if there was ever a time she wished she had stayed home and bummed out in front of the TV, it was tonight. But she had to be here for Archibald Crane. After all, it was his big party. She stood at the corner sipping on a cold ginger ale as her ever so energetic assistant, Cadence walked up to her.

  “Everything alright, Carter?” Cadence asked as she looked at Emily.

  “After two years of telling you not to call me by my surname Caddie, you still do,” Emily said with a smile. “I am your boss, you know that. Right?” Cadence looked at her and shrugged.

  “Well, you are but calling you that gives me a sense of power,” Cadence said almost proudly. Emily rolled her eyes and took another sip of her ginger ale. “What’s with the sober man’s juice?” Cadence asked frowning.

  “I am exhausted. I just want to go home and honestly adding alcohol to the mix is not going to end well,” she said. She looked at her watch and sighed. It was almost half past eleven. As it was, she had been up for almost eighteen hours straight. She didn’t really feel like she could stay awake much longer. Her body was failing her. “I should really get going.” Sh
e ran her fingers through her wavy auburn curls as she yawned. Cadence gave her one of those ‘I will kick your butt’ looks.

  “Hey, stop that. Those waves took an entire hour of my time.”

  “You offered. I didn’t ask you to do my hair.” Emily took another sip and ran her finger on the rim of her glass.

  “Well, if it had been up to you, you would have either come in that naturally curly hair that you rock so well or simply blow it out straight. I wanted you to have a different sexy look and if I must say, that look is working great with that red number.” Cadence sipped on her champagne and shook her head. “I work miracles, I know.”

  “I never said that,” Emily said as she took a side plate of skewered beef and vegetables from one of the waiters walking by.

  “Well, you didn’t have to, missy,” Cadence pointed out.

  “Well, for what it’s worth I will give credit where it’s due,” Emily started as she turned to look at her assistant. “The party turned out great.” Cadence smiled.

  “Thanks boss. Maybe I should try my hand at events organizing.” Emily smiled and shrugged.

  “As long as you get me an assistant as good as you, you can do whatever the hell you want,” she said.

  “Well, I guess I am stuck with you then because there is no way anyone will ever be as good as I am,” Cadence said. Emily looked at Cadence and her features softened. She had been working with Cadence for the last two years and even though she had never had a better assistant, Emily always felt like she was destined for better things. “What? You have a look.”

  “I know,” Emily said.

  “Why?” Cadence raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “Do you ever feel like you want to switch careers? I mean, this is not the first time you have mentioned events organizing.” Emily took one last sip of her ginger ale.

  “I don’t really see where this conversation is going,” Cadence said.

  “Have you ever wanted to do something different in your life? Maybe get out of stock management and into…I don’t know, public relations.” She looked at her assistant who shrugged.

  “I don’t know, Emily. I am only twenty four. I am still figuring out my life,” Cadence said.

  “Yes, but you started working for me when you were twenty two.” Emily looked at her and shook her head. “I mean, you are such a great assistant…you do stuff someone who has been in the business for years wouldn’t think of,” she added.

  “What can I say, Carter. I do have a hundred and forty IQ.” Cadence looked at Emily and smiled. “Don’t worry about me, Carter. I have a great job, a beautiful apartment and a car with great mileage.” Emily smiled.

  “Yeah about the Prius you drive, how did you manage to get such a great car?” she asked as he looked at her. “It is a 2012 model, right?” Cadence smiled.

  “With such a high IQ, you know I will definitely get a dealership with great deals, right?” Emily took another glass of ginger ale from one of the waiters just as Chase Matthews, Emily’s boss walked up to them.

  “Ginger ale? Carter you do realize that Crane is serving thousand dollar bottles of Cristal, right?” he asked as he looked around. Emily smiled and shrugged.

  “I cannot be drinking tonight. I could have probably done with some espresso if they were serving it,” she said. Chase looked at her.

  “Come on, don’t be a party pooper. Just one glass,” he said as he picked a glass of champagne from one of the waiters and handed it to her. She looked at him and shook her head.

  “I have had less than four hours of sleep in the last twenty four hours, Chase. Count me out,” Emily said. “Which brings me to this,” she added as she looked at her boss. “I will not be coming into work tomorrow.” Chase looked at her and shrugged.

  “Any other day, I would have said no but you just closed a deal that earns me millions in billable hours,” he said as he took a sip of his wine. Emily looked at him and bit into her beef again.

  “Any other day I would have still got away with that demand. I am that good and you know it,” she said.

  “You did give her a raise after only thirteen months,” Cadence pointed out. Chase looked at Cadence and then turned his attention to the crowd.

  “Shut up, Cadence. No one likes a smarty pants,” he said as he looked at her.

  “Guys, this has been great but I have to call it in. I can barely hold myself up,” Emily said as she secured her clutch bag under her arm.

  “Good night, Carter,” Cadence said as she took a long sip of her wine. Chase looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “You realize that’s your boss, right?” he asked. Emily smiled.

  “I said the same thing.” She began walking out of the party careful that Archibald didn’t see her sneaking off. When she finally got outside, she handed the valet her receipt and waited for him to bring her car around. She could feel her head getting lighter and lighter as she waited for the car to come around.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t be driving,” Emily thought as she waited. She was still standing there waiting when she heard a familiar voice. A voice Emily had not heard for a while. “No, it can’t be,” she thought to herself. The voice was too familiar and it was so close, too close even. It sounded too much like…like…she turned around to the direction of the voice and sighed silently when she saw her stepbrother talking on the phone. It was like a dream. “Maybe that’s just it. I’m tired, this is all not real.” Her heart was beating hard and fast in my chest. Emily suddenly couldn’t hold herself up. Her legs were weak and buttery under her. Her stepbrother was suddenly running towards her and so was everyone else around us. Emily took one last breath before everything went dark.


  “Alexander Brewer, meet the man responsible for the day. Chase Matthews,” Archibald Crane said as he took a sip of his wine.

  “Actually, one of my people is responsible for Lithium. She would kill me if she knew I was getting all the credit.” Chase shook Alex’s hand, a wide smile on his lips.

  “Well, maybe I should get her to work for me,” Alex said.

  “You would have to kill me first,” Chase said with a smile. He took a sip of his wine and looked at Alex’s empty glass. “Need a refill, there?” he asked. Alex looked at his glass and shook his head as he placed his empty glass on one of the waiters’ trays. He looked at Chase and smiled.

  “I actually need to get going. I have an early meeting out of state tomorrow morning,” he said.

  “Well, it was nice to meet you, Mr. Brewer,” Chase said as he shook hands with Alex.

  “Please, Alex. Mr. Brewer’s my father, and grandfather and for some reason our dog.” Alex smiled and Chase laughed. “Congratulations on the Lithium IPO Archie. Put me down for two hundred grand worth of shares.”

  “Playing safe, are we?” Archibald looked at him and smiled.

  “Fine. Make it five hundred. I believe in Lithium,” Alex said as his phone rang. He gave Archibald a guilty smile as he reached into his pocket. He pulled out his phone and began walking out. “Brewer,” he said when he answered the phone. “No, I’m at a friend’s IPO party. Don’t worry, I’ll be out of here soon,” he said. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a woman lean on one of the pillars out of the building. “Wait, what? Did they cancel or postpone the meeting?” he asked as he looked at the woman. She seemed to be losing her footing even more. “Would you tell me when you have a date? Absolutely…” his words trailed off when he noticed the woman suddenly fall. “Mason, I have to go,” he said before he hung up not caring that his business manager on the other end was still talking. He ran to the woman and got on the floor.

  “Someone call nine one, one!” he heard someone yell.

  “She was fine when I left to get her car…she was fine,” the valet said as his voice quavered.

  He held her head and turned her face upwards and that was where he saw it. He was looking at the face of his stepsister. The sister he hadn’t seen for almost ten years.

sp; *****

  Everything was spinning as Emily opened her eyes. She could hear people around her talking but she could not make out what they were saying. She suddenly became aware of the ambulance she was in. She tried getting up but a paramedic held her down.

  “Miss, you need to lie down,” she said.

  “What is going on…where are you taking me?” Emily asked as she looked round. Another paramedic was checking her blood pressure while the other shone a light in her eyes.

  “It’s alright. We are taking you to hospital,” the paramedic said.

  “Hey, Emily. Can you hear me?” she heard a voice on her left. She turned around and this time she was sure it wasn’t a dream. “Alex,” she said in a small voice. She looked at him and once again felt herself drifting off. Alex squeezed her hand. “Emily? Emily!” but there was no answer. The paramedic looked at her and sighed.

  “She’s out again,” she said.

  “What are her vitals like?” the other paramedic asked.

  “Blood pressure is a little low.” The female paramedic looked at Alex.

  “Is this normal?” a worried Alex asked as he looked at the paramedic.

  “Yes and no. It’s not any cause for alarm. I mean, it’s not so low that we would need a crash cart but it shouldn’t be this low either,” she said. “You said she is your sister?”

  “Step sister.”

  “Is this normal? Does it happen often as far as you know?” the paramedic asked. Alex shook his head confused.

  “I don’t know…I haven’t seen her in ten years,” he said. The paramedic nodded as the ambulance came to a stop.

  “Female, twenty five years. Vitals look strong but the pressure is a little low,” the female paramedic said as the two wheeled Emily into the emergency room.

  “I’m sorry, sir, but you have to stay out here,” one of the doctors said as he put a hand on Alex’s chest. “We’ll update you as soon as we know anything.”

  Alex stood there worried as he looked at the gurney being wheeled off. He had a million and one thoughts going through his mind as he stood there. The last time he had seen her was ten years ago when she was eighteen. He could almost remember the day too well. He had woken up to the sound of his father and stepmother arguing. This had been going on for almost three months. Coming home was the one thing Alex dreaded more than anything because the once so perfect family he had was no longer there.


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