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Page 8

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Austin ended up with his head on Tucker’s shoulder as the movie started, then his hand was on Tucker’s thigh. Around the first fifteen minutes, they were holding hands. Austin felt warmth on his fingers, and realized Tucker was sucking the butter off of them. Oh fuck me.

  “You forgot napkins, ” Tucker whispered.

  They were scrunched down in the seats, and Austin could see Tucker’s face when the movie lightened up. He leaned over, and pressed his lips to Tucker’s softly. “Thank you.”

  “Uh huh, ” Tucker licked his lips. “No problem.”

  Loud screaming had them both back watching the screen. When the movie was over, Tucker drove Austin home as slow ly as he could without being obvious. Austin was holding his hand and sitting in the middle seat instead of the passenger seat. His head wa s resting on Tucker’s shoulder, just like it was at the movie theatre. He never thought he’d be this close to Austin, and God did he want more. Tucker pulled up to the condo and turned off the truck. He turned to look at Austin, only to find him right in his face.

  “Are you walking me to my door?”

  “Did you want to kiss in the truck?” Tucker asked.

  “Will you kiss me at the door?”

  “If you want me to, ” Tucker laughed.

  “Come on,” Austin laughed, pulling Tucker out the passenger door.

  Tucker walked a few feet from Austin, just in case any neighbors were out watching. He stopped and sniffed the air ; a werewolf had been around, and recently. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he spun around, feeling eyes on him.

  “Are you okay?” Austin asked, looking around the dark parking lot.

  “Fine,” Tucker shifted his eyes, looking around. Austin’s hand slid into his and pulled him forward. He was on the front step by the door and Austin was leaning against it.

  “So…” Austin said.


  “Do you want to go out again?” Austin pulled Tucker’s shirt, dragging him closer.

  “Aren’t you forceful, ” Tucker chuckled. Tucker put his han d s on both side s of Austin ’s head, leaning in. “Would you go out with me next week?”

  “I w ill go out with you whenever you want. I just…you just have to be a little patient with me , okay?”

  Tucker leaned in, nuzzling Austin’s nose with his own. “I can do that . You’d be surprised at how patient I can be.”

  “Really?” Austin leaned in, licking Tucker’s bottom lip.

  Goose bumps blew up all over Tucker’s body. Austin’s voice was so damn…seductive. “Yes, really.”

  “So maybe,” Austin nibbled Tucker’s lips, licking just inside the seam , “n ext time, we could see some skin?”

  Tucker closed his eyes as Austin’s mouth opened to his. He’d seen enough skin on Austin to know he wanted it for a lifetime. They were crushed against the door, locked in a passionate kiss. Tucker finally backed away, righting his erection. “I have got to go. How about dinner, my place , on Friday?”

  “Okay,” Austin grinned. “Good night , Tucker.”

  Tucker waited for Austin to get inside. “Night.”

  The feeling of being watched had dissipated; the smell of another werewolf had not.

  ~~~ Kurt couldn’t get over Wesley. As they got to the movie theatre, he still kept a few feet between them so Kurt would be comfortable. It made him want Wesley even more. He was so considerate, so patient, Kurt wanted to kiss him again and again. His body had responded when Wesley had kissed him. Like really responded. It was better than any kiss he’d ever shared with a woman. Wesley bought two large sodas and an extra -large popcorn. They picked seats way in the back of the theatre. I t wouldn’t have mattered where they sat , no one else was there. Kurt sat down, putting his soda in the cup holder. The lights dimmed and he sat back in his chair, reclining it a little.

  The previews rolled and Kurt stole a glance at Wesley. He was totally engrossed in the coming attractions. Kurt slid his hand across the seats, laying his hand on top of Wesley’s. His face heated even in the dark theater when Wesley turned to look at him. Wesley looked down at their hands, and then threaded their fingers together. Kurt smiled in the dark ; even now, Wesley was trying to make things easy on him, by not saying a word.

  They sat through the whole movie holding hands, and when the lights came up, Wesley released his hold on Kurt’s fingers. Kurt felt the loss immediately . He wanted to be with Wesley, he wanted to be able to kiss him and hold him. They drove back to Kurt’s condo in silence, both of them deep in thought about the night and what was coming next. Wesley pulled into the parking spot and shut the engine off ; he turned in the seat to look at Kurt.

  “So here’s the portion of the date when I ask if you want to do this again.” Wesley took Kurt’s hand, threading their fingers together. “I won’t push; I’ll let you set the pace.”

  Kurt leaned across the seat and touched his lips to Wesley’s. “I want to go out again, ” Kurt smiled against Wesley’s lips.

  “Okay.” Wesley cupped Kurt’s chin in his hand. “I would love that.”

  “Are you walking me to my door?” Kurt grinned. “This is a real date, right?”

  Wesley frowned comically. “I didn’t bring you flowers.”

  “Next time,” Kurt laughed.

  They walked to the condo and Kurt turned at the door to face Wesley. Wesley stood unsure of what to do ; he was clasping his hands together and fidgeting. Kurt smiled and leaned in.

  “You can kiss me goodnight, ” Kurt said teasingly.

  “I…I wasn’t sure—”

  “Shut up,” Kurt closed the distance, kissing Wesley softly. He brok e from the kiss, smiling. “Good night, Wesley Foster.”

  Wesley’s eyes were on Kurt’s ass as he walked through the door. “Goodn ight, Kurt Maguire.”

  Kurt closed the door as Wesley left; he leaned against it and closed his eyes.

  “Good date?”

  Kurt’s eyes flew open. Kory was sitting on the couch, smiling like a maniac.

  “Goodnight, Kory.” Kurt walked down the hall to his room.

  “What!? No details?” Kory heard the door to his brother’s room slam shut. “Damn.”

  Chapte r Six

  Wesley checked the area around the parking lot and walked a good half mile into the trees surrounding the condo complex. A werewolf had been around and he swore someone had been watching them. Whe n he got back to the apartments Tucker was up waiting for him. As soon as he walked in, he could tell Tucker had the same impression.

  “Werewolf.” Tucker nodded. “I swear someone was watching me and Austin.”

  Wesley sat down at the table. “So, how did your date go?”

  “I kissed Austin,” Tucker grinned.

  “Kurt kissed me, ” Wesley said. “He kind of threw himself at me, we bumped teeth , and he freaked out. I t took another kiss to calm him down. He said he wants to try, Tucker. This is everything I’ve wanted from the moment I figured out he was mine.”

  Tucker nodded. “I know. Austin wants the same things . I almost lost it on the beach. I wasn’t going to try anything and then Austin asked me to kiss him. I swear my wolf side wanted to pounce on him.”

  Wesley cracked up. “I know what you mean.” Wesley ran a hand through his hair. “We need to keep an eye on them. I don’t like this . What the hell was a werewolf doing around their condo? I don’t know if that’s what I felt either, but someone was watching us.”

  “Austin and I have plans, dinner here on Friday. Can you make yourself scarce?” Tucker asked.

  “Yep, I have plans, too; I can take Kurt out , and then hang with him, ” Wesley smiled at Tucker. “Are you going to try… well, you know?”

  “I don’t think he’s quite ready for sex with a man, ” Tucker said. “But I w ill be touching him, ” Tucker laughed.

  Wesley looked at the time. “We should get some sleep, it’s back to work tomorrow.”

  “Our route w ill be taking a turn in their area now. I
want to keep my eyes on Austin, ” Tucker said. “Until we can place the werewolf, and figure out who’s watching our men, we need to be on alert.”

  “I agree.” Wesley stood up and stretched. “Night.”


  ~~ “Goddammit, Dean!” Austin shouted. They’d been back at work for two days and were already called out to another suspicious -looking fire. The fire was raging and they’d gotten stuck on the second floor. Kurt was kicking down the door to one of the units and they raced inside. The window was open and Austin ran over to it , leaning out and shouting “o ver here!”

  He turned around to see Dean trying to open another door. “Don’t!” Austin screamed .

  The whoosh of flames rocked them back; Austin hit the wall beh ind him and Kurt was knocked partway through the window. Austin scrambled to grab Kurt’s legs as half his body hung out side .

  “Chief! Get the ladder over to the second floor, north side!” Austin shouted into his radio. He pulled Kurt back into the unit and shook him. “Talk to me!”

  “I’m fine, where’s Cole?” Kurt looked around the room.

  “Dean!” Austin stalked over to Dean and whipped him around. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You know better than to open a door before checking to see if it’s hot! Where the fuck is Cole ?”

  “I…I don’t know, he was right behind us, ” Dean stammered.

  “Son of a bitch!” Austin walked back into the hall, narrowing his eyes. “Cole ?! Answer me!” Austin heard crackling over his head set.

  “I’m coming to you, found a baby in unit ten!” Cole yelled.

  “What?” Austin rushed back into the room and grabbed Dean. “You said it was clear!”

  “I thought it was!” Dean pushed Austin back. “Get the fuck off of me!”

  “I’m here,” Cole yelled , running into the room.

  The ladder pulled up to the window and Cole handed the baby off to Sean in the bucket. Austin pushed Kurt into the window.

  “Get out, now, Kurt,” Austin put Kurt in front of the window.

  An explosion rocked them into the wall and Austin pushed Kurt out the window. Sean pulled Kurt out, and put his hand out to Austin.

  “Come on!” Sean yelled.

  “No, take Cole!” Austin moved Cole to the window.

  Another explosion rocked the apartment complex and the floor shifted under Austin. “Dean, move it! The building is coming down!” Austin looked out the window, then back in to the room. Probie was transfixed on the spot; he seemed to be in a daze.

  “Dean!” Austin bellowed . He ran across the floor only to have it to give way under him , sending him dangling above the floor below. Austin held onto the floor, looking up at Dean. “Anderson ! Goddammit, pull me up! Dean! Dean!”

  Kurt was halfway down the ladder when he heard Austin’s voice. He turned and ran back up.

  “Where are you going, Maguire?!” c hief yelled.

  “Austin’s in trouble!” Kurt ran up the rest of the ladder and jumped through the window. Austin was hanging onto what was left of the floor as Dean stared at him in confusion. “Austin!”

  “I’m slipping!” Austin yelled. The gear on his back was weighing him down and Austin was quickly losing hi s grip on the floor ; his legs were d angling over the inferno below.

  Kurt jumped over the massive hole in the floor and crawled to Austin. He gripped Austin’s wrists, trying to pull him up. “Anderson ! Dammit! Pull your fucking head out of your ass and help me!” Kurt shouted. Kurt’s eyes met with Austin’s ; the fear was there. Kurt was losing his grip ; he tore his gloves off and gripped Austin’s wrist.

  “Don’t let go,” Austin said.

  “I won’t, not for anything, ” Kurt pulled Austin up but the weight was too much, he was losing his grip. A large hand came over his and then Austin was being pulled up. Preston grabbed Austin’s other wrist, hauling him up out of the hole.

  “Get out of the building! It’s coming down!” the c hief shouted into his radio.

  “Get him out, ” Preston pushed Kurt and Austin toward the window. His eyes fell upon Dean, still looking at the fire in a daze. “Anderson!” Preston hit Dean in his mask . “Move!” Preston us ed his werewolf strength and grabbed Dean by his oxygen tank , haul ing him up with one hand. What the fuck, no one would believe the a sshole anyway. Preston threw him over the hole to the window.

  Sean was getting Austin and Kurt down the ladder when Dean finally came out. He wanted to kill him with his bare fucking hands.

  “Get down to the rig, ” Sean snarled. He turned to the window to see Preston climbing out, they pulled the ladder away and watched as the building cracked and then crumbled.

  “We need to get a hold of Tucker and Wesley. Austin and Kurt need t o go to the hospital, ” Preston said.

  Sean nodded. “I’m on it.”

  ~~ Tucker leaned over in the squad car, checking the speed on the car that had just passed them. Sixty -five in a fifty -five. He looked over at Wesley with a grin.

  “I’m too tired to care,” Wesley flashed the lights, the car slowed down.

  “If it was eighty, maybe —” Tucker stiffened. An overwhelming sense of fear overcame him and hi s hands began to sweat. “Austin, ” Tucker whispered, closing his eyes.

  Wesley was almost bent over as the fear and urgenc y swept over him, causing him to gasp. “What the hell?”

  Tucker eyes widened. “Move it !”

  They drove toward the precinct, the feeling of dread becoming more and more pronounced . Tucker gasped from the intensity. He got on the phone and called Nic holas at the station. “Is there a fire somewhere?”

  “Yes, it’s down by—”

  Tucker’s phone beeped, showing Sean’s number. “Hang on!” Tucker switched lines and heard Sean’s panicked voice. “Where is he?”

  “Harborview. He’s all right, they just wanted to check him out and –”

  “We’re on the way!” Tucker switched back to Nick. “Austin’s at Harborview.”

  “Okay, do you want me to come?” Nick asked.

  “If we need you, I’ll call.” Tucker hung up, looking at Wesley. “Harbor—”

  “I heard,” Wesley said.

  ~~ “I’m fine!” Kurt tried to pull the mask off of his face as a nurse tried to give him an IV.

  “Sir, you have serious burns on your hands, please calm down, ” t he nurse pleaded .

  Kurt looked at his hands . I n the rush to save Austin , he hadn’t realized he’d burned half of his right hand and most of his left. It wasn’t too bad, kind of like very bad sunburn, nothing he couldn’t work with. “I’m fine, like I said, check on my partner.”

  “He’s getting looked over now, please calm down, ” s he implored .

  Kurt could hear Wesley shouting in the hallway, then saw an orderly fly past the door. Wesley burst into the room.

  “Oh God, are you okay?” Wesley ran to the bed.

  “I’m fine.” Just seeing Wesley’s face relaxed Kurt.

  “When I heard…I thought…” Wesley’s throat was constricting.

  “Hey, I’m okay,” Kurt pulled Wesley down on the bed. “I’m fine . Preston saved our asses.”

  Wesley wanted to hold Kurt; he wanted to know he was okay.

  Kurt could see Wesley wrestling with whether to touch him . He knew it was because of his own fear of being called ‘gay .’ It wasn’t fair . Wesl ey deserved better.

  “Come here,” Kurt whispered.

  Wesley put his arms around Kurt and held him. “I was so scared, if anything ever happened to you…I don’t know what I’d do.”

  “I’m okay, really, I am,” Kurt nuzzled Wesley’s neck, breathing him in.

  They heard a short cough, and both of them turned to see the chief in the doorway. Wesley made to move, but Kurt kept him close.

  “You have the week off, Maguire, ” Chief Webber said. “I’ll pull in the reserves. Jacobson is off as well and Anderson’s suspended. The fire is being investigated ; this l
ooks like another fire started with accelerants.”

  “So the arsonist is on the move again?” Kurt sat up. “Sir, I can work.”

  “No,” Chief Webber shook his head. “This isn’t a request, Maguire, it’s an order.”

  “Kurt,” Wesley pleaded. “Please ?”

  “Fine, but if you find out anything…” “Will do, Maguire. Get some rest.”

  Wesley waited until the chief had gone before turning back to Kurt. “I’ll take some time off, look after you.”

  “You don’t have to do that…” Kurt started.

  “I want to, ” Wesley caressed Kurt’s face. “No arguments.”

  ~~ Tucker ran down the hall looking for Austin’s room. He skidded to a stop when he saw a young man in the hallway ; an older man was talking to him in a low voice and Tucker heard the older man call the other one “Anderson .” Tucker turned when he felt a presence behind him . Preston stood watching the two men.

  “That’s the dumbass probie who almost got Austin killed, ” Preston said with disgust . “As much as you want to go over there and beat the shit out of him, don’t. You’d kill him before you cou ld stop yourself. Let’s go see Austin, ” Preston took Tucker’s ha n d, leading him past Chief Webber and Dean Anderson .

  Tucker snarled as they passed Anderson. Preston led him to the room and opened the door, giving Tucker a gentle shove . “Go.”

  Tucker walked into the room. Austin was on the bed, an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. His feet and legs were wrapped in bandages. Tucker’s heart lurched and he walked briskly to the bed. He kissed Austin’s forehead, smoothing the hair back. Austin’s eyes fluttered open and Tucker smiled.

  “Hey, you.”

  “Hi,” Austin said.

  “You are really trying hard to get out of our date, huh?” Tucker grinned.

  Austin laughed, wheezing as his chest constricted.

  “Hey,” Tucker sat down on the edge of the bed. “Don’t talk, okay? Just listen. I’m taking some time off to take care of you.” Austin’s eyes widened and Tucker shushed him. “No arguments, get some rest, okay? I’ll be right here.”

  “Tucker…” Austin rasped.

  “Shh, don’t talk, ” Tucker leaned over, kissing Austin’s forehead again.


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